Alpha Alexa

Chapter 12

Alexa’s POV

Idid it. I was finally free of my parents and that pack. I wouldn't have been able to do it without Julian. He was with me the whole time. He even held me as I cried on the way home and he woke me up when I had a nightmare on the way there and made me feel better. I know I told him I just wanted s*x, but this was starting to feel like a relationship. He was taking care o me. I was going to have to put some distance between us. I do not want to open my heart up to anyone. I did that once and I hurt like hell when it was ripped away.

“Jade, are you doing ok?"

“Yes, I am glad that is done with. This pain in our chest will go away when you pledge your loyalty to julian and his pack”

“I know, I just needed a few minutes alone. I also want to call Sloane. I need to make sure everything is ok for her”

She cut our link and curled up and went back to sleep. I know today was hard on her and will be until I am part of Julians pack. I went to my bag and dug out the burner phone I bought and turned it on. I would text her first and make sure that she was alone. She should be.

“Hey girl, if your alone, let me know” I added an emoji of a sun at the end. It was something her and I used often. I hoped she would get it and know who this was.

My phone vibrated back with a text message “Yes, if this is my BFF, please call me. It's safe. I am in my room alone and no on will be here for a while”

I called her number, and she picked it up immediately. Updated by

“Lex, what the hell? You rejected us this morning?” Sloane said as soon as she picked up.

“I had to. I am safe and have a new pack that has welcomed me in, and I can't be tied to my parents anymore.”

“Goddess, I miss you. I am so happy to hear your voice. Things here are a mess."

“I am sorry for that. I know I caused a lot of problems when I left but I couldn't do it”

“Your dad is on the warpath looking for you. Since you left the alliance is off unless you're brought back here in a week's time, or your dad loses a million dollars”

“I need you to find some things out for me” I asked her.


“I need to know why he needs that money. Where has all the packs money gone? When I went to pull any money out of my account my mother had taken it already.”

“She seriously took all of your money?”

“Yes, and so that envelope you gave me was more needed than you know.”

“Iam so glad I could help. I will start looking into the money situation, but I don’t know how much I can find out, but I bet Liam can.”

“Thank you and I will pay you back”

“I'm not worried about that. I am worried about you."

“Listen I am fine, and I have a plan, but I need that information about the money and when I decide what to do, I will let you know.”

“OK, I will call you in three days with something hopefully”

“Text me first and wait for me to respond. I want to make sure that I am alone.”

“Love you girl. Talk soon.”

“Love you too.” She said as she hung up the phone.

I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket and walked out of my room and headed towards Julians office.

“Jade, can we do this?"

“Hell, yes, we can. Not saying it will be easy, but we can do it. We are an Alpha remember”

“Will you support me the whole time?”

“Yes, Iwill. I think it is the best option.”

I cut my link with her as I was at Julians office, and I wanted to talk to him about it first. It could change me staying here. I knocked on his door and waited for him to say come in. Once he did, I slowly turned the knob and walked in and sat down on a chair in front of his desk.

“Alexa, how are you feeling?” Julian asked.

“I am ok, I do want to talk to you about something before you bring me into your pack.”

“Of course, you can ask me anything but that doesn’t mean I have to answer”

“It's not pack related well not related to your pack.”

“OK, please ask."

“Well, I technically I am an Alpha, so I have the right to challenge my brother for the Alpha position of his pack, correct?”

He sat back in his chair and just studied me for a minute and then his face broke out on face.

“Hell, yes you can, and I think it's a great idea”

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and started laughing.

“You don't think I am crazy?”

“Not at all, I will still make you a member of my pack and we will start training immediately. I know you're strong but you're going against a trained Alpha. There is one more thing, you either fight to the death or until someone concedes. Can you do that to your brother?”

“He will concede. He is not strong, and I don't know how much he likes being an Alpha. My father doesn't let him do it anyway.”

“OK, we have to make a formal challenge with a council person present and then they have to set a date and we have to agree on a central location.”

“So, we have to go their pack to do this?"

“Yes, but they can't do anything to us, and we will also have a council member with us. How long do you want to train before you make your formal challenge?”

“I am thinking three weeks of hard training should do it”

“OK, we will start tomorrow and be ready I am going to work you hard.”

“I like a good workout”

“OK, let's make you officially part of this pack” He said as he walked over to a shelf and pulled down a goblet and a knife. He walked over to me and placed the goblet and knife on his desk and leaned against it waiting for me to say something.

“If you think I am against this than you are wrong. I am not.” I told him and held out my hand.

He took my hand in his and turned it over and kissed the back of it before he reached for the knife. He turned my hand pal up and made a small cut in it and pooled some blood out and then grabbed the goblet and poured it in there and then did the same with his hand.

“Now, repeat after me, I Alexa Silver accept you Julian Alpha of the Blue Lake Pack and pledge my alliance and loyalty to you and your pack”

“I Alexa Silver accept you Julian Alpha of the Blue Lake Pack and pledge my alliance and loyalty to you and your pack”

“I Alpha Julian accept you Alexa Silver into the Blue Lake Pack.”

He handed me the goblet to drink out of and the second that I swallowed some blood the ache I had in my chest eased up and quickly disappeared. I could feel Jade more ease as well. I handed it back to him and he did the same. As soon as he swallowed, I could feel the bond with the pack snap into place.

“Welcome to the Blue Lake Pack baby." He mind linked me.

I kind of liked it when he called me baby. It felt right. I stood up and walked up to him and placed my lips on his. I slowly moved my tongue into his mouth testing the waters. He happily let me in, and he deepened the kiss taking control. That was something I really didn't let people do but I was ok with him doing it.

He pulled me completely flush with him as he trailed kisses down my neck and ran his hands down my back until he was squeezing my ass. He broke the kiss and pulled me to the other side of his desk. Once there he started to kiss me again and pushed me up against the desk until I was sitting on it. I could feel the moisture collecting in my panties and the room was. filling up with the scent of my arousal. I kicked my shoes off so I could take my pants and panties off.

He pulled me off the desk and turned me around, so my back was to him. He ran his hands down my side and came to my leggings and ripped them and my panties down so I could step off of them.

“Baby you're going to lean across my desk and let me take you from behind. I did as he said and spread my legs, so he had easy access. He came up behind me and ran his hand along my slit and growled with how wet I was. I could hear him undo his pants and drop them to the floor.

He lined himself up with my hole and slammed into me in one solid thrust.

“AAAHHHH" I screamed out as he hit deep the first time.

“Do you like it when I F**k you hard baby?"

“Yes Alpha.”

He just growled out in approval at being called Alpha and began to thrust into me relentlessly.

“OH goddess Julian, you feel so good” I screamed out.

“Baby, let me see you rub your p***y while and I fuck you from behind."

I didn’t have to be told twice as I moved a hand down between my legs and found my c**t and began rubbing it just the way liked it. I started moaning as soon as I did this.

“Julian I am going to cum, please don't stop.”

I could feel my orgasm taking over and I couldn't stop it not that I wanted to. I screamed out his name as my orgasm finally took over and I could feel him start to topple over the edge as well. He shot his cum inside of me and pulled out as soon as he was done.

“FUCK! We didn’t use any protection, Alexa.”

“It's fine, I am on birth control. As long as you're clean we are good because I am clean.’ I told him.

He let outa big sigh and said, “I am clean and if you promise to not be with anyone else, we can continue to not use protection.”

“I can get on board with that” I said as I slid my pants on grabbed my shoes.

“Come on let's go introduce you to the rest of the pack since dinner is getting ready to start.”

“Can you give me five minutes; I need to go clean up real fast.”

I walked out of his room and up to mine when it hit me. I just agreed to not sleep with anyone else and that is really close tc a relationship and that is not what I want. I agree to being friends with benefits but that's it no relationship. I needed to clarify this with him later. I cleaned up real fast and went back downstairs to the dining hall and found him and Luca at their table eating. I fixed a plate real fast and went to sit down with them.

Julian grabbed my hand and stood up and pulled me with him.

“Excuse me everyone, as you felt earlier, we have a new member of our pack. I would like you all to be sure to welcome her with open arms. She will be taking the Gamma position and will start training immediately. So please help me welcome Gamma Alexa.”

There was a big round of applause and I just waved at everyone before sitting back down to finish my dinner. I still needed t work on a schedule with both Julian and Luca. I needed to work out when I was working out and when I would be training girls. I had reviewed the file he sent me and had everyone divided up into groups by ability. I am sure it would change a littl when I got to know them but that would be later.

“Hey guys, can we talk after dinner? I need to work out times for my schedules”

“Yes, let's go to my office when were done eating”

When we got done, we went to Julians office and spent the next two hours there working out schedule times and we brought Luca up to speed as to what I was planning on doing. He was on board with it and has agreed to train with me as well. Julian sent a mind link to everyone to let them know a new training schedule had been posted on the bulletin board and that everyone needed to check it as it would be effective tomorrow. Luca had excused himself for the night and I hung back so I could make things clear with Julian.

“Julian, I want to make sure that we are on the same page with our relationship.”

“OK, and what is it that you want to make clear?”

“That there is no relationship and that we are simply friends with benefits.”

You could see that he was momentarily disappointed but quickly hid it.

“I knew that from the beginning. Besides when you beat your brother you will be leaving” He said.

I hadn't thought about that, but he was right. If I beat him, I would be the Alpha of my old pack. I got up to leave when he stopped me.

“Baby, I know what we are but if you ever change your mind, I would be happy to have you on my arm but for now I know what we mean to each other, and I am also happy about that”

just smiled at him and walked out of his office. I had an early morning starting my work outs at five am and then my first training class at seven and then nine and then eleven. After that I was to train with Julian in the gym and then the field with both Julian and Luca. I was going to be beat by the time the day was over with.

“Jade, can we do this?"

“Of course, we can. Were an Alpha wolf. Just be ready to work hard."

My wolf always gave me the confidence I needed if I was second guessing myself. She believed in me in ways I never could.

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