Aether’s Guard (Aether’s Revival Book 2)

Aether’s Guard: Chapter 19

Rafiq greeted them when they entered the archive the following morning. “Novices, it’s good to see you. What can we do for you today?”


“I’d like to know more about couples being posted to positions,” Gregory said.


“Hmm, I do believe there is something. I’ll have it brought out to you.”


“I’d like to read about dual affinities.”


Rafiq nodded slowly. “I’ll bring you what I can.”


“I’m still reading about the clan,” Jenn said.


“That book is already waiting for you.”


“Thank you, Rafiq,” Gregory said, echoed by Yukiko and Jenn.


“A pleasant day to you all,” Rafiq replied.


When they finished with Magi Squares, they each started in on their subject of choice. Gregory’s book was slim, but not easy to get through. It started with the old laws and how they influenced how magi couples were treated for postings. After each section, there was a treatise on the reason why the law changed.


When it came time for them to leave for class, Gregory had only covered half of the book. “It’s complicated… the laws are changed every twenty years or so. I might finish it tomorrow.”


“Dual affinities are different. Either one is vastly dominant over the other or both are weaker than a single affinity,” Yukiko explained. “They do happen, as Adept Dunn said, about once a decade. The combinations that have been recorded are all disparate, as well. The records only go back to a thousand years ago.”


“Our clan history is interesting,” Jenn added, wanting to be a part of their conversation. “I had no idea its history stretched all the way back to the beginning of the empire.”


“I want to see what history books the clan has later,” Gregory said. “This is your class right here, isn’t it?”


Jenn nodded. “See you back at the clan hall. Stay safe. I hope Magus Han says yes.”


“Us, too,” Yukiko said. “You stay safe, as well.”


“Economics first,” Gregory said as they started down the path they needed to take. “We’ll do aether introduction today to let Dunn know that we’ll be quitting the class.”


“That’s fair, but are you sure that seeing all the magics isn’t better for you?”


“I’m not positive, but I don’t want to give them any chances for more accidents, either.”


“It was nice of Gin to send news to the magus that we’re withdrawing from physical conditioning class. I think he deserved to know.”


“That reminds me, I need to apologize to Klim. I’d promised to spar with her at least once with each weapon.”


“It’s good to keep your promises,” Yukiko nodded. “Maybe ask her to do it during our day off? We can set it for when we’d normally leave the academy, then head out afterward.”


“I’ll see about getting a message to her,” Gregory said. “Are you going to be ready to celebrate your birthday?”


Yukiko gave him a smile. “Did you have something planned?”


“Yes. I asked Dia to assist me with preparing it.”


“I see… Any hints about what it might be?”


“I don’t recall you giving me any hints,” Gregory chuckled, “not that mine will be that surprising.”


Yukiko bumped his hip with hers as they walked. “I’m glad you liked it, and I’m even happier that it led us to this point.”


“So am I, dear one.”




Economics and studying in the archive flew by with nothing unusual happening. The only oddity was Petak not being in economics class. Gregory wondered what Petak’s punishment for hitting Dunn with his magic was.


Getting to aether introduction just as the previous class was being let out, Gregory and Yukiko stood out of the way. Yukiko pulled the shadows around them, and no one looked their way. When no more students left, she dropped them.


“None of the Eternal Flame,” Gregory said.


“They haven’t apologized yet?” Yukiko asked. “I thought they would to get back into the class.”


“Do you really think Nick would?”


“Hmm…” Yukiko murmured.


“Adept, may we have a moment?” Gregory asked Dunn when they reached the desk that they’d used all year.


Dunn unfolded himself from his lotus position. “What can I do for you, Novice?”


“Yukiko and I will be leaving the class, and I wanted to let you know. It isn’t because of you— we’ve enjoyed our time here. However, considering the rumor that a novice died because of Nick yesterday, and the fact that Petak tried to hit me with that fire but got you instead, we feel it’d be safer to be trained at the clan hall.”


Dunn exhaled slowly, nodding his head. “I was afraid of that. I don’t blame you for wanting to stay safe. Are you sure that your clan will provide for you, though? Many clans will not hire magi to teach novices when the class here is free.”


“We’ve already been reassured,” Yukiko said.


“Very well. I thank you for telling me. I wish you both well.”


“Thank you, sir,” Gregory said. “We’ll be staying for today’s lesson, if that’s okay?”


“It is. Use it as best you can.” Dunn walked back to the sunlight and took up the lotus position again.


“Notes?” Yukiko asked Gregory.


“Not today. I’ll probably spend most of it talking to the crafters. They’ve been the most approachable.”


“Okay. If you see anything, let me know and we’ll leave right away.”


“I will.”


“You know, if we shift our schedule tomorrow, we can study with Jenn before Gin trains us,” Yukiko suggested. “I can train shadow magic during the second-class period.”


“That would be good,” Gregory agreed. “I’ll join you during that to see if I can get anything to happen.”


Yukiko gave him a soft smile. “As my heart wishes.”




When they made it back to the clan hall, Jenn was sitting out front, already eating her snack. “I’m so excited,” Jenn smiled. “Magus Han said she’d let me switch to your class.”


“That’s excellent news!” Yukiko grinned, giving Jenn a hug as she took a seat beside her.


“And an armsmaster is going to be training us today, too,” Jenn said.


“His assistant will be teaching us weapons,” Yukiko said. “She’s the better of the two with short blades. I’m sure Gin will be the one to do the first part of our training.”


Gregory took a seat beside Yukiko. “He’ll push us as hard as he can, too, just short of the breaking point.”


Jenn nodded. “I’m looking forward to it.”


“Ah, there you are,” Dia said, stepping out of the clan hall. “Jenn, we have arranged a tutor for your magic. I overheard you say that your schedule has shifted to match theirs, as well. Since that’s the case, I have a schedule for you all to follow.”


All three of them focused on her.


“Your first class is economics with Magus Han. After that, you’re to come back here for magic training. Inda will be your instructor, Yukiko, and Master Chen will be your instructor, Jenn.”


All three of them looked shocked at what she said. Jenn was the one who stammered out the question first, “Master Chen…? Of the… Iron Hand?”


“A favor owed to our venerable elder was called in. Do your utmost to learn all you can.”


“Yes, Dia… Thank you.”


“I’ll pass your thanks along to Elder Lightshield. Gregory, we have no instructor for you, considering your magic. Elder Lightshield said that it’s an intuitive magic, and that you have to learn on your own.”


“I thought it might be that way. If Yuki and Jenn are being taught in the same place, it would be helpful for me to be there to observe.”


“I’ll see what I can do to make that happen,” Dia said. “After magic training, you are given two hours to study or meditate as you wish. A snack will be served after that time. Following your snack, your physical and weapons training will begin. Bathing and dinner will follow that, and then you are free to do as you see fit. Questions?”


“No, Dia,” Gregory said.


“The bath and dinner are required before anything else?” Yukiko asked.


“Yes. Everyone must be freshly bathed before dinner, and dinner will be served as a clan meal.”


“I have no questions,” Jenn said quickly.


“Dia, I have a request,” Gregory said.




“Can someone send a request to Adept Klim? She was the weapons trainer for me. I’d promised to spar with every weapon against her, but now that I’m not in that class, I’m unable to do so easily. I want to know if she’d be willing to meet me at the blue arena at sixth bell to spar tomorrow, so I can fulfill my promise.”


Dia’s lips widened into a smile. “Keeping one’s word is important. I’ll make sure it’s done, and will have an answer for you at dinner.”


“Thank you, Dia.”


“Eat your snacks. Gin will not be kept waiting,” Dia said before going back inside.




Gin walked out of the clan hall, Inda trailing him. He nodded when he found them already lined up and waiting for him. “Good. I learned what your class was like from Magus Dia. We’ll be doing less stretching than you had been, and the run will be different for you. After that, we’ll have some hand-to-hand, then weapons. Ah, and I will be joining you for the run. Do not let me pass you.”


“Yes, Sensei,” the three novices said in unison.


“I found a better place for us to stretch and run,” Gin said. “Follow me.”


Following Gin and Inda, they went all the way up to the top floor, then up a ladder. When they finished climbing, they were on the roof of the clan hall. Gin took up a position across from the three of them, with Inda a dozen feet to his side.


“This is where we will meet for the first part of training. Now, we start with the legs…”


Stretching was less involved than their physical conditioning class had been, and the run ended up being a lap around the wall of the academy. The guards patrolling the wall looked at them with raised eyebrows as they sped past them. Gin was on their heels for most of the run— the last hundred yards, he slowed his pace, and Inda matched him.


“It seems I’m the one in need of more running,” Gin said when they finished, his breath still not completely caught. “This is good. I hadn’t realized I’d fallen so far. Now, we will spar, and that means down to the ground again.”


Trooping out of the clan hall, the three novices lined up on the sand to the left of the building. Gin joined them, and behind him was Inda and her sister, Indara.


“Indara will be your opponent today, Yu. Jenn, you will contend with me, and Gregory gets Inda,” Gin said. “I will call an end to sparring for weapons training, at which point, Inda will be teaching Yu and Jenn, and I will be teaching Gregory. Full contact, no aether… not for a month, at least.”


The three groups split apart and separated out to make sure they had room. Gregory lined up across from Inda, bowing to her. Inda bowed back before settling into a defensive posture and beckoning Gregory.


Gregory took a moment to look over her form, but he couldn’t find a weakness. Advancing slowly, he made sure to keep his balance. Just before he got to striking distance, Inda bounced forward. There was nothing else Gregory could call it— her legs flexed and she closed the distance in a single spring. Luckily, his balance was solid, so he was able to move with her, using the attack to help slide to the side. Inda was just as quickly standing apart from him again, as she had kept the movement going.


“Good. Balanced,” Inda said and set her stance again. “When fighting someone who isn’t entirely human or human at all, you need to account for their advantages. My bloodline has exceptional mobility, allowing us to make sudden attacks or retreats.”




Gregory was picking himself off the ground when Gin called a halt to sparring. “Separate into your weapons groups. You have a few minutes to catch your breath before we start.”


“Thank you, Sensei,” Jenn said, still huffing and trying to normalize her breathing.


“You did well; you have a solid base to build on. Inda is a master of the wakizashi. If you truly wish to master the weapon, you will not find a better instructor inside the walls of the academy.”


“Yes, Sensei,” Jenn said.


“Inda, train them as you see fit, but make sure they face each other at least twice.”


“Yes, Master,” Inda replied.


Jenn blinked at the title Inda used. Her eyes darted to Gin, then back to Inda. Yukiko noticed and leaned over to whisper to Jenn. Inda’s eyes twitched and the ghost of a smile crossed her face.


“You were learning the su yari, right?” Gin asked Gregory.


“Yes, Sensei.”


“We’ll continue with that, then. I already know your skill with the naginata. What was this sparring contest I heard about?”


Gregory kept his face impassive as he explained to Gin.


“Ah. I’ll be there to see that,” Gin said. “Make sure to save the naginata for the last weapon. Ending with a win will be good for you.”


“I’ll suggest that to Klim, Sensei.”


Indara brought two training su yari to them. “Master, the weapons you wanted.”


“Thank you, Indara. You have the items ready in case of accidents?”


“Yes, Master.”


Gregory managed to keep the wince off his face as he thought about what Gin was alluding to.


“Now, Gregory, show me what they taught you this week.”




“What’re your plans for tomorrow?” Jenn asked them.


“We’ll likely keep to our usual schedule, at least for the first part of the day,” Gregory said. “Wake early for breakfast and studying. After that, I have some sparring to do.”


“Oh, can I come watch?” Jenn asked, pushing some of her hair back behind her ear.


Gregory nodded. “Gin is going to be there, too.”


“After that, we’ll be heading into the city,” Yukiko said. “Greg has plans for my birthday.”


Jenn blinked. “Tomorrow is your birthday?”


“Yes. I came a few days away from missing the academy this year.”


“That would have been awful,” Gregory said.


“Agreed,” Yukiko smiled.


“What’re you going to do for her birthday?” Jenn asked.


“I’ve been keeping it secret, like she did for mine,” Gregory said, “though dinner here will be part of it.”


Getting the hint, Jenn nodded. “Ah, okay. Maybe I’ll use the time to meditate.”


“Make sure to get some training on all three paths,” Yukiko told Jenn. “You don’t have to push hard, but make time for it.”


“Didn’t Elder Lightshield tell us to take our days off… off?” Jenn asked.


“He did,” Gregory said. “We’ve found this pattern works for us, so we’ll likely keep with it. It means we’ll do less than a normal day, but still more than nothing. The more we do now, the easier the future will be.”


“Yes,” Yukiko nodded. “If we can widen the gap between us and Nick, it’ll be easier for us to deal with trouble.”


“I can see where that would be a good idea,” Jenn nodded. “Guess we should get our studying in.”

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