Aidan (Blue Halo Book 5)

Aidan: Chapter 12

Breathe, Cassie. Just breathe. It will all be fine.

Cassie had repeated those words inside her head about a hundred times since she’d knocked on Lydia and Henry’s door. The couple had actually opened it together and looked like their eyes were about to bug out of their heads. But the second they recovered, they’d swept into action just as she’d known they would. They’d driven her home, called Elijah, and were now waiting with her.

She clenched the sofa cushions beneath her thighs. Elijah wasn’t here yet, but he would be soon. Would he buy her story? He had to. She’d become a damn good liar, but today would be a true test of her skills.

Lydia sat beside her, rubbing her shoulder. “It will all be okay, dear.”

Henry paced back and forth on the other side of the living room, a worried look on his face, while Mrs. Alder stayed busy in the kitchen making coffee. The old bat had probably loved having the house to herself. Hell, she probably didn’t even care that Cassie had been kidnapped and Damien hadn’t returned from the compound.

God, please be okay, Damien.

The man was like a brother to her, and he still wasn’t home. She’d been hoping that they’d walk in here today and there he’d be. Nope.

Yes, she was angry he’d organized this crazy kidnapping plan with Aidan, but he was her oldest friend. He loved her as much as she loved him.

The door opened and her nails bit into the cushion.

Mia was the first person inside. She ran across the room. Lydia stood, and Mia dropped into her spot and threw her arms around Cassie’s shoulders.

Some of the tension eased from her limbs. This was the biggest reason she’d had to come back. Because Mia was family, the only family she had left, and hugging her was everything.

She closed her eyes and tightened her hold on her sister.

“Are you okay?” Mia whispered. “I was so worried!”

“I’m okay.”

Mia’s arms began to loosen, and Cassie steeled her spine. She felt him in the room before she saw him. He always made the air feel thicker. Some days, she thought she’d choke in his presence.

She looked up, not surprised to see his brothers, Isaac and Joshua, on either side of him. Two of his guards were there also, Antwon and Sampson. She wasn’t entirely sure if Sampson was there for Elijah or Mia. Maybe both.

Another shudder tried to rock her, but she refused to let it. The brothers and Antwon had eyes as cold as Elijah’s. Sampson was the only person she semi-liked.

Elijah perched on the edge of an armchair near the couch. “Cassie, my child, how are you?”

His gaze held hers. He’d always been good at eye contact. At giving someone one hundred percent of his attention. It made so many people feel heard and seen. But for Cassie, it just made her skin crawl.

“I’m okay. Rattled, but uninjured.” Her voice shook just the right amount.

“Can you tell me what happened?”

Deep breath, Cassie. You can do this. “I don’t remember much from the night I was taken. I was on my feet most of the evening, and you know how that affects me. I passed out almost immediately when the guy grabbed me in my guest room.”

He nodded. Yeah, he already knew that part. He’d probably watched the surveillance video of her being taken a million times.

She wet her lips. “When I woke up, I was somewhere in the woods. My hands were bound, and there were two men with me. They’d set up camp. We hiked short distances both Saturday and Sunday, but I slowed them down a lot because I kept passing out. They didn’t know about my hypotension. When we stopped Sunday evening, they said they were waiting for their boss to come get me.”

“What did they look like?” Elijah asked.

She recited what she’d practiced with Aidan. “Both were over six feet tall. Fit. Day-old beards. One guy’s hair was dark brown, the other a lighter brown. Both Caucasian.” So basically, they were as ordinary and common-looking as possible.


“I assume they used nicknames. They referred to each other as Truck and Ace.”

Frustration weighed on Elijah’s face. “Why did they take you?”

This was the big question. “Because I’m a member of Paragons of Hope. They called us a…a cult.” They were, of course. But Elijah would never use that word. “They were talking about us having a lot of money. I can only guess they were eventually going to contact you, maybe ask for money in exchange for me.”

As lies went, it wasn’t terrible. People who knew about Paragons of Hope also knew they had money. And there had been attacks on the organization before.

Mia’s arms wrapped around Cassie’s shoulders again. “Oh, C! You must have been terrified.”

Cassie leaned into her sister. Elijah was still watching her closely, like the psychopath he was.

He leaned forward. “Can I see your wrists, child?”

She knew he’d ask. Knew he’d need some sort of proof. Because seeing her kidnapping on video wasn’t enough.

Man, she was glad she’d rubbed her wrists against those ropes. Slowly, she rolled up the sleeves of her black dress and held out her wrists.

The second Elijah touched her, she had to grit her teeth to keep from pulling away. But even if she did flinch, he’d probably mistake her reaction for pain. Because who would flinch at their Holy Leader’s touch?

His thumb swiped over the abrasion on her left wrist. “You said they didn’t hurt you?”

His gaze ran down her body.

She hated his eyes on her. “I fought them to get away a couple of times but quickly realized there was no point. I wasn’t going to win.”

“How did you get away, then?”

She took a breath. “The guy on night watch fell asleep. When I woke up and saw him, I ran. When I got out of the woods, I recognized the street I was on.”

Lydia took a small step forward. “She was still bound when she knocked on our door.”

Elijah nodded, finally releasing her. It took everything in her not to scrub every spot he’d touched. “I’m sorry about what you went through.” There was a small pause. “I think it’s best you let Paragons take care of this from here. Involving the police will just make it messy.”

Yep, she’d known that was coming. She gave a small nod. “I understand, Elijah. I trust you to find out who did this.”

“And I think it also would be best you move to the compound for a while.”

Her heart thumped. “No.”

Mia stiffened beside her.

Shit. No one said no to Elijah.

She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’m just in such a state. It’s been a tremendously traumatic few days.” She rubbed her eyes like she was exhausted. Which she was. Exhausted from sitting here talking to him. “I really would like to be around my things right now. Be in my own space. I think it will help me heal.”

Mia rubbed her back. “Maybe I can stay with you?”

Oh sweet, innocent Mia. Her gaze turned to her sister. “I would love that.” So freaking much. When she looked at Elijah hopefully, there was a fleeting expression of frustration. He was going to say no. She could see it in his eyes.

She added an extra tremble to her voice. “To be able to rest in my own bed would be such a blessing for my mental health. Not to mention having Mrs. Alder here to take care of me.”

Another clenching of his jaw. His gaze rose to Mrs. Alder, and she was almost certain she saw something pass between them.

When he looked back at her, his smooth mask had returned. “Very well. Mia, you may stay for a week. Mrs. Alder will look after you.”

Look after her? Ha. He meant watch her. She was sure he’d have words with the old woman before he left. He’d also, no doubt, keep a very close eye on the cameras in her house.

Mia rubbed Cassie’s arm, giving her a smile.

“We’ve replaced the locks on your doors and windows and upgraded the security,” Elijah continued. “I’ll also put a guard outside your house.”

“I can do that, sir,” Sampson said.

That would make Mia happy.

Elijah looked like he was going to stand but then stopped. “We had to cancel your ball last night, of course, but we’ll reschedule when you’re feeling better.”

Her back straightened at the mention of the ball. The second she’d gotten home, she’d snuck upstairs and texted Olive, but the woman hadn’t replied. Maybe she would later, but if she didn’t, she needed a way to see her.

How quickly could a party be arranged?

“Actually, a celebration might be the perfect thing to take my mind off everything.” Cassie smiled timidly. “Maybe tomorrow night? A ball would be too difficult to arrange on short notice, but maybe just a small get-together with Paragon family members?”

His brows rose. But it was Mia who answered.

“Great idea. It will be a great distraction for you. I can take care of all the arrangements.”

Some of the tightness in her chest loosened. It was Monday. If she could talk to Olive Tuesday night, it would be perfect timing for Wednesday.

When Elijah nodded and rose, turning toward the door, Cassie stood as well. “Elijah, do you know where Damien is? He wasn’t home when we got here, and Mrs. Alder said she didn’t know when he’d be back.”

She’d been waiting for him to bring it up. Actually, she’d been hoping Damien would be with Elijah when he arrived.

He stopped. A full second passed. That small hesitation had dread knotting in Cassie’s belly. When he finally looked at her, his smile was as fake as the rest of him. “He was so worried about you that I sent him away on a little trip. To take his mind off things.”

Cassie frowned. “A trip?”

“He’s doing some aid work for one of our charities. I’ll inform him of your return and let him know he can come home.”

Her dread intensified. “Can I call him? He must be so anxious.”

Elijah was already out the door. It was Joshua who answered. “Leave that to us.”

Then they were gone.

Equal parts fear and fury pumped through her veins. Lying dirtbags! She wanted Damien back, and she wanted him back now.

Lydia moved forward and wrapped her arms around Cassie’s shoulders. When she pulled back, she kept hold of her briefly. “Call if you need anything. Okay?”

Cassie nodded and watched as the couple left.

Mia said, “I’ll go home, pack a bag, and I’ll be right back. Are you going to be okay while I’m gone?”

She nodded. “I have Mrs. Alder. Please don’t take too long.”

At least she didn’t need to fake the worry in her voice. She worried all day, every day about Mia being at the compound.

Her sister slid some hair away from Cassie’s face. “I won’t. Promise.”

She watched her sister right until the door closed behind her. She always hated goodbyes with Mia. Because every time, worst-case scenarios played out in her head. Of what could happen to her. What Elijah might do.

She exhaled loudly and moved toward the stairs.

“I’m making fried chicken for lunch.”

She stopped at the sound of Mrs. Alder’s voice. Fried chicken was a favorite of Cassie’s. She eyed the housekeeper, trying to keep her dubious expression at bay. “Really?”

Mrs. Alder didn’t look up. “Really. It will be ready by the time Mia returns.”

Fried chicken with her sister. The day was looking up. Still made her suspicious as hell, though. “Sounds good. Thank you.”

She trudged up the stairs and into the bedroom. The first thing she did was check every spot a camera could be placed. It had become somewhat of a ritual for her. If Elijah was ever going to put a camera in her bedroom, it was now.

She’d gotten close to the IT guy at the compound. And one night, when he’d had far too many of the spiked drinks, Cassie had questioned him about hidden camera placements in the members’ houses. He’d told her each and every spot. Since then, she’d become an expert at checking those spots inconspicuously.

She scanned the entire room. And it wasn’t until she surreptitiously glanced at the air vent that she saw it.

Son of a bitch. A freaking camera!

A fresh wave of anger swamped her. She was careful not to show it, but man, all she wanted to do was run outside, chase the asshole down, and murder him with her bare hands. The gall of him!

She stepped into the connecting bathroom and closed the door. Softly. No matter how badly she wanted to slam it. Then she went through a similar process in the bathroom, checking every little nook and cranny of the small space. When she didn’t spot anything, she blew out a long breath.

Well, at least that was something.

Walking over to the shower, she turned it on, but instead of getting straight in, she moved back to the vanity and opened a drawer. She reached for the Tampax box and took out the small burner phone.

Her heart dropped. Still no response from Olive. It was fine. She might respond later. And if she didn’t, hopefully she’d see the woman tomorrow night.

She thumbed in a new number. Excitement trilled in her veins. Excitement that she was about to text Aidan. Have contact with him.

Cassie: Hey. I made it home safely. I spoke to Elijah and he seemed to buy everything, but I guess you heard that anyway.

The response came almost immediately.

Aidan: I’m in the house to the right. Tyler’s to the left and Callum’s across the street. You’re safe. Are you okay?

So they’d actually managed to empty the houses. The one across from her had been vacant, but not those on either side. She had no idea how they’d pulled that off so quickly. They’d said something about the homeowners winning sudden trips, but she didn’t care. The point was, they were there, and they made her feel safe.

Cassie: I’m angry. He’s lying about Damien, and he put a camera in my bedroom.

Aidan: Son of a bitch.

She almost smiled. That had been her response too, only in her head.

Aidan: It will be over soon. I promise. X

Cassie: I miss you already.

There was a small pause.

Aidan: When you write things like that, I just want to get into that house and kidnap you again.

How she’d love for him to do just that. But he couldn’t.

Cassie: Soon. Then I’m all yours.

Aidan: Forever.

She smiled.

Cassie: Forever x

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