
Chapter Ago 26

Chapter 26

“Dad, I’m sorry. Please don’t hit me! Mom help me!”

“Yolanda! Stop hitting. I’m begging you. If you must hit someone, hit me instead!”

Annie came to a halt, realizing the situation immediately. Zachary might not have any other skills, but he certainly had the fiercest temper in the whole Sanders family. His wife, Kate, his wife, with her less fancy roots, and their sole offspring, Yolanda, painted bulls–eyes on their backs for his explosions

Initially reluctant to intervene, Annie had a change of heart when she thought of Kate. Perhaps due to their shared humble beginnings and enduring ridicule, she felt a sense of empathy. Plus, Kate was the only person in the entire Sanders family who showed genuine kindness towards Annie, though she struggled to defend herself most of the time.

Climbing up the stairs, Annie caught sight of Yolanda and Kate huddled in the hallway. Zachary wasted no time as he began the beating right there before entering the room.

“Aren’t you close to Jeremy? Can’t manage to come up with 150 thousand dollars? Are the Chandler family strapped for cash?” Zachary shouted.

Yolanda’s mouth showed signs of bruising, and she clung to her mother, trembling. She didn’t dare spill the beans that her link with Jeremy was all a mix–up, fearing éven harsher punishment.

Kate intervened hurriedly, “Even if Jeremy’s got a thing for Yolanda, they’re not official yet. Shaking him down for cash could send him away.”

Zachary got the point but stood his ground. “If he refuses, then you pay up! You have money to splurge on those handbags and clothes, but can’t spare some for me, even though I raised you all these years!”

“I–I ain’t got a dime. ” Yolanda sniffled. She not only had zero cash but was also neck- deep in debt.

“No cash, huh? Looks like you need some lesson!” Zachary was gearing up for more thrashing when Kate leaped in. “If you wanna throw punches, throw ‘em at me!”

Shoving Kate aside, Zachary sneered, “Fuck off! You’re just as useless, popping out a money pit for a daughter!”

“Ouch!” Kate collided with the wall, going pale with pain, beads of sweat instantly forming.



15:32 Fri, Aug 30.

Chapter 26

Annie rushed over, helping her up. “You okay, Kate?”

Zachary growled, “Annie, mind your own beeswax. This is a family business, got it? Cross me, and you’re next in line.”


“All about money, huh?” Annie knew exactly how to handle folks like Zachary and cut to the chase.

Zachary narrowed his eyes. “You gonna give me some?”

“I could, but it ain’t for free. Yolanda needs to offload her fancy goods to me on the cheap.” There was no way to recover the money given to Zachary, so she definitely couldn’t engage in such a losing deal.

“Done!” Zachary jumped the gun.

Yolanda didn’t stand a chance to object, feeling beyond frustrated to the point of exasperation.

Zachary glared at her. “You gonna bring out that heap of junk or should I send you an invite?

Yolanda begrudgingly retreated to her room to gather up all her fancy bags and couture, some still brand new with their tags intact. Her heart felt like it was being sliced by a blade. Still, with Zachary watching her like a hawk, she gritted her teeth and barked, “These things set me back over 300 thousand dollars. Round it up and give me 300 thousand.”

‘300 thousand?‘ Annie thought Yolanda was way too green. She replied coolly, “150 thousand dollars, take it or leave it.”

Yolanda’s eyes flared with fury. “150 thousand? Annie, are you trying to pull a fast one? Even as gently–used items, these are worth way more!”

Initially, Annie didn’t aim to slash the price so sharply, but Yolanda tossed out 300 thousand like Annie was a fool. Then Annie sneered, “Then go peddle them second- hand.” She didn’t think Zachary would have that kind of patience.

“Deal!” Zachary sealed the deal for Yolanda directly.

“Dad!” Yolanda wanted to protest, yet a single glare from Zachary shut her

  1. up.

After the trade was done, Zachary sped off to revel in his spoils. Annie asked some servants to haul away the goods.

Kate expressed her gratitude, “Annie, we owe you big time for today.” Were it not for



15:32 Fri, Aug 30 G

Chapter 26

Annie’s interference, she and Yolanda might have been left bloodied.


“Why the thanks, Mom? She didn’t have good intentions!” Yolanda seethed as her purchases were carted off, feeling as though her essence was being stripped away. She vowed never to forget this.

Annie smirked. ‘No freebies here. Helping folks like Yolanda won’t end well. If it weren’t for Kate, Annie wouldn’t give a damn about Yolanda’s existence. Nonetheless, Yolanda’s lavish collection could be traded for a tidy profit.

Thinking about the bulging wallet brought a big smile to Annie’s face. But her mood soured instantly when she glanced at a message on her phone. [I covered for you. Remember to hook me up.]

‘Oh, who the heck is this?‘ Annie was ready to block the number, but something made her pause. She fired back a message. [Did you actually buy those clothes?] She couldn’t come up with anything else.

[Yeah, I picked those up for you.]

‘What did he mean by that?‘ Annie shot back: [I didn’t ask for your interference!]

[But you didn’t decline either.]

Annie was baffled, trying to figure out who would pull such a stunt. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. [Jackson Hudson!]

Jackson chuckled heartily upon receiving Annie’s fiery response. Just from those curt words, he could picture her fuming. ‘She was so composed during our showdown at the mall. What has riled her up this time?‘

Annie sat cross–legged on the bed, crunching numbers on her phone calculator, occasionally jotting down notes with a pen between her lips. But as she tallied up the final sum, her expression darkened.

Her dream was to launch a jewelry studio, a goal she had missed in her past life. Yet opening a studio was no piece of cake. Beyond the expenses for rare metals and gemstones, there were daunting costs–rent, furnishings, machinery, hiring staff, and


She had some savings, and Yosef tossed some cash her way monthly, which she hoarded. Add the 100 grand from Amanda and the haul from Yolanda tonight, and she had a solid chunk of change. Yet, all of it was now earmarked for Jackson.

‘Does he harbor a grudge against me? Then why would he be there when I passed?‘


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Annie pondered. But no matter how, the couldn’t figure it out. After contemplating for a be, she quickly texted; [Mr. Hudion, ever felt a sudden urge to do good and help

Given the late hour, she assumed the other party wouldn’t respond right away, but ber phone buzzed with a message soon after. [Yeah.]

Annie’s hopes rose a bit: [When?]

[When sending someone to meet their maker.]

Is this still considered an act of kindness? Annie smirked: [You’ve got to be joking.I

[Take swift action, and let them pass without suffering. Isn’t that a kind gesture?] Annie’s throat went dry. She ran her fingers along her neck, shivering. ‘Forget it. I’ll have to put the studio funds on hold. I can’t tangle with this dude.


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