All Her Secrets

Chapter 956

Chapter 956 A Gathering
After hearing Zobber's request, Black Robe burst into laughter, as if he had heard
a particularly amusing joke. "Zobber, you may be small, but your appetite is certainly not!"
Mocked by Black Robe, Zobber immediately jumped up to refute. She said, "I'm 5.5 feet. Are you making fun of me for being short?
This unexpected remark left Black Robe momentarily speechless. As Catherine had mentioned, Zobber was unpredictable and hard to control.
Turning serious, Black Robe decided not to joke with Zobber any longer to avoid delaying matters. "Zobber, I can tell you clearly. Getting Catherine's research results is absolutely impossible. If you're not willing, I can find someone else. With the Duncan Corporation, I believe many people would be willing to serve me. As for you, if you don't cooperate with me, I'm sure you know what awaits you. No need for me to say more, right?"
Indeed, Zobber knew what awaited her. She would be constantly hunted, face continuous troubles, and have a life of hiding and evading. Just thinking about it. Zobber couldn't help but shudder. She smiled pleasingly at Black Robe. "Let's discuss it again. I don't need it all. Half is enough."
Black Robe remained silent, and Zobber continued, "If half won't work, then one- third."
With Zobber still in a bargaining mood, Black Robe spoke again, his tone much more serious this time. "Zobber, this isn't a market. There's no need for you to haggle here. If I say no, it's no. The conditions are set. You make your choice."
After much contemplation, Zobber finally made a decision. "Alright. I'll take a loss. Let's go with what you said." Then she added, "Hurry and give orders. What should I do next?" Zobber looked eagerly at the man, appearing quite anxious. I'll finish it as soon as possible and settle this matter."
Black Robe narrowed his eyes and looked at her coldly. "Go back for now. I'll inform you if needed.
Since there was no intention to act now, she didn't need to be in a hurry. Zobber promptly stood up and left the scene.
Once she was far away, Finn dared to speak, whispering, "Sir, Zobber daring to make such requests, is there something influencing her from behind?"
Black Robe coldly smiled. 'She's just testing my limits today, trying to see how much I can give her. She wants to gain as much as possible.
Zobber had quite an appetite, daring to request access to Catherine's research results.
"What do we do then?" Finn asked.
Black Robe squinted his eyes and stared in the direction Zobber had left. He said coldly," Keep an eye on her."
"Yes, sirl
Catherine agreed to have dinner with Karl and Thomas at Aaron's place today. She finished work early.
Thomas was waiting for her downstairs in the lab building. As Catherine descended to the ground floor, she saw him. He asked, "Cassie, are you done with work?"
"Yes," Catherine replied. Even with just one word, it brought joy to Thomas. He looked excitedly at her. "That's good! While work is essential, life is also important. Let's go together to Aaron's place. We can share the location with Karl once we arrive.
It seemed Thomas's main purpose for waiting for her was his last sentence. Catherine saw through it but didn't reveal it. She nodded with a smile, agreeing to his decision. She didn't mind going earlier or later. It wouldn't make a difference. Unexpectedly, before they even left the school gate, they encountered Karl's car head-on. The car stopped steadily in front of Catherine. Without waiting for the butler to assist him, Karl impatiently pushed open the car door, quickly got out, and walked toward Catherine with a smile.
Karl said, "Catherine, I'm here to pick you up for dinner. Are you happy?"
Thomas became annoyed as soon as he saw Karl. He stood aside and glared at Karl. He had come up with this plan with great difficulty, only to have it disrupted by Karl. So he was extremely angry.
Facing Karl's enthusiasm, Catherine remained indifferent. That was her typical style. For unfamiliar people, regardless of their identity, she wouldn't bother acknowledging them.
"Mr. Karl, Mr. Theo and I were planning to go to Mr. Aaron's place. Since you're here, why not join us? We can chat on the way," Catherine suggested.
Hearing Catherine's proposal, Karl, who was initially reluctant, agreed. He said, 'Sure. I'll follow your advice."
The group boarded Karl's car together, heading to Aaron's place.
Thomas had informed Aaron in advance, so today's dinner was exclusively for them. Aaron was already waiting at the door.
Thomas, you bringing so many friends here. Quite lively!" Aaron said.
"Aaron, if not for your love of peace, Id come here every day. Catherine loves your cooking, and I'm willing to accompany her, Thomas replied.
While the two chatted, Karl was left aside. He felt very uncomfortable, and his face darkened.
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Catherine sighed inwardly, finding it amusing. Karl used to be a powerful figure in his younger days, but now he behaved so childishly. Visit to read the latest chapter of this novel
Catherine sent a message to Branden, who was on his way.
Seeing Karl looking downcast, Catherine took the initiative to approach and
engage in conversation with him.
Meanwhile, Thomas noticed that Catherine was talking with Karl. He realized his
plan foiled
again and felt unhappy. He pulled Aaron over and said, "This is Karl, the
grandfather of Branden you met before."
Aware of Branden's identity, Aaron immediately recognized Karl. "I didn't expect
you to visit here," Aaron remarked.
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Karl, pleased with the friendly
attitude, engaged in conversationm
and the atmosphere gradually
lightened. As they chatted, they
decided to play chess. Visit to read the latest
chapter of this novel
Observing this, Catherine excused herself and went to the backyard to rest.
"You're here!" A sudden voice interrupted Catherine's thoughts. She looked up to
see Rylan standing at the courtyard gate.
Rylan was Aaron's grandson. It wasn't surprising to see him here.
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Without waiting for her to say
anything, Rylan explained, "I've been LED here with Grandfather these days. Didn't expect you to come here." Visit to read the latest chapter of this novel
Catherine smiled faintly and remained silent. Since it wasn't intentional, there
was no need for explanations.

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