All is Fair

Chapter 7

September 8th, V26 – Early Morning


“Awake at last” the Witch said when I opened my eyes. “I thought you were going to sleep the night away”

Longflower sat beside me on the bed, an actual four poster with a canopy draped across the top. She was wiping my brow tenderly with scented lavender water from a porcelain bowl.

The room was richly furnished in an old world style, with wooden cabinets and dressers and leather upholstered chairs. A floral print decorated the walls where they could be seen behind framed paintings and tapestries.

I gazed up at Longflower’s gentle expression as she tended to me. She was a beauty by any standards, with long brown hair held back by blue ribbons and piercing hazel eyes.

“I dreamed I was flying” I said to her.

“We did. That was how I was able to get you back here in time to give you the antidote” she answered. “Much longer and you would have been blinded for life”

“Thanks for coming to help me” I told her. “I know you don’t like going outside”

“Well, dear child, I could scarcely leave you to expire after it was my poor information that sent you there” Her face clouded for a moment. “The Warlock knew I had my Children searching for clues to his location. He must have deliberately set that bait to draw you in”

“I was just fortunate it was a single Mare. If there had been others I would have been done for”

Longflower gave me an appraising glance. “That was a powerful Shadow Mare, far stronger than any I have seen in centuries. It was not good fortune you survived, it was a miracle”

“You saw it?” I wondered and lifted myself from the pillows I had been lying on.

“My sight extends into more than this world, Venerae. I saw its aura as I approached and witnessed the power of your Exorcism spell. Nothing else you had could have defeated it, unless you had taken Threadcutter with you”

Maybe that was what the Warlock wanted, to force me to use the Norn Blade. To weaken me before our final confrontation?

“That reminds me, did you recover Ferro Mortis too?” I asked her hopefully. She gave me an indulgent smile and reached to the side of the enormous bed. The sword was in its scabbard and looked to be in perfect condition.

At that moment I registered the fact I was wearing just a simple white cotton chemise. I hastily pulled a pillow in front of me and hugged it close.

“Ah, Longflower, where are my clothes?”

“I have had Parsifal clean and mend them. He will bring them when you are ready. Shall I call him now?” she answered. I nodded yes and she clapped her hands imperiously, calling out his name.

A slender man with pale white skin and shoulder length jet black hair entered the room, dressed in a black suit like an undertaker. Even his undershirt and tie were deepest black. Only his eyes showed any colour, a startling yellow with black pupils.

“You are shitting me!” I blurted out. “Parsifal?”

“Venerae, please mind your language. A lady is present” said a scandalised Longflower. The man, presumably Parsifal, bowed to her and myself in turn.

“Your clothes and armour are ready, Madam” he announced. He spoke like an old English butler but I could see a glint of mischief in his eyes. Millie had that glint in her eyes all the time so I knew it well.

“Seriously though” I continued, “Are you really Parsifal? You know, the Raven familiar”

“Yes, Madam, I am one and the same” Parsifal replied and bowed to me once more.

I looked at the amused face of Longflower. “I have never heard of a Familiar able to transmute to a human form. Or is it a Transformation spell you have conjured up?” Either way I was impressed and it must have shown on my face.

Longflower preened and sat a little straighter. She rarely had any guests these days and never ventured outside, except for this night’s rescue. Having a chance to boast about her talents was an uncommon pleasure for her.

“Parsifal is not my first Familiar, but he has been with me now for over two centuries. He is a very specific form of his species, known as a Greater Familiar. Among his own kind he would be considered a Prince, perhaps even a King”

“So why does he serve you? Couldn’t he break the Binding Oath if he was that powerful?”

“I choose not to, Madam” Parsifal answered for himself. “My existence as a servant to Lady Longuefleur is far more desirable than a kingship in my realm”

“She must treat you really nice then” I speculated.

“Actually, she is a terrible mistress” he said evenly. “If you will excuse me, I shall fetch your things” Parsifal bowed once more and left the room, shutting the wood panelled door gently closed.

“Please close your mouth, dearest Venerae. It is most unladylike” commented Longflower.


Parsifal had indeed cleaned and mended my clothes and armour coat. He laid them out neatly on the bed and informed me that his mistress would be awaiting me in the lounge.

“Why have you only ever shown yourself as a raven to me?” I asked him, still holding the pillow against my chest.

“Lady Longuefleur thought it prudent to hide the extent of my power, especially once we came to this city. I use this form at times to make purchases and attend meetings on her behalf, but no-one must know I am also her Familiar”

“So what changed? If this is such a big secret, why reveal it to me now?”

Parsifal paused and looked a little embarrassed. “My mistress is greatly upset at having led you to an ambush. She wishes to make amends” He looked me in the eye. “I am to accompany you and act as protector and assistant on her behalf until you have defeated the Warlock and recovered your niece”

“Do I get a say in that?” I asked.

“I would think not, Madam.” He bowed and left the room on noiseless feet, pulling the door shut to give me privacy.

Once I had dressed and strapped my sword and scabbard to my back, I went out into the corridor. I had been here before so I walked the plush carpets, admiring the richly adorned walls, and made my way to the lounge room.

Longflower had money, lots and lots of money. She owned this entire building, a multistorey residence in a wealthy part of Pan City, and it was just her, a few select servants, and her Children. From the outside the building was all modern concrete, glass and solar panels. On the inside it was like a living museum, full of old furniture, artworks and ornate ceilings and walls. The floor coverings alone ranged from genuine antique rugs, salvaged timber flooring from English manor houses and even stone flagging from an Egyptian temple.

When I opened the door to her lounge, a spacious room filled with plush chairs and low tables, I had not expected to see so many Children here. Most times I had visited, she had a few of her favourites lying about. Right now there had to be fifty of them at least, arrayed in a broad arc before her wingback chair.

The cats did not notice my arrival, as intent as they were at gazing upon their Mistress. I was reminded of a time at the Orphanage when a favourite teacher was telling the little ones a fairy tale. That was not me of course. All the children had been sitting like this, looking with adoration at her.

Or perhaps it was more like worshippers kneeling at the feet of their Goddess, waiting to hear the command to wage holy war on the unbelievers.

“Welcome Venerae. I have just been telling my Children about the terrible incident earlier this night. I am making sure they take extra precautions before they go back to the streets” Longflower beamed at me and then as one the cats all stood, stretched and trooped out through a number of cat doors mounted around the room.

Her control over her Children was as creepy as her obvious love and care for them. I had no idea what form of magic she used to achieve it. Maybe she was a Cat Goddess in a previous life?

I sat on a low chaise lounge she indicated next to her. Cat lady behaviour aside, she had helped me many times in the past couple of years. What she had done for me tonight was not a debt I could hope to repay.

“I owe you a lot, Longflower...” I began. She cut me off with a hand placed over mine, patting it gently.

“The things I do for my friends are not done to gain a reward, or place them in my debt” she said. “I do them because I can and because I want to”

She looked me over, satisfied that my clothes and gear were suitable to be seen in public once more. “I have some things I want to ask you my dear, as my closest friend”

“Firstly, you will accept Parsifal as your servant until this affair is done. Having him with you is the only way I can ensure your safety. While he is at your side I will be able to monitor the situation and send what additional aid I can”

“Secondly, you may not age but your body has taken many wounds and scars over the years. Parsifal is preparing a rejuvenation potion of my own recipe that you will drink before you leave here”

“Thirdly, I am not at all happy that a friend of mine is forced to live in that awful hotel full of spies, assassins and thieves. As soon as possible I would like you to take up rooms in the East Wing of my residence. You will be able to come and go as you please without disturbing anyone and my wards and charms will keep you safe while you sleep”

I just looked at Longflower in disbelief.

“Ah, can I take some time to think about all of that” I asked her, not wanting to refuse her outright. My superiors in the Order would go into cardiac arrest if they knew I was wandering the city with a Familiar, let alone moving in with a bona-fide Witch. If they let me off lightly they might only burn me at the stake.

Parsifal entered the lounge at this time, carrying a polished silver tray with a small crystal decanter and tumbler on it. He set it on a low table in front of me with a flourish.

“The elixir is ready, Madam” he announced. It was a pale amber liquid, making me think of whisky or scotch.

I realised it was futile to argue against this request from Longflower. Having some relief from a stiff back would be a definite bonus.

“Do I drink it neat or can I get a mixer?” I joked.

Longflower gave me a stare so I piped down. Parsifal poured a good measure into the tumbler and presented it to me.

“Bottoms up, Madam” he said drily. I took it from him and knocked it back in one hurried gulp. It burned like hard liquor all the way down my throat and I gasped. My eyes teared up and I wondered if I was being struck blind all over again.

“S’good” I managed to get out before the fireworks began. It started slowly in my stomach like it had caught fire and it was spreading to my chest, back and groin. I felt my arms and legs start to burn and my head was ready to explode. Fire filled me completely and I wondered if this is what Joan felt like on her pyre, burned alive by the English.

“Fucking hell!” I screamed and collapsed on the lounge, spent and smouldering on the inside like a forest fire had raged through me.

“Really Venerae, you must learn to control your language” Longflower chided me. I felt her soft hand check my pulse and then opened one of my eyelids. She hummed and hawed for a moment. “Probably used a bit too much Angel’s Feather for a first timer” she admitted.

“My apologies Madam” said Parsifal and helped me sit upright once more.

I felt absolutely freaking amazing. Not only did my body look like I was in my mid-Twenties, I felt like it once more. There was a moment of panic when I wondered if all my hard earned spell foci were still inked on my flesh, but with a sigh of relief I could see they were intact.

All my recent wounds were completely healed. Even my power had been restored, the Dark Side energy filling my reservoir.

“Sorry, quick question, are there any side effects to this stuff?”

“Oh, if there were you would have noticed them by now” said Longflower breezily. Uh-huh, nice to know that now I thought.


Parsifal the Familiar and I walked down the deserted street under the cloudy night sky. It was not long until dawn yet I felt invigorated with an energy I had not experienced in years. If I had been alone I might have skipped for joy, and that was not something I had done since I was ten years old.

“How long does this feeling last?” I asked my companion. It is possible I may have twirled as I said this.

“About another hour Madam, then you should come down to a more stable mental state” he responded drily. “I do not allow the Mistress to undertake any serious endeavours until the euphoria stage has worn off. Perhaps you might consider doing the same?”

“Can’t” I said cheerily, “Too many things to do” Deep inside I knew this was not my normal behaviour, but my normal self was not in charge right now. If Longflower ever agreed to sell her potion she could buy the planet, no questions asked. People would kill to get rejuvenated like this.

I sobered at that thought. They probably had, which is why Longflower lived as a recluse, hidden away where the world could not find her.

“Hey Parsifal, does Longflower get lonely?”

He watched me from the corner of his eye, not breaking stride. His silver handled walking stick clacked along in time to his footsteps as we traversed the sidewalk.

“Of course she does, Madam. It is why she enjoys your visits so much”

“I figured that was the case” I sighed. My happy state was evaporating fast as the harsh realities of this world crash landed on my thoughts once again. “I can’t accept the offer to live in her house. The Order just won’t accept that”

“I understand, Madam” Parsifal agreed. “However that will be a concern to be addressed after the current dilemmas are resolved”

I watched Parsifal as we came to the end of the street and turned right. We were heading to a Metro station and it was not too far ahead. He was dressed exactly the same as when I first saw him, except now he had a pitch black overcoat over his suit, open at the front, and an actual Bowler hat perched on his head. Guess what colour the hat was?

“Is every piece of clothing you wear that same shade of black?” I asked Parsifal curiously.

He answered without facing me, continuing his steady walking pace.

“They are not clothes as such, simply physical manifestations of my raven form when translated to a human shape”

“Huh?” was my considered reply.

“When I am in raven form, I am sheathed in black feathers. In human form, they become my clothing and accoutrements”

That raised some interesting questions.

“Can you ever get naked?” I asked mischievously.

He stopped walking suddenly, so I skidded to a stop too. His expression was haughty and his yellow eyes regarded me intently.

“Madam, that is not question a lady of good breeding should ask of her manservant” he told me primly.

“Sorry Parsifal” I said with a grin, “It’s just the potion talking”

We continued on to the train station in silence. It was not friendship, not yet, but I liked being around Parsifal. He had been fun just as a raven Familiar, but now I could talk to him too. When things were resolved, I decided I would introduce Millie and Twenty to Parsifal and his Mistress.

The thought of that cheered me up more than any potion could.

“So where exactly are we going, Madam?” asked Parsifal politely.

“I need to go to my hotel room and recover something” I answered. “It is time I brought it back into the game.” I needed to remind the other players of who I really was, and the true power I could wield. Most importantly, I had to remind myself. I had hidden too long from my obligations, pretending I was just a servant of the Order. Time for the giants to stamp their feet and make the players recognise what I represented.

I smiled to myself and this time it was not just the potion or thoughts of Millie. It was the joyful thought of crushing my enemies and taking revenge for all the wrongs committed to those I loved. The blood of giants can be heady stuff too.

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