Alliance Hunter

Chapter 18

I took me longer than I had anticipated to find the quarters we had been assigned to. I stepped through the door straight into an argument between Kelli and Miri. I only got a brief chance to look around. It was a rectangular room with four double bunks each furnished with lockers. On one of the bunks two Valkyrie sat their eyes on Kelli and Miri still arguing in the corner furthest from the door.

Kelli startled stopping in full tirade on seeing me. “Gwen!” she said sounding relieved.

Miri’s face was flushed. “Gwen,” she said echoing Kelli’s relief. “How are you?”

“Fine.” I said as I walked past the two Valkyrie. “Ladies?” I acknowledged them with a nod.

Both Valkyrie looked at me confused. I realised I had spoken to them in USE I’d assumed they knew it had been the language both Kelli and Miri had been arguing in. Then this was the Confederacy and I might have had said something that was particular to the Empire. I was always explaining words to Jervic I had missed that.

The older of the two, they seemed to be of near my age spoke. “You must be Gwen Hunter?”

I took note that she had called me Hunter and not Martin.

She held out her hand. “I’m Bergljot Samdottir and this is Kadlin Samdottir we’re glad to be sharing quarters with you.”

“Good to meet you,” I responded shaking the offered hand and switching to speak in Galactic. “If it possible I’d like to speak to Kelli and Miri on their own?”

Bergljot smiled. “Of course when we return I’d like to learn more of those Terran insults they were throwing at each other.”

Kadlin laughed her eyes on Miri and Kelli. “Don’t assume we don’t know any Terran.”

The two left laughing and I was left with Kelli and Miri. Both had the decency to look embarrassed.

I wasn’t laughing. It wasn’t the first time I had walked into an argument between the two.

“Well?” I said ominously.

“Miri wouldn’t let me scan her,” Kelli stated firmly. “I noticed she was off her food and she refused to answer when I confronted her about it.” Kelli gave me a shamefaced look. “I thought it might be psychological problem.” She waved her gloved hand at Miri. “But this is much worse.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. “How much worse?”

“She’s pregnant.”

I stared hard at Miri. “Ho..?” I quickly changed what I was about to say. “How far along?”

“Six weeks,” was Kelli’s terse reply.

I took a quick calculation. This had happened while we were aboard the Solmani. “And you never thought to take precautions?” Shamefaced this time I realised I had been doing it longer without thinking of the consequences. Then while I was aboard the Valorous Star I had an injection. Kelli knew about that. I was safe but with the way my sex life was going it wouldn’t have mattered if I hadn’t.

“Well?” Miri blushed.

“Well what Miri?” I knew I was putting her on the spot.

“With all that was going on we never thought to ask.” She added. “We were careful!”

“Not that careful,” Kelli told her ominously.

“I take it Al knows?” I gave Miri a look.

“I haven’t told him yet.” Miri stared at the floor.

“Then do so!” I know I sounded harsh but I knew the Valkyrie well enough to know that they’d want an explanation. Unfortunately I’d be the one to tell them a task I would not relish. I felt sorry for the both of them.

Miri jerked at the harshness of my words. She would not look at me face to face. “Please Gwen I can’t not yet,” she pleaded.

I hated it but I’d have to play hard ball here. “I’m afraid you will and I’ll have to inform Runa. You are my responsibility and the fault falls on my shoulders.”

“Runa!” Miri looked scared. “No don’t!”

I could see her as a vulnerable young woman whose fate hung in the hands of her Valkyrie heritage. She was more Valkyrie than I was. “Sorry Miri this is out my hands!”

Tears trickled down her cheeks. They’ll take my baby away from me!”

My heart went out to her. The Elders had already tried with Juliet, Ljufu’s daughter. I had stood firm on that I’d have to do the same to Miri. “They won’t as long as I live and breathe,” I declared and was damn sure I would.

Kelli nodded. “I’m with Gwen on this,” she said coming to Miri’s defence.

Miri gave us both a wane smile and nodded. “I believe you, I really do.”

“Kelli stay with Miri, I’ll smooth things over with Runa.”

I gave both women a last look and left.

I eventually found my way back to Runa’s quarters, having to stop several Valkyrie to ask if they had seen her. I stopped outside her quarters and took a minute to compose myself and sort out what I was going to say in my mind. I pressed the comms button on the door console.

“Yes!” Runa’s voice echoed through the comms.

“Runa it’s me Gwen. Can I come in?” Not a good start on my side, like she wouldn’t recognise my voice.

“Yes,” she replied.

I hesitantly entered her quarters. Runa was seated at her terminal. She was dressed in what I would call relaxed nightwear, a long satin like gown in her clan colours. Her long hair bundled up for sleep.

“I hope you’ve come to clean up the mess you made?”

“I here about another mess I’ve got to clear up.”

That had her turning to regard me. “What trouble are you in now?”

That surprised me. Her concern was genuine. “It isn’t me this time although I going to get the blame for this.”

“Oh, ok what is the problem Gwen?”

I waited a moment to centre myself before speaking unsure how Runa would react. “Miri’s pregnant.” There I said it the words came out with a big whoosh of breath.

Runa stared at me for a moment. “And?”

“That’s it. I’d thought you’d explode or something like that?”

Runa gave a sigh. “Now why would you think that?”

“Because you are Valkyrie. I just thought…” I finished lamely.

“You thought I’d be angry because.” She glared. “Oh Gwen what little you think of us.”

“Well the Elders did demand Juliet.”


“Ljufu and Ana’s daughter the Elders demanded they hand the child over. I thought you’d be the same.”

“I see. So you really don’t know us that well do you?”

“You, I don’t mean you in general,” I floundered. “I never learned much I only had Thirika as my guide and she told me she couldn’t tell me everything.”

“Thirika only told you what she was allowed to. She’s not your clan.”

“Nor do I have one except the Martin’s and I know nothing about them.”

“I’m afraid you have to speak to Kara about that, her clan is not mine.”

“And Miri I told her I would stand for her I will not let anyone take her child from her.” I was doubly determined to help Miri. The Elder’s had created her as a tool for their obscure reasons. I wasn’t going to let her suffer again whatever she decided I would be there to protect her.

“Then do so.”

I was taken aback by Runa’s response. I’d assumed she would take the same view as the Elders.

“Thank you,” I said to Runa my feeling heartfelt.

“Don’t.” She scrutinised my face. “Are you?”

“Are you what?” I asked her unsure what she was on about.


Her words stunned me for a moment. “Not a chance I haven’t that sort of action for sometime. Jervic thinks I’ve gone off him.”

“Have you?”

“No, it’s never a good time. I’m too busy lately.”

“As you should be, your responsibilities first and play later. You are a leader take it to heart. Jervic if he really cares about you will put you first before his own needs.”

Again I was surprised by Runa’s sage advice.

“Ok,” I got up to leave.

“One other thing after you cleaned up the mess you left.” She pointed to her washroom. “We’ll discuss your training schedule. I want you fit and ready by the time we reach Davenport.”

There was bad blood between the planet of Davenport and the Empire. I recalled from history there had been a fierce battle on and above the planet resulting in the destruction of five cities. Not the best way to put us in a good light and by that I meant the Empire. I remembered there had been some sort of takeover by a dissident group that lasted a few days before more sensible minds prevailed. I had heard Constantina the Empress had given up all claims to the planet.

“Davenport?” I asked her surprised that she was giving me this information.

“Yes, you do have an irritating habit there. Davenport like I’ve already said. The Elders think the Black Stripes originated from there.”

Which when I thought about it made sense. “I see so what are we going to do there?”

“Join up with a contact and together investigate the rumours we are getting. The TCA have approved this action.”

“The Confederacy?”

“We best not involve the Confederacy as we are uncertain of their loyalties.”

“You don’t trust your own people?”

“No we don’t trust certain people. It was a little too convenient that the Black Stripes showed up on Alfheimir and Saros when they did.”

“Of course Ljufu would not have let them near the systems if they hadn’t got official backing. Your High Command, someone there knew about this. I remember Thirika complaining about the replacements on the space station.”

“Now you see why we can’t involve them. And for the record its Com Ops not the High Command that’s Terran.”

“Which I still am?”

“Not any more, technically you are a citizen of the Confederacy. Or does what you did on Saros not count.”

“I only accepted citizenship to catch Vanessa. As far as I know she could be anywhere by now?” I had only temporarily given up my pursuit of her because the Black Stripes were the greater threat. I thought Alfheimir and Saros were only the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many more plots they had out there? Plots where the lives of millions hung in the balance.

I brought my mind back to the present. Dwelling on the past wasn’t going to do me any good. I had to concentrate on the task in hand. “Davenport you think we’ll find them there?”

“The Elder’s think so,” Runa stated.

Which made we wonder why us surely there were other Valkyrie closer to Davenport or even on the planet that they could use. “And us?” By that I meant my team.

“To assist our contact in investigating any leads.”

“Contact, I assume you mean someone that doesn’t look Valkyrie?”

Runa frowned. “Gwen you are making an incorrect assumption. The Elders are sending one of the Sliver Guard.”

So the Elders were taking it very seriously. “Who?”

“That I do not know,” Runa admitted.

“The Alliance approved of this?” I was willing to bet they would have had anyway. Saros had been a direct attack on the Alliance. It was a good thing we stopped it before it went any further.

“At the highest level.” Runa gave her a look one I was becoming very familiar with. It meant something significant. “Admiral Komana asked for you to head the investigation.”

That did surprise me. I had got the impression that she would rather wash her hands of me than acknowledge what her daughter had done. “I see, so let me get this straight. This is meant to be a covert operation?”

“Did I not say so?” Runa said to me her look disapproving. “For which we will be training you for.”

Another thought entered my head. “You do realise this could be all wrapped up by the time we reach Davenport?”

“The Elders think unlikely. They have no idea we’re on to them. We are aware of dissidents operating within Com Ops. They have kept their involvement hidden this long. A few weeks won’t make much of a difference.”

I considered what Runa was saying. “You know we might meet heavy opposition once we get there?” I wasn’t combat trained. Besides shooting a handful of Orsini I hadn’t had much combat experience. I had frozen at the wrong moment in the battle of the ruins and almost got Jervic killed.

“That’s what the training is for.” Runa’s face was serious. “We aren’t just training you in hand to hand. As much the Valkyrie in me relishes hand to hand. I’m practical enough to know you need more weapons handling. I want you to be familiar in all types of weapons.”

I sucked in a breath. For a Valkyrie that was very serious. “Things are going to be that bad?”

“Only if we don’t prepare.” Runa gave another frown. “That’s why I did what I did. It doesn’t excuse anything. Please could we start again.”

Runa plea was honest which was a surprise. I thought about it and accepted. “Ok,” I said to her. “Miri what happens to her?”

“Nothing she isn’t my clan and only the Elders have any say. I don’t even know who her original clan was. Certainly not mine otherwise I would have heard about it. As to the Elders we can’t contact them until we reach Davenport. I’m not dropping this ship out of hyperspace just to ask them that. It isn’t that important.”

“You did for me?”

“Not just for you, what happened to me affected everyone for good or bad.”

“You are aware I’ll stand against the Elders to protect Miri. So what will you do then?” I hadn’t wanted to sound harsh I just wanted Miri to feel she had someone backing her.

“That is useless speculation. We do not know what will happen. Forget about it and concentrate on the tasks to hand. I want you combat ready by the time we reach Davenport.”

I took as read I would be training with her. As much as I hated it she made a lot of sense. If I didn’t I would be doomed to repeat the mistakes I had done in the past. With that and Runa’s dismissal I headed back to my quarters.

Kelli and Miri were still there but there was no sign of the two Valkyrie. Miri looked up expectantly as I walked in.

“Well?” Kelli asked before Miri could.

“Miri’s in the clear Runa will do nothing.” I paused letting my words sink in. “On the other hand it is not up to her.”

“The Elders?” Miri looked uncertain.

“I will stop the Elders from taking your child away from you. You are not the first I’ve done this for and I doubt you will be the last,” I said that with a sigh feeling I’d bitten off more than I could chew.

“Thank you,” Miri said looking at her hands.

“Don’t, not yet anyway.”

“I’ll say it anyway.”

I changed the subject. “Where are the guys?”

“Next corridor down,” Kelli answered.

“Good Miri needs to talk to Al and I with Jervic.” I didn’t want to really, but I had to Jervic hadn’t been near me since we boarded the ship.

“You sure this is a good idea?” Kelli asked concern on her face.

I knew it was about me and not Miri. “Not really,” I admitted. “But I must do it I’ve been putting this off for too long.”

The men’s quarters were far more cramped than ours were with enough space for a pair of double bunks and lockers. Al was lying on one bunk while Jervic leaned against a locker looking pensive. Both looked at us as we entered.

“Where’s Denassi,” was the first question I asked.

“Reacquainting himself with Leadra,” Jervic told me.

“She’s on this ship?” I looked at Kelli she just shrugged.

“Did you not know?”Jervic said to me.

I caught the sarcasm in Jervic’s voice. It made Al sit up and glare at him.

“Jervic!” Kelli warned him.

I headed things off before someone did something stupid. “Jervic we need to talk.”

I drew him out into the corridor making sure the door was closed.

“What’s the matter with you?” Jervic said.

The harsh edge of his words hurt me. I responded with a brief flash of anger. “I should be the one asking you that. What is your problem Jervic?”

“My problem is you?”

I felt a chill run down my back. “Oh really you didn’t have the Guardians try to send you mad did you?” I poked him hard with my finger. “Or spend nights worrying over you because I nearly got you killed.”

Jervic actually stepped back as I continued my tirade.

“Oh that is the least of my problems.” I made damn sure he realised that.

“The Guardians wouldn’t do that?”

“Ask Kara, ask Kelli.”


I took a deep breath and spoke telling him everything. I wasn’t sure if he understood.

“Why didn’t you tell me this before!” he demanded.

I pushed my rising anger away. I was better than that I kept telling myself. “Because there was never a good time,” I answered truthfully, well half truthfully I didn’t want to admit this was just thing I was afraid of.

It was a while before he spoke. “Gwen, I can’t do this I can’t be with you.” With that he turned his back on me and walked away.

Tears trickled down my cheeks.

“Gwen?” Kelli asked concerned as came out of the quarters.

“Jervic,” I blubbered.

“I see,” Kelli said coldly. Her anger was not directed at me. “Jerk!”

“Kelli,” I pleaded.

“Just give him time,” she said gently to me and guided me back to our quarters.

That was it I’d lost him I’d never felt so alone.

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