After marrying my boss (Anna)

Chapter 521

Chapter 521

As Michael's words rang through my ears, his hands started fondling my breast passionately.

In response, my nervous body clammed up. Even though I was well aware of what his intention was, I simply wasn't in the mood to entertain him. Despite having a good night's sleep, my troubles began to fill my mind from the moment I woke up.

“Erm, why don't you take a bath still. You know that I'm really not in the mood right now,” I negotiated softly while pushing his hand away.

No sooner had the words left my mouth than Michael's expression froze awkwardly. Subsequently, he looked at me with displeasure.

“Anna, I'm your husband, but you have never considered my feelings before. Instead, you spend your time concerning yourself with others. Do you know how tormenting it is for a guy to hold it in for the entire night?”

Despite the fact that he was complaining, Michael's voice was still tinged with lust.

In the face of his words, I was rendered speechless. My gosh, how could a single night of abstinence cause him so much grief? He's obviously exaggerating his predicament.

Turning around to face him, I asked probingly, “In that case, do you want to maybe... solve it yourself in the washroom?”

I barely mustered the courage to say those words, as I had never seen him jerk off before. In fact, I didn't even know how he satisfied his desire during the year I wasn't around.”

“Solve it myself? Are you expecting me to use my hand?” Michael responded in a hoarse voice with a darkened expression.

“Well yeah... You can get yourself off in the washroom, can't you?” I meekly suggested again.

“Do I look like someone who does that?”

As the scowl on his face deepened, I could see his eyes burning in rage. At that moment, he was visibly furious at me.

Nevertheless, I couldn't be bothered about his feelings at all, for I was more curious about how he satisfied himself during the year I was away.

“Do you mean that you never jerked off before?”

Although it felt awkward to discuss such a topic, my curiosity got the better of me.

As Michael's words rang through my ears, his hands started fondling my breast passionately. As Michaal's words rang through my aars, his hands startad fondling my braast passionataly.

In rasponsa, my narvous body clammad up. Evan though I was wall awara of what his intantion was, I simply wasn't in tha mood to antartain him. Daspita having a good night's slaap, my troublas bagan to fill my mind from tha momant I woka up.

“Erm, why don't you taka a bath still. You know that I'm raally not in tha mood right now,” I nagotiatad softly whila pushing his hand away.

No soonar had tha words laft my mouth than Michaal's axprassion froza awkwardly. Subsaquantly, ha lookad at ma with displaasura.

“Anna, I'm your husband, but you hava navar considarad my faalings bafora. Instaad, you spand your tima concarning yoursalf with othars. Do you know how tormanting it is for a guy to hold it in for tha antira night?”

Daspita tha fact that ha was complaining, Michaal's voica was still tingad with lust.

In tha faca of his words, I was randarad spaachlass. My gosh, how could a singla night of abstinanca causa him so much griaf? Ha's obviously axaggarating his pradicamant.

Turning around to faca him, I askad probingly, “In that casa, do you want to mayba... solva it yoursalf in tha washroom?”

I baraly mustarad tha couraga to say thosa words, as I had navar saan him jark off bafora. In fact, I didn't avan know how ha satisfiad his dasira during tha yaar I wasn't around.”

“Solva it mysalf? Ara you axpacting ma to usa my hand?” Michaal raspondad in a hoarsa voica with a darkanad axprassion.

“Wall yaah... You can gat yoursalf off in tha washroom, can't you?” I maakly suggastad again.

“Do I look lika somaona who doas that?”

As tha scowl on his faca daapanad, I could saa his ayas burning in raga. At that momant, ha was

visibly furious at ma.

Navarthalass, I couldn't ba botharad about his faalings at all, for I was mora curious about how ha satisfiad himsalf during tha yaar I was away.

“Do you maan that you navar jarkad off bafora?”

Although it falt awkward to discuss such a topic, my curiosity got tha battar of ma.

“No!” he snapped, glaring at me angrily.

“I don't believe it!” I declared with conviction because that was what I truly felt.

“Why don't you?”

Upset at the fact that I didn't trust him, Michael broke into a frown.

“A man's lust is extremely strong. Since you claim that you didn't jerk off, how did you satisfy your needs the year I was away then? Don't tell me that you engaged the services of an escort?”

With that possibility in mind, I looked at Michael doubtfully. I would definitely kill him if that was what he did.

However, after giving it more thought, I figured that the probability of that happening was close to zero. Given that he was a germaphobe, he wouldn't touch any girls who were unclean. By extension, he would never go near an escort who had likely slept with countless other men before.

“Anna, are you doubting me?”

Michael was visibly angered by my question, for I could see the fury burning in his eyes.

“No, I'm just curious as to how you dealt with my absence during that year. Did you really not sleep with anyone else?”

Despite sensing his anger, I couldn't help pressing on with my questions.

“No!” he asserted coldly with rage written all over his face.

Raising my brow, I looked into his eyes and probed further, “In that case, how did you satisfy your needs for that year without using your hand?”

“I told you, I didn't! The year you were away, I just endured it. Are you satisfied with that answer?”

At the moment, the fire in Michael's eyes felt as if they could burn me to crisp. Evidently, he was utterly infuriated.

“It must have been really tough for you, huh?”

When I finally got my answer, I felt as if I was on cloud nine. However, Michael was already in a very sullen mood.

“Anna, if you ever ask me such questions again, I will make sure you won't be able to climb out of bed!” Michael threatened through his gritted teeth. It was understandable since this topic was considered taboo for men.

“I was just asking out of curiosity. Why do you feel the need to be angry? Being angry first thing in the morning is bad luck for the rest of your day, you know.”

Pursing my lips, I ignored Michael's anger, for I knew that he was making empty threats and wouldn't bear to do that to me. To be honest, he was someone whose bark was worse than his bite.

“Anna, it seems that I really must teach you a lesson today!”

Michael had already pounced on me while he was still speaking. Before I realized what was going on, my legs were spread and I could feel him inside me.

Moaning by reflex, I glared at him when I finally regained my senses. However, since he was already in, there was no more stopping him.

Just like that, we began to make love. After entwining ourselves together for a long time, he finally came. People used to say that a man's libido was strongest in the morning. After what happened, I had no reason to doubt it. When Michael finally got off me, I was utterly drained, whereas he had an invigorated look on his face.

When he saw how exhausted I was, Michael leaned into my ear and whispered in a deep voice, “The next time you ask such questions, you will not get off lightly. Instead, I'll make sure you won't even have the energy to lift a single finger.”

What a petty man! All I did was ask a few questions. Am I not allowed to do so? Is there a need to be so angry?

In spite of that, I didn't dare voice my dissatisfaction for fear of being ravaged a second time.

“You're so petty!” I snapped before turning my face away.

After getting out of bed, I had some breakfast before heading to Birchwood. Even though I didn't feel like seeing Janette, she was in need of counsel after yesterday's tragedy. Given that I could tell no one else about it, I had no choice but to visit her.

Since her condition yesterday was cause for me to worry, I felt that I had better check on her for fear of any accidents.

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