All it Takes is Love

Chapter 18

Lynn slowly moved behind him, silently listening to them talk as they walked the five steps to the second doorway.

The guard opened the door and held it for them to walk in.

Lynn looked around and wrinkled her nose up at the smell of mold and mildew. “It doesn’t smell very good in here, does it?”

“I think that is the least of these room’s problems,” Byron muttered.

“Well, I did say it wasn’t well cared for,” the guard reminded them.

“He did,” Lynn agreed. “However, if you get me a broom along with a mop and bucket, I think most of it is just superficial. I’ll also need something to wash the walls down with to get rid of the mold.”

“I can get that for you,” Margie said as she poked her head in the door. “I might even be able to find some Lysol spray for the smell.”

Lynn turned to smile at Margie as she said, “Thanks, Margie, you’re a lifesaver.”

“Quick question, do you know if the room is soundproof?” Byron asked.

The guard looked thoughtful. “I’m not sure. Why?”

“My dad’s office is soundproof. He said an Alpha needs a soundproof room because sometimes Pack members want to tell you things privately. Privacy is a hard thing to come by with werewolf hearing,” Byron explained.

“That is true,” the guard agreed.

“I know one way to find out,” Lynn stated as she walked out the door. Once outside, she yelled Byron’s name as loud as she could from the bottom of the porch. Then she waited, but he never came. Grinning, she walked back inside and said, “It’s soundproof.”

“How do you know?” Margie asked.

Lynn laughed. “Because I yelled for Byron at the top of my lungs, and he didn’t come running out all in a panic.”

“Sugar, were you purposely trying to worry me?” Bryon asked as he walked up to her.

“No, I was just trying to find out of the room was soundproof for you,” Lynn informed him with a sniff. “Which I did. So, you should thank me.”

“Thank you, sugar,” Byron mumbled as he nuzzled at her neck. “Now, I’m going to help Gerald find some men to move the filing cabinets into this room. I’ll be back in a little bit, okay.”

Lynn nodded and kissed him before he left with the guard, Gerald.

“How long have the two of you been together?” Margie asked as she stopped in the doorway.

“Since I left here,” Lynn answered. “I ran into a hunter’s trap, and he saved me. Best day of my life.”

“Ah, I still remember the day I met my mate,” Margie said with a secretive smile. “I’ll go find those supplies.”

Lynn nodded and following her out onto the porch. Then she sat down to wait.

Sara walked outside and handed Lynn another sandwich and a bottle of water.

“Thank you,” Lynn murmured as she began to eat.

Sara started to sit down, but Lynn waved her away. “No, you go be with your mate.”

“It’s okay. I can stay with you.”

“No, I’m fine by myself, and you need to be with your mate,” Lynn told her and made a shooing motion. “He’ll heal faster with you next to him. Now go.”

“Fine! I’m going.”

It wasn’t long before Margie was back with a couple of other women. The three of them quickly got to work on the room. By the time they had the floors cleaned and some of the walls, Gerald and Byron returned with four big men.

The men had gotten a truck from somewhere and loaded it down with office stuff. There must have been at least seven filing cabinets, plus a desk and chair. Another truck pulled up, and it had a couch, a TV, and two chairs. It also had a big rug for the floor.

“I’ll see about putting down carpet later, but for now, this will work,” Byron said with a grin when she asked what the carpet was for.

The men then went to work on placing everything inside while Margie, the girls, and Lynn finished the walls. When they finished, she thanked the two girls as they left.

Byron let the guys leave then also.

Then Lynn began to wash the windows on the inside while Margie took the outside.

“Well, what do you think?” Byron asked when they’d done what they could.

“Looks better than it did,” Lynn said. “I’m going to suggest we leave everything open for the rest of the day and let it air a bit, though.”

Byron had opened his mouth to speak when light taps on the open door interrupted him.

The two of them turned to find the young man who had cried in Byron’s arms standing nervously in the doorway.

“I-I found them all,” he timidly said.

Byron knowingly nodded, and Lynn wondered who the boy had found. The way the boy kept looking at her, though, gave her the impression he didn’t want her to know. So, she didn’t ask.

“Alright. Well, I’ve found out that this room is soundproof, and it’s going to be my new office,” Byron stated. “So, we’ll meet here tomorrow at ten am. How does that sound?”

“That’s fine, sir,” the boy said before he turned and left.

When the boy was out of sight, Byron turned to face her after he closed the door.

“Finally, we are alone,” Byron mentioned. Walking over, he took hold of her hand and led her to the couch, pulling her down on his lap when he’d sat. “It’s been a long day, and I don’t even know where we’re sleeping tonight.”

Placing a kiss on his lips, Lynn whispered, “Don’t care where I am if I’m with you. I’m thinking the packhouse, though.”

“Hm, that works. We better hope they have an empty bed, though,” Byron murmured before he began to kiss along her neck.

From there, he began to suck on her mark, causing her to moan. She felt the fire in her blood began to boil as his hands roamed up under her shirt and across her bare skin. With longing in her voice, she whispered, “Byron, I need you.”

Byron growled and turned her to straddle his waist. Then he pulled her shirt up, leaving her breasts bare to his gaze. “I need you too, sugar. The fight, the heartbreak, the responsibilities. I need to forget it in your arms for just a little while.”

Lynn nodded and leaned in to kiss along his neck. After a nip at his ear, she whispered, “Tell me what you want, baby.”

“I want your mouth all over me, along with your hands,” Byron replied as his head fell back against the couch.

So, Lynn kissed down his neck and across his shoulder. Then, moving off his lap, she knelt between his knees to kiss his chest, nipping at his hard, male nipples before moving down further. She placed her hands on his waistband and tugged.

Byron lifted, and Lynn quickly pulled his shorts down.

“Ah, sugar. What?” Byron’s words tapered off as a loud moan left his throat.

His hips bucked as her tongue swept across the tip of his hard cock. Lynn glanced up at him through her lashes and saw him watching.

“More, sugar, please.”

So, she gave him more, which soon had him groaning out his release.

Afterward, Byron pulled her back onto his lap. Laying her head on his shoulder, she let out a tired sigh. His hands moved in soothing circles on her back, and her eyes drooped.



“I love you.”

“I love you too, Byron.”

“It’s all going to be okay here, I think,” Byron murmured thoughtfully. “I know I have my work cut out for me, but when your dad gets here, he’ll help.”

“Yeah, it’s going to be fine,” she whispered as she kissed his chest. Then, laying her head back down on his shoulder, she allowed sleep to carry her away.

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