All I Wanted was a Mate

Chapter 12- Distraction

My eyes shot open, the light burned them but that wasn't my top priority now. As my eyes adjusted to the brightness I figured out I was in my room lying on the bed. I didn't feel any more pain in my pelvis. What happened? I stretched out my aching limbs and slipped out of the warm duvet. I tiredly walked to the door and peeked into the hallway, it was empty.

I guess everyone is downstairs. I slowly make my way down the steps, remembering the events of last night, was it even at night? I can't remember. All I do remember is blacking out, or did I fall asleep? I need some answers before I think I went insane.

I could hear talking coming from the kitchen and my mood immediately lifted up. I entered the kitchen and everyone turned to me. Everyone being; Tyler, Katy, Jackson, Michael, Nicole, and Nicole's small but noticeable baby bump.

When Tyler saw me his face lit up and he rushed to me. His arms wrapped around my body and I was welcomed into his embrace. He's hugging me in front of people! How long was I out?

"You scared me, Anna." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding sore.

"You blacked out for two days straight." Katy pipes up.

I pulled away from Tyler's arms and looked at him straight in the eyes. "Why?!"

"When you blacked out it gave the doctor a chance to run some tests and take ex-rays. The pain was coming from your ovaries, your body is starting to produce different egg cells, the ones of a... Lycan." Tyler explains.

"Then why does it hurt so much?"

"Right now this is very unnatural for your body, but the doctor said over time the pain will drastically decrease."

Well, I guess Jackson, Michael, and Nicole know about my so-called gift now.

"Anna you have to go and get changed or do whatever you have to because the doctor wanted me to take you to see her right when you woke up," Tyler informs me.

Something about Tyler... He's different. It's like he cares a lot lately. Plus he still didn't really answer my questions about Raf.

I nodded and fled upstairs, I wanted the doctor to tell me everything she knows about what's happening with my body.

I took a quick shower and changed into warm clothes. I hurried back downstairs and Tyler was waiting for me in the front room.

"Ready?" He asks grabbing his car keys.

"I guess."

We both got into his expensive sports car and made our way to the pack doctor.

I was nervous, even though I knew what was wrong with me. I can't help but wish the doctor would tell me I'm normal, that this gift just disappeared. My hopes were too high...

"How are you feeling?" Tyler asked me but kept his eyes on the road.

"Disappointed, depressed, upset, furious, terrified, weak." I poured my thoughts to him, not even caring anymore.

Tyler's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turned white.

"At least I'm not alone." I reach my hand out and rest it on his tense shoulder. But he wasn't relaxing. "Tyler..."

"Anna, I don't want you to feel those things, it kills me, I just want to make it stop."

He pulled into a parking lot that belonged to a giant dark gray building, the car stopped in one of the parking spaces and Tyler pulled out his keys, making the engine fade away.

"Kiss me." I turned to his worried face.

He didn't think twice before gently placing his soft lips on mine. I missed the feeling, electricity, fireworks, the feeling that confirms that he's my soul mate. Our kiss didn't last long but when we pulled away I looked straight into his deep blue eyes.

"For that five seconds it all went away, you made it stop."

He brushed back a strand of my hair behind my ear. "That's all I want."

He crashed his lips on mine, and everything disappeared. Our lips moved in perfect synchronization, he gently bit my bottom lip asking for an entrance. My body couldn't help but grant it. His sweet tongue invaded my mouth as he lifted me up onto his lap. As his hand held my neck his other gripped my waist. I let out a low moan into our kiss and I know it only turned him on more.

He started to trail kisses down my jaw, I tilted my head back to give him better access. Tyler left a trail of burning kisses down my neck. He stopped when he came to the place in between my neck and shoulder.

"Not here." He mumbled.

I wasn't disappointed, I understood. We were in his car in the middle of the doctors parking lot.

"We better getting going." I breathe out, trying to recover from our breathtaking moment.

He opened his door and I crawled out first, the cool wind hit my face hard, making me cringe.

Tyler stepped out of his car and clicked a button, locking the doors. He turned to me and grabbed my hand, my heart fluttered. I know he's just holding my hand, but to think that the first time we met he didn't say anything to me. This was special to me.

We walked hand-in-hand along the sidewalk that leads to the front entrance. I couldn't help but blush at how romantic Tyler was acting for a big bad Alpha.

"Tyler, how old are you?" I ask randomly.

"I'm twenty-three."

Suddenly my face fell, Tyler's waited four years to find me. Usually, you find your mate before you turn twenty.

"Tyler I'm-"

"It's fine, I found you." He assures me squeezing my hand.

We made our way up to the doors, and he held it open for me. I smiled at him and turned to the beige office area. There was the main desk straight ahead of me with two human older women sitting behind it. Tyler grabbed my hand again and lead me towards one of the kind looking women.

"We're here to see Dr. Kent," Tyler informs her.

"Alrighty then I'll let her know you're here, take a seat, she'll come out and fetch ya." The lady smiled.

We nodded and sat down in the waiting chairs. My heart started to pick up pace, and my feet started tapping against the short carpet.

"I'm nervous." I blurt out to Tyler.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." He throws his arm around my chair and I lean into him. I like this Tyler.

I watched the TV while we waited, some wedding show was playing. It was quite amusing, it was about horrible brides going psycho.

"Anna, your here."

I turn to see the doctor that helped me a couple days ago.

"Please come this way." She orders kindly.

I stand up and follow her to a room in the back area, Tyler followed behind us. She opens the wood door and walked in. I automatically jumped up onto the examination table, and Tyler sat in one of the extra chairs.

"So how are you feeling?" She turns to me on her spinny chair.

"Kind of nervous." I honestly tell her.

What if something's wrong? Other then me making Lycan babies. What if it's ruining my body, I mean it hurt pretty bad.

"Well, I have quite a bit of information from the tests I took to give you."

I nodded, this is what I wanted, to hear all the perks, all the consequences.

"Okay, so to start off your ovaries are producing the egg cells of the Lycan species. Since your body was originally made to produce werewolf egg cells, for the time being, you will experience pain. But after time the pain will eventually fade away." Dr. Kent explains.

She turns to her desk and pulls out a bottle of small salmon colored pills, the same ones that she gave me before.

"I prescribed you for heavy duty pain killers, only take them when you're experiencing pain."

She handed Tyler the container of pills and turned back to me.

Her face turned serious and a little apologetic.

"There is a permanent consequence with your condition."

I knew that I wouldn't get away with temporary pain, I'm not that lucky. Part of me wants to cover my ears and yell 'la la la'.

"Conceiving a child is... unlikely, but still possible. It's a 70% chance of miscarriage and a 30% chance of a smooth pregnancy."

I let out a whimper, what Luna can't have children. I've ruined Tyler's pack, who will take over as Alpha after him! I'll never have a family. This is just all too much...

I feel Tyler's arm wrap around my waist and I can't help but lean into him. I don't want to keep having to say I'm sorry.



So I guess I'm updating every day now.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was a little shorter but don't worry you'll get another update tomorrow!!


If you want, message me and tell me the name of your own book because I would love to check it out and give you feedback:)

Thanks for reading:)



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