All it Takes is Love

Chapter 11

The following day Lynn woke up smiling.

“That’s a huge smile you have on your face, sugar,” a sleep husky voice murmured from beside her.

“Mm-hm… well, I have a lot to smile about.”

“Really?” the husky voice asked, but seemingly closer. “Do tell.”

Lynn didn’t get a chance to say anything. Byron had begun to move down her body, placing kisses along the way, and it took her breath.

Watching him, she saw him come to a stop at her belly, and he nuzzled his nose along it. He then kissed her just under her belly button. The belly button was a susceptible spot for her. The desire it caused to pulse through her body had her clenching her hands in the sheets.

Lynn felt her eyelids flutter as she breathed in sharply, but she managed to keep them open. Watching Byron move lower, she moaned, “Byron.”

He raised his blue eyes, darkened with desire, to look at her. His lips were still against her skin, so when he murmured, “Yes, sugar?” his hot breath created shivers of pleasure over her belly.

“What are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m giving you pleasure,” was his reply before he once more lowered his head.

His hands spread her thighs, and his mouth began to do things she’d never dreamed possible. All Lynn could do was lay there, crying and moaning in pleasure. Before long, Byron had her screaming his name as an orgasm washed over her, leaving her legs trembling.

Byron moved up and over her, thrusting his cock inside her wet folds. Moving in and out swiftly, he brought them both to the peak of pleasure once more. Then he sent them both crashing over into a hard release.

“That was some way to wake a girl up, Byron,” Lynn murmured as she nipped at his ear.

He chuckled. “Yes, lovely, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it was, and now I’m hungry.”

Rolling off her, Byron sat up and stretched.

Lynn watched his back muscles roll with the stretch before he stood and gave her a view of his very firm bum. She bit her lip to hold back a moan as she debated on reaching out and squeezing it. Just to test how firm it actually is.

Byron looked over his shoulder at her as if he heard her thoughts. His low growl had her raising her eyes, and she found his eyes glowing gold.

“Sugar, you tempt me.”

“Sorry, I just… you….”

Byron turned back toward the bed.

Glancing downward, Lynn saw he was a bit more than tempted. He was fully aroused and ready to go.

So, crawling across the bed toward him, Lynn moved up on her knees. Reaching up, she pulled his head in for a kiss. When she pulled back, she breathlessly said, “How about we try showering together.”

Byron threw her over his shoulder with a growl and carried her, laughing, to the bathroom.

“Byron, are we going to see your dad this morning?” Lynn asked, pushing her empty plate away.

“Yes,” Byron agreed as he sat his coffee cup down. “We need to discuss a plan of action.”

They were just finishing up breakfast, and Lynn was feeling nervous again. So, standing up, she headed over to the window to gaze out.

“Are you alright, sugar?”

Lynn returned to where he sat and sat down in his lap. “No, I’m not because something isn’t right. I can feel my wolf pacing in my head. I’m worried, Byron. Alpha Raymond is a cruel man, and his son is even worse.”

Byron gently rubbed her back as he placed gentle kisses on top of her head. “Tell me about him, Lynn.”

“Where do I even start? I suppose my first real memory of Alpha Raymond was when I was about seven. It was at a Pack meeting, and I suppose I already feared him a bit because he was so big.

“Is that why you almost cringe when my dad gets too close to you?”

“Yeah, your dad is huge too,” Lynn agreed as she gazed into his eyes. “That’s why I like that you don’t look like a bodybuilder on steroids, Byron. I like your lean body, and it makes me feel safe.”

Byron smiled and gave her a slow kiss before demanding, “Continue.”

So, laying her head on his shoulder, she said, “I remember him asking if anyone had any questions when the meeting was over. I don’t even remember what they discussed, just that one man in the back stood. He questioned something Alpha Raymond had said, and suddenly the Alpha’s face turned red. Before anyone could even blink, he had shifted and killed the man. I remember there was blood everywhere.” Lynn shivered at the memory because it was still so vivid in her mind.

Byron held her tighter. “Being an Alpha means you have a lot of power to control, and sadly some Alphas have no control. Those are the ones that should never be in power. My dad was always a kind Alpha, but sadly some are not.”

“When Alpha Raymond shifted back, he told the Pack that we should never question him because he was Alpha, and our only job was to do as told. In later years, he would sometimes get angry and just grab whoever was closest to him, man, woman, child; it didn’t matter. Sometimes he just beat them bloody. Other times he killed them.”

“What about his son?” Byron asked, still sounding calm, though there was a hardness under the calm.

“Chester,” Lynn shivered and rubbed her hand over his shoulder. “Chester is abusive, and he likes the women. However, I don’t know what he likes more, the sex or the beatings he gives them. When I was in high school, we girls quickly learned never to go anywhere alone. If there were at least two girls, he’d leave them alone, but if he ever caught you by yourself, you quickly found yourself in trouble. It wasn’t just the wolf girls that had to worry about him either because he’d go after the human girls too.” She shuddered again. “It doesn’t surprise me that he killed his mate, Byron. He probably didn’t want her because why have one when you can have them all. That’s why I don’t understand why he wants me exactly.”

“I don’t know why he would harm her, much less kill her. As a male wolf, it’s in our DNA to cherish and protect our mate at all costs. It just doesn’t make any sense to me, and he’d need his mate for an heir if nothing else. It sounds as if he’s lost all sense of right and wrong to the point that he may just have gone too far somehow. As far as why he wants you….” Byron shrugged. “Who knows what goes on in the mind of someone like that.”

“Well, I don’t have any answers, but I’m glad I got away when I did. Not only did I save myself from Chester, but I met you,” Lynn murmured as she looked into his blue eyes.

Byron smiled. “I’m glad to, sugar.”

“Byron, how is it you’re so calm after what I’ve said?” Lynn questioned him, curious, her head tilted. “Most male wolves would be angry to the point of shifting in anger with what I’ve just told you.”

Byron shrugged. “It’s why they call me peacemaker. It takes a lot to really rile me up. Even then, I don’t have the anger issues most male wolves have, and I calm quickly. I have to say, though, that I’ve actually never gotten furious until, well, until you came,” Byron admitted as he caressed her cheek lovingly. “Now, how about—”

A howl split the air cutting Byron off.

“What was that?”

“That was the border patrol. The border on the east has been breached,” Byron answered. Placing her on her feet, he stood.

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