All it Takes is Love

Chapter 7

Byron and Lynn lay side by side, resting after they finished playing in the lake.

“Byron, are you okay? You’re quieter than usual,” Lynn asked.

Byron turned his head and gave Lynn a half-smile. “It’s a lot to take in. I mean, I find out that I have the alpha gene and the delta gene as well. In the span of just a few moments, my life is turned upside down.”

Leaning up on one elbow, Lynn gently rubbed his chest. “Yeah, I guess that is a lot to take in. But Byron, it’s also a good thing because now you know what you are and why.”

“My dad is an Alpha though, that’s all I’ve ever wanted to be. Now, even though I have the alpha gene, it isn’t enough to become the Alpha. All I’ve ever wanted was to be able to take this Pack over when Dad retires. So, I suppose I still feel a bit let down,” Byron sadly whispered.

Lynn laid her head down on his chest with a sad sigh of her own. Thinking about her own life, she said, “I know, but sometimes what we want isn’t what we need, no matter how badly we want it.”

Then they just lay, lost in their thoughts.

Suddenly Byron stiffened, and Lynn asked, “What’s wrong?”

“A car just stopped at the border, one male, one female,” Byron answered, his gaze steady on hers. “They’re asking for you.”

“My parents?”

“It sounds as if it might be. Patrol says the male is acting almost frantic.”

Lynn bit her lip thoughtfully. What could they want, and how did they know I was here? Nodding, she said, “We better go find out.”

So, shifting into their wolves, they headed for the border. Once they arrived, Lynn found her dad pacing next to the family car while her mom tried to calm him.

“I can’t be calm. I need to know if Lynn is here, but the longer we stay, the harder it becomes to block him out,” Dad said with a pained grunt. “He wants to know where I am, and I need to get far enough away to break the pack bond so he can’t find us.”

“I know, honey, but all you’re doing is making these guards nervous with—” Mom stopped talking as Lynn stepped out of the shadows. “Oh, Lynn, you finally shifted. Your wolf is so beautiful.”

Mom ran to Lynn and dropped down on her knees to hug her. Lynn’s wolf let out a contented whine as it connected with Mom’s wolf.

Byron stepped out from the shadows and shifted. Quickly putting on his shorts, he held his t-shirt out for Lynn.

Mom stood and backed away.

After putting the t-shirt on, Lynn ran to hug her dad. “Dad, how did you find me?”

“Pure luck. When I realized you were gone the other day, I followed your scent for a little bit, I followed it in this direction, but I stopped at the Pack border. So, when we left our Pack, we came this way also. We were hoping we’d find you somewhere along here, so I stopped. I pulled off the road and was about to take a whiff to see if I could catch your scent when the guards caught us. So, we asked for you,” Dad explained.

“So, why are you here?” Lynn asked.

Dad growled as he tugged at his hair.

Lynn knew he was struggling to keep Alpha Raymond blocked and winced in sympathy.

“I was just going to let you go when I realize you had left. Your mom and I figured if you got away, you had a chance to find your mate. Although we have no idea what caused you to run in the first place,” Dad answered.

“I heard you when you came home that morning after meeting with the Alpha,” Lynn admitted. “I heard that the Alpha’s son wanted me as his personal maid. I know what he’s like, Dad, and I want no part of him.”

Dad nodded, giving a heavy sigh. “I figured as much, but it’s so much worse now than it was when you left.”

Lynn felt Byron’s arms wrap around her, and she leaned into him, taking comfort in his grip as she asked, “How?”

“Alpha Raymond’s son doesn’t just want you as a personal maid anymore. He wants you as his mate. In a fit of rage, it seems he killed his and now has his mind is set on having you,” Dad informed them with a solemn look.

Byron let out a deafening growl, and Lynn looked at him just in time to see his eyes flash gold. “She is mine! He will not have her.”

Lynn saw her mom flinch back and watched as her dad took a deep breath. She knew he was smelling to find out what position Byron held in this Pack so that he would know how to deal with him.

“Lynn is your mate,” Mom stated.

“Yes, and your Alpha’s son will die before he can place one finger on her,” Byron growled.

“Ah, baby girl, it makes me so happy that you have found your mate and an Alpha no less. Now all my children have their mates, and we are free to go,” Dad whispered. “He will protect you, Lynn, so much better than I can. But we need to go now. Alpha Raymond is trying to break through my mental barriers. I don’t want him to know I stopped here, or he’ll know you’re here.”

“You’re leaving? Why not stay here with me?”

Dad shook his head. “No, Lynn, I won’t bring a war to your mate’s Pack. Your mom and I will go far from here and write to you once we are settled. We aren’t safe as long as Alpha Raymond and his son rule the Simmion pack, and neither are you if he finds you.” He turned to Byron and stuck out his hand. “Take good care of my little girl, Alpha. She’s special.”

Byron had cocked his head at the title Alpha but only nodded. “I will. Good luck, and let us know where you end up, so Lynn won’t worry.”

“What about my sisters?” Lynn asked.

“I warned your sisters, but I think they’re out of his reach and should be okay,” Mom answered.

Then they both gave her a big hug before quickly leaving.

Lynn watched her dad’s car fly down the road and wondered if she’d ever see them again. They hadn’t always treated her like she would have liked, but they were her parents, and she loved them.

“One day, sugar, one day they’ll be back,” Byron whispered.

“I hope so.”

“Hey, Byron,” one of the guards called out. “Why did he call you Alpha?”

Byron turned toward the guard; his lip curled up in a snarl as his eyes turned gold. “Because I am an Alpha.” Then he turned to me and said, “Shift!”

Lynn instantly shifted at his command. He shifted then, and together they ran back toward his house. When they came to a stop in front of the house, Lynn stood panting for breath. Then she shifted back and stared at Byron’s wolf as she asked, “Were we in a race I was unaware of, Byron? My legs are like noodles now.”

Byron shifted and laughed. “Yeah, I’ve always been a runner. My wolf and I love to run, and I think we could do it all day and never tire.”

The front door opened, and the Alpha stepped out. “Son, I understand there was someone at the border.”

“Yes, Dad, there was.” Byron looked around. “I don’t think it’s something we need to discuss out here where anyone can hear us, though.”

The Alpha nodded and said, “I’ll meet you in my office after the two of you dress.”

Then he left us to do just that.

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