After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 186 by GloryWrites

#186 “Learn Your Place.”

Sophia and Benjamin returned from their leisurely stroll through the garden, the soft scent of blooming flowers lingering in the air. As they stepped back into the house, Alexander’s culinary prowess was already evident, with the aroma of freshly cooked lunch wafting from the kitchen.

Turning to greet them, Alexander couldn’t help but notice the bouquet of wildflowers clutched in Sophia’s hand.

Suppressing a flicker of annoyance, Alexander resolved to maintain his composure. He wouldn’t allow Benjamin to upstage him.

“Oh, please dispose of those flowers. I tend to suffer from spring allergies,” Alexander said, his tone slightly strained as he feigned discomfort.

Sophia, well aware of Alexander’s lack of allergies, rolled her eyes but decided not to challenge him. She tossed the flowers aside, making a mental note to appreciate Benjamin’s gesture later.

Walking over to where Alexander was seated, Sophia leaned in to inspect his culinary creation.

“Have you prepared lunch?” she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

“Yes, indeed. It’s time for us to enjoy a meal together,” Alexander replied with a hint of pride in his voice.

Benjamin shoots a glare at Alexander from across the room, but Alexander only smiles back, pleased to have gotten under his skin.

“Benjamin, I imagine you must be feeling quite fatigued. Allow me to bring the meal to your room,” Alexander offered.

“I’ll join you both for lunch. I’m feeling better after spending time with Sophia, “Benjamin interjected, his tone indicating his determination not to be sidelined.

“I have no doubt about it,” Alexander replied dryly.

Sophia makes her way towards Benjamin with a tender smile.

“I’ll help you sit up and get you a pillow for your back,” she offers kindly.

“Thank you, that would be wonderful,” Benjamin responds gratefully, his voice filled with appreciation.

As Benjamin exits the room to prepare for lunch, Sophia crosses her arms over her waist. She looked at Alexander and raised an eyebrow.

“What was the deal with the flowers?” she asked, her tone tinged with confusion.

Alexander shrugged nonchalantly, concealing his true feelings.

“Would you prefer it if another woman were to lavish me with gifts?”

“No, but…”

“That’s all there is to it, my dear. I simply don’t like it.”

“Alright, but do try to behave yourself.”

“A challenge when you look so irresistible,” Alexander replied with a playful smirk.

As he leaned in for a kiss, their intimate moment was interrupted by Benjamin’s voice calling from the other room.

“Sophia, could you lend a hand in setting the table?”

Sophia let out a resigned sigh, prepared to assist, but before she could move, Alexander gently pulled her back by the arm. He pressed his lips against hers, savoring the brief connection before reluctantly allowing her to attend to Benjamin’s request.

Throughout lunch, Sophia observed the dynamic between Alexander and Benjamin with a mix of amusement and fascination. It was akin to watching a verbal sparring match, with each exchange revealing more about their contrasting personalities and underlying tensions.

Despite the seriousness of their conflict, Sophia couldn’t help but find their banter somewhat entertaining. Sophia couldn’t stifle a smile. It was almost comical to see how far they would go in their attempts to get under each other’s skin.

Deciding to refrain from intervening for the time being, Sophia leaned back in her chair, content to let the amusing spectacle unfold before her.

Alexander remarked, “You know, Benjamin, I must admit, I didn’t expect you to have such refined taste in flowers. Perhaps you should consider a career in floristry.”

Benjamin retorted with a smirk of his own, “Oh, I’m just full of surprises, Alexander. But I must say, your cooking skills are equally unexpected. Did you actually make this dish, or did you hire a chef?”

Alexander chuckled, undeterred by Benjamin’s jab. “Ah, Benjamin, always the skeptic. But I’ll have you know, I’m quite the culinary artist. Perhaps you’d like to sample more of my cooking in the future?”

Benjamin raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his tone. “Well, if it’s anything like today’s meal, I might have to decline. But I’ll give you credit for effort, Alexander.”

Sophia couldn’t help but chuckle at their exchange. After their lunch, Alexander and Sophia found themselves in the kitchen, clearing away the dishes. As they worked side by side, Alexander, with a mischievous glint in his eye, reached for the faucet and turned it on, sending a spray of water cascading into the sink.

Sophia let out a surprised squeal as she felt the water splatter against her, but she quickly retaliated by flicking a droplet of water back at him.

Caught off guard, Alexander chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Ah, I see we’re playing dirty now, are we?”

Sophia smirked, grabbing another handful of water and flicking it playfully at Alexander. “You started it,” she teased, her laughter ringing out in the kitchen.

Before they knew it, a full-fledged water fight had erupted between them, with soap suds and laughter flying in equal measure. As they dodged and splashed, their playful banter flowed freely, washing away the tension that had lingered between them earlier.

The sight irritated Benjamin enough to push him to act. With a subtle grimace, he feigned pain, strategically manipulating Sophia’s attention towards him. Every move he made was calculated to draw her focus away from Alexander and back to himself. His plan worked like a charm as Sophia rushed to his side, her concern for his well- being evident in her every movement.

“Are you okay, Ben? Do you need anything?” Sophia’s voice was filled with genuine concern as she hovered over Benjamin, checking his bandages.

Benjamin winced slightly, his eyes darting towards Alexander before returning to Sophia. “I think I just need some rest and maybe a little more of your company,” he replied, his tone laced with underlying tension.

Alexander observed the exchange, his grip on Sophia tightening slightly. Sophia shot Alexander a warning glance before turning back to Benjamin. “Of course, Ben. I’ll stay with you until you feel better,” she assured him.

Benjamin’s lips curled into a sly smile as he glanced back at Alexander. “I’m sure I’ll recover much faster with you by my side,” he remarked, his words loaded with implication.

Sophia’s brow furrowed. “I’ll just go grab you some water,” she said quickly, eager to diffuse the situation.

As Sophia left the room, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense between Alexander and Benjamin, each man vying for Sophia’s attention in their own way.

Benjamin’s words were laced with confidence as he boldly declared, “She will choose me.”

Alexander’s smile widened, his demeanor unwavering in the face of Benjamin’s challenge. “Last night she was screaming my name, not yours,” he retorted, his tone dripping with superiority. “Learn your place.”

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