After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 150 by GloryWrites

#150 “Why don’t We Try Kyle Vitali?

When Evelyn stepped into Sophia’s apartment, the soft hum of city life outside seemed a world away from the storm brewing within her. Clutched in her hand was a laptop, a tool she intended to use to unravel the mystery that had cast a shadow over her relationship.

“It won’t happen like that,” Evelyn spat out angrily, her greeting replaced by frustration. “He’s hiding something from me.”

Sophia, surprised by the abrupt shift in the atmosphere, closed the door behind them. “Wow, you went from sad to angry fast,” she remarked, observing Evelyn’s tense demeanor.

Evelyn settled onto the sofa, her eyes fixed on the laptop screen. “I started following this story. I didn’t find anything interesting about Kyle Vennillia. That’s because there is no KYLE VENNILLIA,” she muttered, frustration evident in her voice.

“What does this mean?” Sophia, now confused, approached the computer.

“His name appears only under the articles he wrote, but before that, there was no one with that name. There’s no F****k profile, it’s not in the directories, nothing,” Evelyn explained, her tone a mix of confusion and determination.

“Maybe he didn’t live here,” Sophia suggested cautiously. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Something with vodka because I’m playing detective tonight. I’m sick of him playing me. If he won’t tell me who he is, I’ll find out in another way.”

“Evelyn, honey, why don’t you just rest?”

“I won’t rest until I find something. He’s lying to me. I know he loves me, Sophia, but something is stopping him from being with me, and I want to know what it is,” Evelyn declared, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

“Why do you think so?”

“You should see how he looks at me, how he touches me, I just can’t explain it to you, but I’m sure he loves me.”

Sophia sighed, recognizing the determined glint in her friend’s eyes. ” If you think so. How can I help?”

“First, a cocktail, then come over here to dig up the internet.”

The two friends, amidst uncertainty and cocktails, delved into the digital realm, seeking answers to the enigma that surrounded Kyle Vennillia.

Sophia headed to the kitchen to whip up a potent cocktail, sensing that this investigation was going to require more than just a clear mind. As she concocted the drink, Evelyn continued her intense scrutiny of the laptop.

Returning with two glasses in hand, Sophia handed one to Evelyn. “Here’s to solving the mystery of Kyle Vennillia, “she declared, raising her glass in a toast.

Evelyn nodded and took a sip. The tang of the vodka provided a brief distraction from the heavy atmosphere in the room.

As they settled back on the sofa, side by side, Sophia asked, “So, where do we start?”

Evelyn scrolled through the articles on the laptop, pointing out details that seemed odd. “Look, here’s an article about a heroic journalist named Kyle Vennillia who exposed corruption in the city. But before this, there’s no trace of him anywhere. It’s like he just appeared out of thin air.”

Sophia leaned in, her interest piqued. ” That is strange. How can someone have zero online presence in this day and age?”

“That’s what I want to find out. I need to know who he was before he became this ‘heroic journalist’,” Evelyn replied, determination etched on her face.

Sophia joined the investigation, typing away on the keyboard, searching for any breadcrumbs that could lead them to Kyle’s past. As they dug deeper, the clock ticked away, and the room was filled with the soft clinking of ice in their glasses.

Evelyn, fueled by a mix of frustration and curiosity, muttered, “He can’t just erase his entire existence. There has to be something.”

“I’m helping you, but I just don’t understand, why after he asked you not to do it, you keep looking for information?” Sophia asked after seeing how angry her friend was.

Evelyn took a sip of her cocktail, contemplating the complexity of relationships. “I just wish he’d be honest with me. I deserve to know the truth.”

Sophia offered a comforting smile. ” Maybe he’s afraid, Ev. Afraid that the truth will change things between you two.”

Evelyn sighed, acknowledging the possibility. “I just want us to be on the same page. No more secrets.”

“I understand. You just want him to trust you.”

“That’s right, because the moment I loved him, I gave him all my trust. And I’m going crazy over the fact he thinks that there is something about him that will push me away,” explained Evelyn.

“Then let’s continue,”replied Sophia with a smile.

After a few more failed attempts, Sophia comes up with an idea.

“Why don’t we try Kyle Vitali?” Sophia suggested thoughtfully. “Sandro told us that his family raised Kyle.”

Evelyn nodded in agreement and quickly typed the new name into the search bar. The screen flickered with results, and Evelyn’s eyes widened as the first link caught her attention. A smile of satisfaction spread across her face.

“Bingo, Sophia. You are a genius,” Evelyn exclaimed.

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