All The Lies: A Dark New Adult Romance (Lies & Truths Duet Book 1)

All The Lies: A Dark New Adult Romance: Chapter 11

DEAN GEORGE personally welcomes me back to the college. I don’t know if I should feel honored or awkward, so I settle on something in the middle.

Awkward smile.

He only leaves after he makes sure I’m settled in the cafeteria and have my plate of food in front of me.

We have an entire long table for the cheerleading and football teams, but the football team has a meeting with their coach so it’s only us for now.

Some male cheerleaders join us, but just like the girls, they seem more wary than happy to see me.

“Does the dean welcome all his students back? I thought he would be a busy man considering the size of this college.” I grab a bottle of water as I watch him disappear down the hall. His assistant nearly falls on her face trying to keep up with him.

Naomi, the Asian girl from earlier, bursts out laughing as she stabs her fork into her pizza.

I pause in opening the bottle. “Why are you laughing?”

“Ignore her,” Bree says in a dramatic voice while picking at her salad.

My meal is also a salad. Apparently, we only eat salad on this squad—except for Naomi. I eye the pizza on all the other students’ plates and my mouth waters. I’d kill to have a slice.

I meet Naomi’s icy stare with my own. “Tell me why you’re laughing.”

“You must’ve really hit your head so hard, queen.” She says the last bit with pure mockery.

“Shut it, Naomi,” Bree scolds.

“No, let her speak.” I smile, crossing my arms over the table. “We’re a team, right? You can tell me anything.”

“God, I can’t believe this,” Naomi huffs. “Well, Queen Bitch—that’s your name around here, by the way—your daddy and your sugar daddy pay a shitload of money to this college. If you asked the dean to crawl on all fours like a dog, he’d be woofing.”

“That’s enough! You’re out, Naomi.” Bree hisses as all the girls—and even the boys—grow silent.

All clinks of utensils come to a halt, and everyone holds their breath.

Their wild eyes swing back to mine, as if expecting me to transform into a raging bull and squash Naomi under my boot –or in my case, flats.

I do no such thing and just watch the scene like an outsider looking in.

This was my life.

I’m a queen bitch and my teammates are scared of me.

Old Reina, just what the hell were you?

“Whatever.” Naomi jerks up, swinging her messenger bag over her shoulder. She yanks her plate off the table and stomps out of the cafeteria.

“I’m so going to teach that bitch a lesson,” Bree mutters under her breath.

“Calm down, Bree.” Prescott, one of the male cheerleaders, pats her arm, and she shoves him away.

“What’s Naomi’s problem with me?” I ask no one in particular.

“Uh…nothing.” Lucy slides to my side, grinning. “She’s just still bitter about the prank we pulled on her last year.”

“What prank?”

Lucy’s plump cheeks turn crimson, but she says nothing.

“Lucy.” I level her with a determined glare. “Tell me.”

“Uh…you dared Sebastian Weaver to fuck her.”

“She’s been mad at all of us ever since,” Prescott adds.

“As in more bitchy and grumpier than usual,” another girl, Morgan, says.

“She doesn’t even eat low carb like the rest of us.”

“And she doesn’t run in the mornings either.”

“Have you seen her thighs? Or those saggy arms?”

“Someone saw her sleeping in a cemetery. How creepy is that?”

God. These girls are like vapid animals tearing their prey’s flesh apart while laughing and joking.

The boys continue eating in silence, but it’s the same as participating.

I ignore them, focusing on Naomi holding her plate and storming out of the cafeteria. Her steps are tense and her shoulders hunch with tension.

Did I do that to her? Did I turn her into someone hated by her own team?

In my understanding, being the captain means taking care of the entire squad. Why do I feel like it’s been the other way around?

How could I dare someone to fuck with such a cute girl like Naomi?

I stand up, wiping my mouth with a napkin. My appetite for this salad is non-existent anyway.

“Where are you going, Rei?” Bree places a hand on my arm as if demanding I sit back down. “We have to go through our routine, remember?”

No, I don’t remember. That’s the entire fucking problem.

Still, I offer them the slight smile I’m starting to think they expect of me. “I’ll be back.”

Not putting too much pressure on my hurt leg, I make a beeline out of the cafeteria, nodding and smiling at anyone who calls my name. A redheaded boy who can’t be any older than a sophomore freezes when I wave back at him.

Goddammit. Please tell me I wasn’t the type who belittled everyone around her.

Old Reina, I’m seriously starting to hate you.

Outside, I spot Naomi retreating to the back entrance of the college. I hobble my way after her and stop near a fountain that has a Greek-like statue on top.

Naomi sits at the edge and slams the plate on her lap. A few football players wearing the Devils’ black and white jackets head in the direction of the cafeteria. They must’ve finished their meeting.

Owen and Sebastian are there, too, deep in conversation with their teammates.

The moment Sebastian notices Naomi, he abandons his friends and joins her on the edge of the fountain.

The jerk does it with ease, too, as if he’s entitled to invade her space. True, he’s good-looking with golden hair and sun-kissed skin, and from what I’ve heard, he’s the star quarterback, but so what?

I stand on one leg but lean over to hear what they’re talking about.

“Hey, tsundere.” He grins. “What type of trouble are you up to today?”

She doesn’t raise her head from her plate, as if she’s still all alone. “Beating your ass into the fountain or shoving your face up your ass. Take your pick.”

Sebastian laughs and bumps her shoulder with his. “I knew you were kinky. Tell me more.”

“Fuck off.”

“I would rather fuck on.” He winks.

“What part of leave me alone do you not understand? I hate you, asshole.”

“But I don’t.”

She grabs her plate and attempts to leave.

“You don’t have to play so hard to get, tsundere.” He taps her nose. “You’re just a fuck, remember?”

Naomi turns as red as a tomato as he stands up and stalks back toward his friends.


No wonder he’s Asher’s friend. The asshole surrounds himself with dipshits who resemble him.

But then again, I’m the one who dared Sebastian. That part is all on me.

I limp to Naomi’s side, my head lowered and my skin prickling with shame.

“For the last time, I won’t suck you off. I’d rather eat vomit off the walls,” she snaps.

“Wow. That’s quite the visual.” I smile.

Her head jerks up and her gaze immediately hardens. “You.”

“Yeah, me.” I sit down beside her, keeping some distance between us. “Do you mind?”

“I do, actually. I escaped your band of mean girls to eat in peace.”

“But Sebastian ruined it.”

Her upper lip lifts in disgust. “Screw that asshole.”

“Yeah, screw him with a backward stick so he feels pain every time he thinks about screwing someone.” I smile tentatively. “I’m sure this is too late, but I wanted to say I’m so sorry for that dare.”

She raises an eyebrow as if not believing what I just said. “Is this some sort of reverse psychology where you’ll get me to admit my deepest darkest secrets and wishes? You don’t have to, because my wish already didn’t come true.”

“How so?”

“I wished you’d die, but you’re still alive.”


My heart sinks as I stare at my flats with my hands in my lap. I didn’t think she hated me to the point of wishing me dead.

Old Reina, what have you done?

“Shit. You’re really upset?” Naomi watches me closely. “I never thought I’d live to see Reina Ellis upset.”

“Of course I get upset, I’m a human.”

“More like a monster who survives on being cunning, manipulating others, and screwing people’s lives over.” Her rapid-fire words stab me right in the chest.

Asher isn’t the only one who thinks I’m a monster. Is that my nickname in everyone’s subconscious?

“I told you I’m sorry, didn’t I?” I say hopefully.

“Sorry? Do you think sorry fixes anything?” She laughs with a bitter edge as she stands up. “You can take your sorry and shove it up your skinny ass.”

And then she’s storming out of view.

My shoulders droop as I angle sideways and stare at my reflection in the water.

Who knew behind such a beautiful face lurked a nightmare?

I should’ve had a purpose, right? But no matter how much I think about it, there can’t possibly be an excuse to hurt people.

It’s just wrong. Everything is so wrong.

Another beautifully cruel face greets me in the reflection before he throws a rock in the water, disturbing both our images.

I turn around and scowl at Asher’s face, which is still covered by aviators.

Does he ever remove them?

His broad shoulders block the sun and his shadow falls over me like damnation.

Izzy said Asher played football in high school, but unlike his friends, he chose to study international law.

Why would he abandon that now? We spent three years apart; why would he come back now of all times?

He makes less sense than my missing memories.

“Do you believe how much of a monster you are now?” he asks with a cool edge.

I fold my arms. “I know why Naomi hates me. Why don’t you tell me why you hate me?”

“Why?” He leans forward, filling the air with his sheer presence. “So you can kiss it better?”

“Sure, why not?” I taunt.

“Reina,” he growls.

I have learned a trick when it comes to dealing with Asher: if I cower, he’ll push until I fall, but if I push back, he’s taken by surprise.

People like Asher are easier to handle when they’re caught off guard. It’s impossible to clash with him when he has all his walls up. It’ll just destroy my armor.

“Did I make you do a dare, too?” I place a hand on his T-shirt, my voice dramatic. “You didn’t like the girl?”

He snatches my wrist and holds it in a deadly grip. “Stop fucking around, or you’ll regret it.”

What’s there to regret when I already hate my life?

I lean closer and whisper in his ear, “Show me your worst, Ash.”

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