All I Wanted was a Mate

Chapter 4- Reject? (Part 2)

"Is that all?" The man behind the counter asked in a bored tone.

"You know what change the diet coke to a sprite." Katy scans the menu.

"Katy you've been ordering for fifteen minutes, there's people waiting for us!" I scold her.

"I'm done!" 

Behind us, you can hear people sighing and mumbling 'finally.' She turns around and glares at the other people in line.

"Come on, let's go sit down," I suggest.

Katy grabs her chicken sandwich, fries, and Sprite off the counter and carries her tray with her chin up high. We pick a table by the fountain in the middle of the food court and sit down.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to Victoria Secret?" Katy asks while munching on her fries.

"I'm sure," I grumble for the thousandth time.

After I had got my clothes from the first store we kept on shopping for three more hours, my arms were killing me! Every time Katy swiped Tyler's card through the little machine I felt guilty. We at least spent three hundred dollars. Throughout our shopping trip, Katy would constantly ask me if I wanted to go back to Victoria Secret. Why did my mate's sister want me to get lingerie for me to wear, for her brother! Maybe she felt bad for me.

"Are you almost done, it's getting late?"

"Ya, I'll carry my drink with me." Katy got up and threw away her garbage; then we walked back to the front entrance of the mall.

"Are you sure?" Katy asks as we pass the lingerie shop.

"Katy! Yes, I'm sure!"

We hopped in her Beetle and drove back to the pack house; it's already nine o'clock. When we got back, we had to grab all our bags from her car. When she opened the truck door, some of the bags started to fall out.

"Why did we buy so much?" Katy cries as she try's to grab all her bags off the cement ground.

"Your the one that said, oh let's go to this store, then that store, oh how about the store over there!" I mimic her.

"Hey, I might have a small shopping addiction."

"Small!" I motion to all the bags.

"Let's just get them inside."

We managed to hook all of our shopping bags on our arms, and we looked ridiculous. We couldn't open the door, so Katy attempted to knock, but it wasn't loud enough.

"Hurry my arms are dying," I wine.

"How about you try!" She yells at me.

"Use your head," I suggested.

"Hell. No. You use your head."

"No! My mates in there!" I protest.

"So?" She questions.

"I don't want to get a mark on my head and look... ugly," I mumble quietly.

All of the sudden the front door swings open revealing Jackson with an amused smile.

"How did you-"

"I heard you guys yelling, and Tyler asked me to go see what it was." He chuckled.

"Whatever." Katy pushed past him with all her bags, and I followed her inside.

"Did you guys buy the whole store?"

"Where's Tyler?" Katy asks ignoring Jackson's comment.

"In his office, why?"

"I have to give him back his credit card." Katy holds the plastic card in her hand.

"Tyler gave you his card?" Jackson asks, amazed.

"No this is a sandwich." Katy jokes flatly. "Here, go bring it to him." She holds the card, trying to give it to me.

"No way." I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"The third time I talk to him won't be to give him back his credit card."

"Do it, or I'll say bad things about you," she threatens.

Jackson comments, "That's cold."

"Katy," I beg, "don't make me. I thought we were friends."

She stares me dead in the eyes and hands the card to me once again. I huff and rip the card from her hands. "You'll thank me later." She calls to me as I walk to his office.

"I sure hope so," I whisper to myself.

I walk down the wide hallway. His office is at the very end. I walk slowly giving me time to think about what to say.

'Thanks for the money.'

'Katy told me to buy all that stuff.'

'Here's your credit card' Then sprint out.

I sigh as I stand in front of the double doors, I take a deep breath and knock. I here a low 'come in' and I twist the door handle and push the door open. Tyler was sitting at a large desk in the center of the office; there was a small stack of papers on his desk. When he looked up, I could see bags under his eyes, even when he's tired he's irresistible. I walk to his desk trying not to embarrass myself.

"Thanks," I murmur while handing him the card. His hand lightly touches mind as he takes the card from my hand. I feel electricity flow through my body, pure pleasure. I quickly move my hand and hold it to my chest.

"Why didn't you reject me," I mutter out loud not thinking about my actions.

He doesn't answer, but he stands up from his office chair and walks towards me.

"I told you that I'm not good for you." He breaths out, I know his wolf wants him to hold me, touch me.

"I don't care," I say my voice filled with emotion.

"Anna I-"

"I don't want to hear 'stay away' or 'I'm not good for you,' you're my mate!" I shout as a tear slides down my cheek. "We were made for each other."

"If you're unhappy then reject me." He said with a straight face.


"Anna reject me." He orders.

"What... no, I won't."

My back ran into the wood door as he held my arms at my side. My breath was heavy and my knees weak.

"Say it," He demanded.

I shook my head and tried to free myself from his firm hold. But I had no luck. "Say it!" He hollered again. I look him dead in the eyes as his grip on my wrists tightens.

"No!" I cry, praying he would let go.

"Anna I said-" I cut him off mid-sentence.

"I won't reject you!" More tears roll down my cheeks.

He lets go of my arms and turns the other way, facing away from me. "If you don't want to be my mate, then you reject me!"

He takes a deep breath and turns back around. "I can't." He states directly.

"Why not?" I question crossing my arms.

"I can't because from the second I saw you I knew I didn't deserve you." He walks closer. "I wanted you so bad; I wanted to make you mine." Our faces are inches apart. "You're so beautiful." His hand caresses my cheek, and his thumb ran over my bottom lip sending shivers throughout my body. "But as I said before I'm not good for you." His minty breath fans my face.

"How many times do I have to say I don't care." I move my lips closer to his, millimeters apart.

He runs his hand from my thigh up to my neck, sending shivers through my whole body. "I love the way you react to my touch." He breaths out.

I can't take it anymore; I want to touch him, I need to feel his lips on mine. I move closer, our lips are barely touching, and I gently press my lips to his. I know he's trying to control himself. I press harder.

He grabs my waist and starts to move with my lips in sync. I moan into our kiss; it's like nothing I've felt before, its fireworks, electricity, that spark. I know my moan drove him over the edge, he presses harder against my lips and slowly walks us over to his desk. I jump up on his desk, and he stands in between my legs. He gently bites my bottom lip asking for an entrance; my body can't refuse.

He suddenly pulls away and whips his hand down his face. "This was a mistake." He sighs.

My heart breaks at his words. I get off his desk and run to the door, slamming it behind me I run down the hallway and upstairs. I run to the guest bedroom, my tears hitting the wood floor. I swing the door open and shut it behind me, sliding down the door my butt hits the floor. Tears start to pour from my eyes. I thought for a second; he took down his guard.


That was uncomfortable for me to edit.

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