Aether’s Apprentices (Aether’s Revival Book 4)

Aether’s Apprentices: Chapter 16

Shuddering as her toes uncurled, Yukiko let out a soft whimper. “Happy birthday to me, indeed…”


Gregory and Jenn kissed their way back up her body, then each gave her a passionate kiss. Jenn snuggled in next to her, happy to have brought her wife to orgasm.


“You’ve done the same for me many times,” Gregory said, kissing her neck. “Besides, we were told to stay in the room until Dia came for us.”


Jenn giggled, hiding her face against Yukiko’s side. Yukiko looked at her, then also started to giggle.




“Thinking back to one of the other times Dia came to get us and we were in bed,” Jenn mumbled.


Gregory blinked as that memory came back to him. Coughing, he had an awkward smile on his lips. “Oh, right.”


“Did it bother you, dearest?” Yukiko asked him.


“No,” Gregory admitted, blushing.


“I liked it,” Jenn’s admission was soft. “It… explains my desires.”


Talk of desires had Gregory’s face flushing more, as he was still acutely aware of what his had been. Living with most of the women in that vision kept refreshing the idea in his mind.


“Did you want to tell us?” Yukiko asked gently, stroking Jenn’s hair. “Neither of us will rebuke you in any way.”


Jenn swallowed hard, and her head moved fractionally. “Okay. Umm, it was because of that moment, where you were guiding my head up and down Gregory’s length. I felt all tingly and happy… You controlling me like that was exciting. I’ve thought about you doing the same to me again, or Gregory controlling me to pleasure you, and…” Jenn trailed off. She shivered, as the idea sent a pulse of pleasure coursing through her.


Gregory blinked slowly, his mind all too happy to supply those images for him. The thought of Jenn being subservient and doing what they made her do had parts of him in full agreement to try it.


“Hmm… we make a good pair,” Yukiko murmured as she continued to stroke Jenn’s hair. “Mine can also be tied back to that moment. I want to give Gregory as much love and pleasure as he can take. He had his strongest orgasm then. Didn’t you, dearest?”


Face flushed, Gregory nodded, not looking at her. “Yeah, it was intense.”


“If you want to try that and see if it really is your desire, my dear fighter,” Yukiko murmured as she bent her head and kissed the top of Jenn’s, “I’m very willing. You or others who wish to be with our heart… I want to bend them to what will please him most. Our heart deserves the very best.”


Gregory swallowed. The idea of telling them his desire stuck in his throat. What kind of asshole tells the women he loves— the ones who confessed that they just want him as happy as possible— that he wants more?


Yukiko looked at Gregory with a smirk on her lips. “Dearest, will you lie back? Our heart wishes to be used to bring you pleasure, and I want to use her in that way.”


Gregory rolled to his back, swallowing as he watched his wives converge on him. You should tell them… they told you theirs. He made up his mind to tell them, but he hadn’t formed the words before Jenn’s mouth found his straining flesh.




Gregory was just tying his obi in place when a knock came on the outer door. “Apprentices, you have a few minutes. Meet in the dining room,” Dia called to them.


“We’ll be right down,” Gregory called back. He glanced at his wives who were just getting their obis on and exhaled slowly. “Yuki, Jenn, you told me your desires… I should tell you mine.”


“We’re listening, dearest,” Yukiko said.


“I’m very curious,” Jenn said. “You looked like you were about to say something earlier, but I think I stopped you.”


“You did,” Gregory coughed, his face heating as he thought about what she had done again. “Okay… ummm… this is awkward. My desires revealed themselves during resonance, and had me in the dream bedroom. Darkness was making sounds of pleasure from her corner while you two were on the bed, enjoying yourselves.”


The two women smiled at them being part of his desires.


Swallowing hard, he pushed forward. “We weren’t alone. There were others in the room, wearing not much of anything. They were waiting to be invited to join us. As I looked at them, the two of you told me that if I admitted that I wanted them, then you’d be willing to let them join us.”


Jenn and Yukiko exchanged a glance before giving him their full attention. “Who, dearest?” Yukiko asked softly.


Gregory lowered his eyes, feeling like trash, but determined to finish. “Our friends.”


“Hmm…” Yukiko finished getting dressed and crossed the small distance to him. “Thank you, my heart.”


“Huh?” Gregory looked up as she approached, confused as to why she’d thank him for wanting more women.


“Greg,” Jenn said, trailing Yukiko, “we aren’t upset. Remember, it’s okay to look and maybe entertain ideas.”


Closing his eyes as he tried to accept how graciously they were taking his confession, he nodded. “I know, but—”


Yukiko cut him off with a soft kiss. Gregory kissed her back, his arms going around her out of reflex, trying to reassure her with the kiss that he loved her. After a minute, she stepped back and Jenn took her place.


“Dearest, in time, others might join our family. I will not accept anyone who isn’t dedicated to you. They’ll need the approval of Jenn and myself, as well as yours. It won’t be soon, but there is that chance. Knowing that you’re okay with a few who might ask in the future makes it easier for us.”


When Jenn stepped back, Gregory just blinked dully as he tried to get his brain to work. “But, I—”


Jenn put a finger to his lips. “Greg, look at us.”


Gregory had been avoiding doing that, but now, he raised his head to meet their eyes.


“We aren’t upset, dearest,” Yukiko said softly. “You’re not a bad man. You’re far from it. You told us, admitted it to us, and then act like we should beat you for it. As I told you before, my heart is what matters the most to me. That’s still true today. If it takes more people to safeguard my heart, I will welcome them, call them family, and love them for you. I accepted Darkness first, then Jenn, and in the future, there may be more, or there might not be. I’m serious when I say they have to be devoted to you… To you, Greg. Not to Aether.”


“As Yukiko accepted me, I’ll accept others. I agree with her— we must protect our heart. As long as we have your heart and you have ours, I don’t worry about others who may join us. Our hearts will grow with them, as will yours,” Jenn said. “Tell us who you thought of, please? It’ll make it easier for us in the future.”


Gregory’s throat felt tight. His wives were flatly telling him they would accept others, if they were devoted. No man deserved even a single woman like these two in his life, and he had them both. Swallowing, his throat felt dry as he answered her. “Nessa, Daciana, Victoria… Clover, Ling… Mindie. Those are the ones I knew, but there were others behind them.”


Yukiko giggled softly and touched his cheek. “Okay, dearest. Calm yourself, please? Some of those you named are very interested in joining our family.”


“Nearly frantic with hope, in fact,” Jenn added with a soft smile, taking his hand in hers. “A few of them are still unsure at the moment.”


Darkness’ words came back to Gregory, “I will only help those who might be… special to you, walk all three paths.”


“Oh?” Gregory whispered. Seeing his wives’ questioning looks, he exhaled. “Darkness told me that the only ones who she would help walk all three paths were the ones who might be special to me. I never thought about it like this before now.”


Yukiko nodded slowly. “Yes… three of them have been walking three paths, and two more are working on it, but we don’t know if they’re devoted to you. This would be confirmation that Darkness approves of them. Do you agree with that?”


Gregory nodded slowly. “If my wives agree, I do, too. I include you in that count, Darkness.”


Jenn smiled and kissed his cheek. “Good. I’d hate for others to have to walk the wire I did.”


Gregory flushed and his wives giggled at him.


“We should go,” Yukiko said suddenly. “Greg, don’t think we’ll rush things. I was serious when I said they have to prove themselves. Darkness has approved of them, but I want to see their dedication for myself.”


“As my heart wishes,” Gregory said before he pulled her to him and kissed her with all the love he had in his heart. When he finished kissing Yukiko, he pulled Jenn to him and did it again.

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