After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 152 by GloryWrites

#152 “People Change, Ev.”

Sophia and Evelyn fixated on the glow of the laptop screen. The first article that captured their attention was a quirky revelation about a teenage Kyle Vitali. At the tender age of 15, he found himself in a peculiar predicament – pulled over at the police station for trespassing.

The article detailed a mischievous escapade where the young Kyle, along with three friends, dared to jump over the fence of a house and indulged in an illicit pool plunge until the authorities intervened.

Evelyn erupted into laughter, the realization sinking in as she laid eyes on a mugshot of the fifteen-year-old troublemaker. Her laughter echoed in the room, punctuated by occasional gasps for breath.

“I can’t believe it,” Sophia chimed in, sharing the amusement.

“That’s definitely him. I can just so easily imagine him doing something stupid like that as a kid.”

“See what other results there are on G* *gle,” Sophia suggested, eager to unveil more chapters of Kyle’s past.

Evelyn, still chuckling at the image of a teenage Kyle getting caught for trespassing, eagerly delved into the search for more details. The clattering of keys echoed in the room as she navigated through the virtual maze of information.

Sophia, equally intrigued, leaned in closer, her eyes fixed on the laptop screen. “This is gold, Evelyn. Imagine what other teenage escapades he might have had.”

As Evelyn clicked through the search results, the article about the pool incident was just the tip of the iceberg. They uncovered a series of minor misadventures, each one shedding light on the playful, rebellious side of Kyle’s youth.

“Look at this one,” Evelyn exclaimed, pointing at another article. “Kyle Vitali, age 17, caught sneaking into a concert without a ticket.”

Sophia burst into laughter, envisioning a younger Kyle trying to outsmart security. “He really had a knack for getting into trouble, didn’t he?”

Evelyn grinned, enjoying the trip down the memory lane of Kyle’s teenage antics. “Seems like it. But it’s weird how these stories don’t match the image of the serious journalist he became.”

Sophia nodded in agreement. “People change, Ev. Maybe these were just phases. Let’s check the registry. Maybe we can find more recent info.”

Evelyn, determined to unravel the layers of Kyle’s past, started searching through online registries. The soft glow of the laptop screen illuminated her focused expression as she scanned the results.

“”There’s a Kyle Vitali, age 30, listed here,” Evelyn announced, her eyes widening. “But it doesn’t give much information. Just an address.”

Sophia leaned in, intrigued. “Well, looks like we’ve hit a dead end. What do you want to do now?”

Evelyn, not one to give up easily, contemplated their next move. “Let’s pay a visit to this address. Maybe there’s more to discover in person. What do you think?”

Sophia hesitated for a moment, her concern evident in furrowed brows.” Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Please, Sophia, let’s go tomorrow night after work,” Evelyn suggested, attempting to sway her friend’s reservations.

“Tomorrow, I have promised Alexander that we will have dinner together.”

“Okay, I’ll go alone,” Evelyn asserted, her determination unyielding.

“I don’t like that, Evelyn,” Sophia warned, giving her a stern look.

“Nothing is going to happen. I promise, if it gets dangerous, I’ll call you,” Evelyn assured, rolling her eyes at Sophia’s protective instincts.

Sophia sighed, still uneasy with the idea. “Just be careful, okay? And keep me updated.”

Evelyn nodded, appreciating Sophia’s concern. “I will. Let’s hope this visit provides the answers we’re looking for. 11


The next day, armed with a newfound determination, Evelyn found herself standing on the peculiar street where Kyle Vitali’s address led her. The neighborhood retained its mysterious aura, and she felt a mixture of anticipation and trepidation as she approached the houses.

She knocked on doors, politely inquiring about Kyle Vitali. However, the reactions were eerily consistent. The mere mention of his name sent a ripple of discomfort through the air, and the neighbors, feigning ignorance, became increasingly elusive.

Approaching a small group chatting on a front porch, Evelyn took a deep breath and asked, “Excuse me, do any of you happen to know Kyle Vitali?”

The group exchanged glances, their expressions guarded. “Kyle who?” one of them responded, a forced innocence in their tone.

“Kyle Vitali,” Evelyn insisted, trying to hide her growing frustration.

The neighbors continued their act, pretending not to have heard of such a person. Yet, their body language betrayed a sense of unease. The forced smiles and quick glances between them only deepened the mystery.

Determined to crack the facade, Evelyn decided to take a different tack. She approached an elderly man tending to his garden. “Sir, I’m looking for Kyle Vitali. Have you heard of him?”

The man paused, his gaze fixed on the flowers he was tending. “No, never heard of him,” he replied with a stiffness that raised Evelyn’s suspicion.

It was as if the entire neighborhood had conspired to erase any trace of Kyle Vitali’s existence. The more Evelyn pushed, the more evident it became that she was unwelcome in her pursuit of the truth.

Confused and frustrated, Evelyn decided to adopt a more subtle approach. She took a seat on a bench in the nearby park, pretending to read a magazine while discreetly observing the interactions around her.

As she observed, Evelyn noticed subtle glances and hushed conversations between the neighbors. It was as if they were bound by an unspoken agreement to protect a shared secret. The strange behavior of the community only fueled her determination to unravel the enigma that surrounded Kyle Vitali.

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