Alkine Academy

Chapter Asher • 34


The fucking asshole!

When we interrogated Max in DCs cellar he confessed everything. Terry DuPont has been obsessed with Jaci for months.

Max confirmed that Terry was the one who left the note at the bar that Cal found.

Terry has been following Jaci everywhere she goes, stalking her repeatedly and we never even noticed a damn thing!

A member of our gang has Jaci in his clutches, doing, well I don't even want to imagine what the bastard is doing to her right now and I'm struggling thinking that I could have prevented this some how. Some way.

I trusted him!

We're about two miles from Terry's house, according to Maxs directions, that should be where he's holding her.

Hopefully it is anyway. We have Yonan trying to track down any other place that Terry might own or rent just incase they're not at his residence.

We also had Greg and the others escort Max to the dungeon until we can locate Jaci. We will deal with his traitorous ass later. I'm sure I'm not the only wanting to get my hands around that assholes neck.

But I need focus all of my hatred on Terry at the moment. Knowing that once I get him into my clutches I will definitely kill him without hesitation.


He has our girl. If he fucking touches her or harms her in anyway I will gladly kill him without any remorse whatsoever.

My anger is fueling my desire to murder.

I scoot up from the backseat of the car, looking out of windshield, I can sense that my anxiousness is starting to spiral out of control.

Clenching my hands into fist tightly, I swing my head around, popping my neck.

The tension in the car is beyond stifling.

I've tried countless times to try and mind-link with Jaci but the only thing Im able to get in return is complete silence only spiking my worry even more.

I still feel the hollowness in my chest. It's like a vacant hole that can't be filled. The tether between Jaci and I has splintered for some reason and it's causing my heart rate to triple.

I know something is happening to her at this moment, I can just feel it. Dread fills me.

"Speed up. Somethings wrong!" I urge Ora. He steps on the gas as we race through the southern part of town. Noting the street sign that reads South Pacific Street I watch the houses closely. Searching for the house number 1070.

"There!" Cal screams pointing at Terrys domain from the front seat of the car.

When Ora stops the vehicle we all jump out hurriedly, racing to the front door. Grabbing the doorknob I find it unfortunately locked. If Terry thinks a locked door will stop us he's more than crazy.

Ora reflectivity pushes us to the side, lifting his leg he kicks the door open with one swift motion.

We run into the house only to find it completely abandoned. Not a strip of any type of furniture adorns the place with the exception of a fridge in the kitchen corner it's absolutely barren.

We search each room, I hear doors slamming against the walls with each room we enter.

I find nothing. Not even a clue.

Aggravated, at not being able to find anything. I stomp my way back into the empty living room feeling sadly depleted.

Faron enters the room a second later looking panicked. Cals right behind him looking like an exact replica of Faron.

Where the hell is she?

Ora finally joins us but by the grievous look captured on his face I can tell that we are in the wrong place and that Jaci is probably suffering for our fucking lack of ability to be able to locate her.



She's mine! I finally have her.

And oh how fine she was. When I slid my dick into her heavenly core I knew I found my paradise.

She is tantalizing. Simply scrumptious.

Unfortunately she passed out on me before I could get the chance to mark her. I want her to be alert when I place my mark upon her silky neck. To enjoy me sucking the blood out of her while I grind into her fiercely.

Given her another shot of the lovely serum to keep her connection with her mates mute, entices me.

They will never be able to figure out our location which will allow me enough time to officially claim her for myself.

Taking her away from those fuckers and permanently making her mine.

When she awakens I will finish what I started before with her but until then I'm just going to sit right in this chair and adorn her.

While she was out I did manage to take a hefty bite out of her asscheek. Not marking her but leaving my mark on her with the imprint of my teeth on her delicate skin.

I was able to ejaculate into her delicious pussy twice while she was sleeping. It wasn't as exciting as it would be if she were awake but I just couldn't get a control on my inner inhibitions.

Not when it comes to her.

I would love to continually thrusting into her but my desire for her to be aware of what is happening to her is too strong for me carry on without her realizing exactly what I'm doing to her.

So I sit and I wait.

Staring at her from the corner of this desolate room, biding my time oh so patiently.

But for her I am willing to wait even if it takes forever.

I suddenly hear her starting to rouse from her slumber.

Tiny little whimpers echo in my ears. As I stand from my seat smiling, I edge my way back over to her eagerly.

Her head rolls to and fro, trying her best to wake up.

Crouching down beside her, I place my hand on her ass that I so elegantly bitten earlier. I feel a sense of pride spark within me at seeing it.

Jaci tilts her head looking directly at me. There's no sense in shielding myself from her any longer. I get a cruel sensation of satisfaction at her knowing who her tormentor actually is. I watch as her recognition suddenly blooms in her. Her beautiful pretty little precious eyes widen in realization.

"Terry?" She questions. Her voice is barely above a whisper and quivering.

I crack a devious smile realizing that with her suddenly knowing who I am it sends terror flowing all through her.

Her sexy little body starts to shake as I observe her tiny tremors my eyes are drawn to her ass again.

Those plump ripe rounds bounce whenever she shakes her body in fear. Watching the steady vibrations of her terror rioting all over her my dick springs to life enjoying the sight of her fear.

She never says a word to me as I slowly creep my body back into position behind her.

Later I will flip her over, laying her on her back and take her from the front but for now I love the position I have her in, granting me the erotic view of her backside.

"I'm going to mark you precious while I drive my cock deep into you. I want to hear you scream as I do it." I whisper my desire into her ear.

Falling on back I grab my stiff rod adjusting it between her smooth folds. I love a woman who takes the time to be completely bare on her pussy.

Sliding my cock up and down along her slit I can hear her start to beg me again. Her little please and do nots only fuel my fire even further.

"Scream Jaci!" I demand of her. I long to her screaming out to the top of her little lungs knowing full well that there's no one around to be able to help her or to hear her cries.

Before I plunge into her hot tight core I want her to realize just what's in store for her.

"I'm going to bond with you Jaci. I'm going to fuck you over and over again. I want to hear your screams. I want to hear you beg and I want you cumming all over my cock when I sink my fangs into your body making your fuckable ass mine forever. Speaking of ass," I raise my cock placing it against the rim of her ass, "I think it's time I reek the benefits of every part of you. Considering your mine I guess I have every right to do with you exactly whatever I want to do. Right?" I block out her denials.

When I hear her mutter her mates names I start to become unglued.

How dare she mention another man's name when she's with me. Especially theirs.

Grabbing a handful of her hair I fist it up, yanking her head back rather forcefully.

"Say there names again and I'll make damn sure I'll kill them right in front of you! Would you like that Jaci?" I yank her hair back harder," would like for me to fuck your pretty little ass right in front of them? Do you want them watching as I drive my dick into that pretty little cunt?" When she doesn't reply, I loosen my hold on her. Her drops violently against the cement floor. I notice small little droplets of blood falling from her head.

Taking my finger I reach around her head, sliding it along her opened gash. I bring my finger to my mouth, licking her tasty blood off of my digit.

The taste of her sweet blood is euphoric.

I hum out in satisfaction.

"Mmmm. Delicious!" My dick jerks in my hand from the delectable taste of her.

I can't hold back any longer.

Readjusting my cock at her rim, I start to push into her but before I can push into any further the door slams open startling both of us.


The emptiness inside of me is slowly killing me.

Coming up empty handed at Terrys house I thought all hope was lost.

Looking at my brothers standing in the center of Terrys apparently abandoned living room makes me feel even more destitute.

The only hope that I can even think of that we have is finding another location from Yonan but even that could end being a long shot unfortunately.

And with every second ticking by I can sense our time is running out.

I haven't got a clue as to what I need to be doing next. My brain doesn't seem to be functioning properly all I can think about is what might be happening to her in our absence.

This goes far beyond frustrating.

If something happens to her I don't think I will have the ability to go on without her.

I would blame myself. This is all my fault. I did this. I need to figure out a way to find our mate and quickly.

"What now?" Faron ask belligerently.

Hell if I know!

I don't want to take my anger out on my brothers so I'm trying my best remain calm in their presence. It's a difficult task with the rage that's engulfing inside of me.

Taking a deep breath, I try relaxing.



But it doesn't seem to be working. I start to pace frantically, my breathing is becoming erratic. I'm losing it.

I'm about to explode.

Then I hear my cell phone ring suddenly breaking me away from my murderous thoughts temporarily.

Grabbing the cell from my back pocket, I read the name on the screen rejoicing at the visual.

"What have you got." I hurriedly ask Yonan when I answer the phone before even the second ring goes off.

"Boss I located a warehouse that's under Terrys grandparents name. It's the only viable location that he can have her." Hearing Yonans proclamation has me elated. He gives me the address which is amazingly only three blocks away from where we are currently.

"Thanks. I owe you one." Hanging up my phone sharply I turn to my brothers wanting and desperate faces and relay Yonans message to them.

None of us hesitate a second longer before we are all running out of the door jumping fast into our vehicle.

As soon I close the door I start the car hitting the gas, I speed off to save the woman I so desperately love.

We're coming sweet cheeks!


When Ora repeated to us exactly what Yonan told him on the phone, I jumped into action quickly.

Racing out the door, I jump into the passenger seat of the car anticipating getting my hands on Terry and ripping the asshole in two gleefully.

Arriving somewhat briskly at our location we all stampede out of the car running into the warehouse ready to face whatever we might come across.

When we crash through the door all of us stop in our tracks, stunned at what we're actually seeing.

Terry is on Jacis back about to plunge his disgusting dick into her. He has her spread eagle, lying on the floor, on her front side, cuffed to four spikes that's welded into the floor of the warehouse.

There's blood splattered on the floor directly in front of her.

I see fucking red!

I automatically shift into my dragon. My skin ripping off of my body rapidly. The fury inside of me escalated to an all time new sensation. He fucking touched my mate and will die for what he's done to her.

I hear Samson howling as I transform beside him.

I ignore his wails, my only focus is on the fucking asshole that's so stupidly on top of my mate. Staring at us wide eyed with fear laced on his ugly face!

That's right fucker you majorly fucked up!

Stomping heavily to him, it doesn't take me a millisecond to reach his side. Lowering my head I gladly open jaws wide, clamping down hard around his tiny little head, biting down on it roughly, I rip it off of his body. Blood gushes out massively and splatters everywhere.

Spitting the gruesome appendage out my jaws, I watch as Samson starts ripping through his body with his claws. Tearing it to pieces.

Terry never stood a chance.

I shift back swiftly into my human form, kneeling down beside Jaci. I can feel wetness on my cheek and realize suddenly that I'm crying.

Jaci has scrapes and gashes all along her body and there's dried blood on her head and lower region. It makes me want to kill Terry all over again.

Ora breaks the cuffs instantly that's around her wrist while Asher breaks the ones that placed on her ankles.

Faron is on her other side looking down at her sadly. I notice a bite mark that's on her right asscheek that's red and staring to swell up.

My tears keep falling.

I can't feel the connection between us both yet but just by looking at her I can feel her pain and suffering.

Ora picks her up gently, placing her between his legs, he rubs his hand along her arm, cooing sweet words to her. "It's ok sweet cheeks. I got you. He's never going to hurt you again." You can see Jacis body violently trembling.

Each one of us are touching some part of her body whispering lovingly to her.

Her tears keep falling down her beautiful face along with ours.

My heart is breaking. Seeing her helpless and vulnerable and with the damage Terrys ass has inflicted upon on her physically and mentally nearly rips my broken in two.

I don't exactly know how any of us are going to come back from this but I do know that I will be there for her through all of it. She will not have to go through this alone.

No matter what it takes. No matter how long. I will be her rock. I will stand by her.

She's going to need all of us to get her pass this. If there is a way pass this horrible nightmare, that is.

"We need to get her home." Asher informs us quietly.

We just nod our heads. To broken to even speak.

Faron grabs her from Oras arms, carrying her bridal style, we all head out of the warehouse.

I give one last look over my shoulder at the shredded body lying on the warehouse floor.

Even though this is a traumatic event I can't control the smile that suddenly appears on my face at seeing Terrys demise.

The fucker deserved it!


The beast inside of me is only slightly comforted because I finally have Jaci wrapped in my arms.

Though she's broken and damaged, she is alive, thankfully, and that's about all I can be thankful for at this precise moment.

Climbing into the backseat of the car, I never loosen my hold on her. Asher slides in on the other side while Cal closes my door.

Jacis whimpering in my arms, I pull her body closer to mine, not wanting to let her go. Asher covers her bare skin with his jacket, his hand is continually rubbing her forearm trying his best to sooth her or him I don't know which.

He's placing tiny tender kisses along the top of her head, while I'm leaving them on her forehead. Cal turns and looks back from the front seat, he reaches his hand out, placing it on the lower part of her arm. Gently caressing her.

We are all trying to sooth her in some sort of way, each lost in our own sorrow.

The car ride home is eerily silent. No one dares utter a word, all of our emotions are still just to damn raw.

I know that I didn't get to kill Terry like I so craved to do but I will find a way to avenge Jaci. I have to or else I can only consider myself a useless mate.

I should have been there for her. I should have known or even had a hint of the type of person that Terry was. I should have realized that someone was stalking her.

I'm useless.

I'm her protector and I failed at my own job. I allowed Terry to get close to her. I allowed this to happen to her.

I'm a damn failure.

Bringing her limp body closer to me, I look down at her sorrowfully.

I will make it up to her. I have to. She means the world to me and I will do anything in my power to take away her sorrow, her pain, her misery.

"Almost there." Ora tells us. He is catching glimpses of Jaci, in my arms, through the rear view mirror.

I look to each of my brothers. They all have the same troublesome expressions on their faces. They are all worried about her just as I am.

The dynamic of our team has just been shattered. The one piece that holds us together is broken and we are the only ones that are going to be able to put those pieces back together bit by tiny bit.

The task ahead of us is going to be awfully difficult but if we can work together as a unit we will find a way to help her, eventually.

It will take some time and a lot of effort but she is worth every single second of it. I won't let her down again. I can't. Not ever.

She is my one true love, my life, my heart, and it kills me to see her so fucking destroyed.

And all because of that asshole Terry!

What makes it even worse is that Max knew about Terrys obsession with Jaci all along and never said a damn thing about it to any of us.

Cal might have been the one to take Terrys life tonight but I will definitely be the one that ends Maxs and I can't wait to do it. Maybe that's one way I will be able to avenge Jaci? Then maybe I will able to live with myself again for not being able to protect her.

Just maybe.

"After we get her home I'm going to the dungeon." I inform my brothers through gritted teeth and a shit load of anger.

"So am I." Asher rebuttals.

I don't dare dissuade him. I can feel his anger from across the seat and it's an exact duplicate of my own.

We will both find justice for Jaci tonight.

One way or the other!

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