Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 27: The five divisions (3)

Ending his speech with a roar, he stepped aside and joined the Knight Lords.

In the middle of the floor in front of the Knight Master's table, a trap door swung open to reveal stone steps leading down to a cellar glowing with candles and incense.

The students edged forward eagerly, peering down, but a stern look from the Knight Master stopped them in their tracks, and they stepped back.

Then from the chamber a hooded man appears. The attendants escorted the Seer.

The students began smartening themselves up believing that this Seer is the one who will choose their House. Arial did no such thing.

He said Seer didn't he? Bloodline magic, Arial muttered under his breath. Arial had read about Seer before.

Those that are blessed and curse with visions of future and past, too see the threads that connect them all, yet vague enough not to see it clearly. contemporary romance

They see glimpses, paths, choices. But they do not know everything. They only peer through the Veil.

Inherited magic. Arial said in his mind.

Old Blood, old magics. It cannot be learned. It runs in the Bloodline. He can see the future or glimpse anyway.

But they can also see some glimpse of the past. Now that will be disastrous. Thankfully Arial remembered something he read in the Library.

The method on preventing someone casting magic on you.

'I need to envelope myself with internal energy and release Cold Energy creating a barrier of some sort.'

The Internal Energy Cultivation Technique. After learning it, Arial rarely get tired and his stamina rises considerably.

Southern Healer also knows this technique.

The story of how the Southern Healer got the technique is quite a story.

At that time, Temple of Southern Healer is called Linzi Temple.

Levitia at the time were chased by Demon Lords and they were chasing him to Vangua where the Abbot of that Temple takes pity in Levitia and hides him in the temple.

Levitia spend his time in the temple and it is said that he got the idea of creating martial arts based on the moves of the Calming Movement of the monks in the Temple.

Levitia never forgetting the kindness of that Abbot, return after the Subjugation, to that Temple.

Returning with fame, renown and glory yet still humble and thankful, he thanked the Abbot for his help all those years ago.

As a gesture of gratitude he offered the Temple his swordplay technique and martial arts manual.

Yet the Abbot doesn't want it, saying that the Temple is for people who want to find enlightenment and peace not learn things that can kill or harm people.

Levitia at that time was regarded as invincible and a peerless hero without match

All four corners of the Land know who he is and his heroic feats were sung all over the Continents.

Regarded as the founder of martial arts and internal energy training anyone would be begging to learn even one of his techniques.

So everyone present at the Temple is shocked at the Abbot refusal.

But still Levitia could not go and continue his journey without giving the Abbot nothing.

So instead, he wrote a copy of Internal Energy Cultivation Technique explaining to the Abbots that this technique can strengthen the core of the body and can be used to save people.

Levitia also declared anyone that dare attack the temple would be making him as their enemy.

So even though his technique and manuals are tempting for thieves and heroes of his time, they do not dare attack Linzi Temple or steal from them, lest they anger Levitia.

After the Abbot accept the manual and practice it in the temple he developed the Light Healing Finger Technique. It can heal even the most severe internal injury.

Since then the manual has always been passed to the next Abbot to learn and use it to save the people.

If the Seer uses his magic, he need to envelope his body in Cold Energy to prevent him from seeing anything on him.

The Hall was enveloped in an eerie silence, before a voice drifted up the stone steps and into the minds of every student.

His voice fills the halls, as the iron glass shakes and the plates cracked.

The Knight Lord glares at the Seer as they think of the cost replacing those glasses and plates again. They forgot to ask the servants to clean the plates first

"The Dragon roars and dances in the sky, bringing fire and blood. In the house of Fierce Dragon lies men with fierce hearts and incomparable strength, and determination to soar beyond the horizon'

he said as his finger pointing towards the Dragon banner.

And fire appears from the banner swallowing the flags. The new students all gasped in shock. But when the smokes settled, the flag is unburnt.

It is not so much magic but alchemy. There is one liquid substance that when smeared onto something will be impervious to fire for a short time.

Dragons do not burn Arial mused seeing the symbolic references.

'Great men are forged in fire.' Arial said. Then the seer continues his word

"The Faery sings in the forest, of love and romance. In the house of Purple Faery dwell the compassionate at heart, the kind and the loyal. The hard-working and the diligent. A noble ally they can be.

And light shone down on the banners and sweet fragrances can be smell. This is alchemy too.

Arial smiles. Fairies are true in their hearts, a great companion in battle. The Academy will prove to be an interesting place to learn.

Then the Seer pointed to the Black Banner

"The Black Raven looks down upon the earth, holding the smart and the cunning, the sly and the cruel. The bringers of death, their smiles can hide blades'

And this time a black fire envelope the banner and then when the fire is extinguished a mural of a raven eating a man eyes appear.

A Raven observes and waits for the opportune moments. Arial thought to himself.

Then the Seer pointed at the golden yellow banner

"The Golden Lion commands those with burning pride and dignity in their hearts. Honor is their goal. Fighting is their sport. Killing is their hobby. Both mad and genius can they be.'

And a roar can be heard from the Lion banners.

Old magic Arial mused again. Some of those people aspiring to in the Golden Lion division roars as if the roars would allowed them to enter the Division.

Then the Seer pointed to the blue banner.

"The White Wolf, majestic creature, will move with its pack, for alone he would perish. The bonds they form protect their own, their feelings fierce, their claws sharp as blades, their fangs lethal. The wolves move together, for in the winter, the lone wolf will perish."

Then a howling of wolf can be heard from the banner and chilliness enters the room. The cold of winter seeped itself into the bones of the people.

Then he put his finger down.

The speech was greeted with pulsing silence. Not one student dared move, for fear of the unknown had engulfed each one. After a moment, the voice continued.

"So be not afraid of me. Let me take your hand and see you all, your pasts, your presents, and your futures. Let me see your fears and your doubts. Your deepest regrets, your darkest secrets. Fear not, for I am a keeper of secrets, a stone of silence."

The last words echoed around the Hall. The students looked nervously at each other, and at the Knight Lords. The senior students began entering the Hall and took their seats at their own house tables.

And a stool is brought and was placed in front of the Seer. But the students look at the Seers like they were looking at their worst nightmares.


Another chapter in a few minutes

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