After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 142 by GloryWrites

#142 “I’m Pregnant.”

Sophia and Alexander spent the remainder of the flight wrapped in each other’s arms.

Evelyn awoke after the plane touched down. She embraced Sophia warmly and expressed gratitude to Alexander for letting her have some space.

“Sophia, I believe it’s time for me to go home. I need to gather my thoughts and figure out how to approach the conversation with Kyle,” Evelyn confided.

“Of course, I’m here for you if you need someone to talk to,” Sophia responded.

“For now, I just need some time to process everything that has happened, “Evelyn explained.

Sophia nodded in understanding as Evelyn departed, leaving only Alexander and Sophia at the airport.

“Ready to dive back into the chaotic life of a lawyer?” Alexander teased.

“Absolutely,” Sophia replied with a smile.

Just then, Alexander’s phone rang, and he sighed in annoyance.

“Looks like debt is calling me again,” he remarked.

Sophia grinned, but her expression faded when she noticed Megan’s name on the screen. As Sophia began to step away, Alexander grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

“I have nothing to hide from you,” he assured her.

Remaining in place, Sophia watched as Alexander answered the call.

“Yes, Megan?” he said, his tone unreadable. Megan’s voice echoed through the phone, laced with genuine concern. ” Alex, honey, I’m so relieved I can hear your voice,” she said, her tone dripping with worry.

Sophia struggled to suppress an eye roll at the affectionate name Megan used for Alexander.

Alexander, leaning against a wall at the airport, let out a sigh. “What’s going on, Megan?” he asked, his voice distant.

“Nothing, I’ve just been so worried these last few days. You seemed to have disappeared into the ground, and I want to know if you’re okay,” Megan replied sweetly and anxiously.

Alexander ran a hand through his hair, a habit he had when feeling a bit overwhelmed. “I’m fine, Megan. Just dealing with some stuff,” he said, trying to downplay the situation.

Megan’s relief was audible. “Oh, thank goodness. I was starting to imagine all sorts of crazy scenarios in my head. You know how I get.”

“Yeah, I know,” Alexander replied, a hint of impatience in his voice.

“But Alex, babe, I’ve got some fantastic news, and I can’t wait to share it with you,” Megan chimed in, her tone now filled with excitement.

Alexander raised an eyebrow, curious but still maintaining a guarded demeanor. “Okay, spill it,” he said, sounding more relaxed.

“I can’t tell you over the phone. It’s something special. Let’s meet up. How about our favorite coffee spot later today?” Megan suggested eagerly.

Alexander was getting impatient, ” What is it, Megan?”

“Oh, you’re going to love it, Alex! It’s life-changing,” Megan exclaimed. With a distant tone, Alexander asked, ” Can’t you just tell me now?”

“No, no, this one deserves a face-to- face reveal,” Megan insisted.

“Oh, come on Megan, you know how much I hate surprises,” Alexander pushed.

After a brief pause, Megan nervously uttered the words, “I’m pregnant.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end. Alexander’s expression remained unreadable as he processed the unexpected news. Sophia’s eyes widened in shock, she shot Alexander a look, but he was staring intently through the window of the airport.

“Crazy, huh?” Megan tried to break the silence with a nervous laugh.

Finally, Alexander, feigning calmness, replied, “Yeah, crazy. Look, I’ll come see you right now, and we can talk about all of this in person.”

Megan, sensing the tension, hesitated before saying, “Okay, Alex. I’ll be waiting.”

As Alexander engaged in conversation with Megan, Sophia observed the exchange in disbelief. Her eyes widened in shock as Megan revealed her supposed pregnancy, and her gaze darted back and forth between Alexander and the phone.

A subtle furrow formed on her brow, revealing the turmoil of emotions within. Sophia’s hands, once comfortably resting on her sides, were now involuntarily clenched and released, a physical manifestation of the uncertainty swirling in her mind.

Though she maintained a stoic exterior, her eyes betrayed the confusion and unease she felt about the unfolding situation. As Alexander hung up, Sophia’s gaze lingered on him, silently urging him to provide more answers.

“It’s not true, Sophia,” Alexander says, urgency in his voice.

“Then why does she think she’s pregnant by you?” Sophia asks, her eyes searching his for honesty.

“Because she’s Megan, and she’ll do everything to make sure I marry her,” explains Alexander.

Sophia remains confused, but she recalls her promise to herself to listen to Alexander before jumping to conclusions.

“That still doesn’t explain it,” Sophia insists, crossing her arms.

Alexander sighs deeply, realizing the gravity of the situation. “When Megan picked me up from the bar the night you came over, she put something in my drinks. In the morning, she claimed we slept together.”

Sophia’s expression turns to disgust at Megan’s deceitful actions. “And how can you be sure that nothing happened when she drugged you?” she asks, her concern evident.

“Sophia, in addition to the information that Kyle was able to gather against Megan and the things her company has been doing, I did some other research. I got the results before I even came to Vegas.”

Sophia, still trying to piece it together, asks, “What research?”

“I think I should go to Megan’s office now and confront her about her lies. Then I can explain the rest to you. I don’t want to give her time to think of a strategy,” says Alexander, determination in his eyes.

Sophia sits down, feeling overwhelmed by the revelations. Alexander had not revealed everything to her.

“Do you believe me?” he asks her.

“I want to attend your meeting with Megan,” Sophia says, a mix of concern and determination in her eyes.

“Of course, you’re the most affected by all of this,” Alexander agrees. “Do you believe me, Sophia?”

Sophia looks into his eyes and sees sincerity. She nods, taking Alexander’s hand.

“Yes, I believe you. Now, let’s confront Megan and get to the bottom of this.”

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