Aether’s Blessing (Aether’s Revival Book 1)

Aether’s Blessing: Chapter 24

Gregory and Yukiko eventually came across a small park off the main road and settled down on the grass for their snack. It was earlier than normal, but it helped them break the awkward tension that had fallen between them. After they ate, they both sat in the lotus position and began to breathe deeply.


Gregory spent the next hour failing to fall into the meditative space he needed. With the chiming of the eleventh bell, he sighed and stretched. “Not today, it seems.”


Yukiko sighed as she stepped out of her own trance. She had a pensive look on her face as she continued to look into the distance. “Maybe… but father would…? Maybe…” Her words were nearly inaudible as she mumbled them.


“Yuki, you okay?”


Blinking, Yukiko looked up at Gregory and smiled. “Yes. Sorry, I found a moment of clarity. Did you?”


“No. If we keep training, it might become easier, though.”


“Yes. We still need to train body today.” Getting to her feet, she looked at the park, “No one is here… should we use this place?”


“Stretching and running… the park is smaller… so, forty laps?”


“That would be close to right, but forty-two would be better.”


“Forty-two it is.”


Over the next hour the pair stretched, ran, and stretched again. When they finished, Gregory glanced at Yukiko, who was still catching her breath. “We haven’t sparred at all since classes started. Want to walk me through some basics?”


Looking around and seeing the place still empty even when the twelfth bell rang, Yukiko nodded slowly. “I will show you a couple of basic attacks and blocks to counter them. When the thirteenth bell chimes, we should start back up toward the academy.”


“Deal,” Gregory grinned, settling into the balanced stance Nick had taught him.


The next hour flew by for Gregory as he copied everything Yukiko showed him, including a better stance. She was quick to correct his mistakes, and near the end of the hour, she even allowed him to spar with her. She won easily, but Gregory felt like he could almost see the tempo of the fight.




“You didn’t want anything today?” Gregory asked when they started up the road again.


“Just to get out, see the city, and engage in a little commerce. Father always says if you don’t use your knowledge, it’ll fade.”


“I can see that,” Gregory nodded. “Does your father use the enchantment that the proctor carriages do?”


“We can’t afford those. The great clans keep a tight hold on those to keep the most profitable trade to themselves. It requires a grandmaster enchanter to even attempt to make the tack that allows that to happen.”


“Ah,” Gregory said, “that would let them do long distance trading faster than the smaller merchants.”


“Yes. As a result, the most perishable items are controlled by them.”


Gregory lapsed into thought again. If the great clans control perishable goods and anything that has to move quickly, they must be the ones who take the raw goods from the north into the cities. Those are worth more than any of the standard goods, which is how they stay wealthy and in power.


“Oh, wait. I want to stop here,” Yukiko said, moving toward a shop.


“Herbalist?” Gregory asked, following her.


“I’ll be right out. Please wait here for me.”


Gregory wanted to ask more, but leaned up against the wall instead. “Sure.”


Yukiko vanished into the shop, leaving Gregory to watch the city go by. He noted two guards patrolling by themselves, as well as a few of the city servants moving down the street with their wheeled buckets, picking up after the horses.


“Excuse me, sir, would you like to buy a flower?” a young girl asked, coming toward him with a handful of flowers.


“What would I do with one?”


“Give it to a special someone, or your mother or sister, perhaps?” the girl gave him a dimpled smile.


Gregory smiled back at her, “How much?”


“Five vela?”


Gregory dug out a five vela coin, handing it to her in exchange for a single flower. “Thank you. May Aether watch over you.”


“Thank you, sir.”


“Urchin, I’ve told you before that you can’t sell on the street,” a guard said, coming toward them with a fast stride.


“Sir, I asked her if she would sell me one,” Gregory said quickly. “It isn’t her fault, but mine.”


The guard turned on him, catching sight of the medallion around his neck. “Magi, the laws state no soliciting on the streets. We have squares for that.”


Gregory bowed slightly from the waist. “Apologies, I will remember.”


“Now, you—” the guard started, turning toward where the girl had been. “I’ll catch her later,” the guard mumbled as he moved off.


When the guard was farther down the street, the urchin girl came back and gave Gregory a smile. “Thank you, sir. Not many would try to help me. Did he say right? Are you a magi?”


“A novice, but yes. You better run along. He’ll be looking for you.”


“I will. Thank you again.”


“Wait,” Gregory said, stopping her from fleeing right away. “Here, take this. I’ll take the rest of those in exchange.”


“Yes sir,” the urchin said, giving him all her flowers before looking at the coin. “A hundred vela? Sir, I—”


“Quick, run. Here comes the guard,” Gregory said, looking past her.


With a gasp, the urchin bolted, and Gregory chuckled as she ran. Shaking his head, he looked down at the wilting flowers and sighed.


“I’m back, Greg… why do you have flowers?”


“Bought them off an urchin.”


Yukiko tsked, “They always go for the soft touches.”


“Maybe, but she seemed nice,” Gregory said. “Anyway, have some flowers.”


Yukiko took them on reflex. “What? I—”


“The urchin said to give them to a friend, and you’re my only friend here, Yuki.”


Yukiko looked at the sad wilting flowers, and smiled softly. “I accept, since there are no other friends nearby.”


“Get what you needed?”


Yukiko’s cheeks tinged with pink briefly, “Yes.”


Gregory kept a knowing smile off his face. He remembered Eloria and Amoria wanting herbs during certain points every month, too. “We should get moving again. Have to make it back before sundown.”




The sun was low in the sky when they arrived at the postern of the academy. A knock on the metal door caused it to be opened, but the guards on duty stood in their way, different than the ones who had been there when they left. The magi on duty was an irritable-looking man in an orange kimono.


“Medallions?” the magi snapped at them.


Both presented their medallions, and the magi grumbled. He waved the guards away so the pair could pass, “Novices on their days off…”


“Thank you, sir,” Yukiko said, giving the initiate a bow of her head.


The initiate gave her a slight nod in return, going back to a bench to sit. “Clear the gate, please.”


“Dinner?” Gregory asked, his aether still low from their sparring earlier.


“A good idea,” Yukiko agreed. “Maybe we can study afterward?”


“Sure, we can use my room,” Gregory said, knowing that Amoria had always been picky about him going into her room.


“Very well.”


As the pair approached the mess hall, a familiar voice called out to them, “Greg? Almost didn’t recognize you.”


“Nick,” Gregory replied. “How have you been?”


Nick’s smile was wide, “Good. My father just happened to be in the city. You should come by my room later tonight. I have gifts from my father to the people who have been friendly with me.”


“We’ll stop by,” Yukiko smiled. “We’re on our way to get food.”


“I’d join you, but I just recently ate at Zerig’s,” Nick smiled, but when neither reacted, his face fell slightly. “It’s one of the best places to eat outside of the academy.”


“Oh,” Gregory said, “I’m sure it was a good meal, then.”


Nick sighed, brushing at his elaborate silver-trimmed, red silk kimono. “Yeah. Anyway, I’ll see you both later.”


Yukiko’s smile waned once Nick left, “I’ve never understood the need to flaunt wealth that way. Father always said that it was foolish. There are easier ways to let people know you are well off than that.”


“Huh, I wondered why he’d mentioned it.”


“Wanting to show off,” Yukiko sighed. “Let’s eat.”


The meal was as delicious and aether-filling as ever. The two of them felt more awake and refreshed than they had all week as they walked back to the dormitory. Gregory realized he had seen very few novices during the day. During dinner, there had been only five other novices in the dining hall.


Reaching the dorm as the eighteenth bell chimed, he exchanged his boots for slippers, and the voices from inside the common room were noticeable. “Guess we’re not the only ones full of energy,” Gregory chuckled.


“We weren’t run ragged,” Yukiko said, “even though we probably did more than they did.”


“Fair point, Yuki. Let’s see if Nick is in his room. We’ll stop by on our way up to my room.”


Muted voices could be heard from inside the room, so Gregory knocked on the wood panel beside the door. “Nick?”


The door opened to reveal Fureno, Jason, Michelle, and the others all sitting around the room. Nick gave them a wide smile, “Come on in. You are the last two, so I can give out the gifts now.”


A small cheer from the other novices filled the room, and everyone crowded one side of the low set table that had a few bags on it. Nick took his seat on one side, facing the others. “Okay, Father wished me to convey his thanks to the people who’ve made my time here better. I have a gift for everyone, but a few special gifts, too. First, the gifts for everyone.”


Fureno, Jason, and a couple others leaned forward a bit more. Gregory, sitting off to the side, wondered what the big deal was. Yukiko watched the room with a knowing expression.


“First, we have something from Yomba’s Alchemy; aether growing powder,” Nick said as he pulled vials out of one of the bags. “These are guaranteed to stimulate your aether as you sleep, so take it before bed tonight.” He uncorked one of the vials, and the scent of unknown herbs filled the air briefly before he recapped it. Nick handed them out one by one, smiling broadly.


Gregory thanked him and tucked the vial into his pouch. Yukiko was a little slower accepting it, but did as well.


“Next, I have certificates for a massage at Felina’s Spa,” Nick grinned. “I’m sure we can all use them next day off.”


“Damned right,” Jason laughed. “Man, it’s been months since I was there last.”


Michelle’s smile was a little wooden, “Felina’s? Nick, really?”


Nick blinked, then started laughing, “Oh, don’t worry, she has male masseuses, too. They’ll work those kinks out of you.”


Michelle’s cheeks heated, “I will decline.”


“I’ll take hers,” Fureno offered.


Nick shook his head at Fureno, but addressed Michelle. “Michelle, come on, don’t be like that. We’re all adults. There’s nothing wrong with a little enjoyment here and there. Besides, you can enjoy just the basic massage. It’s up to you.”


Yukiko drew in a sharp breath as realization dawned on her, but it was inaudible to everyone but Gregory. Glancing to the side, she saw Gregory looking at her with a questioning gaze. She shook her head, and put a smile back on her face.


“Fine, but unlike you, I’ll just be having the basic massage,” Michelle sniffed.


“Of course,” Nick grinned as he handed her a small scroll. “Just do what you enjoy.”


Gregory took the small scroll and tucked it into his bag, wondering if he was understanding the context completely. I can ask Yuki when we go study.


“That’s it for everyone,” Nick said as he set aside every bag but one. “However, I have two special gifts. Michelle, Father wanted you to know he’s appreciative of you keeping me focused.” Pulling a box from the bag, he slid it to Michelle.


Michelle frowned as she looked at the small rectangular box. Opening it, she blinked, her cheeks heating again. “I can’t—”


“It’s fine,” Nick said, cutting her off. “It’s not from me. It’s from my father as a thank you, so it doesn’t violate any rules about accepting gifts from another besides your betrothed.”


Michelle touched the object inside the box. “I’ll ask Mother. If she agrees, I’ll accept it.”


“Fine,” Nick’s smile grew wider. “I’ll look forward to seeing it on your neck soon.”


Michelle blushed deeper, tucking the box away.


“The other one is a more formal gift,” Nick said, turning to face Yukiko. “On behalf of the Eternal Flame clan, we extend this gift to you, Yukiko Warlin. We’d like you to join our ranks.” Nick pushed another similar box to her.


Yukiko shook her head, “I can’t accept.”


Nick frowned, clearly peeved at her instant rejection, “Why not?”


“I have not yet made a decision as to which clan I will join. As such, it would be wrong of me to accept this gift, since I might not join your clan.”


Nick chuckled, “Oh, I see. Then accept this as a token indicating our desire for you to join us.”


Yukiko looked at the box for a long moment, then took it, slipping it into her bag without opening it. “I accept it as a token.”


Nick looked a little upset at her reaction. Gregory was unsure about what had just transpired, besides Yukiko being asked to join a clan already.


“Now that gifts are done,” Nick said, trying to regain his footing, “let the celebration of friendship begin.”


Fureno put a couple of bottles on the table.


Yukiko rose to her feet, “I’m sorry, but it has been a long day and morning comes early. I must depart.”


Gregory got to his feet beside her, “Thank you for the gifts and for inviting us, but she is right.”


Nick’s smile thinned, “I see. Very well. We’ll see you in conditioning. Goodnight to you both.”


“Goodnight,” Yukiko said, bowing slightly at the waist.


“Night,” Gregory echoed, bowing a bit more than Yukiko had.


Gregory had a couple of questions, but waited for them to enter his room before he spoke. “Yuki, what was that all about?”


Yukiko went back into her normal demeanor and sighed. “He is trying to buy allies. The powder is worth over two thousand vela for each vial. If Felina’s is the sort of place I think it is, it’s less a bathing house and more an oiran house. The gift… more like leash… is to tie me to their clan before others can even bargain. This might be part of why he’s been so friendly to us.”


Gregory looked lost, “He was pleasant and nice to me even before we had talked. The gifts might have been pricey, but like you said, maybe he just likes to throw around his money.”


Yukiko shook her head. “No, they are bribes to keep people close. Did you not note that Jason said it had been months since he’d last been to Felina’s?”


“Yeah? Umm, what is an oiran house?” Gregory asked.


Yukiko blushed, then saw his obvious confusion. “Right, I forget with you at times. What is the right way to say it…? Oh yes… it’s a… whorehouse, but higher priced than you could imagine.” Pulling the scroll from her bag, she read it. “Much higher priced. This is a blank ticket for the bearer to indulge as the guest of the Eternal Flame clan.”


Memories of Jess at the Proctor’s Rest flashed through his mind, causing his cheeks to flush. He had another reaction, making him glad he was sitting. “Oh, err… sorry.”


“As for the leash…” Yukiko slapped the small box on the table and opened it. Nostrils flaring, she grimaced, “They don’t skimp on their pets.” Pulling out the silver and sapphire pendant, she squinted at it. “I think it’s enchanted on top of the craftsmanship.”


Gregory could only blink upon seeing the necklace. He knew it would have cost more than Alturis was worth. “Pet?” he asked when he could think.


“The Eternal Flame is a clan devoted to keeping eurtiks in their place. They don’t mind using those of mixed blood, but they are kept on a strict watch. They must not have realized my heritage yet, or they are looking past it because of my magic.”


“Are you sure? Maybe Nick really is just friendly,” Gregory said, but the words felt wrong to him even as they came out of his mouth.


“No. They will stay friendly, but the relationship will cool now. Just watch,” Yukiko said as she put the pendant away. After a moment, she shrank in on herself and glanced at Gregory with guilty eyes. “I’m sorry, Greg.”


“Huh? Why?”


“They will distance themselves from you, too.”


“No,” Gregory said. “If they do, it isn’t your fault, Yuki. It’ll just prove you were right, and frankly, I don’t have any real love for people who think less of you just because one of your ancestors was a eurtik. Even if your mother was full eurtik, I’d still be right here with you.”


Yukiko stared at him, seconds ticking by, and her eyes started to glisten. Looking down, she coughed, “I see. You’re the best friend I could have hoped for, Greg. Thank you… for being my friend.”


Gregory reached out and tapped her hand with his. “Partners in training and friends, right?”


Yukiko looked up, her eyes still glimmering with unshed tears. “Yes. We should get some more study in before bed. You wanted help with economics, yes?”

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