Along Came a Demon (Shadow Demons 1): A Bones MC Romance

Along Came a Demon: Chapter 5

“This better be fucking good,” Alex snapped as he entered the underground project room. He’d left Merrily asleep in his bed, and he didn’t want her to wake without him.

As usual, Giovanni ignored his bad humor. Sometimes, Alex wondered if the man truly comprehended emotions. He never seemed to really process them unless it was detrimental to the current job or had the potential to endanger someone.

“Our Merrily’s friends turned Hell’s Playground into a blazing inferno.”

Alex looked at the large viewscreen that dominated the room as he crossed to Gio and Azriel. The shelter, and four other buildings nearby, blazed like a beacon in the night. Fire trucks and police surrounded it. Ambulances could be seen on the fringes but hadn’t ventured too close. Either they’d already evacuated the injured, or there were none alive needing assistance.

“Any luck tracking them down?”

“The hit men? Yes.” Gio’s voice was as terse as always. “They come from a group in Colombia. Available to the highest bidder.”

“But what about the snake patches?” Alex hated puzzles. He’d hoped this one would be pretty much cut and dried. “Invite” the leader of the Rattlesnakes to a meeting, get him to tell them who’d hired him for this job. The end. Instead, Giovanni was pulling this shit.

“Oh, the Rattlesnakes were involved, just not by themselves. They were likely the muscle. The men who burned the place down.”

“Not very effective,” Azriel commented, though he was still studying the screen intently. “Terror level high, though. You think the Colombia group just wanted to scare the crap out of people? What did they hope to accomplish by destroying the place if not that?” He seemed to be talking to himself more than the others.

“Unclear,” Gio said. “Probably sending a message as well as destroying evidence of the other players.”

“Which tells us they have no idea where she is,” Alex said. He crossed his arms as he studied the viewscreen. “How many did we kill?”

“Seven total. All were part of the Rattlesnake hit team. There were a couple of punks from the neighborhood who got in the way, but you guys only shoved them around a bit. Both had concussions but maybe it knocked some sense into them.”

“Possible they were part of the Colombian team?” Azriel always asked any question that came to his mind. Alex figured it helped him work through a problem from every angle. No one questioned where he was going or his line of thinking, they all just let him work. This was what he did.

“No. I identified every single one. All of them have lived here their whole lives. But I’d say your Colombian group will definitely want retaliation. These guys have a perfect termination record. It’s why they’re so highly sought after.” Giovanni started typing with furious speed until a couple of grainy photos appeared on the screen along with a few reports from various law enforcement agencies.

“Perfect?” Alex raised an eyebrow.

“As in they never miss a hit,” Gio continued. “They’ve been traced to at least thirty suspected contract killings over the years. Likely there are more, but they’ve gotten better at covering their tracks in the last couple of decades. The last thing anyone has been even remotely suspicious about happened nearly two years ago. Before that? Closer to twenty-five.”

“Are you sure about this, Gio?” Azriel punched a few buttons over Giovanni’s shoulder. Gio glared at him but didn’t pull his gun so Alex didn’t intervene. No one touched Giovanni’s computers. On the screen, an image appeared. It was a grainy photo that looked to have been taken in the early to mid 1800’s, by the clothing. He straightened.

“I’ve seen that picture before.” Alex said, moving closer. “The Brotherhood?”

“That’s what they’re called,” Gio confirmed. “Passed down from generation to generation.”

“So a family of hit men?” Alex asked.

“No,” Azriel stated. “No one in the order is married and all are celibate. They never risk having children.”

“I imagine they’re a very small group.”

“They are, but very devoted. For most of them, it’s nearly a religion.”

“Yup,” Giovanni said, leaning back as if this were nothing new. “In fact, as far as I can find, only one person has ever left their ranks and survived.”

Confused, Alex glanced at Azriel to find the other man clenching his fists and jaw. “Something you want to share?”

“Only that you need to keep those two girls inside this estate at all times. Unless you don’t care if they live or die.” When Alex crossed his arms and glared at Azriel, the other man met his steely gaze with one of his own. “Don’t go there, Alex. Not until I figure out where they are and exactly what their instructions are.”

“A group like this doesn’t make public statements like burning down half a city block. They want to remain in the shadows. Like us.”

“Unless it’s what they’ve been paid to do.”

“A move like this could expose their operation,” Alex argued, not buying it. “Are you sure this is their work?

“No,” Azriel snapped. “I’m not. But Giovanni says it is so I’m going on that assumption since he’s never wrong.”

“Hey, easy,” Alex said, raising his hands in surrender. “I’m only trying to get an idea of what we’re up against.”

“If the Brotherhood has been sent to kill those girls, then they are as good as dead.”

“Not with us on the job,” Alex said confidently. “No way they get past us.”

Azriel gave a bitter laugh. “You have no idea who they are, or you’d understand how ridiculous that sounds.”

Alex took a couple of steps toward Azriel, his anger rising as well as his irritation. “Then fucking explain it to me.” He knew Azriel had a past. They all did. But this wasn’t the time to hedge.

“That image is the only one that exists of them. Right after it was taken, their families were wiped out by their enemies. Before that, they were proud of what they did, which was pretty much the same as what we do. Bring justice to those thought untouchable. In those days, the people they went after were just as relentless as the Brotherhood has become now. You got in their way, they stepped on you.”

“And now?”

Azriel sighed. The man looked as if the weight of the world were on his shoulders. “Now, they take jobs from people just as ruthless as those they were once sworn to destroy.”

“You say it in an almost ritualistic manner,” Alex commented. Azriel had a blank look on his face, as if he were so absorbed in remembering the past he couldn’t be bothered with the present. “Finish it.”

Azriel met Alex’s gaze then. “I was one of them. I left when the job became… questionable.”

“Because you have a conscience. You’re one of us. End of story. Tell me about them.”

“I left them barely a year before you found me. They teach their men to survive on the outside in a multitude of ways. I used what I knew about making money.”

“Which has come in very handy for all of us.”

“Yes,” Azriel continued, “but I used my own funds and kept things on the down low in order to keep off their radar. It was only one skill they taught me. They are as ruthless in business as they are in combat. They rarely use anyone outside their family unless it’s to launder or move the money. If we dig into Daniel Maddison’s books, I’m guessing we’re going to see a few subtle discrepancies. Things you wouldn’t ordinarily notice. Might even miss if you were looking for them. Maddison is nothing if not thorough, and the Brotherhood accepts nothing less than perfection.”

“So, we’ll go under the assumption Maddison is working for them. What are the odds his son is involved?” Alex asked, needing every angle of the problem.

“If Maddison’s smart, zero. His son is a liability. A huge one. Especially if anyone suspects he has a child. His father does.”

“Do you think Merrily’s father gave her and Rose up or do you think Maddison put the Brotherhood on her trail?”

“Toss up,” Azriel said. “Maybe a bit of both.”

“Azriel’s right,” Giovanni said quietly. “Maddison had his books delivered, just like you requested, Alex.” He scrolled through several documents until he came to several he’d flagged. “Maddison Robotics is a shell company. It took me a while, but, as far as I can tell, they have no real product. They’ve partnered with several larger companies for short periods of time — always on a short-term contract of no more than a year — and always show company growth for both his company and the host company.” He waved his hand as if he knew what the next question would be. “I haven’t figured out the ‘how’ and don’t really care because it’s irrelevant. The important part is, they’re laundering money through Maddison Robotics, using it as a parasite company, in such a way that any investigation would look like the host company was the one at fault. Whose money they’re laundering, I have no idea. I found a few fledgling discrepancies that make me think someone was trying to skim. If Danny Boy knew his old man’s business, he might have gotten greedy.” Giovanni let them contemplate that one a moment. “If he were caught — and I have no doubt even a mediocre money man could uncover what he was doing — he might have turned on Merrily’s dad. The mule is easy to blame and even easier to manipulate into helping steal. Steve could then have turned on Merrily, but that might be an attempt to throw both hounds off his tail. Which would be why he warned her.” Giovanni handed Alex a manila envelope. “Before I forget.”

“Get everyone looking for Merrily, and he slips quietly away.” Alex had about reached his limit. This was normally the kind of thing he loved. Clear-cut bad guy with more bad guys to track down. Not so in this case. “Do you think Maddison knew Merrily was here?” He absently opened the envelope Gio had handed him and skimmed the documents, his mind taking it all in like a sponge. Interesting.

“Doubtful. Both men were too surprised when they ran into her, and Dan didn’t even notice her. You know he had that whole meeting recorded. Once he reviews it, he’ll know, so that cat’s out of the bag.”

“In that case,” Alex said, “we’d better be ready. They know she’s here now. If they have assassins with them, they’ll definitely send them our way.”

“Agreed,” Azriel said. He stared at the computer screen at his desk. “I could try to open a dialogue with them. It’s not going to hurt. They’re coming after us anyway.”

“Do they know you’re here? Will they try to take care of your loose end?” Alex wasn’t sure what he was hoping for. He definitely didn’t want his friend in danger, but he didn’t want Merrily in danger either. And she was far less equipped to take care of herself than Azriel. Besides, it wasn’t like they were leaving him to fend for himself.

“I seriously doubt they ever lost track of me. I’ve simply not given them any problem before now,” Azriel said. Without another word he sat down and started typing. Whatever he was doing, there was nothing Alex could do to help him. Yet. When the time came, however, he’d stand with his brother, and all three of them would stand in front of Merrily and Bellarose.

* * *

Merrily woke in a bed much too big for her. Events of the previous night swamped her, and she automatically turned to reach for Alex. The place where he’d rested beside her, held her so protectively in his arms, was cool. He’d been gone a while. With a sigh, she sat up. Her body was deliciously sore, reminding her of their long, long bouts of sex. He’d worn her out, blowing her mind more than once. The last time, she’d woken him, which he’d clearly loved if his reaction had been any indication. As gentle and careful as he’d been with her the first time, that last time had been hard and rough, riding the edge of too much. She’d loved every blistering second. It made his absence all the more disappointing.

With a sigh, she dressed in her uniform from the night before and headed back downstairs. With any luck, Rose would still be asleep and not see her walk of shame. It was just one more thing out of character for her. Merrily didn’t hook up indiscriminately. Yet, here she was.

“Good morning.” Ruth smiled when Merrily opened the door quietly. The older woman was busy in the kitchen with something that smelled heavenly. “I was afraid you’d sneak out before he got back.” There was genuine amusement in Ruth’s voice as she continued working on breakfast.

“I’m sorry I left you here all night. Did Gloria go home?”

“The girl lives in the east wing,” Ruth said. “She left about fifteen minutes ago, though under protest. She’d gladly have stayed with little Rose all day.”

“I hope I didn’t impose on her time. I’m sure she has better things to do.”

“Nonsense, dear. Don’t you worry about a thing. Let us help you.”

“While I play with a playboy?” Merrily wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. “Ruth, I have no idea what I’m doing. I should be here with Rose or working.”

“You should be living, sweetheart. How long has it been since you took time to build a relationship? With a man or a woman? I don’t necessarily mean romantic either. When was the last time you even had a girls’ night out?” When Merrily didn’t answer, Ruth shook her spoon at her. “That’s what I thought. Enjoy being an adult. Enjoy being a beautiful, desirable woman. Most of all –” she crossed the small space between them and laid a hand on the side of Merrily’s face, “– let yourself be happy. If not with Alex, then with someone. But I think if you give him a chance, Alex will do everything in his power to make you happy.”

Merrily wasn’t so sure. “I’m not into subterfuge or pretending I’m something I’m not. We enjoyed ourselves last night, but that was all it was. He scratched an itch.” Then she muttered, “Maybe he just likes slumming.”

“Rubbish.” Ruth laughed. “I’ve never seen a woman he followed after to make sure she didn’t leave him. Usually, it’s him trying every way he can to drive women away. You’re special to him.”

“I’m a novelty,” she said with a sigh. “He’ll tire of me soon enough.” Before Ruth could refute that, Merrily continued, “In the meantime, I’m just playing it a day at a time. He promised he’d protect Rose whether or not we were… together. I’m going to take him at his word, and I won’t run.”

“Very well,” Ruth said, letting it drop. “Now, go say good morning to little Rose. I’ll finish breakfast, then get her off to school, and you can come by and see her after you rest. You know where the school is in the south wing.”

“I can’t possibly take a nap.” Merrily sighed. “I have to go to work.”

Ruth rapped Merrily’s knuckles with her wooden spoon. Not hard, but enough to get her point across. “Nonsense! Not after last night. Alex will be most displeased if you’re seen as anything less than he is. I won’t have anyone on my staff mistaking your importance here.”

Merrily wanted to groan. There was no sparring with Ruth as tired as she was. With a sigh, she let it go and went to wake Rose.

“Hey, pumpkin,” she said, stroking the child’s hair as she sat down. Snowball gave a halfhearted hiss and scooted out of the way, snuggling into Rose’s pillow right beside her face. “Time to get up. Ruth has a delicious breakfast for you before school.”

Rose’s eyelids fluttered several times before she stretched and opened them completely. “Did she make silver-dollar pancakes again?” There was a hopeful note in the little girl’s drowsy voice.

“I’m not sure. I guess you’ll just have to get up and go find out.”

“Ruth said I could go to school with the other kids here. She said we could all play together.”

“I don’t know about that either, pumpkin. But I know you’re going to school, and that there will be other kids there. I’d assume at least some of the kids living here will be there.” She grinned at her daughter. “I suppose if you and they happen to be in the same place and they just happen to be playing…” She shrugged. “Well, I guess you’d have to play with them. Right?”

Rose giggled and jumped up. Smokey gave a forlorn “meow.” Rose picked the cat up and gave him a hug before putting him back down and running to the bathroom.

Merrily was surprised to find she was really tired. She did her best to converse with Rose as she ate, trying to share the child’s enthusiasm over going to school and making new friends. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed — by herself — and sleep the rest of the morning.

Never in her life had she thought she’d ever be grateful she didn’t have to take Rose to school, but she was grateful Ruth had volunteered. Grateful the school was inside the massive manor and not away from the safety it afforded. There was no doubt in her mind that as long as they stayed inside the house Rose would be safe. Why she had such confidence in Alex she didn’t know. Maybe it was his blatant show of wealth, knowing that any number of people would be willing to make a try for him if his security wasn’t what it should be. Maybe it was Ruth’s unflappable confidence and belief in him. Maybe she just wanted — needed — to believe. Whatever it was, she found herself stumbling to the shower after Rose had kissed her goodbye and left with Ruth.

The shower was as intimidating as the rest of the place. A big, walk-in, glass enclosure with multiple sprayers left her a bit befuddled until she figured out how to use them. Then she just let the hot water pound over her body, working out the well-earned soreness of the night before. She rested her head on the glass, sighing in pleasure until she was nearly ready to collapse onto the tiled floor.

“You could have used the shower in my suite.” Alex leaned against the open entryway, arms crossed over his muscled chest, gloriously naked. She’d seen him the night before, but not like this. Powerful arms and shoulders, muscled chest and rippled abs narrowing to his lean hips and equally impressive thighs. Several scars marred the beauty but only served to make him even sexier. She tried not to imagine scenarios for each mark, but failed miserably. Unbidden, she had an image of the Shadow Demon in the shelter who’d first spotted them. She could easily imagine this heavily muscled, scarred version of Alex in that role.

Though it was silly — the man had already seen everything she had — she draped a hand over her breasts and mashed herself against the wall in an effort to cover herself. “What are you doing?” She tried to sound stern, but even to herself she sounded breathless.

Hands up in a non-threatening gesture, he eased into the shower with her. The enclosure was large, enough so he could bathe on the opposite side and never get close to touching her. “Easy there, my Merrily. I’m not going to ravish you.” He threw her a cocky grin. “At least not without your permission.”

“You said I didn’t have to sleep with you.” There was a spike of panic. At least, she hoped it was panic. Otherwise, it was probably excitement and she couldn’t let him see that. If he smelled blood in the water, Alex would press his advantage.

“You don’t.” Alex stepped under the cascading water to wet his hair, his hands slicking the silky strands back out of his face. Water sluiced over his gorgeous body, making her need to chase every single drop on his chest. With her tongue. “I just thought you might like to talk.”

“What about? Did you find out who was hunting me and Rose?”

“Oh, yes. Really bad guys.” The grin he gave her was nearly evil. She imagined how the devil himself would look, and Alex’s face immediately came to mind. Fiercely handsome with a spike of danger, he could truly be a demon from hell sent to torment her.

“Are you going to… renegotiate my living arrangement?” Merrily didn’t know if she could look herself in the mirror if he insisted on the use of her body in exchange for her and Rose’s protection. It was bad enough she’d already slept with him.

“Merrily.” His whole demeanor changed in an instant. Now, instead of mischievous and wicked, he was very serious. “Anything we do together, you do because you want to. Not because you feel you have to. I’ve never paid a woman for sex, and I don’t intend to start now. Especially not with someone so vulnerable.” He tilted his head then, an analytical look coming over his handsome face, as if something was just dawning on him. Like he was trying to fit her into a nice, neat package and wasn’t quite able to. “Why is that, by the way?”

She blinked, thoroughly confused. “Why is what?”

“Found out some things about you. Interesting things. You’re intelligent as fuck. Were offered full rides to several prestigious universities. Yet, you chose a small online college where you only finished half your coursework for a shit degree in Information Technology. Why not finish it? Hell, why didn’t you take any of those scholarships? You were on track to be one hell of a computer geek. You could be rich instead of living paycheck to paycheck.”

Fury shot through Merrily. “You know jack about my life, Mr. Petrov. Any decisions I made, I did for Bellarose.” God, he confused her! She almost preferred the brooding, dangerous man over this side of him. Up to this point, he’d been doing the playboy persona with her, and she found she didn’t like it. That wasn’t the real Alex. It was almost as if he were trying on personalities to see which one got to her the most. He’d told her last night he’d hurt people, even killed people. Though she was frightened of that side of him, it seemed… genuine. This flippant side of him, the analytical asshole, didn’t feel right. Like he was angry with her and taking out that anger by trying to belittle her but couldn’t quite commit to the task.

“I’m aware of that,” he continued. “You dropped out of high school, got your GED with the highest score in the state, scored perfect on your ACT, and the college entrance exams you took you blew out the top. It was enough you got the attention of the Lockheed Martin recruiters even before you’d taken the first college course. They offered to pay your way through school in exchange for a contract with them for ten years of employment. You’re hyper intelligent. Why not –”

“What? Put my own wants and desires above what’s best for Rose?” Forgetting how uncomfortable she was with her nudity around Alex, Merrily spun around, her fists clenched. God! The man could get to her so easily! Besides, this wasn’t any of his business, no matter how much he was helping her. “I made a choice to have Rose. Fought to have her. I was probably too young to do it on my own, but I was determined to give my child the best home possible. My mother kicking me out of the house was the best thing that could have happened because she was the exact persona of what a mother should never be. So, if it meant I worked three jobs and sacrificed my dreams, then so be it. I’d gladly do it all over again. I’ll continue doing it until she’s old enough to take care of herself. Even then, I doubt I’ll stop. She’s my daughter.”

“So, at sixteen you did more for your child than some mothers ever do.” Alex made it a statement, as if it were an observation instead of a question. It threw her off balance yet again.

“I don’t know about that, but I used my intellect and my will to take care of her any way I could.” Then she blinked, a sudden realization washing over her. “Wait. You dug into my background?”

Again, his attitude was flippant. “Sweetheart, anyone who steps onto these grounds — even if it’s the mailman — is fully vetted. I know everything there is to know about every single member of my household and make no apologies for it. I also don’t judge.”

“Really? What do you call this conversation then? It’s none of your business how I’ve lived my life. Nothing I did — other than give birth to Rose — could have led anyone to want to hurt us. This isn’t my fault!”

“Relax there, little wildcat. I never thought it was. Of all of us, you’re the only true innocent.”

Merrily wanted to cry. She was so raw. Off kilter. Alex made her so, but it was more than that. “I’ve never been more terrified in my life than I have been these past few weeks. The only ease I’ve had came when I decided to stay here.” She sat sideways on a marble bench, the spray hitting her back. Merrily pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, giving Alex her side. It didn’t do much to hide her nudity, but she could at least pretend he couldn’t see her. “This place… you… I feel safe here. I feel like Rose is safe.” She laid her head on her knees so she looked at Alex. Merrily knew she was weak for not standing up for herself more, but she was so tired and confused she didn’t know what else to do. No matter she knew she should be afraid of Alex — she wasn’t. “Why do you interact like this with me? If there is something you want to know, why not just ask me? Have a normal conversation instead of cornering me in the shower?”

“I find that if I keep someone off balance, they tend to say more than they intended.” He took a couple of steps toward her, a lion on the prowl. “Would you tell me the whole truth every time I asked you something if we just sat down and had a conversation?”

“I have nothing to hide, Alex. I would have kept my lack of education secret if I’d had a choice because I’m embarrassed by it. Especially in front of someone like you. I would never have been in your class of wealth, but I’d have been somebody. Maybe even somebody who could have attended one of your events eventually. Now…” She gestured to herself from head to toe. “You’ve stripped me bare. Was it really necessary to tear me apart like this?” To her complete and utter horror, her bottom lip trembled, and a tear slipped from one eye. Not having the energy or emotional endurance to fight it off, Merrily just let it happen.

Alex was at her side in an instant, lifting her from the bench and into his arms. Her body was flush against his, those brawny arms of his wrapped tightly around her. Her brooding, intense warrior was back now, looking straight into her soul like a demon searching for her greatest weakness. One big, rough palm spanned her back. Again, she was struck at the contrast in him. He was a wealthy playboy but didn’t seem to be a stranger to hard work. His fit body, ragged scars, and calloused hands were testament to that.

“I’m don’t want to tear you down, my Merrily.” His voice was husky but gentle. When she ducked her head, he used one hand to gently force her to meet his gaze. “Quite the opposite. You’re the bravest, most selfless person I believe I’ve ever met. When I said you were the only true innocent here, I meant it. Every single person here has a past. They are here for a multitude of reasons, but not one of them wouldn’t be in some kind of trouble if they hadn’t come to us. We gave them and their families a home and a greater purpose. Kept them out of danger and trouble. As a result, they are loyal to us. In return, we protect their families and give them a safe place to live without fear.” He rested his chin on top of her head. Just like that, his personality had changed. Merrily had no idea which was the real Alexei. No idea if she even wanted to find out. But he intrigued her on a purely intellectual level. Sexual too, but she wasn’t going there yet. This man had more than his share of secrets and abilities.

“I don’t know what to do.” Merrily knew she was talking more to herself because she sounded mournful. Not at all like she should be in the shower, naked, in the arms of one of the richest men in the world.

“Then let me tell you.” Alex’s arms tightened around her. Oddly, instead of feeling smothered, Merrily felt protected. Comforted. Why would he convey those feelings to her? No way was it simply because they’d had sex. This was a man who’d had more than his share of women. Was he like this with all of them? She doubted it. If so, he’d have women hanging all over him every step he made. While it was true there were probably several — like Veronica — who did, Merrily knew there couldn’t be many. Otherwise he’d never be able to have a party like the last one without him having women making scenes, vying for his attention. “You’re going to stay here. With me. You and little Rose. I have an idea of how you can help me and my brothers, but I have to know your skill level, and you have to make some hard decisions.”

She looked up at him. That handsome face and those intense, blue eyes made her knees weak. It was a mistake in this game they played but she couldn’t help herself. Swallowing to give herself at least a chance at sounding normal, Merrily jumped in with both feet. “What do you want me to do?”

“Giovanni is our tech guy. I want you to meet with him. Discuss your interests and see if he thinks you’d be a good fit for us.”

“Doing what?”

He sighed, looking a bit sheepish. “I’ll admit, I have no idea. All the stuff Gio does with the computers and equipment. He’ll test you to see what you’ve got and make a recommendation. Even if he doesn’t think you can handle it right now, with your background I’m sure he could teach you. In fact, he’s the one who suggested we give you a try.”

“This would let me earn my keep here?”

“And then some, my Merrily.”

His voice changed whenever he called her “my Merrily.” It was like a caress. She liked it. “Why do you call me that?” Her voice came out soft. Breathy. Their gazes locked, and she was nearly dizzy with want and need. “It’s too… intimate. You shouldn’t –”

“But I do. And I will continue.”

Alex’s gaze and voice were hypnotic, making Merrily fall into him. God, she wanted this! Wanted Alex and all his brutal good looks. His protectiveness. Not for his money. He made her feel alive. Special. Wanted. “Will you break my heart?”

In answer, he simply smiled at her and dipped his head to take her mouth.

Merrily really needed an answer to that, but once his mouth was on hers, his tongue lapping gently but persistently, she couldn’t hold on to her reservations. Not with him kissing her like this. There was fire and intensity she’d forgotten could exist between two people. Or maybe it was just Alex, because she could never remember sex being like this. Not even when she’d embraced it gladly.

Alex’s hand slid up to cradle the back of her head, tangling in her hair. She let him guide her where he wanted her because, really, she didn’t have his kind of experience. If she was going to make sex good for him, she had to learn from what he taught her.

Arms tightening around her, Alex kissed and kissed her, his lips, tongue, and teeth driving her out of her mind. By the time he pulled back, Merrily was panting, willing to do anything he bid her.

Again, those impossibly blue eyes bored into hers, seeking answers to questions she didn’t understand. Finally, he gave a growl as he lifted her, urging her legs around his waist. He stalked to the other side of the shower, sitting her on a marble ledge. Before she could wonder what he would do, he shoved her thighs farther apart and knelt before her, burying his face between her legs.

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