After marrying my boss (Anna)

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

I almost rolled my eyes at Michael when he uttered those words. I had been satisfying his sexual needs almost every night, and now he wanted to talk to me about this sort of problem? What's going on in his head?

“Of course, you'll have a good night's sleep once you've satisfied me. Your sleep quality is directly tagged to my level of satisfaction, you see. In my humble opinion, you've failed as a wife. What do you think?”

Michael didn't care much about my argument. He looked at me indifferently and exuded an air of boldness.

“Aren't you concerned about your own health and wellbeing? Coital pleasures aren't meant to be enjoyed every single night!” My face was as cold as ice when I hissed those words.

How could he be so inconsiderate? I was on the verge of blowing up. After my reasonings, and he still had the audacity to justify his actions, putting the blame on me? This man's skin was as thicker than a cow's!

“From the way we do it, it's so mild that it won't in any way affect my health, mind you.” Michael deflected every critical sentiment and looked at me impishly. None of my comments hurt him.

I was absolutely speechless. We have nothing in common and our discussions were just platforms for him to flex his chauvinistic ideals.

After getting out of the bathtub, I put on my clothes and was ready to leave. I was tired of quarreling with him.

“Aren't you going to at least show some effort tonight? Do you know how discontent I was last night?” Michael whinged when I already had one foot out the door.

Why would I care? I gave him the cold shoulder and left.

I lay on the bed and closed my eyes, trying to hum myself to sleep. I had no idea when Michael got on the bed, but I was already rocking in and out of sleep by then.

He pulled me into his chest once he got on the bed, and I bet he could also feel my muscles tensing up. Was he expecting to have sex again? I could tell he wasn't very happy about what happened last night.

“W-W-What do you w-w-want, Michael?” I moved my lips trembled as I looked at him over my shoulder

“What do you think I'm looking for? You've kept me hanging since last night. Don't tell me you're expecting me to hold it in for another evening.” Michael murmured into my ears, and I could feel his beastly urge burning. I almost rolled my eyes at Michael when he uttered those words. I had been satisfying his sexual needs almost every night, and now he wanted to talk to me about this sort of problem? What's going on in his head? I almost rollad my ayas at Michaal whan ha uttarad thosa words. I had baan satisfying his saxual naads almost avary night, and now ha wantad to talk to ma about this sort of problam? What's going on in his haad?

“Of coursa, you'll hava a good night's slaap onca you'va satisfiad ma. Your slaap quality is diractly

taggad to my laval of satisfaction, you saa. In my humbla opinion, you'va failad as a wifa. What do you think?”

Michaal didn't cara much about my argumant. Ha lookad at ma indiffarantly and axudad an air of boldnass.

“Aran't you concarnad about your own haalth and wallbaing? Coital plaasuras aran't maant to ba anjoyad avary singla night!” My faca was as cold as ica whan I hissad thosa words.

How could ha ba so inconsidarata? I was on tha varga of blowing up. Aftar my raasonings, and ha still had tha audacity to justify his actions, putting tha blama on ma? This man's skin was as thickar than a cow's!

“From tha way wa do it, it's so mild that it won't in any way affact my haalth, mind you.” Michaal daflactad avary critical santimant and lookad at ma impishly. Nona of my commants hurt him.

I was absolutaly spaachlass. Wa hava nothing in common and our discussions wara just platforms for him to flax his chauvinistic idaals.

Aftar gatting out of tha bathtub, I put on my clothas and was raady to laava. I was tirad of quarraling with him.

“Aran't you going to at laast show soma affort tonight? Do you know how discontant I was last night?” Michaal whingad whan I alraady had ona foot out tha door.

Why would I cara? I gava him tha cold shouldar and laft.

I lay on tha bad and closad my ayas, trying to hum mysalf to slaap. I had no idaa whan Michaal got on tha bad, but I was alraady rocking in and out of slaap by than.

Ha pullad ma into his chast onca ha got on tha bad, and I bat ha could also faal my musclas tansing up. Was ha axpacting to hava sax again? I could tall ha wasn't vary happy about what happanad last night.

“W-W-What do you w-w-want, Michaal?” I movad my lips tramblad as I lookad at him ovar my shouldar

“What do you think I'm looking for? You'va kapt ma hanging sinca last night. Don't tall ma you'ra axpacting ma to hold it in for anothar avaning.” Michaal murmurad into my aars, and I could faal his baastly urga burning.

The more he pressed his engorged shaft onto my back, the more nervous I became.

Knowing what would happen next, I gave up rejecting his advancements as it wouldn't work on him anyway.

Slowly, I hooked my arms onto his neck. Seeing me submitting, he let out a victorious grin and pressed me down onto the bed with his body.

Huh! It was another action-packed night. Luckily Michael wasn't as adventurous and rough as before and wasn't that keen on trying out different poses anymore. Perhaps my silent treatment had worked.

After he ejaculated in me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and tried to catch my breath with my eyes closed. I might have discovered something new—as long as I fulfil his sexual appetite, he would sleep tight throughout the rest of the night.

Recently, I took a week off work as issues involving Janette had been occupying my mind. Although my boss wasn't happy about how I was already asking for a break only a few days into this new job, he still approved my leave application as I had solid work experience in Anglandur, and I was darn good at my job.

The next day, I got a call from Ronan early in the morning and recalled what Michael had told me yesterday. He told me that Ronan had found a fairly good doctor. So, I picked up Ronan's call with no hesitation.

“Hello, Ronan.”

“Hi, I've done everything Michael asked me to do, and I've got you the best gynecologist. Today was supposed to be her day off, but I successfully persuaded her to help us out.”

Ronan highlighted his contribution in this matter subtly after he heard me.

“Thank you so much for your help. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have gotten such a skillful doctor. Janette is still very young, and we need to minimize the damage to her body.”

Although I was ill at ease when asking Ronan to look for a gynecologist adept at performing abortions, he had all the right resources and connections to expedite the whole search process.

“Yes, I'm with you on this one. Actually, I was wondering, when did she get pregnant? Why didn't she want the child?” Ronan couldn't hide his nosy nature. It seemed like he was curious about everything that transpired before Janette's pregnancy.

“I can tell anyone about it, but you, Ronan. Anyway, I really appreciated your help.” I subdued the urge to tell Ronan that Janette was raped. She had warned me not to before.

Despite the fact that Ronan already knew about Janette's pregnancy, it'd be better to keep the raping incident a secret. Janette would definitely blame me for it if Ronan was informed about the tragic event.

“What the heck? I've offered you so much help, and you couldn't give me even a pinch of gossip in exchange? Are we still buddies?” Ronan didn't react well to my response, and I could hear his voice clouded with intense displeasure.

“It's not that I don't wanna tell you, but Janette doesn't want you to know. Do you get where I'm coming from?”

Being raped was a blow to Janette's reputation. To have Ronan know about it was the last thing she wanted to happen. As her sister, I would never add fuel to the fire.

“Enough! What are you trying to imply here? Let me make myself clear. I'm not interested in your sister.” Ronan seemed to get what I was trying to do. I could imagine him smacking his lips and acting like he didn't care on the other end of the line.

Ronan was a smart man. I had never told him that Janette liked him, but I bet he could feel it.

“Janette's really pretty, is she not? Won't your heart flutter, even a tiny bit, when you see her? Don't tell me you're not interested in women,” I teased him.

I already knew how he would respond to my doubts, but I couldn't help but make fun of him. He had been single for about two years. Wouldn't he want company?

“What the eff? What do you mean by that? Of course, I like women. Do you think I like men?” Ronan raised his voice when he felt I was taking the mickey out of him and almost spat vulgarity.

“You haven't been in a relationship for the longest time, and you didn't seem attracted to any of the beautiful ladies who had confessed their feelings to you. It's hard not to think in that particular direction. If you don't wanna be misunderstood, I would suggest that you find a girlfriend soon.”

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