Alkine Academy

Chapter Cal • 42

"We we're only talking about asking you to marry us?"

Is it awful of me to think that seeing Jaci this so riled up is a complete fucking turn on?

When she let loose on us my dick took on a mind of its own.

Now I'm standing her with a major fucking hard on, staring wide eyed at my delicious sexy mate.

I didn't mean to give away our plans but after seeing her so damn fired up it basically just slipped out of my mouth unknowingly.

"Cal what the fuck?" Asher complains. His hands are spread wide opened with a clueless look plastered on his face.

Ora and Faron just groan at my ill timed confession, lowering and shaking their heads in complete defeat.

"Really?" Jaci questions, stunned.

Now I feel like a complete moron. My big ass mouth is always somehow getting me into trouble.

Glancing at Jaci, I guilty shrug my shoulder, the cats out of the bag now might as well admit the obvious. I would have preferred that it would be more romantic than this but my faux pas destroyed any type of plans we had for that, unfortunately.

"Yes. I'm sorry I wanted it to be more...special. I didn't mean to blab it out like that. But will you?" She looks at me mildly confused.

Shit! I didn't even ask her properly. No wonder she's confused.

"Will you marry me?" I look desperately at my brothers still sitting on the sofa looking a little perplexed, "Us. You will marry us?" I continue.

A wide and beautiful smile suddenly appears on her striking face. She nods her head in affirmation. Running to me she jumps up in my arms, wrapping her legs around me with her hands around my neck.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." She excitedly exclaims.

Planting tiny little kisses all over my face happily.

My brothers come to join us, each finding a way to touch or caress her, giving her their own little kisses.

She said yes!

I couldn't be more happier over the outcome.

Although it wasn't exactly what we had planned the outcome is the same regardless of how the question was asked.

This is the way I want to my pledge my love for her.

By marrying her and she fucking said yes!

My Jaci. My heart. My love. My everything.

Hours later, after we all celebrated our new engagement we reluctantly had to decide what we were going to do with our parents.

We're all now huddled at the kitchen table, a bit tipsy from the celebratory drinks we had earlier. Jaci is beside me with Faron on my other side. Ora and Asher across the table from me. Are spirits have seemed to drop from being ecstatic over relationships to a depressing state of frustration and hatred.

Mainly with Ora.

He hates it that our father is just a few steps away from him in the other room, breathing, alive, and seemingly healthy.

He's always wanted to be the one to seek revenge on our father for all of the pain and anguish he has caused all of us. The beatings that he gave us as punishment throughout our childhood, was what my father always claimed as making us stronger men. He couldn't stand the idea that his sons were ever weak.

In his eyes, a weak son was embarrassment, a failure. He always turned a blind eye to what our mother was doing to me. So I could care less for whatever Ora has planned to do to him. In my opinion the asshole deserves exactly whatever kind of punishment that Ora wants to dish out to him.


I want to end my mothers existence. To drain the very life right out of her. She has put me through more hell than anyone ever dare has and she has never once felt guilty about taking advantage of me with her sexual demands.

To me, that isn't what you call a mother, she's a terrible person that shouldn't even be granted the right to even breath.

Just thinking about all of the shit she has did to me makes me involuntary shiver. She's so damn repulsive, heartless, and very fucking cruel.

I wonder how she would feel if someone did what she did to me to her?

Hell! She would probably enjoy it, knowing how sick and perverted she actually is.

"You ok?" Jaci softly ask me. I can tell that she is worried for me but I can't thank her enough for giving me this wanted opportunity to enact my revenge on my sick as hell mother.

"Yes. Will go in there with me?" I ask her wholeheartedly.

It's not that I'm a pussy and need someone to hold my hand. I just need a balance to mellow me out from shifting into my dragon in our very own home.

I know I'm going to go ape shit just from being around her. Jaci can be my vocal point of calmness in my raging sea of madness.

"You know I will." She confirms with upmost certainty.

"Ora if it's okay, I would like to be the one to handle our mother. I don't care what you do with our father but I want her for myself." I politely ask.

I don't know why our mother singled out only me out of all us for her sick depravity but I have to be the one to face her for it not my brothers.

"You deserve this Cal. I wouldn't deny you your revenge. But if you need me, or any of us, we will be right here for you brother." He encouragingly tells me.

Faron and Asher both nod their heads in agreement with Ora.

"Thank you." I tell them all earnestly.

Standing up from the table, I look down at Jaci, giving her a modest smile. I grasp her tiny hand into mine to join me on my long awaited journey of redemption.

We entered Jacis bedroom, the lights are turned down to a very low level, barely casting any type of luminous glow in the room.

I can make out my parents figures laying on her bed, side by side, both have handcuffs on one of their wrist that's chained to the post of Jacis giant bed. Both still unconscious.

I gulp down my nervousness silently, preparing myself for the inevitable face off of my lifetime.

"You ready?" Jaci quietly ask me.

Am I?

I have been looking forward to this day for so long now that I never thought it would actually be happening so soon. I thought that we would never be able to find them. They hid themselves so well from us for so long that I almost gave up on the idea of ever finding them.

Until Jaci.

Reaching out for her, I pull her to me gently, embracing her in my arms, I inhale her sweet scent. Her intoxicating aroma calms me somewhat, I lower my head kissing her on her cheek. Releasing her from my embrace, I turn and look at my parents.

It's now or never!

"Let's do this." I finally tell her.

She nods her head, raising her arm, she waves her hand in my parents direction on the bed.

"expergiscimini!" She reverberates loudly.

I'm mildly shocked at how far she has progressed in her abilities lately. Watching her only makes me prouder of my new fiancé.

My parents start to wake up slowly, their eyes blinking erratically from waking, trying to stir awake then they both suddenly realize that they are cuffed to the bed.

Both of them begin to shake their arms rapidly, confused at be restrained, they look around the room.

When my mothers eyes lock onto mine, I notice her surprise, she starts to raise up from the bed clumsily. Pushing herself up from the bed with her free hand, her eyes bounce back and forth between Jaci and me. Clearly starting to feel petrified, I can tell by the way her body begins to tremble.

Giving her a satisfying smirk, I walk to the end of Jacis bed, glaring down at her, ignoring my father because all I really desire at the moment is for my mothers head to planted on a fucking stake!

I will leave my father for Oras pleasure.

"Hello mother?" I deviously tell her. Tilting my head to the side, loving the fear that appears suddenly on her face.

"Cal?" She drags my name out questioningly in obvious fear.

I can't tell you how good it feels to see her so damn fragile and terrified. Just like I was when she took away my damn innocence.

"Miss me?" I ask perversely.

"Cal what are you doing?" My fucking father ask.

"Shut up! Let them talk!" Jaci commands my father.

He glances over at her with pure disgust written on his face.

"Listen here you little slut! I don't think...." That's as far as got with his uncalled for ranting.

"expergiscimini!" Jaci cast a spell to apparently silence him. He tries his hardest to speak but no words are able to sprout from his disgusting mouth.

"Impressive baby." I compliment her. Truly impressed at her accomplishments.

"Thank you. Carry on." She tells me, smiling, then walking over to sit on the black lounge chair located on the far side of her room.

"Where we're we? Oh, that's right. Long time no see...mother!" I grind out her familial title with revulsion.

Even calling her mother sounds like a sin to me.

"Cal. Son...I'm..." she starts.

"I AM NOT YOUR DAMN SON?" I yell at her with my temper flaring.

She blanches from my raging shrieking.

"You lost that honor, to call me son, a long time ago. Didn't you? You never saw me as a son. You only saw me as some fuck toy for your own sick pleasures. I WAS JUST A CHILD!" The fear that I alight within her from my onslaught of screaming rage sends goosebumps all over me.

"I'm sorry Cal." My mother whispers to me meekly. Finally admitting her guilty and repulsive actions.

I smirk.

"Sorry? For which part exactly? For making me go down on you? For sucking my cock? For jacking me off endlessly? Or for robbing me of my damn childhood, my fucking innocence? Which one are you so sorry for?" I ask irate at her for all that she has done to me.

"For all of it. I wasn't in my right my Cal. I wasn't thinking. I was...lonely." Her proclamation makes me glance over at my father. His shocked expression over my mothers confession actually shocks me.

The bastard had to know. There's no fucking way she was able to this to me for so damn long without him even realizing what she was doing or how fucked in the head she actually is.

It doesn't matter to me. He's Ora's fucking problem. My concentration goes back to my evil mother.

She now has tears streaming down her face, it doesn't phase me in the slightest. My feelings toward her all non existent. All I feel toward her is pure fucking rage.

"Lonely huh? That's why you did it? You couldn't find a grown ass man to warm your damn bed? You were so desperate for attention that you sought out your own son for you're twisted fucking desires? I call bullshit!" Not giving her a chance to reply, I continue.

"I think your just sick! Disgusting! Revolting! Gross and perverse! Do you even understand the pain and suffering you have put me through? Because of you and all that you did to me, I hurt the people that I love. I have nightmares! It haunts me every fucking day and night! I thought I was worthless! I thought I deserved it! I thought I asked for it! You only targeted me! Why? Why was it only me?" I spill my guts out completely revolted at her.

"WHY?" I yell at her when she doesn't answer. She flinches sharply away from my tyranny.

"I don't know. You shy and afraid as a child. You were always wanting to please people..." she trails off, what the actual fuck?

"So you chose me because I was an easy target? I was the shy vulnerable child that wouldn't complain? That makes it even more perverse, you realize that right? Seeking out the most gullible kid you had? I wanted to please you because I loved you! I saw the way father treated you, always cheating and beating you and I thought, very stupidly I might add, that you needed the extra love from me. I didn't expect to be violated because of the innocent love I had for you! That makes this all worse! Dammit! You are fucking delusional!"

I can't believe she is so vile. Trying to explain away all that she has done to me because she was lonely? Because I was so stupidly caring?

This goes far beyond sick! This bitch is fucking crazy!

"I'm don't with this. I said what I had to say to you! I hate you for all that you done to me. I hate you for making me this way and I hate you for basically everything! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I lose my temper ferociously.

I feel tiny arms wrap around my stomach, enclosing me in the warmth and love. Jaci leans her head down on my back, embracing me tightly.

"I love you Cal." He declaration of love starts to calm my inner demons.

Closing my eyes I relish her touch.



I try to breath.

I turn around, with her arms still wrapped snuggly around me, I embrace her, locking my arms around her shoulders.

My calm. My sanity.

"Cal." My mother says trying to grab my attention.

I ignore her.

Breaking away from our loving embrace, I grasp Jacis hand, pulling her forward to exit her room.

Before we exit her bedroom I take one final glance at my parents.

My mother is still dramatically crying, looking shamelessly despondent.

My father looks at me questioningly.

I take giant breath, eyeing them both.

"Fuck you!" Are the last words I say to them both.

Jaci giggles quietly beside me.

We exit her bedroom, with me finally starting to feel exhilarated.

As I close the door slowly behind us, hearing the click of the door lock connecting sounds like finality to my years of tormenting anguish.

Stepping into the kitchen my brothers all eye me inquisitively.

"I want her taken to the dungeon!" I demand of them.

"Are you okay? Did you get everything off of your chest? Do you feel better?" Ora asks me worriedly.

Did I?

In all honesty, I could have taken it a lot further. I could have unloaded on her more than I ultimately did.

But I'm not completely done with her, just yet.

"I'll say all I need to say when we have her in our dungeon. But for now, yes, I feel like I got my point across to her." I answer Oras question sincerely.

"You should of seen him in there. He was so great. I'm so proud of him. He didn't lose control once and told her exactly what he was feeling." Jaci brags.

My heart swells with her admiration toward me.

"I am proud of you Cal. You didn't back down. I know it had to be so difficult for you after all that she has did to you, you were brave enough to face her and that alone is a miraculous accomplishment. I love you." Jaci brags again, giving me another hug with her head lowered against my side. I return the loving gesture, placing my arm around her waist.

"I love you too." I say in response.

"We will take them both down to the dungeon. Jaci do you think you can do another sleeping spell on them so we can do it without too much difficulty?" Ora ask.

"Yep!" She answers gleefully. She releases me from our hug, turning on her heels to walk back to her bedroom quickly.

I watch her as she goes. She has a revitalize pep in her step that I haven't seen for awhile now.

Returning my attention back to my brothers, I walk over to the kitchen table sitting back down in my previous seat.

"Have you noticed a change in Jaci?" I ask them curiously.

"Yes. She seems...happier?" Asher confirms my own suspicions.

"But why? She was majorly depressed when she left us. She wasn't in the clinic for that long to see that kind of improvement. Why do you think she all of the sudden seems more happy?" I don't understand the sudden change in her.

"Maybe it's because of her finally being able to kill DC?" Faron surmises.


"I don't know but I like it. I prefer to see her happy than like she was before any day." Ora informs us.

Same here but it seems awfully strange to me the way that she has made a astonishing 180 degree turn so suddenly.

"I agree but it's worrying to me. Aren't any of you worried about how quickly she's changed? Or is it just me?" I ask them suspiciously.

"Maybe it's because we asked her to marry us. That does change a woman's attitude, right?" Asher ask.

He has a valid point but I can't see how asking her to marry us could make such a drastic change in her.

Eyeing her bedroom door, I aimlessly furrow my brows, in deep concentration. Resting my arms on the kitchen table, my mind begins to race.

It can't be because we asked her to marry us, that just seems far too easy. I don't think she had enough time in the clinic to have this much of breakthrough.

As for ending DC, I can see her being happy over it because he is no longer a threat to her or to us but I don't think the ferocity of her taking a life has got her yet.

So why is she so damn happy now?

"Do you think it's drugs?" I absentmindedly ask them.

"No. Why would you think that? She has never done any type of drugs before. She rarely even drinks." Faron scoffs.

Then what else could it be?

Then hits me like a fucking freight train.


I can't believe I didn't think of it before.

"She did a spell." I suggest to them.

"What?" Ora ask cluelessly.

"She did a fucking spell! She's gotten really good at casting spells lately. Haven't you noticed?" They all look at each other and then back to me confusingly.

"I think she did a mood influencer spell. One that can change how you feel?" When they still look confused I try to explain exactly to them what I can remember from class, "it's a spell that alter your moods. If your mad it can calm you. If your depressed, like Jaci was, it can make you happy. Depending on how strong you are in witchcraft you can master the ability to do the mood spell in a matter of minutes. I think that's what she has done." I earnestly tell them.

If what I think is true then we have a large problem on our hands to deal with.

"It only mask your moods for a small amount of time. But when it starts to wear off then the mood you were previously in comes back to the person that cast it ten fold. So if she was depressed before then when the spell wears off she will be ten times more depressed than she was before. We have a problem guys. It's addicting. After awhile you start to crave the emotion that you invoked. Like a damn drug." I frighteningly inform them.

If this is what she is doing then we are majorly fucked.

"We have to help her." Asher pleads.

Yes we do but I just don't know how.

Scratch that.

We are royally fucked!

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