Alexius: A Dark Mafia Romance (Dark Sovereign Book 1)

Alexius: Chapter 21

The fire of Alexius’ touch, together with the buzz of the champagne, has me all chained up, yet I have never felt so fucking free, dancing on the cusp of white-hot desire. I’m addicted to the confidence that flickers across my skin and the resolve that resonates from my words when I tell Alexius what I want. When I challenge him.

Isaia’s eyes drift down my body, pausing at my hips before slowly dipping to my thighs. His eyes, the way he stares at me, it heats my skin, spreading all the way down to my throbbing pussy. I’m out of breath, trapped between Alexius’ hard body and Isaia’s hot gaze. Two brothers. Two predators. And all I want to do is offer them my throat.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Ever since I walked through the front door of this house, it’s like the sins trapped between these walls have latched on to my mind, my body, corrupting every thought, every desire. I’m possessed with cravings I’ve never had before, my veins pulsing with something primal. Something uncontrollable.

“Tell my brother what you told me,” Alexius urges as he guides us toward a bench placed by the patio rails.

“Which part?” My voice is too soft, my skin erupting with electricity as he eases his palms down the sides of my arms.

He sits and pulls me down with him, my legs on either side of the bench, and he forces my back against his chest, his hot breath now on my neck. “The part where you’ll leave lipstick stains around my cock.” Alexius takes both my wrists and guides them in behind my back. “Keep them there,” he orders, and my fingers brush against his hard length. Knowing he’s turned on, that his cock is ready, has me biting the inside of my mouth, my body slowly climbing.

Isaia shifts his weight from one leg to the other, his eyes an intense inferno, and I like it. I like having them on me. Watching me.

I lift my chin, knowing all too well what game Alexius is playing. I know the Del Rossa brothers share their women like they share their wine or whiskey. The thought should disturb me, make me want to run as far away from them as possible, but instead, it sends heat pooling between my legs, my curiosity heightened. My thoughts are filled with images of Alexius and me on the floor at the boutique while flashes of Isaia fucking that girl seep through the vivid pictures.

“What do you think, Isaia?” Alexius snakes an arm around my shoulder, touching the corner of my mouth, and I imagine he’s wiping the smear he made earlier. “Do you think this shade of red would look nice around my dick?”

“I don’t know about yours, but it would look fucking beautiful around mine.”

Alexius makes a soft hissing sound as if he doesn’t like what his brother just said, yet he continues, his fingers finding their way around my throat, applying pressure. “What do you think…wife?” The way he drags out the word like a mere tease on his tongue makes my stomach clench. “You think you can suck us both?”

Fuck. This is new territory for me. God, who am I kidding? This is all new territory for me. Men. Sex. Desire. Lust. Yesterday I was a virgin, and now I’m on a bench, halfway to a fucking orgasm, with two brothers watching me.

My confidence is no longer as strong as a few minutes ago when it was just Alexius and me. I’m not sure about this. I’m not sure about anything.

“Alexius,” I whisper, my heart racing at a million beats per minute. “What are you doing?”

“I’m playing. Around here, this is how we play, sweetheart,” he growls. “Isn’t that why you came down here tonight in this tight little dress, with your red lips and smelling like champagne…to fucking play?” Abruptly, he palms my breast, but he’s not gentle, and I whimper, my lips quivering.

“Alexius.” It’s supposed to be an objection, but it sounds more like a plea. “I don’t know about this.”

“You said it yourself. You like the idea of someone watching us. Watching you.”

“It’s fantasy, and totally different when it’s real.”

“Oh, but it’s so much more powerful when a fantasy is real.” His voice is a seductive symphony dancing along my flesh, and I shudder when he sucks my earlobe between his warm lips.

“Unravel with me, Leandra,” he murmurs, and I swear to God, I melt into liquid fucking desire. I’ve never felt something like this before—a lust without limits. Desire without boundaries.

The air is palpable with more than just sex and anticipation. It’s laden with something stronger, an electric force that heightens everything but our inhibitions.

Alexius’ finger slips into the neckline of my dress, and I close my eyes as he pulls the fabric to the side, exposing the mound of flesh, the cold air against my nipple soon replaced with his eager fingers teasing along the sensitive nub.


I open my eyes and look right at him, standing a few feet away, biting his lip, his heavily lidded eyes possessed with a hunger that reaches for me while his brother palms my breast. My body is heavy, but my mind floats, and I’m being catapulted at a hundred miles an hour to a place where I’m nothing but a fucking mess for these men.

“Since you’ve seen my brother come,” Alexius starts, “I think it’s only fair you show him the same courtesy.” The dark tenor in Alexius’ voice sends shivers down my spine. “What do you say, Leandra?” he murmurs. “Let’s show my brother how fucking beautiful you are when you come.”

My cheeks flush, and it spreads down my neck, across my chest, straight to my sex, all the while Isaia holds my gaze hostage. He slips off his leather jacket, tossing it to the ground, and I can see every curve of his chiseled chest underneath his white shirt. Veins bulge in his arms as he adjusts his belt, a cheap move to lure my gaze to his crotch, hard and pressing against his black jeans. God, I know what his cock looks like when it’s hard and thick. I’ve seen his firm body naked. I’ve seen him fuck.

“Are you thinking about it?” Alexius rolls his hips, grinding his cock against my ass. “Are you thinking about Isaia fucking?”

“Yes,” I breathe, and Isaia’s nostrils flare, his expression hard lines and sharp edges.

“Good,” Alexius coos, dropping his hand from my breast, his burning touch traveling down my front, fingers folding around my thighs. I can’t take my eyes off Isaia as he follows Alexius’ hand, licking his lips as if he craves a taste. A taste of me.

Abruptly, Alexius forces my legs open, and I inhale sharply between my teeth. Even from a few feet away, I can hear Isaia groan, and the sound is an aphrodisiac meant to fucking destroy women like me.

My pussy is bare, open and now on full display for Isaia to see. My first reaction is to close my eyes, and I turn my head to the side, shying away from the fact that I’m so exposed, embarrassed, but Alexius grips my chin and forces me to look straight ahead. “Don’t you dare look away. You keep those pretty eyes of yours on my brother.”

Isaia’s dark brows curl inward, a silent demand in his scowl. His expression is the same as the other night when he looked at the blonde woman he was with, staring down at her ass, two seconds before he sank into her.

My embarrassment slowly fizzles, and with every breath, I find myself more and more enthralled by him, by how he stares at me, how the image of me ignites a sexual hunger in him that slowly starts to radiate from his dark irises. I don’t want to take my eyes off him. I want to see what it does to him while watching me, his own hand starting with his belt.

“Isaia,” Alexius roars from over my shoulder. “You keep that fucking dick of yours in your pants, you hear me? All you’re doing tonight is watching.”

Isaia slides his top teeth along his bottom lip, frustration darkening his eyes, just like the night that surrounds us. But he doesn’t object. He doesn’t say a word…because he knows Alexius is in control.

He always is.


It settles me, eases the doubts knowing Alexius is in control, that he’s steering every second of this. Does this mean…does this mean I trust him? Do I trust my husband even though he’s given me no reason to?

I relax against him, nestling my head into his chest, allowing his heat to melt into me, comfort me, and give me the confidence I need to let go. To lose control. To focus on what I want and not give a fuck about the voices of caution my lust is slowly drowning out.

The second Alexius drags a finger along my wet pussy lips, I moan, the sensation gripping tight around every bone. The fire—it’s too much, and I’m already halfway over the edge. It’s no longer a question of yes or no, or whether I want to or not. I’m already too far gone, and the consequences no longer matter.

“Tell me, brother, what does her pussy look like?”

Isaia leans his head to the side, licking his lips. “Swollen. Hot. Fucking delicious.”

“Oh, my God,” I whimper.

“Alexius, I gotta have a taste, man.”

“Not tonight, brother.” Alexius drags a finger through my slit, unhurried and gentle, one slow stroke at a time, spreading my arousal from my folds to my clit.

I’m trapped between reality and fantasy, but I don’t want to be freed. I want to stay here with both of them, one touching me, talking me through it, while the other watches, keeping his thoughts to himself.

What is Isaia thinking? Does he want me? Does he want to touch me? Kiss me? Fuck me?

My hips rock, and I push my ass back to feel Alexius’ hard length and hear his rapid breathing in my ear.

Alexius’ expert fingers find my clit, and I tremble against him, groaning with pleasure.

Isaia takes a step closer, and Alexius goes fucking rigid behind me. “Take another step, and I will fucking gut you.”

“Ah,” I moan, my legs shaking, my stomach clenched tight, my pussy slick and hot. The threat, the timbre of possession in his voice, laces around my insides, and I feel my arousal spreading down my thighs. Alexius’ grip on my pussy gets tighter, and I can’t take it anymore. I’m so damn close, my clit swollen and so fucking easy for him to touch and pinch.

“Oh, you’re ready, aren’t you?” Alexius flexes behind me, reaching deeper between my legs, pushing a finger into me. “Ready to come for us, baby girl?”

“Yes,” I whimper, my mind swimming and body coiled tight. Every fucking bone in my body feels like it’s on the brink of breaking, my spine nothing but molten lust and crazed pleasure.

“Now, you keep your fucking eyes on Isaia while you come. Understand?”

I nod, my breaths coming out with labored puffs, my chest rising and falling.

“You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” Alexius whispers for only me to hear. “Now, show my brother what a lucky man I am because I get to fuck you after this.”

“Alexius,” I moan, but I keep watching Isaia, standing with his hands in his jeans pockets, lips pursed, and eyes hard. He doesn’t fucking move. All he does is…watch.

Alexius sinks a second finger into me before tearing them out and pinching my clit—hard. “Come for us, Leandra. Make a fucking mess on this bench.”

I cry out through the pleasure, my body shaking as the orgasm shatters with a kind of pressure that forces every muscle to pull taut, on the verge of snapping. But I never take my eyes off Isaia. I watch as he pulls his lips in a snarl, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. And while my climax tears through me, I imagine that this was what he felt like when he came while I watched him. This intense fucking euphoria that suffocates you with every breath, but you can’t fight it because it just feels too. Fucking. Good.

Alexius’ lips are on my neck. “That’s my girl,” he murmurs, sucking and licking my heated flesh as I come apart in his arms, unable to breathe. I don’t want to breathe. All I want is to stay here and linger in this state of rapture.

I’m so wet. I can feel it running down my thighs, Alexius’ palm slick and coated in my cum. I collapse against Alexius, my head lolling to the side as I try to catch my breath from the night air.

“Isaia,” Alexius snarls. “Leave. Now.”

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