Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 5

Coffee. I need coffee.

I got zero sleep last night for fear that Preston would come into the room, demanding I perform my wifely duties. My body shudders at the thought of having to put on an act yet again. I can’t keep living like this.

I’m beyond grateful that he drank himself to sleep, and I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth by waking him up so I could help him to our room. Thanks to his job, it’s been months since we’ve been intimate. And to be honest, I don’t think I could fake it anymore if he’d tried.

If you would’ve told ten-year-old me that I’d be in a loveless marriage, I would’ve told you you were crazy. I still believed in true love, fairy tales, and happily ever afters.

But I suppose nothing good ever lasts.

Sandra greets me as she hands me my caffeine fix for the morning, a piping hot cup of coffee with just the right amount of cream and sugar. “Did you sleep well, Mrs. Rutherford?”

I sigh before putting on a smile and nod. “Of course, Sandra. Thank you for asking.”

There’s no need to tell her the truth. She can’t do anything about my current situation, therefore there’s no sense in making her worry.

“It’s not polite to lie.”

Whirling around, I spill my precious coffee in the process. Aiden’s rich hazel eyes peer down at me, but his lips hold the whisper of a smirk.

I have no retort. I just stand there, gaping up at him.

Slowly extending his arm, he places his hand under my chin and closes my mouth. “Better keep that closed. Don’t want to catch flies, do we?” His eyes narrow, focusing on my mouth, something akin to hunger flashing behind the honey-colored orbs.

Who is this man, and what has he done with stone cold Aiden?

“Excuse me? Do you have the right household? Surely, you can’t be my head of security. He’s very frosty.”

Aiden’s brow lifts as Sandra snickers behind me. The banter between us is heartwarming, making this cage I’m in bearable.

“If you two will excuse me, I have laundry that needs tending too.” Sandra brushes past me as she exits the room, leaving Aiden and me standing there, staring at each other like two awkward teenagers.



We both move to speak first but end up speaking over one another

“You go first.” I give him a bashful smile. I swear this man takes me back to when I was a little girl, pining after her sister’s beau.

“Look, I’m not really sure how to broach the subject with someone I’m familiar with.”

“Just spit it out.”

“Is Preston hurting you?”

The room stands still and all of the air is sucked out of my lungs.


I shake my head no, but no words come out.


“No, Aiden. I mean, he occasionally hurts my feelings if that’s what you’re asking, then yes.” I look out the window, unable to look him in the eyes. Telling him the truth is not an option. Not yet, at least. I need to gather my thoughts and make a plan. Maybe then I’d be able to leave.

If I were being honest, I’d tell him I’m slowly dying inside, becoming a whisper of the woman I once was. Day by day, second by second, he chips away at my soul, robbing me of what little self-worth I have left.

A thumb to my cheek has my gaze flickering back to Aiden. The war raging within his eyes is apparent, and I hate that I’m the cause of it.

“You’re crying, Charlotte. Are you sure there isn’t anything you want to tell me?” His voice is warm, full of concern and something else I can’t quite figure out. Is it pity?

Taking a step back, I shake my head once more. Preston is a powerful man, and if I don’t play my cards right, I won’t be the only one to pay the price. He has the ability to not only destroy me, but those I love. No. I need to play his game, making sure I’m the one who comes out on top.

“I’ll be in my room. Please don’t disturb me unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Turning on my heels, I practically sprint out of the room.

He’s trying to save me, but I’m no damsel and this is no fairy tale.


That woman is going to be the death of me. It’s obvious she’s covering up for someone. The fear in her eyes is palpable, and she’s as cautious as a politician on the stand.

Fuck it. If she doesn’t want to tell me, then I’ll have to dig for the information myself.

Starting with Sandra. She seems to be close to Charlotte. Well, as close as one can get with the walls she puts up.

Finding Sandra in the laundry room, I start on my inquisition.

“Sandra, can I have a moment?”

Clutching her chest, she gasps, “My word. You scared the living daylights out of me, child.” She turns to face me, placing her hands on her hips. “Now, what can I help you with?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Charlotte. Know that anything you tell me is in confidence, and if necessary, our team can offer you protection.”

With those words, Sandra’s face drains of all color and her eyes go as wide as saucers. “I don’t know anything.”

“Sandra, please. I can’t do anything to help her if I don’t have concrete proof.” My voice is pleading but stern. She needs to understand how serious this is. I have my suspicions that the senator is doing much more than just manhandling her, and going after a man in power is never easy. If we strike, it will have to be with damning evidence.

Chewing on her bottom lip, Sandra nods. “I understand.”

“Does that nod mean there is something more going on?”

She opens her mouth to speak but then quickly shuts it, her eyes darting to the door. “Ms. Montgomery, Mrs. Rutherford is in her quarters shall I tell her you’re here?”

Turning around I see Clara, a wicked grin spread across her lips. “Yes, please do.”

My jaw clenches in frustration. Right when I was about to get information about Charlotte, Clara intervenes. Ever the pain in my ass. It’s a miracle we dated as long as we did. I would’ve done the honors of splitting us up If she hadn’t dropped my ass because of my pedigree.

Don’t get me wrong, I was sore about the breakup, but it had nothing to do with losing Clara and everything to do with family pride. I may not be a southern gentleman, but my family name is still a source of pride. Moretti men are conquerors, dominating everything we get our hands on. Fuck anyone who can’t appreciate that.

“Now Aiden, is that any way to greet an old lover?” Clara’s voice comes out almost a purr, her gleaming eyes raking over my body and stopping short of my crotch.

“We were never lovers, Clara. Or do you not remember? You didn’t want to risk tainting your prestigious name with a Moretti bastard.”

“Oh, stop. We did plenty of other things, all of which I remember you thoroughly enjoying.”

“Everyone should get a pass for doing dumb shit when they’re young and naïve. If I would have known then what I know now, I would’ve steered clear of you, Clarabelle Montgomery.”

“You can’t still be bitter about our breakup, can you? That was ages ago.” She prowls closer, circling me like a predator honing in on its prey. “And my, how deliciously you’ve changed. Much broader than I remember. Tell me, Aiden. Are you bigger and thicker everywhere?”

A throat clearing has our attention focused back on the door where a very flushed Charlotte glares at her sister. And If looks could kill, Clara would be six feet under.

“Please excuse my sister, she must have forgotten her manners. Coming on to my protective detail is not acceptable and she should know better.”

“Come on, Charlotte. Don’t be such a prude. It’s not like Aiden and I aren’t familiar.”

Something like rage flashes behind Charlotte’s eyes, and I can’t deny that I enjoy the feeling it stirs inside me.

Come to think of it, Charlotte has always been possessive of me. Even when she was just a girl. She was a major contributing factor as to why I didn’t get very far past first base with Clara. Char would somehow interrupt right as things were starting to get steamy.

My eyes narrow as I stare at the beautiful brunette, begging me to wonder if it was all intentional. Her eyes find mine and her whole body flushes an even deeper shade of pink. An image of her naked body turning that gorgeous color beneath me flashes in my mind’s eye and I quickly squeeze my eyes shut. What the fuck.

“Are you okay, Aiden?” The concern in her voice is genuine, something that’s always been there, but I’m only now noticing. “Aiden?”

Opening my eyes, I nod. “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you for worrying about me, but you’re the one who needs protecting, not me, little one.”

“Honestly, Charlotte. The way you’re looking at him, makes me think you still have that childhood crush of yours. Let’s not forget, you’re a married woman. And besides, we can’t have one Montgomery sister go after another’s sloppy sec—”

“Enough!” My voice cuts through Clara’s tormenting, giving poor Charlotte a break from her sister. “Did you have something you needed to address with the lady of the household, or did you come here to be a nuisance?”

“Aiden, you can’t be blind to those big doe eyes, can you?” Clara’s lips curl into a sneer and her eyes narrow. “Or have I been a fool and you two have actually had a thing going—”

“Clara!” Charlotte hisses while pointing to the door. “You need to leave. I’m not sure why you’re here, but you’ve done nothing but disrespect me and my staff. Accusing me of things you very well know I wouldn’t do is a sure-fire way to get me into trouble.”

“Trouble? What has my dear wife done to get into trouble?” Preston walks into the now cramped laundry room and places an arm around Charlotte’s shoulder, squeezing her harder than a loving embrace would call for.

My blood boils and my vision darkens. I want to rip his arm off and yell at him for touching her like that. Clenching and unclenching my fists, it takes every shred of self-restraint I possess to keep myself from physically removing her from his grasp.

“Nothing. She’s done absolutely nothing wrong. Your visitor, on the other hand,” I turn to glare at Clara, “is nothing but trouble.”

“Aiden, you wound me. I thought we were friends.”

Preston’s gaze visibly changes from annoyed to amused as his down-turned lips curl into a smirk. “Do you two have a history? How interesting.” He releases his hold on Charlotte’s arm only to wrap his fingers around her bicep. “Come dear, let’s leave these two to their lovers’ quarrel.” Pulling Charlotte by the arm, he moves to exit the room, but before reaching the threshold he turns and sneers, “Charlotte and I will be in my quarters. Do not disturb us under any circumstances. It’s been a long day and I’ve missed my wife.”

The lilt of his voice as he declared Charlotte his suggests he’s not only possessive but jealous. A lethal combination if he’s the type of man who gets physical.

Based on his bruising grip, I’d bet my ass he’s a fucking coward, taking out his insecurities on those under his control.

“Earth to Aiden. You stare at the door any longer, I’m bound to think you’re catatonic.”

Breaking from my mental fog, I turn to look at the viper, dressed in refined clothing but dangerous, nonetheless. “Do you realize the chain reaction you’ve caused for Charlotte? Do you even care that your little stunt is now very possibly costing her a night of peace?”

“What are you talking about? That man adores Charlotte. He buys her anything her little heart desires, and she doesn’t have to lift a finger in this palatial home. The girl wants for nothing.” Clara rolls her eyes as she flips her hair. Her ignorance of reality is enough to send me through the roof, and I can’t hold back. “Not everything is about money, Clara. We do not buy happiness.”

“Says the multi-millionaire. Or is it billionaire now that you also own WRATH Securities?” Her lips purse as she begins to look me up and down again, eyeing me as if I were a piece of meat she was about to devour.

“I swear, you ending whatever we had was a blessing. I thank God I was never saddled with your selfish, materialistic ass. Please see yourself out, or I will have one of my men escort you to your car.”

The look of sheer indignation on her face would have been enough to make my night. If only I wasn’t worried about Charlotte. Leaving Clara behind me, I make my way toward the control room.

It’s time I figured out just how physical Preston Rutherford can get.

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