All I Wanted was a Chance

Chapter Alternate Ending 3


My head spins and pounds as I slowly crawl out of the car. Once I hit the asphalt, I search for Anna, my eyes roaming the entire incident but seeing her nowhere. Suddenly, when they reach the forest, I spot Anna on the ground being dragged away by a stranger. My eyes bulge from my head and I immediately attempt to get up, but my body refuses to cooperate.

Frantically, my hand feels my surroundings and my eyes stay fixed on her until she is engulfed into the trees.

Looking back into the car, I see my phone resting on the floor, tucked underneath the seat. I groan as I move myself forward, only a few inches at a time. Thankfully, I grab it and check to make sure it still works.

The screen dimly lights up and a see a missed call from Tyler. Sighing, I hit the notification and hold the device to my ear. He picks up after two rings. "Tyler," I manage to call out, my voice hoarse. "Tyler?"

"Katy, is that you?"

"Car accident," I briefly breathe out as my throat runs dry. "The car crashed."

"Where are you?" He asks, rushed. "Where's Anna? Are you both okay?"

"She's gone."

"What street are you on?"

My head gazes to the street sign. "Regent, somewhere by an open field... forest on the other side... hurry."

I drop the phone and look up the the sky. I have to try and get up.

After rolling onto my stomach, I push my chest up with both arms and begin to slowly move my knees so they are against the road. One on my hands and knees, I reach out to the car and try to pull myself up. My limbs shake and my face heats up. My entire body is sore.

I glance to the truck, the car who collided with us, to see the driver incapacitated with his head against the wheel.

I steady myself and slowly make my way over while holding onto the car. Walking becomes easier and I begin to move faster. "Sir!" I call out but the person makes no movement. "Sir!"

I grip onto the drivers seat door handle and tug it open. Reaching out, I feel for the mans pulse, and it is there. Next I check for breathing, and he is. The man must have been knocked out on impact.

Distant sounds of a car fill my ears and I glance behind me to see someone coming from down the road. Soon enough I realize it is Tyler.


Getting up from the bed, I shakily move towards the door and press my ear against it. Sleeping through the night, or what I assumed to be the night, benefited my weak bones greatly. My arm is still sprained and my legs are still bruised and batter along with the rest of my body, but I have managed to get out of bed.

Listening carefully, I hear no sounds until footsteps draw near. Swiftly, I step to the side of the door when the handle giggles and the clicking noise sounds. The door opens and a man walks in with food, standing behind the door, I slip out and push him to the ground.

"What the—"

Before he can draw too much attention, I throw the lamp at his head, knocking him out cold.

My heart races in my chest as I slip through the door and creep along the hallway wall. Stepping gently, I pause every now and then when sudden noises come flying at me.

A door ahead grabs my attention, so I rush towards it, not wanting to waste anymore time. The door thankfully opens and I close it once I am inside. The room is empty, and I immediately curse inwardly. Peeking out into the hall, I slide out and rush to the next door, but this room is again empty. Frustrated, my hands fight to yank at my hair.

I take a deep breath and continue on.

A larger door opens smoothly and I swiftly shut it behind me. My eyes search the room. It must be some sort of office.

My eyes grow wide when they land on a phone resting on the desk. Before I can attempt at using it, footsteps grow near and I begin to panic.

I tuck myself underneath the desk and pull the chair in to cover me as much as possible. The room lacks any other hiding places, making my odds of not beginning spotted decrease to barely anything.

The door leisurely swings open and someone walks in. Their feet reach the edge of the desk and seem to stop there while shuffling occurs above me. Assuming they are grabbing something from the desk, I keep quiet and wait until they turn around and leave the room.

Swallowing, my hand reaches onto of the desk and I pull the phone underneath. I hurriedly dial Tyler's number and hold the phone to my ear.


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