All I Wanted was a Chance

Chapter Chapter One- Hello Again

"Katy I love you, but you need to calm down or you're going to look like the grudge!" I yell at her and dip the makeup brush back in the white eyeshadow.

"I know, I know, but I'm so excited!" She cheers and claps her hands together. "I'm finally getting out of that hell hole."

I placed the brush caked in white eyeshadow back on my vanity. Next I grabbed a more fluffy brush and swirled it in a elegant peach blush. After dusting it on Katy's prominent cheek bones I let out a deep sigh.

"Finished." I breathed out relived.

Her face immediately lit up and she turned in her seat to gaze in the mirror. "Oh wow Anna, your good at this." She praises and examines my hard work.

"Why thank you. Now come on our we're going to be late." I rush her and grab my coat off the bed.

"Huh, late to my own graduation."

I rolled my eyes at her. We both headed downstairs and into the living room. Playing on the TV was a diaper commercial, there were babies crawling and mother tossing them in the air. I longingly watched the actress pick up the baby and kiss it on it's soft cheek.

"Anna are you okay?" Katy asks me in a remorseful voice.

I quickly shook off the yearning feelings and plastered a small smile on my face. "Ya of course."

Was I depressed? Definitely, that was supposed to me me cuddling and tossing my own baby. It's hard to think that's it's almost been a month since my miscarriage. I shouldn't have had my hopes so high, it was my own fault and I had to deal with it.

"Come on, the guys are waiting in the car." I reminded her. Before walking out the door I turned back to the TV, Teen Mom was playing.

"Really?" I whisper and grab the remote annoyingly. I pressed the off button, then tossed the remote on the white couch.

I left the house and made my way towards Tyler's car. I opened the door to the passenger side and slid in.

"You ready to go?" Tyler asked me and I nodded.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, worried.

"Ya...ya I'm okay." I answer him quietly and turn to face him with a small smile.

He placed his hand on my thigh and my heart fluttered. He leaned in and kissed my cheek before pulling out of the drive way. The electric feeling was still there when he kisses me, and I have grown an addiction for it.

To think when we first met he told me to stay away from him, almost a year ago.


After Katy's graduation Katy, Tyler, Jackson, Michael, Nicole, and I all went out for dinner at a very nice restaurant. It was elegant and all of us being together again was fun. We joked and talked about Katy's future, mostly about her finding her mate.

She's been eighteen for a couple months now and Tyler keeps worrying that she won't find him. Kinda like he didn't find me for years.

But I think that whenever she does find him will be the right time, and we shouldn't worry at all.

I rolled over on the leather couch in Tyler's office, in attempt to take pressure off my neck.

I glanced over at him, or more like drooled over him as he worked.

Tyler was such a good Alpha, he was responsible, trustworthy, respectful, intelligent, brave, handsome, muscular, sexy...

Woah Anna, you got a little off track there.

I slipped from under the throw blanket and got up from my comfortable position. "I'm going to go take a shower." I called to him while straightening my clothes.

"Okay, just don't put on clothes went your done." He called back to me before I opened the door leading out of him office.

"What?" I looked back at him confused.

"I'll be up in a bit, and why put them on when I'm going to tear them off anyways." He smirked.

I blushed fiercely and rushed out the door. I could hear him lightly chuckle from the other side. I bit my lip and practically skipped up the stairs.

I walked into our bedroom and headed straight for the bathroom. I slipped off my clothes and reached in the empty shower to turn the water on. A sudden pain began to knot in my side and I winced. My hand immediately started to rub the spot, in attempt to sooth it.

I stepped under the hot water and relaxed my body. Memories poured back into my mind, but I tried to shake it off. All I could remember was the blood rolling down my leg and curling up in the tiled corner before Tyler came and rescued me.

I stared down at the metal drain and a hot tear rolled off my cheek.



Finally it is here, the sequel to AIWWAM!!!!

Sooooooo what did you think??

It wasn't too exciting but just wait...

I'm super excited to start this book; All I Wanted Was A Chance. I love my characters and I'm so happy to continue with them.

I want you guys to tell me what you want to happen!!!! I want your ideas to be part of this book too.

Updating will be pretty much the same, about two updates a week or something. Be sure to check out my other book, I'm the Alpha's Mate.

As always Happy reading:)



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