
Chapter Ago 24

Chapter 24

Jeremy’s words redirected everyone’s focus back to Annie. No one knew whether he was deliberate.

Annie shot a glance at Jeremy, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. “I had a bite out. I am not really hungry.”

Jeremy expressed his concern. “You should eat more. Being too skinny ain’t good for you.”

“What’s he up to now? Is he bored of the sisterly rivalry and trying to pull me into some three–way drama? Nah, he’s too good at reading female minds, knowing that things easily obtained lose their charm. He is

ill enjoying toying with people. But who’s playing whom, that’s still up in the air. Annie took a sip of water casually.

Catching Jeremy’s concern for Annie and how he looked at Annie earlier, Yolanda became uneasy. Is Jeremy into Annie now that she’s looking hotter? No chance! Jeremy belongs solely to me, one else!”


“What happened at the mall today resonated with Yolanda, and she brightened up, saying with a

smile, /No need to worry about Annie, Mr. Chandler. She’s got someone looking out for her now.”

“Hmm?” Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

With a radiant smile, Yolanda continued, “Today, someone splurged on the entire store’s clothes for her, really generous–like. Could be a boyfriend or some such.”

John glanced at Annie and questioned, “Are you venturing into the dating scene?”

Annie ruffled her bangs and replied casually, “Not quite.”

Jeremy caught her reaction. “Maybe there’s a secret admirer swooning over Ms. Annie Sanders.”

This wasn’t the result Yolanda desired. She nibbled her lip, then grinned, bit her lip, then grinned, “Probably so. At Jessica’s party. Mr. Zimmerman from Foison Group seemed really into Annie, even chatting about sponsoring her!”

She twirled her hair leisurely, adding, “Annie’s such a knockout that it wouldn’t surprise me if she had someone supporting her.”

Annie nearly choked on her drink. ‘Is Yolanda blabbering without a thought? Conjuring tales on the fly?

“Yolanda!” John scowled and scolded. ‘How could she talk so crudely in front of guests?”

Jessica shot Yolanda a disdainful look and huffed. ‘Does she think she’s Mrs. Chandler, stirring up trouble? But Annie is a bitch too. If they did get into a brawl, that would be something to witness!”

“Hey, John, Yolanda was just being casual. Why so uptight?” Yolanda’s father, Zachary just returned from his escapades with a squint, reeking of alcohol.

Chripter 24

Jolin glared at his younger brother, his expression somber. “Didn’t you hear what she was saying?”

Zachary retorted, “She didn’t misspeak. Annie’s sudden makeover is quite a switch. If there’s not reason for it, that’d be strange.”

Since everyone had noticed Annie’s transformation, unspoken doubts filled their minds. Despite Yosef’s wealth, Annie hailed from a small town, perhaps mesmerized by Betrico’s grandeur.

Jeremy stared at Antic for a moment, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. He had pondered over Annie’s sudden shift, but the notion of her being kept didn’t sit right with him. Not because he trusted her, but because it seemed unnecessary. Curious about Annie’s calm demeanor in such a situation, he prodded, “Aren’t you gonna explain yourself, Ms. Annie Sanders?”

Irked by Jeremy’s defense of Annie, Yolanda sharpened her tone. “Well, you’re silent just because you’ve been caught, right, Annie?”

Annie chuckled softly, showing a slight dimple. “Are you kidding, Yolanda? With Dad’s status, you think I’d ever be short on cash? Even if I were, there’d be folks lining up to give me some.” She wasn’t flaunting superiority but stating facts. She and Yolanda were worlds apart, and aligning their views was just plain laughable.

“Plus…” Annie’s tone drew out, her smile widening. “Today, you dropped hundreds of thousands on clothes without a blink, all for others. Gotta admit, I’m a bit envious of you.”

“Annie!” Yolanda gritted her teeth. ‘She tricked me into spending a ton, and she has the gall to bring it up?

Annie tousled her hair, mirroring Yolanda’s tone earlier. “Seems your allowance’s been generous. lately, grabbing limited edition bags back–to–back. Wardrobe overflowing soon?”

So what?” Yolanda snapped. She needed glam outfits to match Jeremy.

‘So what?‘ Annie glanced at Zachary. Before she could prod further, he erupted. “You splurge on others but can’t show respect to me. Raised you for naught!”

“Dad!” Alarm spread across Yolanda’s face. Jeremy is right there. Isn’t Dad trying to embarrass me?”

“You still call me dad? Thought I raised a worthless ingrate!” Zachary, fueled by drink, tossed decorum aside and demanded, “Give me 150 thousand dollars. I’ll put it to good use.”

150 thousand dollars!‘ Yolanda clenched her fists, her face contorted. “Dad, I don’t have that much!”

“No cash?” Zachary eyed Jeremy. “Got a man, right? Spending to honor his future father–in–law should be a given, shouldn’t it?”

Who wouldn’t know about Jeremy giving Yolanda flowers these days? She kept bragging about her upcoming marriage into the Chandler family. Zachary fixated on Jeremy, eyes narrowed with a keen calculation, seemingly plotting how to benefit from him.

Yolanda, not wanting to tarnish her image in front of Jeremy, swiftly rose to intervene with


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Chapter 21

Zachary, Dad, don’t cause a scenel”


“What? Not even hitched yet, and you’re turning on your own kin? Seems I’ve gotta teach you your name!” Zachary seized Yolanda’s hair, pulling her up while gearing his other hand for action.

Seeing things escalate, John had to step in sternly. “Enough!”

Zachary, somewhat wary of John, reluctantly withdrew, grumbling as he exited.

Despite being spared from more harm, Yolanda appeared disheveled and displeased. She tried to muster a pitiful look like Jessica, hoping for Jeremy’s sympathy, only to see his attention elsewhere. Across the table, Annie leisurely sipped her soup, dabbed her mouth with a handkerchief, then excused herself. She cast a bright smile Jeremy’s way before sauntering out for the garden.

“She… Jeremy was taken aback. Shortly after, he emerged at the end of the garden path.

Annie gazed into the distance, spotting a furtive figure in the tree’s shade, her smile turning sweeter. They’ve all arrived. Le

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