Alkine Academy

Chapter Asher • 23


I'm Waiting for Jaci, at the dungeons entrance, for her to complete her last challenge with nothing else to do but let my mind wonder.

Somehow, lately, it always seems to fluctuate between Cal and Jaci.

The shock of finding out that my bother, is not only, constantly trying to push away Jaci but to find out that he's interested in men: absolutely stumps me.

I've never had any indications that Cal was bisexual. He's always been with women, attracted to women, so why wouldn't I think he was anything other than straight.

It's not that I would look at him any differently. He's still my brother and I will always love him no matter what sexual orientation he is. That's not my worry.

My problem with Cal is that he is so blatantly cheating on Jaci and he doesn't seem to even care about her feelings. When not long ago he was her biggest supporter even before I was.

I just can't comprehend what's going on his mind.

Will any of this ever get any easier?

Now with Ora throwing Jaci to the wolves, so to speak, adds another extra worry to my already overwrought thoughts.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that Patten has ulterior motives behind his inclusion of Jaci in the auction. I just can't put my fucking finger on it.

"Asher?" Faron mindlinks me tearing me away from my troublesome thoughts.


"Saturday is Jacis birthday. I want to do something special for her." Saturday? I had no idea. What kind of fucking worthless mate doesn't know their own mates birthday? But the auction is that day?

"But Saturday is the auction!" I remind Faron. That stupid auction is ruining everything. Ora better have a damn good excuse for doing this to Jaci.

"I know and as much as I hate it that can't be helped but I want to do something special for Jaci on Friday for her birthday. Can you help me?" He knows how much I care for Jaci. Of course I will help him in anyway possible. Her birthday is already going to be fucked up because of the auction. We have to do something extra special for her to make up for it.

"Sure you know I would do anything for her. What did you have in mind?" I curiously ask him.

"Bonding!" Fuck Yes! I've been waiting for this moment. I wanted all of us to be a united front before we claimed her fully as our own but unfortunately with everything that's been thrown at us and now with Cal being so deceptive, that seems like just a pipe dream that will never come to fruition.

"Fuck! Really? I'm up for it. I want this and I'm glad you want it also." Having my twin and I bond with Jaci together is something that I would definitely be down for.

"How could I not. I love her Asher." Holy fuck! Faron loves her? I knew that I did from all most the day that I meet her but I didn't think any of my other brothers loved her also but if Faron wants to go as far as to bond with her then I'm pretty damn sure he feels the same way as I do about her. At least one of my brothers has some damn sense.

"Me too." I confess wholeheartedly.

"I know you do. When you get home we will discuss the details. Later bro." Now I can't wait till Friday.

It's going to be one magical night for all of us. Hopefully.

Ora and Jaci exit the dungeon with their hands gently clasped in each other's.

It's not what I imagined when I pictured Jaci walking out of the dungeon tonight.

I thought she would be shattered. Mortified at what she had to do but by the look on both of their faces it's anything but mortification.

They both look extremely happy.

"You ok?" I ask her a bit casually.

Searching both of their faces for some type of clue as to what actually happened in the cell.

Jaci smiles at me but Ora seems guarded. I don't want to step on anyones toes, but fuck this! She's my mate and I need to know.

"Did you do it?" Jaci shakes her head, relief floods through me. I didn't want her to subjugate to any type of violence but with Ora so determined for Jaci to prove herself I didn't know what exactly to expect.

"She's officially our Queen!" Ora tells me so vehemently that it leaves no room for any doubt. Hearing the news that she's finally our Queen, now and forever, I don't dwell on the how any longer. I'm just thankful that she is finally ours.

"Congratulations!" I tell her. Wrapping my arms around her tightly, I can feel the pride well up inside of me.

Thank fuck! We now have our Queen!

All hail the the mother fucking Queen!

"Our Queen!"

Cal makes it sound like more than a question than a statement.

As soon as we returned to the manor to inform Faron and Cal of Jacis accomplishment, Cals temper escalated.

We're all in the outer solar room, exhausted from all of our daily activities, it was an happy occasion until Cal starting showing his ass.

It's like a recycle of the last argument he and Jaci has already had. This shit is getting old and fast. I don't know about my brothers but, I for one, am done with all of his bullshit.

Regardless of what Faron or Ora might think, it's time for Cal to man up and if Ora can't get Cal straightened out, I damn sure will.

"This is a joke right? Please tell me that you ,Ora, above anyone, will not allow this...this catastrophic ruling to be allowed?" Cals determination is majorly flawed in this area. Jaci will make an excellent Queen, why can't he just see that?

"It's said and done Cal. She's our Queen and our mate. Just stop this shit already you're starting to sound like a spoilt child who can't get his way. It's becoming tedious! If you have a problem with this decision then why don't you run to Max to hold your hand. You've been doing a lot of that lately? haven't you?" I drastically tell him. Cal just glares at me with evil intent.

The disappointment on his face actually has me deviously smiling. At this point I could truly care less about his fucking feelings he has literally made his bed and now he's has to sleep it. Pun definitely intended!

If he wants to cheat on Jaci it is his decision basically, I can't change what he has already been done but I can damn sure make his ass regret his decisions about it. Jaci doesn't deserve his cowardice, if the asshole is going to cheat on her then she needs to know the truth about his adulterated affairs.

Jaci gasps when she's hears my confession about Cal but apparently she's not the only one who didn't know about Cals rendezvous with Max. Ora and Faron both gasps out also, with shock written all over their faces.

I just assumed they knew about all of it, especially Ora, since them two are closer than most of us. Apparently not, if the look on their faces are anything to go by.

Now I feel like a fucking tattletale, like a little bitch who is gossiping just for the joy of it. Realizing my faux pas, I bite the inside of my cheek in frustration.

Glancing back at Cal, I can see a mixture of emotions on his face, one of guilt and the other of complete and refutable anger.

"Fuck you Asher! You got a big fucking mouth! So what if I'm fucking Max it's none of your damn business! I'm a grown ass fucking man I can do whatever I want to do!" Cal stomps his way over to me, getting directly into my face, "what, are you jealous? You want some of Maxs ass too? Is Jaci not enough for you?" Cal glances over to Jaci, smirking, "apparently she wasn't enough for me either!" He just can't help himself, it's like the devil climbed into him and will not let go of his putrid soul.

He steps away from me, slowly making his way over to Jaci, blocking her from my view he continues on with his uncalled for ranting.

"You're not fit to be a Queen if you can't even satisfy your kings in bed how are you going to run a fucking gang? Yea, I'm fucking Max and his ass is ten times better than your so called fucking pussy! At least he knows how to please a man!"

It doesn't take a split second for Ora to be all up on Cals face, throwing punch after punch knocking him flat on his fucking ass!

Faron and I rush over to pull Ora off of the top of Cal, Cal never throws a punch in Oras direction throughout the massacre.

Pulling him off of Cal wasn't an easy feat, the guy is as strong as a fucking ox, with his mind consumed with fury Ora takes no prisoners. He is still trying to grind out of our hold on him, to get to Cal who is now bloody and beaten, laying on the floor.

Jaci runs up to Ora, placing her hands upon his chest, she tries to soothe the savage beast inside of him: cooing words of contentment to him.

Ora eventually settles down, his eyes lock into Jacis immediately, sensing that she's worried his temper dissolves quickly.

Releasing Ora from our hold, he takes Jaci into his arms, nuzzling her along her neck he starts to calm the beast inside of him from her scent.

Cal clumsily makes his way off the floor, grunting and moaning, when he is finally able to stand on his own two feet again, he swipes the blood off of his mouth with the back of his hand. Staring daggers at Ora and Jaci.

"Don't say a fucking word Cal! I think you've done enough damage for one evening. Run along to your playmate and get the fuck out of this house!" Faron recommends but not in a subtle way.

Cals eyes flicker between all of us, finally resting on Jaci, there loaded with a abundance of remorse and a slight touch of aggression.

I just wish there was a way I could get him to see that his undefined actions are destroying not only him but also our family.

"Jaci I..." Cal starts to speak but stops suddenly when Faron steps up to him, blocking his view of Jaci and of Ora.

We're all in a protective mode stanza toward her after Cal so disgustingly offended her. He doesn't want to keep pushing any of our damn buttons that's, for damn sure, especially after the beat down that Ora just gave him.

"Just leave Cal. Go cool off somewhere and seriously think about your actions here tonight!" I so graciously tell him. Hoping that he will come to realize how much he is hurting all of us by his ridiculous notions. "We don't need anymore of your shit!" I finish, berating hm.

"Jaci.." Cal starts to talk to her again but stops instantly. I can see when the regret instantly washes over him, that much I can tell, but he's not helping his case by continually trying to talk to her at this moment, unfortunately he's gone too far already with his bullshit for tonight. Enough is enough!

"Leave!" I scream at him.

Cal hesitates for only a second, giving one last look at Jaci, he slowly exits the room. Slamming the door behind him as he goes.

Ora is still holding Jaci in his arms as we all watch Cal exit the room, she starts to cry silently. Tears are escaping down her beautiful face.

Seeing her sadness I feel like an even bigger jackass, I split the beans to everyone while in my anger. Letting out secrets that were actually none of my business to spill in the first place.

Gradually making my way over to Jaci and Ora, I reach my arms out wanting to embrace her also. She steps away from Ora, going directly into my arms, I wrap her tiny body up, dragging her closer to me.

"I'm so sorry Jaci. Cals right, I have a big fucking mouth." If it wasn't for me and my big mouth, this argument wouldn't have escalated as far it did.

Cals not the only one feeling regret and remorse at this moment. The guilt of my actions are consuming me also.

Faron walks over to us, prying Jaci out of my arms, he eagerly wraps her up into his own.

"Come on baby let's go relieve some tension." Jaci nods her head, wiping away the tears from under her eyes.

Faron and Jaci both walk off leaving me and Ora watching them both go, sadly.

When they are both out our eyesight I turn my attention to Ora, looking over him I notice that both of his knuckles are bloody from the fight with Cal.

Sighing, I try to be cautious about what I'm about to ask him but I need to desperately know. "Why is Cal doing this? And no more secrets Ora. There has to be a reason he is acting this way. I'm your brother and I love you both if he needs help, I need to know. This is not like Cal at all, there's something wrong with him. Please fucking tell me Ora." I practically beg.

Exhaling deeply, Ora eyes me affectionately. Just from his look I know that whatever he's about to tell me can't be good.

"When he was younger Cal was sexually abused...."

Ora continues telling about what occurred with Cal and our fucking worthless piece of shit mother.

I have no idea that anything of this magnitude was happening right under our very own roof with my own fucking mother and Cal.

No damn wonder he's acting out like he is, I couldn't imagine the embarrassment or the suffering he was going through at the time and still carries with him today.

Why didn't he ever tell me or Faron for that matter? He took all of this upon himself and never once gave us a single clue as to what was happening to him. The pain he must have suffered through and is still going through must be, unimaginable.

He was a fucking kid! How can a parent, let alone a mother, do this to their own child?

The anger and revulsion I feel about the entire situation leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, as Ora continues all the sordid details I start to feel overly nauseous.

Running over to the trash can, in a hurry, I empty the remnants of my dinner into it. The putrid smell of it making me even more nauseous from it.

When I'm finally done puking my fucking guts out, I start to breath heavily, panicking over Oras confession.

Ora rubs my back, trying his best to smooth my wayward thoughts about all of this disgusting bullshit.

If I knew where my mother was at this very moment I would gladly kill the bitch for Cal.

"We should find her and kill her." I tell Ora wiping the excess vomit off of my mouth.

"I've tried. They have either changed their names and don't want to be located or they're dead. Either way I can't locate them." If they're not dead they will wish that they were if I was ever lucky enough to cross their paths, I will gladly destroy them both without hesitation.

"Does Faron know?" Ora shakes his head.

"No Cal only told me but I think it's time that everyone knew because like you said he needs help." Nodding my head. I definitely agree with Oras assessment. I happy that he agrees with me.

"Let's go tell Faron then. The sooner we can get him the help the better." Ora nods, as we both head off to tell Faron, I have to make a pitstop at the bathroom first and brush my teeth.

Faron is going to flip the fuck out! Maybe we should also tell Jaci. She may be the only one of us who will might actually able to reach Cal in the long run.

He cared for her once, that I'm sure of, if we can just get him the help he needs then maybe him and Jaci can eventually get along or at least come to an understanding or just maybe one day forgiveness.

Nevertheless Cal needs us and I'll be damn if he will have to tackle this without all of us by his side supporting him.

He's been on his own for far too fucking long now!

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