Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci • 32

I feel conflicted.

DC and I are in his car on the way to, wherever, but so far tonight he's been nothing but a complete gentleman.

Opening the car door for me, making comfortable conversations, even going so far as to act like he's really interested in whatever I have to say.

It seems like we've been driving for hours though I have no idea as to where we are going but by the way he's dressed I'm assuming it's somewhere elegant.

He has on a three piece black designer suit that virtually shows off his well framed physique.

Not that he's my type, far from it, but he does have unique characteristics. With him being friendly in such a manner makes me more than a little skittish.

From what my guys tell me he's completely evil so far he hasn't shown me any signs that alarm me that it is what they say about him. That's why I'm feeling so conflicted.

I don't know if he's just trying to hide behind a facade or if this is just his true nature? Regardless, I'm not going to lower my guard for a second, just in case.

"Where are we going?" This is the third time I have asked him this particular question. Each time he dodges my questions asking another in its place.

"Do you like seafood?" Just like the last few times I have asked him, he avoids my inquiry entirely. He's deflecting.

"Not particularly I'm more of an Italian food lover than anything." This small talk is starting to make me a tiny bit anxious.

"Ah a pasta lover I take it?" He is trying his best to be charming I suppose but it's starting to rattle me the way he wants to initiate small banter with me continuously.

"Yes." I keep my answer simple. Instead of carrying on with our conversation, I try to ignore my anxiety, I watch the passing foliage as we drive by it.

We are on a dark deserted road which has me currently feeling jittery about this entire situation.

I have only seen a few cars pass us by I have tried to broach the subject to him about it being so desolate but again he just dodges my questions entirely.

When he finally slows the car down my focus returns to the front of the vehicle, he's stopping in front of a large iron gate that has spikes at the very top of it.

I watch him push a button on his keyring opening the gates automatically, which creaks loudly as they begin to open. It gives me a very ominous feeling.

When we drive pass the gate and into his driveway, I can see a large structure ahead which, to me, looks very eerily like Draculas Castle.

How fitting.

The vibes from it give me a menacingly frightening feeling.

"Welcome to my humble abode." DC tells me sounding more than elated about me viewing his so called abode.

I shiver just from looking at it.

DC exits the car quickly, walking over to the passengers side he opens the car door for me. He reaches his hand out for me to take it. I take his hand but very hesitantly.

Entering his abode as he so called it, the surrounding atmosphere seems awfully disturbing.

Though the interior doesn't replicate the outer dwelling it still has a gothic style feeling to it.

"Would you care for a drink?" DC ask me as he's walking into what I'm guessing is the kitchen area.

"Uhm sure water if you have it." I dismissively reply. Searching the room as I stand behind the antique sofa fidgeting.

"Glass or bottle?" He shouts through the wall.

"Bottles fine." I assure him.

Still studying his living area. It is quite beautiful though. I'm in love with the old style fireplace. I've always had a thing for fireplaces.

DC reenters the living area with a bottle of water and glass of some type of dark liquid substance in his hands.

"Thank you." I tell him nicely as he hands me the bottle, I grab the cold water bottle from his hands.

He starts waking into the living area and sits down on a chair that's located to the right of the sofa. I follow his lead and make my way to the sofa. Opening the bottle of water I nervously take a drink of the refreshing liquid.

We sit there in silence for a few seconds before DC tries to manage to make small talk with me again.

"So. Tell me something about yourself." That's a broad subject.

I don't want to inform him of too much about me. I don't completely trust him as of yet. Although he has been extremely nice with me tonight I can't get the thoughts out of my head of my mates warning me against him.

Like a flashing warning sign going off In my head.

"Uhm let's see. There's really not much to tell. I'm eighteen. I've been in the Academy for a couple of months now well more than a couple and I...uh...I like movies and binge watching series. The normal stuff I guess. Im rather boring. What about you?" I ask although I could actually care less. I guess I'm the one making nonessential small talk now with our roles reversing.

"Well...I'm a business man. I own a lot of businesses in fact. I like dancing and music oh and I'm thirty seven. Pretty old by your standards huh?" I half laugh at his feeble attempts at trying to make a joke. Maybe he's doing to put me at ease? I don't know but there's something that seems off about him. Like he's not truly being honest either with me or himself I can't really tell which one though. I have never been very astute at reading people.

"Not at all." I lie. I think he senses my lie though. I take another drink of the water anxiously.

"Anyway, I love to ski have you ever been skiing?" Not really. I haven't been to a lot of places that offer that type of entertainment.

"No sorry." I try to keep the conversation light but I start to suddenly feel a bit dizzy.

Grabbing my forehead with my hand. The dizziness starts to become alarming.

Then the nausea kicks in. My eyelids start to droop. I'm feeling way too drowsy. Realizing quickly that he must have slipped something into my water bottle, I drop the bottle on the floor surprised at his deceitful actions.

I hear him talking but I can't make out the words he's speaking or me. It all seems like I'm in a long enclosed tunnel. My eyes drift closed and my head falls back on the plush sofa.

Then everything suddenly fades to black.

Waking up with a tremendous headache is not something I would recommend. It feels like knives are cutting through my throbbing brain.

Trying desperately to open my eyes but they feel like they've been sewn shut tightly. The pain is indescribable.

What happened?

Groggily, snapping back to reality, I try to focus on my surroundings. Unfortunately, it's a harder task than I can endeavor.

My vision is extremely blurry, my head keeps pounding and for some reason I cant move my arms properly.

The rattling sound of metal clinking above my head startles me. Whenever I try to move my arms a lingering pain shoots through my arms. I try to free myself from them but it's useless. What the fuck!?

I pull on the restraints again, trying my hardest to get my arms free of their grasp on me but it's a fruitless endeavor, there's no give to them, looking up I notice that my arms are placed above my head and twisted at an odd angle. The cuffs aligning my wrist are attached to a chain that's bolted to the ceiling.

This can't be happening.

Blinking once, twice, scanning the room I'm chained in. The darkness that surrounds the room engulfs me. I can't see anything.

My body starts to tremble in fear.

Trying to regain my composure I try to focus on the last thing that I can remember but my brain is still foggy.

Then suddenly memories begin to invade me.

DC and I were in his living area talking and drinking, then the next thing that I can remember is sinking into darkness.


DC did this!

The guys were right all along. I should have heed their warnings. He is evil incarnate. I'm way too fucking trusting. I have to admit he had me fooled if only for a moment and I was stupid enough to let my guard down and fall into his trap. My naivety led to stupidity.

Opening my mouth to scream for help I stop myself suddenly. I have to try to think clearly about this. Keep a logical mind. I don't want to alert DC to me being awake just yet giving him the opportunity to kill me.

Pushing down on my restraints forcibly, I try to pull the chain down above my head to me free from the bolt. After several desperate attempts I have to give up on that moronic notion. My arms are starting to go numb, the weariness hits me, I lean my head on my forearm completely exhausted.


Why didn't think of it earlier?

"Ora, Cal?" I scream their names inside of my head.

Please! Why aren't they answering?

"Asher, Faron?" I start screaming their names louder but I still receive no reply in return for my efforts.

The pain inside of my head has seem to increased substantially. A door creaks open off to my right side, a second later I hear a click then the lights above me begin to flicker. Blinking from the sudden intrusion of the blinding light, I notice a familiar form enter the room casually. Searching the room I realize that I'm in some type of cellar.

There's wooden shelves scattered throughout the room with various items stacked on them haphazardly.

"Ah, you're awake. Good. Now we can proceed." DC croaks out gleefully as he makes his way over to me, my eyes soon clear up. His broad shape invades my space.

He proudly stands in front of me with with a sterling silver dagger in his left hand. Seeing the dagger sends a chill straight through me. I have no idea what his intentions are but by the devious look on his face I have no delusions that it can't mean anything good for me.

The fucking asshole!

"Wh-what are doing DC?" He plays with the dagger in his hand, twisting it around repeatedly.

"That's not my name!" The anger in his voice, directed toward me, sends chills down my spine.

Instead of upsetting him any further I choose to remain conspicuously quiet. I don't know this man, I have no idea what he's exactly capable of and I'm not giving him any further reason to earn his ire.

When he sees that I'm not going to oblige him by answering, he carries on, not noticing or caring that his simple words are terrifying me.

"You actually don't know who I am do you?" He menacingly ask me. I just shake my head, too frightened to utter a single word.

"Well your grandmother knew me. She was a feisty old woman, that one. Took me forever to find that bitch. She gave me a good run and when I did eventually find out where the old bat was it ended up being a complete and total waste of my damn time." His fury is exploding. The rage he's displaying is overwhelming. With his face contorted into pure anger he spits his vile accusations out to me releasing his saliva all over my face and arm.

Wiping the disgusting clouds of spit off of me, by rubbing my head against my forearm, he laughs at my discomfort rambunctiously.

His confession about knowing my grandmother shocks me but just by hearing that it was a complete waste of his time also enlightens me.

Before I can even start to think rationally about his confession he continues to ramble on ecstatically.

"When I finally got my hands on her the old crone ended up dying on me before I could extract her power. A complete waste of my time. It took me years. YEARS! To find her and in a matter of seconds she took her own life before I could accomplish my goal. Rather selfish of her if you ask me." He boasts the last part out morosely.

He's doing all of this for power?

The concept alone is foreign to me. I had no idea that someone could been do such a thing and with me chained up I'm assuming that my power is what he has been after all along.

The absurdity of the mere idea of taking one's ability rattles me to my core.

"So you want my power?" He just gives me a blank look. When he doesn't answer me I feel raw fury ignite within me.

"Are you crazy? What power could you possibly want? How are you going to do it anyway? You can't just take someone's ability from them like it's a damn toy! Who the hell do you think you are?" I expel my anger toward him. With every word I dispel from my mouth my entire body begins to shake, rattling the chains above me loudly.

"I'm Darcus." DC smirks as he announces his name like I'm suppose to know exactly who he is. I haven't got a clue.

I try to rack my brain but nothing is clicking, scowling at him, he starts to get even more irritated at me than he already was.

"Oh for fuck sakes! Doesn't that Academy teach you anything? I'm Darcus Tragun the infamous Vampire who has killed and massacred thousands of innocent people." When he realizes that I still have no clue about what he's so righteously claiming it fuels his madness even further.

"Im the man who killed almost all of the healers, the divine, for their immaculate power." Recognition hits me immediately. My eyes widen, my mouth falls open and terror engulfs me instantly.

He's the one that Asher and I had to do a project on about the divine healers. The callous brute who has tried for years to capture a healers abilities for momentary gain? For power? The ruthless, cold blooded, killing, Vampire.


"By the look on your pretty little face I see you have heard of me before. Good. That will make this so much easier." He turns away from me after his shameful gloating.

DC or Darcus walks over to far shelf retrieving some items. Out of my peripheral vision I can see another figure standing quietly at the door, whoever it is standing there looking over at DC ominously.

He or she is cast in the shadows, I can't make out their imagine clearly, as DC starts to return to me the unknown assailant creeps up behind him swiftly.

Not knowing if the individual is a friend or foe I choose to remain silent. Anything has to better than having to deal with the devil known as DC and his evil schemes.

As the unknown figure carefully makes his way behind DC, he reaches up toward his neck plunging something deeply into it.

DC grabs his neck, surprised, he halfway turns around, he eyes the intruder with a shocked expression on his face. Falling to the hard bricked floor instantaneously.

I'm too scared to usher a word. Hoping against hope that this is rescue attempt on my behalf.

After DC crashes to the floor ungracefully, the intruder reaches inside of DCs pocket, retrieving the keys that I assume are for my unwelcoming cuffs, my savior finally starts to makes his way over to me.

He's in a grey hoodie that's obscuring my view to his face. "Who are you?" I whisper to what I know realize is a man but I still can't make out his unrecognizable features.

He unceremoniously takes the keys and unlocks my cuffs above me, my arms are still completely numb and tingly.

When the cuffs are finally opened I uncharacteristically fall into the strangers arms, trying to hold on to him unsuccessfully.

Before I even can register what is even happening, I feel a sharp stinging pain on the side of my neck with hot liquid entering into my system, surprisingly. Unfortunately still wrapped up in the strangers arms.

The last thing my foggy mind can even comprehend is the stranger menacingly whispering into my ear words that basically cripple me.

"My pretty little precious eyes!"

I finally have her.

Running out the castle with Jaci in my arms, I exit through the back door quickly.

She will be knocked out cold for hours. Plenty of time of to get her to my undisclosed location that I have prepared just for this momentous occasion.

One that not even her bastard mates will never be able to locate. Even if they tried they wouldn't have a damn clue as to where to start looking.

I've planned this for far too long to allow any type of disruptions.

Throwing Jaci into the back of my van, I slam the doors, racing to the drivers seat I take off from DCs mansion spewing out gravel from my tires.

Adjusting the rear view mirror, I place it to where I can keep an eye on my treasure.

As I hit the highway I can't help but to laugh at my luck.

A clean get-a-away and no one has a clue that I have captured her.

With everything going as I planned I just know that I have successfully outwitted all of them.

They will never know where Jaci disappeared to or if she is even alive. I would love to see the look on those assholes faces once they realize that she is gone forever.

They deserve it.

They all deserve it.

Looking in the mirror at my well deserved prize laying unconscious on the van flooring, I laugh out loud again.

I won!

She's mine!

Now and forever!

My pretty little precious eyes!

Question: What's a good love song that fits these characters?

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