All it Takes is Love

Chapter 23

Lynn sat gazing out the window that faced the backyard as she thought back over the past six months. She could hardly believe it had been that long when it seemed like just yesterday, Byron was taking over the Simmion Pack.

Things have been good, though, perfect.

Landon had recommended a guy from the Raider Pack named Nick to train our wolves. Nick was a tough wolf who had quickly whipped the Pack into fighting shape. It had come just in time, too, since some of the Pack had seen rogues on the border last month.

Another good thing was the two houses had been emptied of all belonging, then torn down. The former servants had taken a lot of items and sold them, including a couple of cars. Two of the servants, who were mates, had taken their money and moved to another pack. They said the memories here were just too much, and Byron understood this.

Also, enough lumber had been salvaged to do a lot of the renovations on Pack buildings. Raymond’s house had been enormous, three stories, giving them enough lumber to add to the packhouse kitchen and the daycare. The Pack had also been able to build a gym onto the back of the packhouse.

Byron said when the Moonscape Pack had built their gym, it gave the male wolves an alternative outlet for their anger besides fighting.

They had also divided the space in the Pack clinic into four rooms and an office for the Pack doctor. Plus, bathrooms were added to it and Byron’s office.

Oh, and she couldn’t forget about the four young boys Byron met with that first day. The first time they all came to see him, they seemed so sad and broken, but with Bryon’s help, they now laugh and joke with the other young men in the Pack.

Byron never said anything about what was told to him in that meeting or subsequent ones because they asked him not to tell anyone.

The strange thing was when Byron had told Lynn that he also mentioned how she should already know because she’d woken up and spoken. Lynn quickly informed Byron she had no idea what he was talking about, and she didn’t then or now. He’d given her a confused look, but with a shrug, he, and Lynn, had let it go.

One of the young men in the group Byron talked to the first day was Dan. Dad is training him to be a beta when he retires. Dan’s mom also came out of her coma and is so proud of him.

Byron also brought the young boy, James, into their home. He is such a sweet young man and had been raised to be mannerly and polite by his parents.

Lynn found out Raymond had killed his parents before him, and she was determined to make him feel welcome. After just six months, he was already a big part of their lives. Since he had no family, he calls Lynn’s parents Papa and Nana. Byron’s parents he calls Papa Alpha and Nana, and it is so cute.

Mom has spoiled him rotten since she sees him almost daily, but everyone loves to see the happy boy he is now compared to the hurt and confused one he was. He’s also nearly as excited about the soon-to-be-here baby as she and Byron were.

Speaking of family. Lynn’s sisters were finally able to come and see her. For the first time, the three of them spoke as equals and were well on the way to rebuilding a relationship with each other. They also made plans to come after the baby is born, and hopefully, Lynn would get to meet their mates then.

Lynn and Byron also ended up having a house built because there weren’t any empty ones for them to have. So, some of the guys got together and put a rush on it because they decided that their new Alpha should have a home of his own before the little Alpha arrived.

Lynn still had to laugh sometimes at how right Byron was when he said she would end up pregnant quickly.

The Pack doctor had already told them the baby was a boy, and Lynn knew deep down that he would be Alpha. Sadly, Byron seemed scared to put too much hope into it. But you know what? Neither Byron nor I am worried about his rank. All we care about is that he’s healthy. So, no matter what he is, Alpha or Beta, or Delta, we will love this baby.

Lynn reached down to lovingly rub her swelling stomach just as the front door slammed loudly, and she heard someone running up the stairs. She frowned. What is wrong with Byron?

She began shaking her head sadly because, deep down, she already knew without asking. There was only one thing that truly upset Byron: he doesn’t feel like he looks like an Alpha.

Making her way slowly up the stairs, she leaned on the bedroom door frame and watched Byron. He was standing in front of their full-length mirror. He was also shirtless and in the process of pushing his shorts down as he stared at himself. He had a mulish look on his face.

“Why are you getting naked without me?” Lynn teased.

Byron looked up, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “I’m no bigger than I was when I wasn’t Alpha. Why Lynn, why don’t I look like all the other Alpha’s? Why am I still so scrawny?”

“You are not scrawny,” Lynn informed him with a bit of a growl in her voice. Pushing away from the door, she walked forward and turned him to face her. Then she pulled him down for a kiss. “Byron, I like the way you look. You are so perfect in my eyes.”

“I know you do, sugar. It’s just that Landon and his brother are here, and they’re both so—”

Lynn saw the fear of being mocked in his eyes. Byron had been poked fun of so much growing up because he didn’t look the way everyone thought an Alpha should. Even though Landon and his brother wouldn’t do it, Lynn knew Bryon still feared they would.

So, knowing that her love needed a bit of reassurance, she gladly gave it to him.

Lynn placed her hands on his shoulders and squeezed a bit before saying, “I love these shoulders because they are the perfect size to hold my head when I cry when I’m embarrassed or when I’m tired.”

Slowly moving her hands down his arms, she squeezed his biceps before moving on down to his hands. “These hands hold me, all of me, so gently and love me until I’m crazy with need.”

Bringing her hands back up his arms, she continued, “These biceps are strong enough to pick me up when I need you to carry me, even with a baby now on board.”

Next, Lynn placed her hands on his chest. “This chest is broad enough to lay my head on to catch my breath after you give me pleasure. With your perfect male nipples that tease me when I see them under your t-shirt.”

Then, she put her hands over his abs as she said, “And don’t get me started on this six-pack you’ve been working so hard on. I just want to lick all over them!”

By this time, Byron’s breath had speed up, and his pupils were beginning to dilate.

Finally, Lynn got down on her knees, pulling his shorts entirely off him. Running her hands down his thighs, then his calves, she murmured, “Ah… and your runner’s legs. I think they are beautiful even when you’re in wolf form and running me to death.”

Bryon chuckled, causing her to glance at him from under her lashes.

Running her hands over his backside and squeezed his bum. “I do believe your backside is just as enticing as the front.”

“And what about what is right in front of your face? How do you feel about it?” Byron teasingly asked.

Lynn hummed before she licked the tip of his cock, which was now semi-aroused. “Oh, I like it the best,” she assured him as he helped her stand. “It feels good on so many levels, and it helped create this precious pup I carry. Byron, you are perfect to me and for me. Don’t ever doubt yourself. I like that you don’t look like a bodybuilder on steroids.”

He frowned again. “But the other Alpha’s they—”

Lynn put a finger over his lips. “Baby, I’m not in love with those other Alphas, so I don’t care how they look. You are my Alpha, and you get the job done even without the Hulk man muscles. So, stop beating yourself up over it and make love to me because touching you has made me horny.”

“Yes, ma’am. It’s always a pleasure to serve you,” Byron murmured as he toted her over to their bed.

Waking up later, Lynn felt a hand gently rubbing her belly. “Mm… that feels good.”

“I’m glad because I like doing it,” Byron murmured close to her ear. “The baby kicked a little bit ago, and he’s strong.”

“Yeah, sometimes I still can’t believe I’m going to have a baby. He’ll be here soon, and the doctor said since he’s an alpha, he won’t wait as long. I can hardly wait to see him.”

“Lynn, how are you so sure he’s going to be an alpha?” Byron asked as he kissed her shoulder.

Lynn sighed deeply, turning her head to meet his eyes. “I don’t know; I just feel it. I talked to my mom about it, and yours.”

Byron’s eyes widened. “When did you talk to my mom?”

“A couple of days ago. I had a few questions, and I thought your mom might have answers.” Lynn shrugged.

“What did you ask her? What did she say?”

“Well, first, I talked to my mom about what it was like to carry my sisters and me. She told me that carrying a girl was different than a boy because boys were bigger. She went on to tell me that my sister Monica was actually born with the beta gene. She’s beta for her Alpha mate in the Titan Pack. Anyway, she told me that somehow, she just always knew Monica was going to be a beta because even though she was the second born, she was… heavier somehow than Jennie was.”

“Heavier? She decided she was a beta because she was heavier?” Byron incredulously asked.

“It doesn’t need to make sense to you because it does to me, and I’m the one carrying the baby,” Lynn informed him as she stuck out her tongue childishly.

“Fine,” Byron muttered with a pout.

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