Acts of Salvation: An Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH Book 2)

Acts of Salvation: Chapter 8

Even fifteen-hundred miles can’t keep Cassie out of my head. Despite knowing she’s completely friend-zoned me, I can’t help but think of her every free moment I get. It’s as if she’s crawled under my skin and taken up residence in every cell of my being.

need to find a way to stop her from thinking we’re a bad idea.

My phone lights up and it’s Becca, my secretary. “Hey, any good news?”

“Well, hello to you too, handsome.”

“Sorry. Hey, Becca… how are you? Do you have any good news?”

She cackles. “That’s a little better, but not by much. I’m assuming you’re wanting to know about the background check you asked me to run—it came back clean. Dr. Wilson is an upstanding citizen, a highly esteemed member of the Texas Medical Board, and adored by all of his patients, per his social media following.”

Fuck. I was really wanting to keep this creep away from my girl. But without a valid reason, I’m going to have to get creative.

“Thanks, Becca. Please email me a copy of your findings as soon as possible.”

“Already done. So, this rush job. Is there a reason behind it?” Her curious tone has me smiling. If she only knew.

“Yes. Please note in the file that anything related to this search needs to be billed directly to me.”

“No problem.” Her tone is clipped as if I’ve offended her with my refusal to divulge any additional information. “When should we be expecting you back in Dallas?”

“Tomorrow.” I don’t mean to be short with my one-word answer, and it’ll probably add to her irritation, but I want to get off the phone with her so I can text Cassie.

“Can’t wait. I have a massive stack of reports waiting on your desk. Maybe we can go to lunch and go over them together.”

“Sure. Sounds good. Talk to you tomorrow.”

I might come off as an ass, but Becca’s known me for years. She understands when I’m focused on something, there’s no way of keeping my attention. She could be juggling bottles of Jack while hopping on one foot, and that still wouldn’t keep me on the line.

Time to message Cassie.

REN: Hey. Got the results on the background check for you. Why don’t you let me bring over some food tomorrow and we can go over them together.

I know. Ridiculous since there isn’t anything to really go over, but that isn’t going to stop me from capitalizing on an excuse to see her delicious curves in person.

CASSIE: Sounds good, but instead of you bringing food, why don’t you let me cook for you… as a thank you for running the search.

Hell yes! The thought of coming home to Cassie cooking for me stirs up all sorts of primitive emotions, making me want to bang my chest and let the world know she’s mine.

I quickly temper my emotions and reply as unaffected as possible, because there’s no way I’m letting Cassie in on the fact that I’m over here grinning like a damned fool.

REN: Perfect. I’ll be over at 7.

My fingers itch to add ‘can’t wait,’ but I fear that letting her know how I truly feel will just make her run for the hills. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about my little angel, it’s that she’s extremely skittish when it comes to emotions of the romantic variety.

Before I forget, I shoot Becca a quick email telling her to block off my evening. I typically work late on days when I’m in town, but that’s definitely not happening while hanging out with Cassie is a viable option.

Before thinking too much of it, I quickly add in a request for a floral pickup, adding Cassie’s information to the email. I know my little angel isn’t into romance, but who wouldn’t love fresh flowers in their space?

I shake my head, realizing I’m trying to justify buying flowers for a woman. This must be karma for all the one-night stands I’ve had over the years.

Whatever. Karma can shove it.

I’m getting Cassie the flowers, and if she refuses, I’ll just have to make her see the error of her ways with more… persuasive measures.

As I type out the request, a flash of distant memories assaults me.

My father coming home with flowers for our mother. Those same flowers ending up in the garbage later that night. Our mother’s tear-streaked face as she shut her bedroom door without saying goodnight.

A lump in my throat forms and my chest begins to ache. I hadn’t remembered that piece of my history in ages. To think that buying flowers for a pretty woman would stir up such dark memories leaves me with a ton of questions.

Are they really just flowers? And is she really just a pretty woman?


Breathe, Cassie. In… and… out.

This is the first time I’ve had a man over to my place—like ever. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t freaking out just a little. Okay, a lot.

Add to the anxiety that this man happens to be my best friend’s uncle—and that we’ve had mind-blowing sex—well it’s clear to see why I’m such a freaking train wreck right now. It’s a miracle I haven’t burned the place down with my absent-minded cooking!

I’m making filets with mushroom risotto and salad, as well as a tres leches cake for dessert. I know the steaks were spendy but I really want to impress him… I mean, thank him.

Besides, this is probably the kind of food he’s used to eating. He’s Bella’s uncle, which means he comes from old money. Lord knows what he grew up eating. Certainly not reheated rice and beans on the daily, like me. It wasn’t until my sisters and I got older that we were able to put in for groceries and expand our weekly menu.

Don’t get me wrong, we had yummy food on special occasions, but I bet it still wasn’t anywhere near what Ren is accustomed to.

Snap out of it, Cassie. Who cares what he’s accustomed to! I shouldn’t be trying to change myself or conform to some ideal just for a man. Regardless of how delicious he might be.

This is how it all starts… that dick-whipped slippery slope. It will be a cold day in hell before I let myself become a member of that club.

I lightly slap my cheeks, trying to snap myself out of this dick induced relapse. Get. It. Together.

Before I can finish my pep talk, there’s a knock at the door. There’s no way out but through, so I head to the door and open it as casually as possible, praying he doesn’t see the hot mess underneath.

“Cassie, you look stunning.” Ren hands me a gorgeous bouquet of peonies in varying shades of pink.

The flowers are what’s stunning, not me. I’m wearing distressed cutoff shorts and a black tank, nothing special.

I realize I’ve just been standing there staring at the flowers without saying a word, lost in my own head. Jumping into action, I quickly usher him in. “Where are my manners, please come in.”

“I’m sorry if my compliment made you uncomfortable. I know we’re just friends, but I couldn’t help but point out how gorgeous you look. Bare. Without makeup.”

I had every intention of not putting effort into my appearance tonight. I didn’t want to make this feel like a date, and I somehow justified it by not getting ready for it. Pointless, I now realize. The way he’s looking at me like he wants to devour me whole leaves no question that this isn’t just a casual visit.

“You didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all. Just caught me off guard. This is what I always wear. What I always look like when I’m at home.”

“Perfect.” His voice is low and barely audible, but it tugs at something deep within me.

Choosing to ignore the feelings that single word evoked, I quickly change the subject. “So, I hope you like meat because I’ve made filets.”

A look of frustration flashes across his eyes but he quickly schools it. “That’s perfect.”

There’s that word again…

“Great. The meat is resting but it will be ready in a couple of minutes. Why don’t I give you the grand tour?”

Ren gives me a salacious grin, punctuated with a wink. “By all means, please do.”

“Oh, no. There will be no more magic happening between the two of us.” I shake my head while placing my hands on my hips laughing.

His face turns serious as he gets to within an inch of my body, but not quite touching. “So you agree? It was magic.”

My entire body flushes, and because I’m so fair, there’s no sense in denying it. “Yes. It was magic. Very beautiful, hot, and delicious magic. But it could never happen again.” The timer beeps, letting us know the steaks are done resting. Just in the nick of time.

“I guess that tour will have to wait.” A smirk ghosts Ren’s lips, and I can’t help but feel that there’s a double meaning to that statement.

But before I can ask, the sound of scratching has Ren’s brows lifting and me running toward the noise—my bedroom door and where I’ve left Bruce.

“Should I be worried?” Ren’s cautious gaze looks on from the living area.

“Maybe. I’m not sure yet. I’ve never had a man over to my place so I’m not sure how Bruce will react. Hold on one sec.” I lift a finger as I slip through the bedroom door and away from his confused gaze.

Surely, a big bad alpha male such as himself won’t be afraid of a large dog, right? I mean, he’s one of the owners of WRATH, one of the best private security firms in the nation.

Scratching Bruce behind his ear, I give the verbal release for the command I’ve had him under. “Break.” That one word has him up on all fours and sniffing at the door. “Good boy. That’s mommy’s good boy.”

“Everything okay in there?” Ren’s voice cuts through the door and I’m surprised Bruce isn’t growling. Maybe things will go well after all. Grabbing hold of his harness, I walk my massive cane corso into the living area. “Ren, this is Bruce. Bruce, this is Ren.”

“Wow, he’s beautiful. May I?” Ren approaches cautiously with an outstretched hand, palm up and low to the ground. Nice. He knows what he’s doing.

“So far so good. It looks like he might actually like you,” I say, unable to hide the disbelief in my voice.

“Don’t sound so shocked.” Ren lets out a low chuckle, making Bruce lunge forward. I’m about to issue the command for stay when the unthinkable happens—Bruce begins licking Ren’s palm.


“You can close your mouth now. Dogs happen to love me.” His warm smile melts me out of my stupor and into the present.

“They might, but Bruce is no ordinary dog. He hates anything with a cock. And you most definitely have a cock.” My entire face heats with the memory of his massive dick sliding in and out of me. Ohhhh, how delicious that felt.

Ren’s nostrils flare and his breathing turns ragged, I guess he’s just as affected by the memory as I am. Needing to break the sultry stare-off I bring up something that’s sure to put a halt to both of our libidos.

“So… Bella was here the other day.” Yup. My words have hit their intended target. “She told me about the vandal who attacked her car. Apparently they even shot out her tires. I mean, who does that?”

Ren stands from his crouched position and I don’t miss the evident bulge in his pants. I guess bringing up his niece didn’t completely douse out the flames of desire.

I motion us toward the table, determined to serve him the meal I cooked for us. Even if it’s tepid by now.

Taking a seat at the small table, Ren speaks for the first time since my mention of his niece. “Yes, we still don’t know who the perp is so we’re taking every precautionary method possible. It’s typically someone who is close to the inner circle or at least has easy access to it. Speaking of which, we should probably put some protection on you as well.”

My fork halts on its way to my mouth, “Oh, hell no. There’s no way I’m having a detail on me. I’ve seen what you guys are putting Bella through, and that’s fine and all since she’s the one who’s been attacked, but I’m fine. I can take care of myself. Besides, I’ve got Bruce.” I look to Ren’s left where Bruce has stoically perched himself in hopes of getting scraps from his new bestie.

“Look, Cassie, I love your place but it isn’t exactly in the best of neighborhoods. I’m assuming you walk Bruce at night, and he might be an awesome guard dog, but a dog can only do so much against an attacker or multiple attackers with a gun.” He looks over to Bruce, patting him on the head. “I’m sorry, boy. I know you’re fierce. I can see it in your eyes, but we have to do what’s best for our girl, right?”

I shake my head and laugh. “Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing—buttering me up through my dog isn’t going to work.”

Ren shoots me a sly smile. “Okay, how about a compromise?”

“I’m listening…” I take a sip of the red wine I’ve poured for us both, watching Ren’s cocked brow as he realizes what I’ve done. “What? It pairs perfectly with the steak, but I can drink yours if you don’t want it.” I reach for his glass but he’s quicker than me, swiping it out of my grasp.

“Not so fast, little angel. I didn’t say I didn’t want it.” He takes a purposeful sip of his wine before continuing. “Like I was saying, compromise. I’ll be walking Bruce with you every night from now on.” He looks up from his glass, begging me to argue.

“Okay.” The word flies out before I have a chance to fully process what it means. I have no idea what possessed me to agree so readily, and by the look on Ren’s face, he’s just as surprised as I am.

“Okay,” he echoes. That one word sealing the deal, and with it, whatever else it might bring.

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