Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci •1

I'm a broken doll that's shattered into a million little pieces.

The cold frosty December wind, with its brisk chill, wraps unforgivably around me. The Arctic winter breeze matches the frozen despair in my glacial heart.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper to them sadly. Placing the red thorn roses in between the fresh mounds of piled up dirt.

Staring down at the granite tombstone that has my parents beloved names engraved across it, guilt consumes me.

"It's not your fault." My Uncle, my only living relative, tries to reassure me. His pleas falls on deaf ears. He hand squeezes my shoulder, with him standing directly behind me. The loss of his one and only brother is devastating him completely.

It is my fault.

If I haven't called them to pick me up from the stupid high school party both of them would still be with me here today. My Uncle would still have his dear loving brother with him and I would still have my wonderful and caring parents. If I just hadn't been so selfish, only thinking of myself. How can I live with my actions? Tears stream down my cheeks, I sniffle, closing my coat tighter around me. The torrid winter wind embraces us both, whipping my hair all around my face causing strands of it to stick to my dampened cheeks.

"Let's go, Jaci. We need to head home before the storm hits." Dropping his hand from my shoulder, my Uncle swiftly walks away, giving one last look to the gravesite, to his brothers last resting place. Seeing the heartbreak reflected in his eyes: the guilt continues to consume me.

How can he ever forgive me?

Rubbing my fingers across the cold granite tombstone, feeling the ragged bumps along top, the loneliness seeps all through me. Knowing that I will never be able to see them again. To feel their tender touches, to hear their loving voices, or to wrap my arms around them once again, sends my shattered heart into an unimaginable torment of despair.

"I miss you." Whispering the words to them as the echo into the dampened wind, inhaling deeply, I wipe the fallen tears from my frigid soaked cheeks, walking away toward my unknown, lonely, and unwanted future.

"There's somethings we need to discuss." Sitting in my Uncle Liam's car, the velvet plush seat dips beneath me as I turn my head and my body, glancing over to my Uncle, while he's driving. His features are set with an unrecognizable determination, both off his hands are griping the steering wheel. His grip is so tight that his knuckles are starting to turn a pale shade of white.

I've never seen him so stressed or apprehensive.

"What about?" Curiosity gets the best of me, I sit beside him waiting very patiently.

"I enrolled you into the Academy that I work in." I'm really not surprised by this revelation, with my Uncle being the counselor at the Alkine Academy, I guess I knew that he would enroll me under the unmitigated circumstances.

"But there's something I need to tell you, about the Academy and about yourself before we can proceed with it." With my interest peeked, I lean in closer to him, with his serious tone I start to feel goosebumps develop along my arms, the warm air blowing out from the vent doesn't sooth the chills raising down my spine.

"The Academy is a school for the supernatural are you." My momentarily shock shows on my face.

The confusion I felt a moment earlier is now turned into full blown hysterics. I bend over laughing thinking my Uncle is joking too lighten our spirits up but my laughter dies out extremely quickly, I hastily clear my throat when I see the look on his rigid face full of determination and disappointment.

He has got to joking? I'm not supernatural. I think I would notice something so obvious. It has to be the grief talking? What other reason could there be for him to think such prosperous thoughts?

"I'm sorry Uncle for not believing you but you have to be kidding right?" His eyes glares directly to me.

"Come on! It's not like a can shift into a werewolf or crave blood at night! You're talking crazy?" Crossing my arms across my chest, glaring back at him defiantly. He huffs at me, while coming to stoplight, he shifts his body focusing his full attention directly at me.

"No you can't do those things are a supernatural. Your ability has been in...submission. Your father suppressed it when you were just a child. Hoping that you could live a normal and happy human life." A car horn blares behind us, my Uncle waves through the rear view mirror, placing his hands back on the steering wheel to continue driving.

My father knew I had abilities? That can't be possible! He would have told me. Right? I can't be supernatural. I don't feel like anything special. Why wouldn't he tell me? None of these is making a bit of a sense.

"What am I?" Even though this notion, that my Uncle has, is beyond disconcerting, I want to know what my father would have been hiding from me. He's always been so open with me I can't imagine him ever keeping something this drastic from me. It truly doesn't make any sense.

"Before I tell you that, I want you to know that your parents loved you dearly. They only did this to you so you wouldn't be restricted by what you are. They wanted the best for you." I know my parents loved me. My mother was a gentle soul and always so caring. My father made me feel like a princess, spoiling me endlessly. That's why it's so hard for me to understand why they would keep this type of secret from me.

They wanted the best for me?

Wouldn't it have been better for me to know instead of hiding it from me all of these years? Keeping me in dark from everything about me.

"They could have told me!" I didn't mean to lash out at my Uncle but this news is just so overwhelming.

"Jacilynn Demonas! They did it to protect you. Don't you ever think for a second that they did it to deceive you!" My Uncle admonishes me, sighing, I uncross my arms laying them beside me ashamed at my temperament.

"Sorry." Closing my eyes, I lean my head back on the velvet seat. Clearly disappointed and in obvious shock.

"It's fine. I can understand you wanting to lash out but always remember that they did this for you, to help you, not hurt you." Traveling along a desolate road, I watch the scenery out the window pass me by wistfully. Wishing I could just talk to them one last time. Curious now about my circumstances, I shift half my body toward my solemn Uncle.

"How did they do it?" Now I honestly want to know all of the details.

"Your father was a warlock. It was easy for him to suppress your abilities." Furrowing my brows, I try to understand his implications. My father was a warlock? That information alone is unbelievably surprising.

"Are you a warlock too?" Uncle Liam grins at me wickedly.

"Yes. I am." Wow! I can't picture him being a warlock. How can someone you've known for your entire life be something other than what you always believed them to be? The thought of it is completely unnerving.

"What was mom?" I ask him with morbid curiosity.

He bites his lip while he adjusts the thermostat on the heater.

"She's was what you are." Suddenly I sense him hesitating. He doesn't want to tell me any information. But why? It can't be that bad can it?

"And that is?" He just can't drop this huge bombshell on me and not disclose to me what I truly am.

"A succubus." What?

That's impossible! I know what a succubus actually is. I've read the stories. There's no way I can be a sexual demon! Im still a damn virgin!

Wait! My mom was a succubus? For some reason that just makes me feel all gross and icky. That's one thing I don't want to ever in my have to imagine at all!

"How? How am I a succubus?" I ask it mainly to myself but my Uncle answers my rhetorical question.

"You're a succubus because your mother was a succubus but you have special abilities that a normal succubus doesn't have." This just keeps better and better.

"What?" I ask him curiously.

"Your part witch, part succubus and a healer. It's what we in the supernatural world call a tribrid." A what?

"How? I mean I get the succubus and warlock part but how am I a healer?"

"Your grandmother. My mother was a healer. When your were two, your little gray kitten Mercury, you remember him?" Nodding my head. "He cut his paw on a piece of shard from a broken vase. You cried so hard because he was hurt. You started rubbing his paw. You healed him when you were holding him in her arms. It shocked your parents and I. We didn't realize that you were a tribrid at the time. We just thought you only had two abilities that you inherited from both of your parents. Imagine the surprise on all of our faces when you did it. That's when your parents decided to suppress your abilities. They knew if word got out that you had multiple powers that the supernatural council would want to hunt you down and they couldn't risk that." He turns into his driveway, I hardly notice that we were home, to lost in my questionable thoughts to realize it.

"We're here." Uncle Liam exits the car, I reach over unbuckling my seatbelt, I exit the car along with him. The bitterness of the wind hits me immediately.

Entering the house behind my Uncle, the warmth of the home stuns me for second. Removing my coat I hang it on the coatrack near the door.

Uncle Liam is in the kitchen, grabbing us both a drink of water. He hands me the water bottle. Plopping down on the stool my mind begins to race.

Why would being a tribrid have this council want to hunt me down? Am I in danger? Should I go into hiding? What the hell am I going to do? All of this information has my damn head swimming.

"Why? Why would this council want to hunt me down?" resting the bottle of water on the counter, he turns, placing his hands on the island in front of me.

"Their scared of the unknown. That's basically why. But don't worry all we have to do is keep a secret." Easier said than done.

"How do I unsupress my abilities?" He sighs, kneeling down he places his elbows on the island.

"You mean unlock them?" I simply nod. His eyes start to flick side to side, not looking at me. With flushed cheeks. I can see that he is clearly embarrassed.

"You have to have sex!" What the utter loving fuck! Literally! Ok yes this is just really down right embarrassing. Talking about this subject with my Uncle is not something I planned on ever, ever, doing. Like ever!

"With your mate." Oh my God please just shut up already! Dropping my head suddenly from complete embarrassment. I didn't register his words for a second.

"Mate? Like in the books? My, what do you call it, soulmate?" He nods his head vigorously.

"You're kidding?" This is so unbelievably outlandish.

"Nope. You have a mate out there. One that was destined just for you. You may even find him at the Academy." Now I'm definitely way beyond curious.

"What do mean?" He raises his body off the island, drinking from the water bottle. He's hesitating again. Not wanting to tell me. I just sit and wait patiently.

"'ll learn more about it tomorrow. There's a Oracle at the Academy that can tell you if your mate is within your range. It only requires a little bit of your blood and time." That doesn't sound ominous at all.

Uncle Liam turns around grabbing food out of the refrigerator, placing them on the counter. Looking out of the kitchen window I watch the sun sitting amongst the horizon. I never realized it was getting so late.

"So how does this mating thing work?" Breaking the silence that descended upon us while my Uncle starts cutting into the vegetables.

"Ms. Flora is her name. She's the Academy's librarian also. She gives you a bracelet and puts a few drops of your blood into the center of it. Your blood then activates the emerald thats inside of it," he pops a cherry tomato into his mouth, "Then the initials of your mate will carve itself into the bracelet. Once you both meet, you and your mate, the bracelet will start to glow. Then you and him can move into the sanction houses designated for mated couples." Hold the phone! Move in with him?

"I'll have to move in with someone that I barely even know?" With my eyes wide and mouth agape, my Uncle tries his best to hide his laughter but fails to do it in a big way.

"You will also have to have sex with him immediately so you can activate your abilities." Oh my God! Can this day get any fucking worse?

"Why right away? Can't I get to know him first?" He shakes his head, scraping all of the veggies into a sizzling frying pan.

"You have to have sex with him to activate your abilities Jaci. The Headmaster will find it odd if I enrolled into the Academy without you having any magical powers. Besides the classes are mostly learning how to control said powers. Wouldn't it look kind of strange if you were in a class for supernaturals and not be able to do what I claim you can do?" He's placing all of his hopes on me being able to find my mate and have sex with him as soon as I freaking meet him? No pressure there at all!

I still can't get over the fact that I'm talking to my Uncle about sex. This feels so demeaning.

"Why would you enroll me Uncle if you knew that I couldn't....preform? Wouldn't it have been better just to keep me at home and away from the Academy especially with this council at our back door?" He continues to stir the stir fry debating his answer I presume. It doesn't make sense to me to jeopardize either of us over this complication.

"No because the Headmaster knows about you and your parents. He doesn't know that they did what they did to you but he does know that you are a supernatural being and that alone is reason enough to risk this. You have to understand Jaci. That this situation is very precarious. We have to tread lightly. Enrolling you was my only option without making everyone suspicious." He places our food on our plates, the aroma is wafting all throughout the kitchen. Making my tummy rumble. My Uncle has always been such an amazing chef. I'm surprised that he didn't actually pursue a job in the food service industry. Taking a bite of the delicious stir fry I wait a beat before pursuing my interrogation.

"So we're both hoping that my mate is enrolled in the Academy and that I will be able that...with him so they we can activate my suppressed abilities? And just pray that this will all work out for us both? Is that about the gist of it?" He drops his fork on his plate looking at me completely exasperated.

"Yes Jaci. That about sums it up. I'm sorry I put you in this position. It was my only choice I hope you can understand that." The desperation in his voice has me faltering.

"I'm sorry," with a heavy sigh, I feel like this is somehow my fault. I never wanted to put my Uncle in this position, "I understand. I'll do what I have to do. Don't worry about it." Dragging his hands down his face, he breaths out heavily.

"We'll look at this way at least you have two more days before regular classes presume. Tomorrow all you have to do is go to the Headmasters office and pick up your schedule then see Ms. Flora. After that you can relax and explore. Your bags have already been dropped off at your dorm for you. That is until your able to meet your mate and move to an actual house." Though he's trying his best to sooth my wayward thoughts I still feel like I just swallowed a big giant rock and it's settled into the pit of my stomach.

Everything is hanging in the balance of me being able to locate my mate and me being able to have sex with him immediately.

Yep! No pressure there at all!

My world has been completely turned on it's axil and only in just a few short weeks.

I feel like the weight of the world is resting on my tiny shoulders and I don't know if I can even handle it.

Feeling way to despondent now to even eat, I clear my plate, placing it in the dishwasher. Eyeing the back of my Uncles head, I know without a single doubt that I will have to this for him. He's put everything on the line for me. There no way I could disappoint him over this. Not after everything that he has done for me.

"Goodnight Uncle Liam." Trudging my way up to my bedroom for one final night of rest in my Uncles home I wipe away the tears thats quickly forming in my eyes.

"Night Jaci."

My life is one big disappointment after another.

Once a normal shy girl with loving parents.

Now just a freak in a lonely disguise!

Pronunciation: Jaci (jay-see)

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