Alpha Alexa

Chapter 26

Julian's POV

I was sitting in Alexa's room now that she was sedated and sleeping. I hated doing that to her, but she couldn't calm down. I was just sitting there watching her when someone knocked on the door. I got up to answer so I didn’t happen to wake her uj by yelling come in.

“Hey Liam, what's going on?" I asked him when I opened the door.

“Is she ok?”

“Not really. We had to sedate her”

“What has happened the last couple of days? When they got in a wreck you were in the dungeon and covered in blood.” He asked me.

Flashback 2 days ago***

“OK, this is her laptop and I got into everything, she really isn't that smart. Her passwords were all automatically saved. Her computer wasn't even password protected. I mean if it was, I could have broken into it” Leo said with a big smile on his face, He turned the laptop so I could see, and he had her email pulled up.

“I have pulled up the emails that she has been sending back and forth with someone.”

I pulled the computer over to me and clicked on the first email

Alpha Robert,

I believe that your daughter is here at Blue Lake Pack. We had someone arrive the other day who matches the picture that was sent out on your flyer. I am willing to help get her returned to you. Let me know what I can do.


I was ready to go down to the dungeon and kill her. I held off because I wanted to know what they had planned before I did anything. I clicked on the next email and read it and it was just confirming that it was really her. They emailed back and fort} for a while before they decided to meet, and the next email Christina said she had gotten the bugs set up and to let her know the next move. This was the proof I needed to get rid of her. The next few emails had me seeing red. She somehow knew that Colter was Alexa mate and told Alpha Robert.


Let me know when they will be going out and I will plan an attack on the two of them when they are away from the pack house.

Alpha Robert

The next email was Christina telling him that they were going out tonight. That was the last email. I jumped out of my chair and ran to the dungeon where she was currently at. I stormed up to her cell and unlocked it and grabbed her by the arm. I was going to take her to the torture room. All it usually took with a female was being in there and they would talk. I walked her to the room and slammed her down in the chair and tied her arms and legs to it. You could see that her face was red because she had been crying sitting in her cell.

“What is Robert's plan?” I yelled at her.

“I don't know, why are you doing this to me? We had something”

“No, we had sex and that's it. Now make this easy on yourself and tell me what they are planning”

“Apparently you read my emails, so you know as much as I know” She said as she started the waterworks.

“Tell me everything, why did you do itz" I asked her.

“Because I love you. I wanted her gone so I could have you again”

“You don't love me; you love my title and what would come with that.”

“No, I really loved you.” She sobbed out.

“Christina, tell me what he is planning on doing?”

“I really don't know.” She sobbed out.

“Do you know the crimes you have committed are punishable by death?”

“I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again.” She sobbed out.

I was over this, and she needed to tell me what she knew before she died. I walked over to the table and picked up a small whip and brought it down on her arms several times.

“Now tell me what he is doing, or I can go get something else to use.” I seethed out.

“He iis a bad man. I thought I would get rid of her is all, but he wanted more” She finally got out.

I picked up and knife and walked over to her and ran it over her legs not pushing it in just yet.

“What else did he want?"

“He wanted me to find him people to take for some experiment”

“And did you?”

“Yes!” she said as she hung her head down in shame.

I couldn't take it anymore and slammed the knife down in the top of her leg right above her knee cap. She let out a loud scream.

“Where is he taking these people for these experiments?”

“I don't know he wouldn't tell me.”

left the knife in her leg and walked over and grabbed another one and held it on the same spot as her other leg.

“What did he give you in return for doing this?"

“Money and the promise that Alexa would be gone soon."

“How is he going to take her?”

“He iis going to kill her mate. He is going to get them on their date and kill her mate, so she has to suffer and once she has suffered, he is going to kill her”

I was done. She had set up another Alpha to be killed and also a member of my pack. I slammed the knife into her leg. I looked at her while she sat there screaming and crying. I felt no remorse for what I was about to do. She had done this to herself. I released my claws and got down so that my face was inches from hers.

“You did this to yourself; you were nothing but selfish and I don't put up with that in my pack. You set up another Alpha and a member of my pack to be killed. So now you must die.”

“please no, I will do anything” She cried out.

Her tears weren't going to work. I quickly lifted my hand and used my claws to rip out her heart. I threw it on the floor and walked out of the room. I walked past a guard and told him to clean the mess and that she didn't get a proper burial. I woul inform her parents later.

Mac came running over to me as I exited the dungeon.

“Julian, we have to go. Someone is trying to hit Colter and Alexa. He just linked me”

**+End of flashback***

“So that is what happened that day with Christina” I said.

“So, she is dead?”

“Yes, very much so."

“Have you informed her parents because people are talking”

“No, I haven't had a chance. I need to go and do that”

“I will sit with her while you are gone.” He said.

“Thanks, I won't be too long"

I got up to go see her parents. I knew them as her father was a warrior and her mother worked in the daycare. They were £00d people, so I don't know how they had a daughter like that. I left the hospital and walked to their place. They had a littl cottage on the edge of the forest. She also had a brother who was younger but about ready to graduate high school. I knew he was hoping to be a warrior and showed promise. I made it to their cottage and knocked on the door.

“Hello Alpha, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit today?” Her father asked me.

“Paul, can I come in we need to talk”

“Of course” He said stepping aside so I could go in. Her mom and brother were also here so at least I could inform them all at the same time.

“Hello Alpha, nice to see you." Her mom Becky said.

“I am sorry, but this isn’t a visit that I wanted to make but we need to talk about Christina.” I told them.

You could see all of their demeanor change. They knew that she was trouble, but they also didn’t do a lot about it.

“Why don't we sit in the living room.” Becky said.

I followed them to the living room and sat down in a chair while they all sat on the couch holding their breath waiting for m, to begin.

“Christina had committed some crimes in which she helped someone kidnap another Alpha and the plan was to kill another pack member. The Alpha was kidnapped, and we are currently working with his pack to get him back and the pack member that she set up to be killed has be rescued at this time but is seriously hurt due to her actions.’

Her mom started crying immediately and her brother walked away, but her dad was just staring at me.

“What evidence do you have that it was her?” her father finally asked.

“She planted bugs in my office along with my room and also the Beta and Gamma's room. We also have emails with her and another Alpha that she conspired with and then she did finally confess what she did."

“What will her punishment be?” Her father asked me again.

“I am sorry, but her punishment was death. She tried to have another's pack Alpha killed and the pack member she tried to have killed was our Gamma. Those cannot be overlooked.”

Her father jumped up and came at me but stopped about two feet away and fell to his knees. I knew that he was grief stricken right now so I will not say anything about him charging me.

“Alpha, I don't think that my family can stay here any longer and will be leaving the pack as soon as possible.” Her mother said.

“I understand and if you want, I can help you find some where to go."

“That won't be necessary. Can you at least tell me when we can bury our daughter?” Her mother asked.

“She is not allowed a proper burial, but you can find her just on the outskirts of the pack cemetery.”

I didn't say anymore and made my out of their house. I should have done that sooner, but things got messy really fast and didn't have a chance. I just hope that they can understand my reasoning.

I headed back to the hospital to sit with Alexa again. I got there and found Liam asleep in the chair beside her. I hit his shoulder so that he would wake up.

“It's done, you can go,” I told him.

“Why don't you go shower and clean up and maybe eat and sleep and I will continue to stay with her”

“Are you sure?" I asked him.

“Ya, I am sure.”

Iturned back around and headed to the pack house. I got there and went straight to the kitchen. I got there and opened the fridge as I knew I had missed any meals. There were some leftovers in there but they didn't sound good so I got out all the fixings for a sandwich. I had the sandwich made and found some chips and a soda in the fridge. I took that all out to a table and inhaled it. I was hungrier than I thought. I cleaned up my mess and headed for my room. I got in there and was going to

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