After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 215 by GloryWrites

#215 “It was guilt money?”

In the morning, Sophia’s phone buzzed, pulling her out of her thoughts. It was a text from Benjamin, containing Audrey’s address and a direct request to meet there since he had other commitments. With a sigh, Sophia quickly gathered her things and headed out.

Upon arriving at Audrey’s home, Sophia was greeted warmly by Benjamin’s mother. Audrey’s smile was genuine, her eyes twinkling with warmth as she welcomed Sophia inside. Moments later, Benjamin arrived, accompanied by his secretary, Becky.

Sophia couldn’t help but notice the tension in the air as Becky’s gaze briefly met hers. There was an air of aloofness about her, a stark contrast to the warmth Audrey and Benjamin exuded. Sophia brushed it off, deciding not to dwell on it for now.

As they settled into the living room, Benjamin explained that he had brought Becky along for a business matter they needed to attend to afterward, hence the necessity of her presence. Sophia nodded in understanding, although she couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease lingering in the room.

Taking a deep breath, Benjamin wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter. With a steely resolve, he turned to his mother, Audrey, and uttered the words Sophia had feared yet anticipated. “Mother, I need to talk to you about something important. I know the truth about Sophia and me. We’re siblings.”

Audrey’s initial shock morphed into a mask of resignation, the lines on her face deepening as if the weight of her past decisions finally settled on her shoulders. She had always known this moment might come, yet facing it felt like confronting a specter she had long hoped to evade.

“Benjamin, I…” Audrey’s voice trailed off, her attempt to sidestep the confrontation crumbling under her son’s unwavering gaze.

“Please, Mother. No more evasions. After all these years, don’t we owe each other the truth?” Benjamin’s voice was firm, devoid of anger but filled with an imploring depth that seemed to puncture the veneer of Audrey’s defenses.

Sophia watched the exchange, a silent observer caught between empathy for Audrey and solidarity with Benjamin. She could sense the tumultuous emotions swirling between mother and son, a tempest of secrets, guilt, and a desperate longing for closure.

Audrey sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the burden of her choices. She looked into her son’s eyes, finally ready to confront the truth she had buried deep within the shadows of her past. “I suppose it’s time you both knew the entire story. It’s not something I’m proud of, but the truth has a way of surfacing, doesn’t it?”

Sophia and Benjamin exchanged uneasy glances, both sensing the gravity of what was to come. Audrey took a deep breath, steadying herself before she began.

“Many years ago, before you were born, Benjamin, I met your father. He was… a charismatic man, full of life and promise. I was young, foolish, and, quite frankly, infatuated. We had an affair, a whirlwind of secrecy and passion that I mistook for love,” Audrey confessed, her voice faltering slightly with emotion.

Sophia felt a knot form in her stomach. The story was taking a turn she hadn’t anticipated. Benjamin, meanwhile, remained silent, his face a mask of stoicism as he listened to his mother’s confession.

Audrey continued, “Your father, Benjamin, was already involved with someone else-Sophia’s mother. They were deeply in love, a bond I couldn’t hope to break, no matter how much I wished to at the time.”

The room was heavy with silence, the only sound of Audrey’s voice as she delved deeper into the past, unveiling secrets that had been buried for decades.

“When I discovered I was pregnant with you, Benjamin, I thought it would change everything. I believed, naively, that he would leave Sophia’s mother for us. But he was an honorable man. He refused to abandon his true love, despite the mess I had created.”

Sophia glanced at Benjamin, trying to gauge his reaction. His face was unreadable, his eyes fixed on his mother.

Audrey sighed, a sound of deep regret. ” In my desperation, I attempted to use you, Benjamin, as leverage. I thought I could force him into a life with me. But Sophia’s grandfather intervened. He offered me a deal-financial support and a chance to start anew in London, in exchange for my silence and for allowing Sophia’s parents to live their lives without scandal.”

The revelation struck Sophia like a physical blow. She had known there were secrets, but the reality was more complicated and painful than she had imagined.

Benjamin’s jaw clenched, a myriad of emotions playing across his face. Sophia reached out, placing a tentative hand on his. She wanted to offer comfort, but she wasn’t sure how.

“So, all this time, the money, the education… it was guilt money?”

Benjamin asked, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Audrey’s eyes filled with tears. “I thought I was doing what was best for you, giving you a life of privilege. But I see now the cost was too high-the cost of the truth.”

“I need some air,” Benjamin stated abruptly, his voice laced with frustration. Without waiting for a response, he left the room swiftly, the sound of his footsteps echoing down the hall until silence took over once again.

Now that there were only the two of them left, Sophia sensed an opportunity to delve deeper into the mysteries that had brought her here.

“I know my grandfather visited you when he used to come to London,” Sophia began, her voice calm yet filled with an underlying urgency. “Given the current turmoil, my name is associated with, as you’ve likely seen in the news, I find myself in a delicate situation. If there’s anything else you can share that might assist me, I would be very grateful to hear it.”

“Yes, Sophia, I believe I can offer some guidance, or at the very least, point you in the direction of where you might begin your search for answers.”

Audrey’s response was thoughtful, her expression softening as she prepared to unveil parts of the past that had remained hidden for so long.

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