Aether’s Apprentices (Aether’s Revival Book 4)

Aether’s Apprentices: Chapter 54

Breakfast that morning involved everyone in the clan. Conversation was a little muted, but still lively. The new clan members who weren’t leaving for the tournament kept shooting glances at those who were.


When the meal ended, Lightshield cleared his throat. “The academy has canceled classes for today, as everyone is being required to see the champions off. When we are gone, those of you who are staying behind will be shown how your days will go. Dia and Bishop will be here to assist you in learning the ways of the clan. As for those of you with magic that we currently do not have representation for, it will be provided in a day or two.”


The novices perked up, but the apprentices less so. They knew they only had a little over a month left to learn.


“Aether’s Guard does all it can for its members. You will get out of it, what you put in, so work hard. Those who are leaving and our older novices have devoted themselves to improving, using methods of the clan. You’ve all witnessed what that can lead to during the tournament. If you don’t push as hard, you will not gain as much, but it will still be more than many others.”


Daciana pulled her medallion out so everyone could see the two rings illuminated yellow. Jenn did the same, showing two orange circles. Murmurs followed the display, which intensified when Clover pulled out her medallion.


“As you can see, even an apprentice who joined us barely a half year ago has seen impressive growth,” Lightshield smiled at them. “Strive, grow, and believe in Aether. That is all we ask.”


Lightshield paused, letting the words sink in as the sixth bell began to chime. “We have two hours before we are required to leave. We will be going to the front of the clan hall, and our oldest students will be leading us through the training method preferred by our clan since the days of my great-grandfather, Lionel Lighthand.”


That got more murmurs from the newest members of the clan.


“Take a moment to refresh yourselves and, those of you who are leaving, collect any loose ends. Meet outside in a quarter hour.” Finished speaking, Lightshield leveraged himself to his feet with a grimace of pain. He stood after a moment of struggle, then turned and began to slowly leave the room.




Since no one needed to grab anything, they were all outside well before the quarter hour mark. Seeing everyone assembled, Lightshield addressed them from the porch, “This is known as the Peaceful Fist, created by Lionel Lighthand. It doesn’t work for everyone, but our current students have found that it works for them. For some of you, you might find that it works, then fades after a time, but it might come back again. Gregory, you shall be the lead. The rest of you, prepare to assist as needed.”


Gregory looked at the small crowd and bowed to them. “The Peaceful Fist is a blend of spirit and body paths. It’s a meditative exercise that will work your body. The first few times, you will feel taxed greatly. Just because it’s a slow, controlled exercise doesn’t mean it won’t sap your strength. As you continue to practice, you will not feel drained at the end. Instead, you’ll start to find it going the other way, where you feel refreshed.”


The new clan members looked interested, but also a bit hesitant.


“I have grown to enjoy this exercise,” William said. “I was just body path, but now, I am both body and spirit. I have seen the cavern and the channels created by the body path.”


All of the new members besides Roshana looked intrigued. Since she’d been practicing the Peaceful Fist already, she just grinned.


“Okay, if you aren’t on the spirit path already, don’t worry about seeing the cavern. If you are, let yourself drift. Your body will continue the exercise as you do it inside your aether cavern,” Gregory said. “The first kata begins with this stance.” He took the beginning position and waited for everyone to copy him. “And we start by going to the back foot…”




As the Peaceful Fist went on, Yukiko or Jenn would break off and help one of the others transition from movement to movement the right way. By the second round through the katas, everyone was moving better. On the third, they were nearly in sync.


“Let it end, Gregory,” Lightshield called out.


Gregory brought the kata to an end, then bowed to the others before he was fully out of meditation. He looked over the group. All the people who’d never done the exercise before were covered in sweat.


“We have a little bit of time,” Lightshield said, “and we want to present the best image we can, so those who need to should rinse off and change outfits. Don’t rush, but don’t dawdle, either.”


Roshana gave Yukiko a smile before she fell into step beside Mindie. Roshana didn’t need to rinse off as Mindie did, but she obviously wanted to keep the other woman company.


The rest broke up into small groups, talking to each other. Gregory and his friends were a group all by themselves. The novices kept glancing toward him, then away, smiles on their faces as they clearly recalled that morning.


Clover scooted a little closer to Yukiko and asked her in a whisper if something had happened. All three novices flushed red, and both Clover and Ling waited to hear an answer.


“They said goodbye to Gregory this morning,” Yukiko said softly. She moved slowly away so their conversation would be harder for the others with sharp hearing to catch.


“How?” Clover asked.


“We each got to kiss him once,” Victoria said, preempting anyone else telling them.


Clover sighed wistfully. “Aw… we didn’t get to.”


“You aren’t saying goodbye, yet,” Jenn said gently, touching Clover’s shoulder.


“That’s true. We’ll be with them for a month, at least,” Ling nodded. She gave the novices a knowing look. “Just a single kiss each?”


Victoria’s face went scarlet. “I… might have… pushed a little more.”


Ling shifted closer to Victoria and patted her arm. “I can’t blame you. I’ll try not to do the same if Clover and I get the chance.”


“Technically,” Yukiko cut in, still making sure they were keeping their voices lowered, “we all kissed them goodbye.”


Ling’s smile grew. “We will get the same chance, I hope?”


“We’ll discuss it,” Yukiko replied, wearing a smile.


Clover grabbed Daciana’s hand. “Come on.”


“Come on?” Daciana asked as she turned with Clover back toward the clan hall.


“We have a few minutes, at least,” Clover said. “Enough time to get to your rooms and say our goodbyes to you, too.”


Nessa glanced at Yukiko, who nodded. “I’m willing.”


“So am I,” Victoria said, taking Ling’s hand. “Are you?”


“Oh yes. After all, a pride needs to share equally,” Ling grinned.


Gregory just watched them go, stunned at how quickly the five friends went to go say goodbye to each other. Jenn and Yukiko were happy to see it, as it boded well for later. Seeing Gregory staring after them, Yukiko took his hand and smiled at him when he looked down at her.


“Shocked?” Yukiko asked.


“I shouldn’t be… I’m happy, but also, yes.”


Jenn snickered as she took his other hand. “It means your desire is one step closer to reality,” she whispered.


Gregory swallowed as he nodded. “I guess it is. Years away yet, but still closer.” His brow furrowed. “But they’re coming back, unlike us.”


“Hmm, that’s true,” Yukiko giggled. “Maybe they just wanted to be equal to us?”


“They might get even closer during the next year,” Jenn suggested.


That conjured all sorts of mental images to Gregory’s mind. He cleared his throat, shutting down those thoughts and trying to quell his interest.


“We’ll behave,” Yukiko giggled again.


“Thanks,” Gregory sighed.




When everyone returned to the yard, Lightshield was waiting by the archway leading out of the yard. Bishop and Dia got everyone organized to go, then bowed to Lightshield.


“Just walk proudly and stand with the faith in Aether you all have,” Lightshield told them. With a last look over the clan, he turned and led them at a sedate pace down the pathways of the academy.


As they got closer to the front of the academy, Gregory saw other clans bringing their magi out to see everyone off. A little short of the gate and stables, Lightshield nodded to Bishop. Bishop took the people behind her down the path toward the main gate. After a moment, Lightshield got them moving again, but toward the stables.


When they reached the stables, Gregory was confused why there weren’t any carriages being prepared for them to use. All five groups going to the tournament were represented when Lightshield had them stop to the side.


Elder Cho gave them a long look, her lips twisting when the eighth bell began to chime. “Now that we are all here and it is time, we can begin,” she said, addressing the groups. “We will walk out to see the crowd, wave as we go, and then march out of the academy grounds. Once we’re all out, the gates will shut behind us, and Grandmaster Yunlo will take all of you to the correct stables to leave from. Aether’s Guard, you are the last group. Everyone else is ready to go already.”


Lightshield nodded sagely, then led his group to the end of the procession, behind the Iron Hand. As they got into position, Gregory smiled when he saw Egil at the front with the academy council.


“March!” Cho commanded, her words carrying all the way to the back.


Lightshield grimaced— they started to march faster than his leg wanted to allow for, but he infused himself as best he could and put a pleasant smile on his face. Gregory caught a flicker of the pain before Lightshield masked it, and he prepared himself to move to assist the elder if needed.


Elder Cho, Grandmaster Pan, and Grandmaster Yunlo waved to the gathering of magi as they led the procession into view, and a cheer went up from the crowd upon seeing them. At a certain point, the three elders split off to face the crowd. Egil continued on the route they were supposed to use, the others behind him following in step.


“We come to see our champions off,” Cho announced. “These five clans have proven themselves the best we can field against Buldoun for the coming tournament. Cheer them on, as they have the honor of the empire riding upon their shoulders. Let everyone know the clans that will shine brightly for all of us: Eternal Flame, Shining Light, Swift Wind, Iron Hand, and Aether’s Guard.”


The crowd roared, the noise redoubling as the applause, stomping of feet, whistles and more intensified.


Cho nodded to Pan, who caused silence to happen. “The academy overseer will be going with them, allowing us to stay here to continue to guide the rest of you. On top of that, we expect to see a good tournament of our own in the coming month. So train hard and be ready to distinguish your clan and yourselves.”


Again, the crowd roared, and the council fell into step behind Aether’s Guard as they marched out of the open main gates. When Cho passed the gates, she motioned and they began to close behind them. The crowd cheered louder and louder as the gates closed in ponderous inevitability.


The moment they boomed shut, Yunlo stopped. He made a complex motion with both arms, and the entire procession vanished from marching down the streets outside the academy. With a nod, he looked at his fellow council members, then teleported them back into the academy itself.


Gregory blinked, as he was suddenly marching down a road in the outer ring of the city. The marching stopped a moment later, as the group was directly outside of a large stable.


Egil turned to face the clans and motioned to the yard packed with carriages. “By order of the academy overseer, find the carriages marked with the crests for your clan and prepare to leave. How you divide among those carriages is up to each clan. Support staff, the carriages with the academy icon are for us.”


Lightshield didn’t bother moving the group, as the Eternal Flame started walking before anyone else. Instead, the elder turned toward them. “We have three carriages, I’ve been told. Hemet and I will be in one. You are allowed to split yourselves among the other two in any way you wish. I know that there will be midday breaks to rest the horses, and every night, we will be stopping in a town or city large enough for us to spread out the clans. You won’t be in the same inn as the Eternal Flame or any of the other clans. Any questions?”


“Sir?” Mindie asked. “Do you want me to try to help you?”


He gave Mindie a fond smile. “There is no need. I’m beyond the ability to help now. Sit with your friends, and learn and grow during the trip. During the break or on each new day, you are free to rearrange yourselves. I should also warn you that I didn’t fight to get us the best inns. I did pick the right inns for us, though.”


“Thank you, Elder,” Gregory said, bowing.


“When the others are all inside, we will follow,” Lightshield said.


Gregory looked at his wives, who looked thoughtful. “How do we split up?”


“I’m thinking we split Jenn and me, as well as Clover and Ling,” Yukiko said. “You can sit with either group, and we can rotate Roshana and Mindie between groups. This way, we can all learn from each other during the trip.”


“But you need to sit with them at times, too, which is why you don’t go opposite them all the time,” Jenn added.


“I agree to this,” Clover nodded. “Can I sit with Jenn?”


“And me with Yuki,” Ling smiled.


“We can rotate those seating arrangements, too,” Mindie said softly. “The trip is going to take weeks.”


“Hmm… I agree,” Roshana said. “We’ll have plenty of time together. Mindie, we should sit with Yukiko for the first leg today.”


“Okay,” Mindie agreed.


“I’ll do the same,” Gregory said.


“And we can go now,” Lightshield said as he led the group into the stable yard.


Gregory walked a little slower, looking back at the city towering over them. It’d been a little less than two years, but so much had happened to him in that time. A touch of melancholy filled him as he thought of his friends being left behind.


Yukiko took his hand for a moment, squeezing it before letting go. “The future is before us, dearest.”


“And we’re ready to walk into it with you,” Jenn added. “Our friends will be waiting for us.”


Gregory exhaled and smiled at his loving wives. “Well, then, let’s not keep them waiting too long.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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