All The Truths: A Dark New Adult Romance (Lies & Truths Duet Book 2)

All The Truths: Chapter 18

THE CLICK of the door is deafening in the silence of the room. I refrain from sighing in relief.

But that’s wrong. I shouldn’t be relieved when I have no idea what he plans to do with me.

After all, this is Asher. Being unpredictable is his modus operandi.

His steps are quiet, but I can almost imagine him stalking in my direction. I don’t dare look up or change position. For some reason, I sense that I have to remain this way.

It feels like forever before he finally comes into view.

My lips part.

He’s fully naked, too. His sculpted abs are taut and begging for my fingers to run over them, touch them, hug them –and eventually lick them. The V lines create a masculine view down his hips, but not more than what it leads to.

His dick is so thick and long and hard—so hard it’s throbbing. God, how did he fit that thing in me?

It takes me a few seconds to focus back on his face. What I find there causes a shudder to crawl between my ribs and settle in my heart.

There’s something unintelligible in his gaze, a madness, an unknown.

He reaches out his index finger and flicks it over my nipple. It thickens into a painful tip. His touch is nonchalant, but it creates a war zone in my starving body.

My poor, sensitive body.

A tingle of pleasure dances down my stomach, clenching for more.

“What did I say?” His tone is calm, too calm—too good to be true.

“W-what?” I’m too distracted by his finger to concentrate on words.

“I told you to lie on your stomach, prom queen.”

He did.

Oh, God. He did.

Why the hell did I lie on my back instead? At the time, it felt like a normal thing to do, almost as if he told me to.

I move to comply. There’s this urge to fix my mistake; no idea why I have it, I just…do.

Asher wraps a hand around my throat, stopping me in my tracks. The tsking sound he makes wraps a different type of noose around me.

“You’ve screwed up twice today, prom queen. I’ll have to remind you how it goes between us.”

His hold on my throat tightens, and I grab his hand with both of mine. My air is about to be cut off and I claw at him to let me go.

God, I enjoy this dynamic between us a bit too much.

“Drop your hands or I’ll tie them.”

He…can’t possibly mean that, right?

When I don’t comply, he releases my throat. I gasp for air as he reaches down to the heap of my clothes. I barely have time to focus as he retrieves my bra and yanks both my hands over my head.

“Ash…what are you doing?”

“I told you—don’t fight me when it comes to how things work between us.” He snaps both my wrists together and secures them to the bedpost over my head.

I lie in front of him, naked and bound. My chest heaves and my breasts ache with the need to be touched, to be used.

Something about this position is so intimate, so exposing, and yet, it’s so…right.

It’s wrong to feel so right. It’s sick and demented.

“Now, about that punishment…” His hand holds my throat hostage again, and this time he straddles my stomach, his knees on either side of me.

From this position, he appears so devastating and godlike, dangerous and thrilling.

“I’m going to fuck your pussy hard and fast until you scream my name, but I won’t stop there. Even when you’re shaking and begging me to stop, I won’t. You know what I’ll do next?” He pauses, and I suck in a breath through my quivering lips. “I’m going to fuck your ass and claim every inch of you so when I’m done, you won’t dare think about another man, let alone let them touch you.”

My breaths turn choppy and shallow as I try to make sense of his words. He…he’s going to fuck my ass.

That’s supposed to scare me, but my thighs are tightening for an entirely different reason.

“I’ll fuck the memory of any other bastard out of you, Reina.”

He doesn’t need to. Asher is the only man in my memories. I don’t need any of the others now that I have him.

“Open your mouth.”


“When I give you an order, you obey, prom queen.”

Goddamn him and his bossy side, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect me. The insides of my legs are coated in a sick type of arousal.

The moment I part my lips, he shoves something black between them. Wait—is that a…butt plug?

“Suck it.”

I don’t break eye contact as I do that. His authority and the easy way he commands me sparks pleasure over my entire body.

Lapping my tongue around the plastic thing, I make a show of sucking it like I do to his cock. He loves it when I get down on my knees in the shower and take him at the back of my throat.

As he said, he’s the only man I’d ever get on my knees for.

Asher’s eyes darken and his cock thickens even more between my naked legs, nearly aligning with my slick folds.

“Enough.” He grinds his teeth, popping the plug out. “I was going to ease you into it.” He grabs the flesh of my thigh, tracing a gentle finger up to my core.

Only there’s nothing gentle about the predatory look he’s giving me.

His finger slips inside my soaked entrance, and I bite my lower lip.

“But you had to play your games.”

Unintelligible whimpers are the only sounds I can make. I want more of that finger, of those hands, of him.

I just want all of him, and sometimes, like right now, it scares me.

How is it possible for someone to want another human being without limits? Without thoughts about consequences?

“Do you know what happens when you play games with me?” He removes his fingers from around my neck and slaps my thighs apart.

I cry out, but before I can come down from the surprise, he slaps the side of my ass cheek.

My moan is broken and barely audible.

“I play you back.” He slams into me in one vicious go.

My thighs shake and my walls tighten at the intrusion. My back arches off the bed and everything becomes so full of Asher, his thickness, his sandalwood scent mixed with citrus, his force and even his damn games.

Being bound to the bedpost only heightens the sensation of being completely at his mercy—or the lack thereof.

“How many fucking times have I told you not to test me?” His thrusts are sharp and violent, barely giving me space to breathe, let alone think.

He’s punishing me and I’m enjoying every stroke of pain, every brutal touch and savage connection.

I love it when he lets go of his cool façade and shows me his true unhinged self.

Because I know he’s only like this with me.

“I’m not that high school kid anymore.” Thrust. “If I see you flirting with anyone, I won’t only beat them.” Thrust. “I’ll fuck you in front of them.” Thrust. “And make them hear you scream my fucking name.”

A fierce wave grips hold of me.

It could be because of the relentless way he pounds into me, his crude words, his arousing promises.

Or all the above.

“Ash…oh, Ash—” I’m cut off when his fingers wrap around my throat.

It’s the catalyst I didn’t know I needed until it collides against me and I fall.

I just fall.

It’s hard, fast, and with no landing in sight, but it’s not painful. No, it’s liberating. It’s like having your soul float in the air.

When Asher releases my neck, it’s like he forces my pleasure to a screeching halt. I can’t believe I became so used to his sick ways, even my ecstasy depends on it.

A thousand shivers dance over my skin as my limbs quiver from the release. Asher’s pace slows down a little, but he doesn’t come. Hell, he doesn’t look like he’s close to coming any time soon.

I love that about him. It’s like he can’t physically release himself until he’s tormented me long enough, pounded inside me hard enough, and owned me whole.

He places the plug between us as he thrusts inside me slow and measured then long and unhurried, the pace so similar to—


I won’t go there. If I do, I’ll start thinking Asher has those types of deep feelings for me, and when I realize he doesn’t, it’ll only ruin me.

He traces the plug over my soaked folds. The skin is so sensitive and swollen, the merest friction curls my toes. My nails dig into my palms until I nearly draw blood. The knot at my wrist isn’t too tight, but even that rub is about to throw me over the edge.

“You’re wet.” He runs the object up and down to where his cock is going in and out of me. “Are you wet for me, prom queen?”

I nod once, my back bucking off of the bed. The deep angles of his thrusts are turning me delirious and mindless.

“And you’ll only ever be wet for me.” He grunts as he thrusts the plug in my ass. There’s no prepping, no warning.

I expect it to hurt like a mother, but it fits there fairly…well.

From what I’ve heard, it’s supposed to be painful, but it’s kind of pleasurable? I can feel the thin line between his cock and the plug, and my thighs shake harder at the sensation.

I soak in his pace, the deep thrusts and the glistening of perspiration on his chest. His muscles and tendons snap with the glory of his movements. His hands on my hips feel like anchors, big and hard.

As I ease into the rhythm, Asher slips out of me and flips me over so suddenly I shriek as my breasts flatten against the mattress. With my hands tied, I have no choice but to lie on my stomach in the position he asked me to be in before he came to the room.

“Ass in the air and open your legs. Let me see how wet you are for me.”

My thighs are still trembling and refusing to come down from the halo, so it takes me a second too long to comply. The fact that he’s standing behind me, seeing me this exposed flames my face.

He grabs an ass cheek in his strong hold and the plug moves a little before he plucks it out. I nearly protest, but he thrusts his middle finger into my pussy. My hyper-stimulated, sensitive pussy.

I thought I couldn’t take more foreplay, but a moan slips from my lips anyway.

It’s the Asher effect.

He shredded my soul apart and carved himself a cozy place in there.

His cock glides over my slickness and then back to my ass. The back and forth is burning me up and torturing me.

Oh, God.

Why can’t he do it already? Is this my punishment?


Releasing my ass, he leans over so his hot, taut chest covers my entire back then reaches under me and pinches a nipple. The twist is so hard, I cry out in both pleasure and pain.

“What, prom queen?”

I couldn’t speak even if I wanted to. The three-edged stimulus of his finger inside me, his cock sliding up and down my wetness, and now his hand nuzzling and twirling my nipples is enough to black me out.

If he doesn’t do it right now, I might legit faint on him. There’s only so much my body can take. It’s like being in a zone where I can’t think or do; I can only feel.

A zone only Asher can create for me.

“Beg for it.” His teeth nibble on my earlobe as he whispers, “Make it convincing.”


“That’s not convincing.”

“Fuck me, Ash.”


“In the ass. Fuck me in the ass.” My voice is breathy, and it feels as if I’ve said those words before.

“That’s my girl.” He eases himself inside my ass. I catch my breath as he fills me inch by agonizing inch.

“Oooh…” This is…oh wow, it’s a lot different than I imagined it would be. It’s nearly as fulfilling as him fucking my pussy, if not more.

Another moan rips from my throat as my eyelids lower and I let myself loose. I don’t think about the bindings or anything.

The only thing that fills my mind, heart, and soul is him.

Just him.

He grips my hips and thrusts another finger inside my pussy until I’m full of him in every way possible

Oh, God. Why does it feel so good?

And how come there’s no pain?

He starts moving both in my pussy and ass, and I forget everything—my name included.

Right now, I’m just with this man and I need him to claim me as much as he needs to.

I need to wake up in the morning and see every mark he left on my body and feel whole.

“This ass is made for my dick, just like this pussy.” He starts slowly at first, but then his pace picks up. My body jerks off the bed with the power of his thrusts.

My moans cut off over and over again with the force he’s handling me with. That’s it. That’s how it’s supposed to go between us.

I come the hardest I have in recent memory, clenching all around his cock and fingers like he said I would. I scream his name over and over again as if it’s a salvation—or damnation, depending on how you look at it.

He pounds into me harder and faster. The strength of his thrusts fills me with so many feelings, but most of all, I’m delirious and happy—so damn happy he wants me to the point of madness, to the point of losing all sense of control.

“You’re mine,” he grunts. “You always were.”

“Always,” I pant into the mattress.

“Fucking always.” He groans as he slips out of me and hot liquid spills over my ass cheeks and my pussy.

I close my eyes, letting him mark me.

Own me.

After all, I’m Asher’s queen in public and his slut in private.

My eyes try to open, despite the fatigue rearing on my nerve endings.


Where did that thought come from?

Before I can analyze that, I give in to the exhaustion and fall asleep, bound, marked, and utterly pleased.

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