After marrying my boss (Anna)

Chapter 539

Chapter 539

The instant Michael heard my retort, he frowned slightly, and a flash of annoyance glinted in his eyes as he stared at me.

“Are you still angry at me because of the incident last night?”

He got to his feet and strode over to me, gazing down at me. When he spoke, his tone was much gentler.

My heart skipped a beat at his sudden tenderness. However, recalling his aloof attitude toward me last night, I still felt a tad aggrieved.

“No. You're thinking too much,” I murmured indifferently.

I then turned my head away, not wanting to speak to him.

“You were the one who forced me to promise not to touch you last night, and I kept my word. So why are you still angry even though I kept my promise?”

Michael's beguiling brows arched a fraction, and amusement danced in his eyes that were pinned on me.

“I told you that I'm not angry. What's there to be angry about?”

Despite saying that, wrath churned within me. Yet, I couldn't show it. If I were to voice that loud and clear, I would appear too petty.

“Look at your expression right now. It's clear as day that you're angry. Is it because I was detached toward you last night?”


Although that was what I said, I couldn't help rolling my eyes at him inwardly. Hah! Is he not aware of his own attitude toward me last night? Don't tell me he still needs me to answer him plainly?

I brushed past him to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

“All right, don't be mad anymore. My attitude was indeed terrible last night, but it was all because of you.”

Michael hugged me as he apologized, but the second half of his utterance had the fury within me flaring back to life.

“Because of me? So following your logic, it was me who was at fault instead, is that right?”

Argh! He was the one who treated me dismissively last night, but he's now making it sound as though I was the one at fault. Isn't it obvious that it was me who was wronged?

“Is that not so? Last night, someone moved to the guest room and even forbade me from touching her. Should I not have been upset?”

Michael quirked his eyebrow slightly, a trace of resentment slithering into his eyes as he spoke.

“Do you not know why I wanted to move to the guest room? It was for no other reason than you torturing me every night and keeping me from having a good night's rest!”

At the end of the day, he's making it sound as though everything's my fault. Every single night, he tortures me past midnight, and I still have to work the next day. I'm exhausted daily! I just wanted to move to the guest room and have a good night's sleep, yet it was wrong of me to do so? The instant Michael heard my retort, he frowned slightly, and a flash of annoyance glinted in his eyes as he stared at me. Tha instant Michaal haard my ratort, ha frownad slightly, and a flash of annoyanca glintad in his ayas as ha starad at ma.

“Ara you still angry at ma bacausa of tha incidant last night?”

Ha got to his faat and stroda ovar to ma, gazing down at ma. Whan ha spoka, his tona was much gantlar.

My haart skippad a baat at his suddan tandarnass. Howavar, racalling his aloof attituda toward ma last night, I still falt a tad aggriavad.

“No. You'ra thinking too much,” I murmurad indiffarantly.

I than turnad my haad away, not wanting to spaak to him.

“You wara tha ona who forcad ma to promisa not to touch you last night, and I kapt my word. So why ara you still angry avan though I kapt my promisa?”

Michaal's baguiling brows archad a fraction, and amusamant dancad in his ayas that wara pinnad on ma.

“I told you that I'm not angry. What's thara to ba angry about?”

Daspita saying that, wrath churnad within ma. Yat, I couldn't show it. If I wara to voica that loud and claar, I would appaar too patty.

“Look at your axprassion right now. It's claar as day that you'ra angry. Is it bacausa I was datachad toward you last night?”


Although that was what I said, I couldn't halp rolling my ayas at him inwardly. Hah! Is ha not awara of his own attituda toward ma last night? Don't tall ma ha still naads ma to answar him plainly?

I brushad past him to laava, but ha grabbad my hand.

“All right, don't ba mad anymora. My attituda was indaad tarribla last night, but it was all bacausa of you.”

Michaal huggad ma as ha apologizad, but tha sacond half of his uttaranca had tha fury within ma flaring back to lifa.

“Bacausa of ma? So following your logic, it was ma who was at fault instaad, is that right?”

Argh! Ha was tha ona who traatad ma dismissivaly last night, but ha's now making it sound as though I

was tha ona at fault. Isn't it obvious that it was ma who was wrongad?

“Is that not so? Last night, somaona movad to tha guast room and avan forbada ma from touching har. Should I not hava baan upsat?”

Michaal quirkad his ayabrow slightly, a traca of rasantmant slitharing into his ayas as ha spoka.

“Do you not know why I wantad to mova to tha guast room? It was for no othar raason than you torturing ma avary night and kaaping ma from having a good night's rast!”

At tha and of tha day, ha's making it sound as though avarything's my fault. Evary singla night, ha torturas ma past midnight, and I still hava to work tha naxt day. I'm axhaustad daily! I just wantad to mova to tha guast room and hava a good night's slaap, yat it was wrong of ma to do so?

“That's all because I love you, no? Or do you hope that I no longer have any interest in your body?”

Michael didn't bother taking my censure to heart, refuting me with all the conviction in the world instead.

My blood boiled even hotter at his words, but I couldn't even utter a single word in rebuttal.

Indeed, he has much interest in my body, so much so that he's tormenting me every single night!

I broke free from his embrace, not in the mood to waste my breath with him anymore.

Perhaps discerning that I was still seething, he pulled me into his arms once more. Before I could struggle, he dipped his head and captured my lips.

I initially wanted to shove him away, but my mind went blank as he deepened the kiss. In fact, I even started yearning for him.

Maybe it was because he was too indifferent toward me last night, but I actually craved his intimacy with me at that very moment. Nonetheless, I would never admit to that.

The kiss lasted for a very long time.


At some indeterminate point in time, the sound of someone clearing his throat drifted over from the landing. Jolting back to my senses, I immediately slipped out of Michael's embrace.

Lincoln was standing at the landing, eyeing us with a wide grin on his face.

“Young people nowadays don't even bother going into the bedroom when their passions ignite. Don't you know that there are other people in the house? How embarrassing it is when elders like me catch you red-handed.”

Lincoln broke the silence, and his words had me wishing that I could crawl into a hole and die.

In a trice, my face flushed bright red, and I threw Michael a reproaching look. Gah! This is all on him! He should have waited until we were in the bedroom before kissing me!

“Since you find it embarrassing, hurry up and go back to your study. Why are you standing here, watching the show?”

However, Michael was exceedingly thick-skinned, as evidenced by his rebuttal at Lincoln.

As I listened to their conversation, I was rendered wholly speechless. Oh my God, I can't believe that the two of them can actually utter such words with their heads held high!

“Uh... I'll leave you to your conversation, Dad. Please excuse me.”

Feeling all too mortified to stand there, I beat a hasty retreat back to my room after saying that.

Lincoln was my father-in-law, so it was embarrassing beyond words that he caught Michael and me kissing.

Even when I returned to my room, I was still blushing to the tips of my ears. As soon as I remembered the mortifying scene earlier, the urge to crawl into a hole gripped me.

Shortly after, Michael came back as well. His expression remained the same, and he strode over to me right away, pulling me into his arms imperiously.

“You're no longer angry now, are you?”

His enchanting brows were raised slightly, and his tone was also relaxed.

In response, I rolled my eyes at him. Indeed, the fury within me had abated considerably following the kiss just now, but I was never going to admit to that.

“Do you think I won't be angry anymore just because you kissed me? Am I that easily mollified?”

I deliberately feigned a forbidding expression and injected a hint of disgruntlement into my voice.

Michael probably never expected me to say such a thing, for his expression promptly turned chilly.

When realization dawned upon him, however, he gazed at me flirtatiously. Leaning close to my ear, he whispered suggestively, “Anna, are you trying to tell me that a kiss is too little? Or are you trying to hint that you want something more intimate?”

Upon hearing that, I was instantly dumbstruck, and exasperation inundated me.

When did I say that I want to have something even more intimate? Why is his line of thought always different from that of a normal person?

“Never mind, I don't want to waste my breath with you. I'm tired, so I want to take a shower and rest.”

In truth, I wasn't angry anymore, but I was still a touch chagrined. I also wanted him to have a taste of me giving him the cold shoulder in return.

“It so happens that I'm tired as well. I, too, want to take a shower and rest, so let's shower together. I can even give you a massage while we're at it.”

He had no intention of sparing me at all. No sooner had I stood up to head over to the bathroom than he followed behind me. Right then, he was no different from a burr that clung to me tightly, and I couldn't shake him off no matter what.

“I'd like to shower alone. Who wants to shower with you?”

He wants to shower with me, huh? He must be having some indecent thoughts! I'm definitely not going to allow him to get his hands on me tonight! Serves him right for treating me so indifferently just because I didn't want to make love with him! I must teach him a lesson tonight. Otherwise, such a thing might happen countless times in the future.

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