Acts of Salvation: An Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH Book 2)

Acts of Salvation: Chapter 20

I messed up. I know I did.

It’s the morning after my non-fight fight with Ren and all I can do is keep replaying that look of hurt across his face.

There I was, in the arms of an amazing man, and what did I do? I fucking spat in his face. Metaphorically of course, but still.

I knew he’d been wanting me to move in, but that whole bit about him not wanting me to work with the Wilson family freaked me out. It reminded me of when my dad told my mom she couldn’t go to night school because he was afraid the teacher was hitting on her.

It all sort of spiraled from there. Next thing I knew instead of going for round two of mind-blowing sex I was telling him I’d be leaving. Once the words were out, I knew there’d be no taking them back.

I knew how much my not moving in would hurt him, but I just couldn’t help myself. My self-defense mechanism kicked in and now that I’ve made my bed I need to lay in it.

Letting out a deep sigh, I go over the last-minute selections I’ve pulled for the Wilson family. I’m sitting in the circular driveway of their estate—about to close my laptop—when there’s a tap on my window.

Looking up I see Dr. Wilson’s murky brown eyes, staring at me like a man starving for his next meal. Chills run up my spine and all I can do is try and remind myself of my mom and all of her expenses.

I hold up one finger, making a show of getting my bag together when in reality I just need a minute to compose myself after his stare-down.

Finally stepping out of the car, I let myself officially greet him. “Good morning, Dr. Wilson.”

“Cassie, please, just call me Woodrow. I’d think we’re past formalities by now.”

“Right, Woodrow. I take it your wife and children are inside?” I make my way around him and begin walking toward the home.

“Blair stepped out real quick, something about her emergency stash of La Crue being out. You know her and her chardonnay.” He offers me a half-hearted chuckle when we both know there’s nothing funny about his wife’s drinking habit. “And the kids are in their play area with the nanny.”

Wonderful. I have the charmer all to myself. I mentally roll my eyes, sending up a prayer that by some miracle he manages to behave.

My hopes are short-lived. As soon as the front door closes behind us, I feel his sweaty palm run down the exposed skin of my back. I’m wearing another halter dress and there’s plenty of skin for him to choose from since I have my back to him.

Not wanting to give him another opening, I whirl around in place.

I hadn’t thought my actions through because in turning around so quickly, his hand automatically slid from the exposed skin on my back to the side of my breast, and you know the McCreeperson doesn’t allow for a missed opportunity.

He quickly squeezes, before I’m able to step back, pulling away from his grasp and finally out of his reach.

Shuddering in revulsion, I’m standing there, mouth agape. “Dr. Mc… I mean Dr. Wilson. That is not acceptable.”

“What isn’t acceptable?” Blair walks in from the hallway, glass of chardonnay in hand and it’s not even nine a.m.

This whole scene has me rethinking my argument with Ren last night. Maybe he was right, and I was just overreacting because not working for the Wilson’s is sounding like the best idea ever right now.

Dr. Wilson cuts into my thoughts, “Oh, that Barbie wanted to pull her contact information from the directory instead of asking for it directly. You can never be too sure these days so I thought it best if I asked Cassie one-on-one if she was okay with Barbie calling her on her personal line.”

The lie flows so easily, I wonder if he’s had a lot of experience keeping things from his wife. Not knowing what to say I just stand there and openly stare, focusing on the glass of golden liquid in Blair’s hand.

“Ahhhh, yes. I never pegged Barbie for a lesbian. But whatever floats her boat.”

My mouth hangs open for the second time this morning. How could this woman be so clueless? Barbie is as much a lesbian as Blair is sober.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay. Love is love.

No, it’s this woman’s blatant ignorance that leaves me completely flabbergasted.

“Well, Cassie? Is it okay for me to give Barbie your information? She was hoping to set up a bit of a coffee date with you.” Dr. Wilson looks at me expectantly.

Blinking away my fog, I quickly answer. “Yes, that’s fine. It shouldn’t be a problem. Barbie is really nice.”

“A little too nice,” Blair mumbles into her glass.

I clear my throat before stepping into the lounge, “I’ve brought the selections for the debutante ball where your niece will be presented. Shall we go over your choices first?”

In all reality, I need to get her selection while she’s still coherent. Not to mention I also want to be as far away from Dr. McCreeperson as possible right now.

“Very well.” Blair sloshes her drink in the direction of the chaise. “Let’s sit. I’ll pick.”

Gladly taking the reprieve from Mr. Handsy, I sit, opening my laptop and pulling up her options.

I’m turning onto Oak Lawn and as far away from the Wilson family as possible.

Talk about dysfunctional.

I pull over into this cute little coffee shop needing a caffeine fix ASAP. My lack of sleep and this morning’s drama combined have me jonesing for a pick-me-up.

I’m about to order a double espresso when my phone lights up and I see that it’s Bella.

“Hey girl, what’s up?”

“Did I just see you pull into Vinnie’s off Oak Lawn?” Bella’s voice is high-pitched, letting me know she’s excited.

“Yeeeesss, are you stalking me now?” I tease, knowing her new home is a mere mile down the road.

“You know it. Now order me a cappuccino. I’m turning around. Be there in a sec.” The line goes dead before I have a chance to protest.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t want to spend time with my best friend, I’m just not keen on spilling the beans as it pertains to her uncle and me—and let’s face it, Bella will stop at nothing to pry information from me if she smells blood in the water.

Not even five minutes later, the bell above the door rings, notifying the room of Bella’s arrival. Waving her over to the table I snagged, I decide to keep as much under wraps as possible.

Not because I don’t trust her, but because I don’t even have the whole situation sorted in my head. Hell, I don’t even know whether Ren and I are even a thing—especially after last night.

God, are you a sight for sore eyes.” Bella pulls the cappuccino toward her, embracing the mug with a two-handed hold and bringing it up to her lips.

“I’d say nice to see you too, but I think that greeting was for the coffee and not for me.” I grin while shaking my head side to side. “You and your love affair with caffeine.”

“You know it. Coffee is my first love, then comes William.” Bella winks as she lifts the mug to her lips for another sip.

“Speaking of… How are you settling into your new home? I mean, I know you were living there before when you were caring for Harper full time, but now you’re in the master instead of the guest room.” I waggle my brows playfully.

“It’s bittersweet. I love being with William, officially, out in the open without having to sneak around—but having my dad disown me and cut me off from the twins… well, it sucks donkey balls, to put it mildly.”

“He’ll come around… Eventually. I hate to say this, but he’s been a very selfish father. It’s time you worried about your own happiness for once instead of running around and playing mom to your little brothers.” I can tell my words are making Bella uncomfortable. She’s always had this misplaced sense of guilt after her mother’s death, tarnishing every action or decision she’s made since then. “Look, all I’m saying is that your dad will come around. So for now, take this time to take care of yourself. Heal, be happy, and grow.”

“You’re right, it’s just easier said than done.” Bella picks at her nails. “Aaaanyway. Why don’t you tell me how you got the lowdown on my living situation so quickly? And from my uncle, no less.”

My face heats up and I know I can’t tell Bella everything, so I go with a version of the truth. “I didn’t want to tell you anything because you’ve had a lot going on yourself. But a couple of nights ago, someone broke into my place and completely trashed it—with dog poo.”

Bella’s brows lift and her eyes go as wide as saucers. “I’m sorry, did you just say dog poo?”

“Yup. And they also left pictures of me with the eyes scratched out.” Bella’s mouth is hanging open by this point, and I don’t blame her one bit. “That whole incident was totally creepy, to say the least.”

Bella nods emphatically. “Okay, so go on. What does this have to do with my uncle and who do they think committed such a twisted crime?”

Should’ve known she wasn’t going to drop it.

“He reached out to me, letting me know he wasn’t sure to what extent your attacker would go, so he thought it smart to have someone posted up at my place every night. Reluctantly, I agreed. It’s no big secret I don’t live in the safest of neighborhoods, right?”

“No, but it’s the price you must pay to live in such a cool loft like yours. I absolutely love the exposed brick and industrial feel.” Her pleasant smile turns downward as she reaches over and grabs my hand. “I am so sorry you had to go through that mess because of me and the drama that is my life. Seriously, don’t ever feel like I have too much going on for you. You’re like my sister and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t drop to come be by your side—even William.” The smile is back full force, and it warms my aching heart.

“I love you too, Bella.” Though she didn’t quite say those words, I know it’s what she meant. It also digs the blade of guilt that much deeper, knowing she’s given such a big piece of her heart to me and I can’t even come clean about Ren.

I remind myself that I have my reasons. And the main reason is probably at home right now, waiting on me to apologize for last night.

“Okay, I love you too but you still haven’t told me what all that has to do with Ren.” Bella purses her lips, waiting for an explanation that actually makes sense.

“He was worried about my safety so he had me stay with him for a couple of days. But now that the attacker is caught, I can go back home.”

Bella’s jaw is practically on the table. “Oh my god, Cassie. You know he’s never let another woman stay at his place. Like ever.”

“Right, but I’m not the usual guest. It’s not like he was wining and dining me.” With those words, the blade of guilt digs in a little deeper. Food trucks don’t count as wining and dining, do they?

Bella purses her lips to the side, probably questioning whether there’s any validity to my statement. “I guess that could be possible.” She narrows her eyes while bringing her mug to her lips, hovering it a mere millimeter away before asking the million-dollar question. “How do you feel about my uncle?”

My heart begins to pound so hard in my chest, I can hear it in my ears. The beat is so loud I wonder if Bella can hear it too.

“I love Ren.” The words flow casually and freely, as if I’ve said them a million times before.

Bella spits out the mouthful of coffee she’d just sipped. “You what?”

Immediately realizing what I’ve said, I try to slap a Band-Aid on the situation. “Relax. I meant I love Ren like I love puppies or a long hot bath.” I try to school my features in an attempt to hide my internal freakout. I cannot believe I just said that.

“Right. Right.” Bella dabs at her mouth with a napkin. “Sorry, you just caught me off-guard there. I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of you and my uncle.”

Now it’s Bella’s turn to waggle her brows, meanwhile, mine are scrunching together. “You wouldn’t? I mean, he’s like a decade and a half older… and your uncle.” As soon as the words are out, I realize how ridiculous they are given the fact that Bella is currently shacking up with an older man herself. Well, at least the uncle thing still stands.

Bella’s brows raise, “Seriously?! You do know William went to high school with Ren, Right?” She smiles while shaking her head. “Anyway. I don’t mind at all, chickadee. I mean, how cool would it be if we were officially family. You’d be my auntie!” Bella cackles, attracting multiple sets of eyes to our table.

I can’t help but smile at the extent of her acceptance, but that still doesn’t mean I can lay out the details of what’s really happened. At least not yet. I need to make sure there’s actually something there before getting her hopes up.

“Speaking of your uncle. I need to head over to his place to pick up my stuff now that your psycho attacker has been caught.” I chuckle as I get up to hug her goodbye. “Poor Bruce is going to have a hard time leaving the lap of luxury and settling back down into our humble abode.”

Bella hugs me before pulling away and arching a brow. “You could just stay with Uncle Ren?”

Yet another person suggesting I move in with a man I barely know. I shake my head as I silently laugh. Et tu, Brute?

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