All I Wanted

Chapter 9


Song(s) for this chapter

llomilo by Billie Elish

“Ym glad we didn't have s*x" she says with tears rolling down her cheek.

She left my room and I was alone in my room, I could feel her absence and I don't know why it bothers me so much.

she's just a girl, a young one, one of my hostage and I am not possibly falling for her. There's no way I'm letting that happen. I walked into my bathroom and took a long shower maybe this will help me relieve myself of her, but it didn’t work as all my head could picture was Jane. The way she bent to suck my d**k, the way her cute and innocent eyes looked at me as she sai “come for me". That's it. An idea suddenly came over my mind and I think that's just what I need right now, I'm not falling for her I am falling for her body.

A knock on my door interrupted me from my thoughts

“Chase it's Anif open the door” Anif calls.

I got out of the bathroom, put on some pants and my chest were left open. I opened the door and Anif came in.

“Ym taking the girls to their masters today” Anif says

“Good and make sure none of them escape by the way have you imprinted our symbol on their viginal?” I ask

“Yes but there's one remaining, I was told you kept her aside” Anif says

“Hmm..yes I did she's not going with the rest” I say.

Anif gave me a weird look and then a smirk appeared on his face. Anif has been my childhood friend and we've been throug! a lot together, not only is he working for me he is also my advisor and my most trusted man.

“Enjoy yourself man” Anif says as he walks away from me

“I need her here, call her on your way out” I say

“Hmm” he says as he finally leaves.

Shortly after Anif left, Jane walked into my room with her face red. It's either she has been crying or she has been thinking o a thousand ways to kill me. Ill go with the latter.

“What do you want?” She asks looking straight into my eyes.

“You know if I were you ill be mindful of how I talk” I say

“Ym not scared of you, do your worst, kill me"

I let out a smirk “now that's why I want you around, I lie my women feisty”

“You disgust me” she says

“Ym just getting started” I replied. “You can't hide the fact that you want me so bad” I say while moving closer to her.

“Don't you dare come any closer to me" she says.

I continued my steps till my breath made her breathlesssee what I mean? You want me” I say

“I don't want you” she says with a low tone. I traced my hands down to her panties and she gasped. I moved my thumbs in a circular motion on that spot and in no time her pants were soaked.

“You claim you don't want me but your body tells me otherwise. I guess that's what's making us alike” I say as I continued to rub her clit through her panties. I slammed my lips against hers n kissed her hungrily. I increased the pace at which I rubbed her c**t while kissing her moans away.

“Please” she whimpers

“Please what?” I ask but she doesn't reply. I dig my hands into her panties and rubbed hard on her raw c**t.

“Please” she begs again.

“Please what?” I ask

“Please stop” she says and I could feel her legs shaking already.

“rll stop on only one condition” I say

“What's the condition” she asks eagerly.

“You have to do whatever I tell you to"

“Okay” she says and I removed my hands from her panties.

“I love your body” I say and ” I'm always hungry for it and I don't seem to get enough of it” I continued. I pulled her dress down exposing a lot of her skin It felt like it was the first time I'm getting to see and touch her skin. I just can't get enough of this woman.

I placed kisses on her shoulder and kept on kissing till I got to her boobs and I grabbed a hand full of them. They feel so soft. I lifted her off the ground and she wrapped her legs around my waist. My mouth connected to her nipples and I sucked on them. She let out a loud moan and I could sense that she was really enjoying what I was doing to her body but I was enjoying it more. I squeezed her soft a*s as I finally concluded that this woman here is a goddess. Every muscle and fibre in me wants to f**k her so bad since that's what I'll be doing to her but then there's a side of me that wants to know more about her.

Her face is red already and her eyes her closed, she let me touch her without being scared I could kill her instantly. Why isn’ she scared of me? I kissed her already plumped lips but this time it was gentle and she opened her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes staring into mine.

“You're a virgin” I ask her even tho I knew she was a virgin because her p***y was really tight when I fingered her earlier.

She nods her head. “Yes” she says.

How can she be this hot and still be a virgin, I'm damn sure young boys would have been rushing her. There was a slight sweet feeling in my chest and it's a strange one that has never happened to me. F**k.

“Get dressed” I say to her, I wanted to say more but I can't seem to say anything. I don’t want her to see the other side of me that I vowed never to show anyone.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and she let herself down from my hands.

“What more was I expecting” she says as she wore her clothes and left my room without looking at me.

Fk I'm falling in love with her, if I wanted her body I would have f****d her Instantly but I didn’t I wanted to know more about her.

I lied on my bed staring at the ceiling not knowing when I slowly dozed off.

A call woke me up from my nap it was Anif.

“Chase we need you here right now, we have been set up and the police are all around us our men are dying” Anif yells through the phone.

Fk this shouldn't be happening, I sprung up from my bed, went to my wardrobe took a bullet proof, wrapped it around my waist.

“Joni” I yell

Jon immediately came to my room.

“Gather all of my men we are going to war” I ordered.

“Yes sir” he says as he rushed out of my room.

In no time the men gathered at the hall way all with a weapon in their hands.

“Malik get about I0 vehicles ready ASAP" I say and Malik rushed outside with his 3 men.

“Brent go get a lot of weapons ready and loaded with bullets” I say as Malik left with a few men.

“Anif must not diet” I say as the rest dismissed themselves getting prepared.

I rubbed my temples and as I turned back I saw Jane.

“What's happening” she asks.

“None of your business go back to your room I'll tell one of my men to look after you”.

“I want to come along” she says. Is this woman kidding it does she think this is a movie.

“Are you dumb? You're not trained you could die in seconds of getting there” I say

“Let me die then but I want to come along with you” she says. I don't really have time to argue so I gave in but I'm going to make sure I protect her at all cost.

“Put on trousers and meet me in my room” I say as she hurried back to her room.

“Sir everything's in place” Brent says.

“Go there now I'll meet you there Anif must not die, kill the girls if necessary”

“Yes sir” he says as he left

Jane came into my room already dressed.

“Take off your top” I say and she opens her eyes widely.

“Just obey me won't you?" I say and she removed it still staring at me with shock on her face.

I brought out another bullet proof suit and wore it on her and I could see her releasing her breaths like she has been holdin it for long. She wore her top back and gave me a look that I could not read.

“rll protect you” I say as we left the house to Anif.

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