Aiden Finnegan the Alchemist in Delcord Novel Full Episode

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Anyone with An Accomplishment 

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“Avirax Medicare!” She was dazed. “Are you close with Avirax Medicare! 

“Of course! Avirax Medicare has been a client of our company for years. So, it’s only natural that we’re close!” Ray claimed with a laugh as his eyes kept glancing at Angelina’s curves. 

Back during their times in university, Ray had always pursued Angelina. However, she only had the heart for studies and rejected his affection. Nonetheless, he never gave up on pursuing her. Alas, little did he expect Angelina to be married to another man, and a useless one 

As such, he was dissatisfied, yet he could do nothing, given that the marriage was decided by the Old Mr. Gray. Regardless, his passion for Angelina reignited the instant he learned about the old man’s passing. Hence, he became one of Angelina’s zealous pursuers 

From her perspective, although Ray had once pursued her, they became mere friends when he learned of her status as a married woman. That was why Angelina decided to tell him about what had happened. earlier 

Preposterous” Ray angrily exclaimed and shifted his gaze onto Angelina. “What about your husband? Is he unable to help you at all!” 

“He’s not good at that.” She could only say so in response. 

“Not good at what now? Don’t lie. I know he’s a useless man that’s leeching off your kindness!” Ray took the chance and added, “Oh, I meant no offense, Angelina. I only babbled that out of rage.” 

“I know!” Angelina nodded. Essentially, anyone who knew Aiden would say such things. 

“It’ll be okay, Angelina. I’ll give Mr. Cobain from Avirax Medicare a call and ask him for help!” Ray thumped his chest as he promised. 

“Won’t that be a hassle?” Angelina asked sheepishly. 

Ray merely smiled lightly as he answered, “What hassle? It’s just a phone call. Anyway, have you eaten yet? Do you want to get dinner together?” 

She took a look at the darkening sky and replied, “I still have some documents to prepare. How about lunch tomorrow? It’s on me!” 

A hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes as he had to forgo such a perfect opportunity. Nonetheless, this was a perfect time to impress the woman, so he answered, “Sure!” 

With that, the two went their separate ways, and Angelina headed straight home. 

As she returned home, she saw that not only did Aiden not prepare dinner, but Linda was also watching. some reality TV. This scene immediately reminded her of the chaos in the company, and her anger came to a boiling point! 

“Are we not eating tonight? Why isn’t there any food on the table!?” She questioned sharply. 

Linda was startled by her loud volume and responded with her own vexation, “What are you shouting at me for? Why should I make dinner if that useless good-for-nothing isn’t!?” 

When Angelina heard Linda’s remarks, she rushed to the second floor and pushed Aiden’s door wide 


Chapter 16 Anyone with An Accomplishr 

open. “What time is it already? Why aren’t you cooking yet? She asked, utterly irritated. 

Aiden, who was sitting and cultivating on the bed in his room, jerked into wakefulness upon her sudden interruption and took a glance at his watch before he hastily replied, “My bad. I didn’t pay attention to the time. 171 start cooking right away!” 

As soon as Angelina entered the room, she grew even more exasperated to see Aiden in his meditative posture. “All you do is research all this bullsh*t! What, are you an Immortal yet?” 

Previously, before Aiden’s basic skills in martial arts recovered, he would solely cultivate martial arts in his room, though he never achieved any breakthroughs. Angelina would catch him doing that from time to time, but she had never raged at him as she was now, 

Aiden was wholly baffled by her behavior and inquired with concern, “Why? Is something wrong? 

“What if there is something wrong? What can you do about it?” She questioned with a cold face. 

With that, Aiden wordlessly furrowed his brows. 

When she saw the timid, incompetent look on his face, she grew even more furious and ranted, “Don’t even think that you’re a real doctor just because you deceived the Thatchers! You’re merely lucky to have the Webbs and the Thatchers on your side. If you keep going on like this, you will eventually expose yourself. I told you to read the books on cosmetology. Why hadn’t you done so!?” 

Then, she turned her head and saw a Doctor’s Qualification Certificate on Aiden’s desk. She grabbed it and gave it a look before turning to him with an enraged look, rebuking. “You even went to forge a fake certificate? Can you at least be a little competent? Every husband is putting themselves out there and succeeding! Why can’t you be like them? I’d be grateful if you have at least a decent job!” 

“You think this Doctor Qualification Certificate is fake?” Aiden asked with a scowl. 

“No sh*t” Angelina countered. 

Aiden eventually let out a deprecating scoff as he replied, “If you say it’s fake, then it’s fake!” 

you know how stressed out I am every single day? I had to bear everyone referring to me as the wife of a good-for-nothing! I was even ostracized for that! And I only had Ray to comfort me!” As soon as she blurted her sentence, she instantly regretted mentioning Ray’s name. 

“You went to find Ray?” His face grew chilly 

She bit her l*ps and shouted, “Whomever I find is none of your business!” 

“Speaking from the heart, huh? You want to talk about frustrations and pain? Fine! You only think I’m an embarrassment to you since I’m not as flashy as the other guys!” He coldly stated, “You said that i don’t understand your pain, but have you ever even taken a good look at me and given me a chance to love you even once? Never!” 

“I would have given you a chance if you had accomplished anything at all!” Angelina yelled. 

“So, anyone with an accomplishment is deemed worthy of being with you? Someone like Ray Crispin, 1 suppose!?” Aiden finally said it. 


14:32 Mon, 29 Jan 

Chapter 16 Anyone with An Accomplishment 


As Angelina stared at him, the rage within her overwhelmed her, and she screamed, “Out! Get the hell 


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Aiden Finnegan, the Alchemist in Delcord 


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