Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 30

“You need to wait, man.” Titus puts his hand on my chest, holding me back from charging through that damn window like a neanderthal, ready to take their woman home.

Half of my men as well as a team of medics are all outside the club’s main building, with the other half of our detail on the inside—all awaiting orders.

Thankfully, the orchestrator didn’t take Charlotte far.

We were able to follow the crumbs to an office where Michaela has Charlotte holed up. Why Preston’s secretary would want to hurt Charlotte is beside me, but whatever the reason, I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.

Michaela had paid off a maid and maintenance worker to do all of the heavy lifting for her so she’d have an alibi during the kidnapping. Unfortunately for her, the two were still on the premises and sang like a canary as soon as we caught them.

The audacity this woman has to take Charlotte right from under our noses is infuriating. She had to know we’d find her right away.

My chest vibrates with pent up emotion, about to boil over and unleash its wrath onto all those that get in my way. “How can you ask me to wait when she’s in there? My child is in there!”

“Child? She’s pregnant?” The look of shock on Titus’ face matches that of everyone else around us. “Aiden, we had no clue. Congratulations.”

“Why are you congratulating that asshole? I’m the father. That’s my wife he’s talking about.” A voice to my right catches me off guard and I see two of my men holding on to Preston’s arms, keeping him from going anywhere.

Charles, one of our senior men, speaks up first. “We found him lurking around outside, trying to find a way into the wedding. What do you want us to do with him, boss?”

Walking closer to Preston, I make my intentions known. “Charlotte is my woman, and our baby will never know you or the toxicity you spew. You are a disgrace of a man and if you come near either of them again, I will make it my life’s mission to destroy you.” Turning back to Charles, I cock my head. “Take him to the holding cell. I think he needs a little reassurance that we mean what we say.”

“Yes, sir.” Both men drag Preston away kicking and screaming, but one thing he says has my whole body going rigid.

“That baby is mine. Legally. It’s mine and I will never relinquish my rights!” An evil glint flashes in his eyes, and I know he’s telling the truth.

I know the baby is biologically mine, we’ve done the math—not that I’d care either way—but since she’s still married, the law will consider him to be the father.

Unfortunately for him, he’s dealing with a Moretti and we don’t back down.

He won’t take my woman and he definitely won’t take my baby.

“It’s time. We need to act now.” Titus’ voice shifts my focus back to what’s important. Keeping Charlotte and the baby alive.

There are men on the inside, ready to break down the door as we enter through the exterior.

Giving our men the word, we shatter the window and throw in a flash grenade, awarding us the upper hand as we move forward.

As soon as my feet touch the ground, I see her. My beautiful Charlotte crumpled on the ground, surrounded by glittering shards of broken glass and swimming in a pool of crimson.

“Noooo!” I run toward her lifeless body, not caring that my men have yet to secure the bitch that did this to her. Immediately cradling her to my chest, I try to bring her back to me. “Talk to me, baby. Tell me you’re okay.”

The team of medics finally make their way inside and try to pry her from my grasp. “Sir, you have to let us care for her.”

Reluctantly, I release her, knowing that they are better equipped to handle this type of situation than I am at the moment.

My brain is a jumbled mess of anger, fear, and overwhelming love. I love this woman more than I ever thought possible. And here I am, about to lose her.

“She’s got a pulse, but it’s weak.” He begins to lift her onto a stretcher as another person applies pressure to her wound. “We need to transport her immediately, sir. Will you be coming with us?”

“Yes.” I grunt, the onslaught of emotions too great for me to be able to say any more. My eyes sting and my chest tightens as I follow the stretcher out to the emergency vehicle.

I don’t care to look back at Michaela. I know Titus and the others have the situation handled and there will be time to deal with her directly. For now, all that matters is Charlotte and our baby, but this is far from over.

Those that have threatened what’s mine will pay, and they will rue the day they crossed me.


The scent of coffee has me stirring in my sleep. Mmm, coffee. Peeling my eyes open, I see that I’m not home.

White sterile walls surround me and beeping monitors are positioned to my left and attached to my arm.

Bolting up in the bed, I frantically look around, trying to make sense of everything.

“Whoa there, princess.” Aiden places his hands on my shoulders, trying to lower me back onto the bed. “You need to rest. You’ve lost a lot of blood and need to take it easy.”

A whimper to my right has me turning, and what I see shocks me. Clara clutching a cup of coffee as her tear-stricken face looks at me with so much pain. “I’m so sorry, Char. I didn’t mean any of the things I said before. This is all my fault.”

I reach out for her hand, squeezing it tightly when our fingers intertwine. “Shh, it’s okay. I love you, Clara.”

“I love you too, Char. But this really is all my fault. I told Preston where you were.”

I feel Aiden tense behind me, his body rising from its place. “What do you mean you told Preston?”

Chewing on her lower lip, Clara comes clean. “That time you called me? I was so angry. I’d heard Aiden’s voice when he said he’d ordered from Tyler’s. I felt so betrayed. I didn’t think.” Her fingers tighten around the cup she’s holding and her eyes focus on the black liquid as if it were the most fascinating thing on earth. “Aiden had mentioned having ordered from Tyler’s. Well, there’s only one Tyler’s in the entire metroplex. I ran to Preston and told him what I knew, not even taking into consideration what that could have meant for your safety.”

“You little—” Aiden is about to jump over the bed, when I place my hand on his chest.

“Stop. She’s sorry.” I look into his stormy eyes, ready to go to battle for me, and my heart melts all over again. I love this man so much.

“That doesn’t justify it, and we aren’t done here, but for the sake of your recovery I’ll let it go. For now.”

“Thank you.” I pull his hand toward my mouth, placing a gentle kiss on his palm before turning back to my sister. “Clara, I forgive you. We’re family and despite everything we’ve been through, I know you’d never wish me physical harm.”

Placing her coffee on the floor, she gets up and pulls me into a hug, her arms shaking as they wrap around me. “I truly am sorry. I love you, little sister.”

“Gentle. She just got out of surgery and we don’t want to disturb the incision.” Aiden rumbles, but it’s his words that give me pause.

“Surgery?” My hands release Clara and fly straight to my stomach, my heart beating so hard I feel as if it’s in my throat. “The baby?” My voice cracks as Aiden’s lips roll in.

Shaking his head, he answers, his voice thick with emotion. “No. I’m so sorry.”

The room spins, my vision goes dark, and my heart drops into my stomach. Never in my life have I experienced such excruciating pain. It feels as if my chest were caving in, swallowing my soul and leaving behind a dark hole, never to be filled again.

Releasing a piercing screech, my hands clutch on to my stomach, trying to wish this all away. This can’t be real. This can’t be my life.

Aiden wraps his strong arms around me, “Let it out, principessa. Let it all out.” Stroking my hair, he presses his lips to the top of my head. “I promise you, we will make her pay. We will avenge our child.”

Burying my face into his chest, I hang on to him for dear life, my anchor in this sea of despair. As I feel sanity slipping away, I let his words ring through me.

We will avenge our child.

Clinging to those words like a prayer, I vow to make them my truth. Those words and Aiden’s arms are the only solace bringing me any sense of comfort. Letting me fall deep into him, I let go, crying until every tear has spilled from my eyes and my body has run dry.

Disoriented and unaware of how much time has passed by, I finally look up, my tired eyes meeting those of my love’s.

“I’m ready. Let’s go make her pay.”

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