Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner

Chapter Bab 108

Bab 108

"Mengapa kamu meneleponku berkali-kali, Lily? Apakah sesuatu terjadi? Ponsel saya dalam keadaan silent dan saya tidak menyadari bahwa Anda menelepon," jelas David. "Dave, ... ibuku dipukuli!"


'Bibi Sally dipukuli?'

Jika David harus membuat daftar orang-orang yang paling ia sayangi di dunia dari yang paling ke yang paling tidak, maka bibinya Sally Lowe dan Diana Lidell akan menempati posisi pertama. Artinya, tidak termasuk orang tuanya yang sudah meninggal.

Sejak orang tuanya meninggal karena kejadian itu, satu-satunya tempat di mana dia merasakan kehangatan adalah dengan Bibi Sally dan Diana.

Karena itu, David langsung marah ketika mengetahui bahwa Bibi Sally dipukuli.

Menurut pemahamannya tentang Bibi Sally, dia bukan tipe orang yang memprovokasi seseorang secara tiba-tiba.

"Siapa yang memukulinya? Apakah dia terluka parah?" David dengan cepat bertanya.

"Your cousin brother Quinn beat her up! She's not hurt too badly, the doctor said she'll be fine after a few days of rest," Lily replied.

"How could Quinn beat Aunt Sally up? Don't tell me she went to collect that debt for me again!"

"Tsk! Just, it's too hard to explain over the phone, Dave! Just come over and look for yourself! My brother's about to go take revenge tomorrow!"

David was fuming with anger.

Lily might not have told him anything through the phone, but he already had an idea of what had happened.

Aunt Sally must have gone to help him collect compensation for his parent's incident. His aunt must have refused, causing both parties to argue, and Quinn must have beaten Aunt Sally up on behalf of his mother.

'That brat. I'm going to make you pay for that. 'Is it not bad enough that you're not paying money you owe? How can you beat someone up as well?

'What kind of people does this family consist of?'

Originally, he did not plan to collect that money. Not when he already had more than enough to spend.

However, now there was no way he would let them get away with not paying. He would rather give the money to beggars on the street than let them keep it.

"Lily, didn't I give you money? I also told you to tell your mom about it, didn't I? Why is she still so adamant about collecting compensation?"

"Dave, how am I supposed to tell her when you keep it a secret?" Lily asked indignantly.

"I was afraid Aunt Sally would worry that I got the money from illegal trading!"

"I am a woman, how am I supposed to explain suddenly having so much money? What if my mom thinks that I found myself a sugar daddy instead of focusing on my studies?" David was rendered speechless.

"Fine, I'm going over right now! I'll get there before sunrise, so keep an eye on Jacey, don't let him run off."

Jacey was a rambunctious man. There was no telling what would happen if he managed to find Quinn.

"Alright! Come quick!"

David ended the call with Lily and immediately called Wayne and the others so that they could come and fetch him.

A Bugatti Veyron was a bad choice to drive in the small county because of its low chassis. Thus, he could only take the G-Wagon back.

After ending the call, David glanced in the direction of the bathroom where Amelia was taking a shower. Without informing her, he went downstairs.

On the way to the county, David sent Amelia a text to explain that something had happened at home and he had to leave. He also told her that she was free to spend the night in his house. After sending that message, David pondered a bit before adding a sentence.

"Something really did happen, Amelia! I swear I'm not running away!"

It would be a huge insult to his character if Amelia ended up misunderstanding and assuming that he was lacking in that department.

'But will she believe me?

'Probably not. Damn it!

'Honestly, I might not believe it either if I were her.

'That's it. My great reputation is tarnished.

'But now isn't the time to worry about that.' David decided that he would deal with the matter of his reputation after he solved the issue at hand.

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