all god's orphans

Chapter 75

They gravitated to the radio without a word and stood around it like cavemen seeing a campfire for the first time. The voice was unmistakable.

“Isn’t that Thorsten Gallagher?” Asked Sarah, even though she already knew. She had heard this man’s voice nearly every time she road in a vehicle with her father. Normally, however, his show came on the radio at night and on a specific frequency so you could find it. And it didn’t start with trumpets. This was something different.

“Who is Thorsten Gallagher?” Asked Grey. Brian sneered.

“Your average right wing talking asshole.” Brian spat.

“That guy is a fucking dick.” Wes added. Raymond stood by, saying nothing. Sarah also decided not to defend him. Wallace had suddenly become keenly interested in the broadcast.

“How often does this guy come on the air?” He asked. Brian and Wes exchanged a glance.

“Usually every Sunday and Wednesday night at about eight.” Brian said. “He’s gone from being a typical political charlatan to now adding religion to his repertoire.”

“Brothers,” Began the broadcast. “Now is our moment. For too long, Christians in this country have been under attack.”

“Oh, fuck you.” Brian barked.

“Hang on.” Wallace pleaded. “I want to hear this.”

“We have been forced to accept gays. Lesbians. Secularists. Atheists. But what have we gotten in return? A country ravaged by illegal immigration. Beset by lost jobs and run by a criminal cabal in Washington.”

“Why isn’t he talking about bombs?” Sarah asked aloud, but no one answered her.

“Soon,” The radio continued, the speaker was using the cadence of a travelling preacher. “The armies of God will march west, and expel the enemy from their mountain home. From atop that mountain, a great voice will call out to the nation proclaiming a new kingdom and Christians will once more regain what we have lost. And the numbers of this army shall swell and grow as they march, singing praises to the Lord almighty and crushing the forces of the antichrist.” Wallace shook his head.

“What the fuck is this guy talking about?”

“The apocalypse.” Raymond answered, enraptured.

“And if there isn’t one, he’s going to create one?” Wallace asked.

“Not an apocalypse?” Raymond turned to face him. “What are you talking about? Look around you. This is the end.”

“People have been saying that since before Jesus was born.” Wallace observed. “Even Jesus said the world was about to end. What is it with you people?” Raymond ignored him and turned back to the radio. Once upon a time, he would have felt the need to defend his faith, but no more. He had been right. That much was inarguable, so he didn’t argue.

Before the show concluded, the presenter gave a short devotional, clearly aimed at the flock and reminded those listening that the government was the antichrist and not to believe anything they were told. He also briefly mentioned rumors of missiles being launched, but hastened to add that this was merely a rumor and those listening should not believe it. He then signed off, telling the audience to tune in next time, but failed to mention a frequency or even when the next broadcast would be.

“So that guy is clearly fucking crazy.” Wallace announced. “The government is the antichrist? Don’t believe them? No missiles have been fired?” The group looked around at each other. Wallace was making sense, but then again, he was from the government. “We saw missiles with our own eyes.” He reminded them.

“So?” Spat Raymond. “He just said not to believe any rumors.”

“That wasn’t a rumor.” Wallace countered. “That was a fact. And how did you find that broadcast?”

“I found a list of Bible verses in the briefcase Grey stole from the general. They didn’t make any sense until I realized they were HAM radio frequencies and dates.” Wallace had not heard any of this before.

“General?” He asked. “Who is that?”

“General Atwood.” Brian began. “He’s the commanding officer of the unit I was in.”

“And he’s killed people.” Added Kite.

“Almost killed us.” Said Grey. Wallace took all of this in.

“You’ve seen this?” Wallace was suspicious.

“Yes.” Replied Brian. “Up close.”

“That explains why that little show sounded like coded direction of troop movements.” Wallace finally said, catching Raymond’s ear.

“What are you talking about?” Raymond fumed.

“Those weren’t Bible verses he was spouting.” Wallace declared. “They were orders for troop movements given in Bible speak so a regular listener wouldn’t realize it.”

“Bullshit.” Said Raymond.

“Oh yeah?” Wallace was getting annoyed with Raymond again. Sarah could see them heading towards yet another fight. She slipped back out of the circle. “Where in the Bible does what he just described actually happen?” Raymond had no answer. “You claim to worship this book but you have no idea what’s in it, do you?” Wallace could see he was right. “You’ve been listening to this charlatan the whole time thinking he was telling you a Bible story?” He almost laughed. “That’s fucking insane.” Raymond finally snapped.

“Insane?” He bit back. “You wanna talk about insane? Look around you. The whole world has gone insane. You think you’re so smart, telling me I don’t know what’s in the Bible? Well it didn’t matter, did it? God brought us here. He kept us safe! Even you! How dare you call me insane when you’re tucked safely inside the shelter he has provided. People like you make me sick. God does miracles like this every day and still people like you deny him.” Sarah was opening cupboards in the kitchen. Slowly at first, and then ever more frantically. Finally, after she had opened every single one, she stood up and interrupted.

“We may have bigger problems.” She announced.

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