Alpha Alexa

Chapter 10

Alexa’s POV

I was currently sitting in Julians office because Luca and I were arguing at breakfast, and he got mad. I am not sure if he got mad because we were arguing or if because Mac and I had done stuff together when Julian and I had also slept together. I mean it is what it is. I told him it meant nothing and was just a release and I seriously meant that.

“Alright, someone want to tell me what the hell is going on between you two?” Julian asked.

I folded my arms over my chest and just glared at Luca, who just glared back at me. Neither of us said anything.

“I won't ask again, tell me what the hell happened?” julian growled at us.

“Someone got pissed off when I gave him blue balls!” I said with a smirk on my face.

“If you weren't such a bitch, then I wouldn't have that problem.” Luca said.

“Well, if you wouldn't have told me to get on my knees like a good girl than you wouldn't have blue balls. I was willing to tak care of everything until you said that”

Julian ran his hands down his face and groaned at us arguing.

“Both of you stop it, you're acting like children. Luca you know better, and Alexa I want to say you know better but I'm not sure”

“Sorry sir,” I said.

“Sorry Julian,” Luca said.

“Luca you can leave, I need to talk to Alexa.”

He got up and left and now I was stuck in Julians office with just him. This can’t be good.

“lam sorry, did I do something wrong?”

“Really, you slept with me this morning and then Luca?”

“What, I am a woman who has needs, a lot of them and I am not going to turn down a chance to get what I want. I had that taken from me once upon a time and I decided that I won't allow that to happen to me ever again.”

He got up from his desk and walked over to where I was in front of his desk. He leaned down and placed his arms down on the arm rest of my chair and got about an inch from my face and smirked at me.

“Beautiful, if you have needs, I want you to come to me for all of them, no one else. Do you understand me?”

Usually something like this would piss me off. Nobody tells me what to do especially when it comes to my s***I needs, but he had sent a chill down my spine and goose bumps covered my body.

“I have a lot of needs, are you sure you can keep up?” I said as I looked his body up and down as best as I could. I could feel my panties getting wet from this interaction and I knew he could smell it because his eyes kept switching back from his natural green color to black and back again.

“OH, I think I can keep up without a problem.”

“Good to know” I stood up and pushed him out of my way. I headed for the door.

“Wait, we still need to talk Julian said as he walked back over behind his desk.

I went and took my seat back and waited for him to speak.

“You have a new room as taking the gamma position. You will have a room on the second floor. You and Luca do. No one is allowed up there. You also need to work on a training schedule and start teaching some classes. I would specifically like you to work with girls and women. I think they will relate to you more than they do Luca.”

“Really, you want me to teach classes?”

“Yes, I do. You're the Gamma and besides that I have seen you fight, and you are a skilled fighter. It would be dumb of me na having you do that”

“Thank you, Julian. You don't know how much this means to me.”

“I know. I will get you class times and levels and you can take it from there. We will also leave about three am for your old pack. I will get you close enough to the pack lands that you can break the bond you have and then we will be getting the hel out of there.”

“I can't wait to get that taken care of. I know we are going to have to be careful, but I can tell you that they aren't early risers there, but my father will be awake at that time, will he feel it?"

“If he truly handed the pack over to your brother, then no he won't. Your brother will be the one to feel it”

“Thank you. Is there someone that can take me to town? I need to get some clothes and other things.” I asked him.

“Yes, I will take you after this but first you have to know that I have to tell Alpha Colter that you are here. I promise that you are safe here and I promise I will not allow anything to happen to you."

“I understand, I would never ask you to keep something from your friend and a pack that you have an alliance with." “Thank you, like I said I will not let anything happen to you. Now go get whatever you need, and we will go to town."

I got up and left the room and headed to my current room. I went in and grabbed my bag and pulled out a couple of hundre dollars and shoved it in my pocket. The first thing I would get is a wallet and a purse.

“Jade, what do you think about him telling Alpha Colter?”

“Lex, I don’t know. As much as I would like to say run, I think that it is a bad idea. He will just continue to look for us and so will your father. If we face this head on with Julians help it might be ok."

“I agree. So, we stay put for now.”

I headed out of my room and back towards to Julians office when I ran into Christina going in the same direction as me.

“I told you once already, stay away from Julian.” She said through ritted teeth.

“I have just as much right to be headed this direction as you, besides he is waiting for me."

She stepped in front of me and stopped me from going further. She placed her hands on my shoulders and started to squeeze. I don't know who this bitch thinks she is, but I will wipe the floor with her.

“Get your hands off me now!" I growled at her.

“I don't think you understand that he belongs to me, and you are going to learn that now”

I reached up and pulled her hand off my shoulder and spun it, so I had her arm behind her back, and she was now facing away from me. I kicked her feet out from under her and she toppled to the ground face first. She let out a scream, but I had smirk on my face.

“Lex, let me finish her!” My wolf excitedly asked.

just ignored her and threw a knee in her back and held her in place.

“Listen here, I never said I had any claim on Julian. He is simply helping me out. So, either back off or I will show you just how much of a bitch I can bet” I told her.

That was about the time that Julian had come out of his office and turned the corner to the hallway that we were in.

“Alexa, what in the hell are you doing?”

I'snapped my head up and saw him storming over here really fast.

“She is the one who put her hands on me first and told me to stay away from you. I was simply letting her know to never touch me again and that I had no claim on you and that you were helping me.”

“Get off her”

let her up and Christina got up with tears coming down her face. She was relatively unharmed but of course she had big alligator tears coming down and ran straight to Julian. He stepped away from her as soon as she got to him.

“Christina, I don't know what you're trying to do but I've told you that we are not a couple, nor do we have anything betweer us. So please leave Alexa alone”

“What are you talking about, we were sleeping together a week ago”

“No, we weren't. We haven't slept together in weeks, and I broke it off. You're delusional. Go away and stay away from both o us unless it concerns the pack” He told her as he stepped further away from her.

“I will not forget this Julian and you Alexa, I will get you for this.”

“You really don't scare me Christina so just go away.” I told her.

Julian just laughed and walked towards me.

“Should we 20 to town?” He asked me and Christina just huffed and took off down the hallway not getting her way. I am sure this isn't the last run in with her but like I said I am not scared of her.

I followed him to his car and got in and away we went. It was about a ten-minute drive to their little strip mall. It was something that was owned by local wolves, and it was nice to be able to buy from them and not big stores that had enough money.

“What are you needing?” He asked me.

“I need some more clothes and also some toiletries.”

“OK, I know right where to start.” He said as he led me to a store.

We walked in and it was full of women's clothing. I walked past the dresses and went straight to the pants section. I found a few pairs of skinny jeans and a few pairs of boot cut jeans. I knew exactly what size I needed so no need to try them on, so I headed to the shirts and picked out a few T-shirts and a few nicer ones. I handed them to Julian and took off to the sportswear. I grabbed a few leggings and shorts and sports bras. I also grabbed socks and underwear.

“Is this everything?”

“From this store it is.”

We headed to the check out and I went to get my money out and he swiped a card before I could get my cash out.

“You do not need to pay for my stuff. I am very capable of doing that myself”

“I know but if your part of my pack I will help take care of you."

“Please don't do that. I don’t want to owe anyone anything or feel like I owe anything”

“I really didn’t mean anything by it. I would have done it for anyone.”

Ijust nodded my head at him and walked out of the store. We went and put my bags in the car.

“OK, I would love a shoe store. I left my home with very little, so I need boots and tennis shoes.”

“0K, follow me."

We walked through more of the strip and towards the end of it we came to a shoe store. I walked in and like any other girl I walked through and looked at every shoe they had. I really did love shoes and could buy all of them. It was a problem. I finally found a pair of white and pink tennis shoes and a pair of black combat boots.

I walked to the counter and found Julian talking to the guy behind the counter. I put my shoes up there and he rang them up and this time Julian let me pay. That made me feel better. Julian said goodbye to the guy at the counter and followed me out “OK, Alexa, what is next?”

“I just need some girl things if you know what I mean.”

“Ya, girl stuff?”

“Like makeup?”

“No dummy, like shampoo and conditioner and tampons.”

“0h goddess, I am sorry I asked.”

just looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“You mean the big bad Alpha has a problem with tampons?”

“No, it's just I have never been with someone when they have bought them.”

I burst out laughing at him and told him to lead the way. This is one stop I would love to see him pay for. He led me to the store and goes “I think I will just wait out here for you.”

“OH no you won't, you are going to go in with me.”

“Do I really need to do that?”

“Yes, come on let's go.”

He just groaned at me and followed behind me but kept his distance. I purposely took my time getting any girly products I needed while he stood behind me looking really uncomfortable. I was finally done and walked to the register and paid for my things and headed back to the car. We got in and he didn't have a lot to say after what I just made him do.

“Lex, you're kind of a bully.” Jade said.

“Why is that?”

“Because you made him do something he didn’t want to do. You would never tolerate that"

“Ugh, I hate it when your right."

“I think you should apologize.”

“Fine only because I would be pissed if that was me."

“I am sorry that I made you go in there. I didn’t think about it, and I won't make you do that again.”

“Your fine, if I am going to have a female Gamma, there are certain things that I will have to get used to”

We got back to the pack house, and he was helping me carry my bags inside.

“Let me show you to your new room and you can move your other stuff in here.”

“Thank you and when I say this, I really mean it. Thank you for everything. Taking me in, giving a safe place to stay and a job and helping take care of problems.”

“Always. We like to think we are a nice pack and when people need help, we want to offer it."

While we were talking, we made it to my new room on the second floor. He opened my door for me, and it was a stark difference from the one I was currently in. It had a king-size bed on the back wall, with windows overlooking the training field and the forest. The walls were a cream color and it had dark greys and blues in the bed spread and the carpet was also dark grey. It had a large TV mounted on the wall and a couch. There were two doors along one of the walls along with what looked like a mini kitchen. I couldn't cook in there but could store drinks and snacks and a few other things.

“Will this do?” He asked me.

“Yes, the other room was just fine also."

“Not for our Gamma. Here is your key. Housekeeping has a key and so do I but don’t worry I won't ever use it unless you tell me to.”

“Oh, I will be telling you to but right now I need to unpack and also go get stuff from my other room.”

“I will leave you to it. Remember we are leaving at three am so be downstairs and ready to go by then.”

“Thank you." I told him.

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