Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 11

After getting cleaned up at the office, I head to the safe house. It’s not fancy by any stretch of the imagination. Just a simple home on the outskirts of DFW. No one would suspect that the light blue home with white shutters and wraparound porch has housed the Renzetti Famiglia and now the senator’s wife seeking refuge.

The senator’s wife. I need to remind myself of that before stepping through that doorway. If I thought Charlotte was tempting before, being in closed quarters with just the two of us is going to be excruciating torture.

I enter the small living area and her scent of amber and lilac hits my nose, unexpectantly making my cock twitch. Yup. I’m fucked.

“Aiden?” Charlotte’s flustered face peeks from around the staircase, Titus following close behind. “Thank god!” She rushes toward me, wrapping her thin arms around my waist.

Like a deer in headlights, I stare at Titus who just offers me a smirk and shrug of the shoulders. Not knowing what to do with my arms awkwardly hanging on either side of me, I wrap them around her tiny frame, and all at once my chest constricts, my heart beat picks up, and my breathing intensifies.

Unable to help it, my nose follows the curve of her jaw, landing on the crook of her neck and inhaling deeply.

How can something so wrong feel so right?

Someone clearing their throat behind me has me stirring from my thoughts, and then I remember we aren’t alone. Turning to look at Titus, I see he’s still wearing that fucking smirk.

“I’ll leave you guys to it. A couple of our guys are stationed outside and in the house caddie-cornered to this one. Just radio if you need anything. And I do mean anything.” His lips purse, pleased with his own brand of humor.

Glaring, I flip him the finger. “Thanks for your help, brother. We’ll talk about the details tomorrow. For now, go rest. You’ve been on for over forty-eight hours.”

“Ten-four.” And with a salute, Titus closes the door behind him.

It’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Finally turning back toward Charlotte, I see that her face is pink, and she’s completely avoiding my gaze. Taking my thumb and forefinger to her chin, I lift her face toward mine and look deep into her chocolate eyes. She’s so damn beautiful.

“You going shy on me, principessa?” The corners of my mouth lift into a gentle smile in an attempt to reassure both of us.

This is uncharted territory for me, and based on what I’ve uncovered, I’m pretty sure it is for her as well.

“I can’t help it. Being around you has a way of turning me into this awkward teenage version of myself.” Her eyes sparkle and I see the awe behind them.

My thumb gently begins to stroke her cheek back and forth as my gaze falls to her lips. She bites her plump lower lip and I immediately drop my hand as if it’s touched a scorching hot iron.

She’s still married, and if I let myself taste her now, I’ll be no better than my late wife.

Unfortunately, my quick withdrawal has her face falling. Needing to remedy the situation, I try to make sense of my actions. “Charlotte, you know we can’t do anything. You’re still married. And if I keep touching you like I just did… Well, let’s just say it wouldn’t be long before I had you pinned against that wall, panting my name.”

Charlotte’s mouth is hanging open as her eyes blink rapidly. “Aiden Moretti, you cannot say something like that to me and not expect a damn response.”

I bite back a grin, knowing full well that I’ve given her a visual that’s probably left her panties soaked. Choosing to change the subject before things get too hot, I bring up the reality of our situation. “So, the next move is up to you, Char. What do you want to do now that you are on your way to freedom from that bastard?”

Looking me up and down, I see the wheels turning, but I know she won’t voice whatever it is she’s thinking out loud. Pursing her lips to the side, she finally answers while strolling to the small loveseat.

“Sit with me and I’ll tell you.”

My brow lifts as I playfully give her the side eye. There’s plenty of seating in this living room, but denying Charlotte is not something I like doing. Sitting next to her, I turn so that I’m fully facing her, our knees butting up against one another. “Okay, I’m sitting. Spill it.”

Her soft giggle has my cock coming alive in my slacks. Resting my arms on my knees, I’m able to hide my body’s reaction to her.

“First, I want to say thank you. I couldn’t have done this on my own.”

“Stop.” I lift a hand, telling her to go no further. “You are one of the strongest women I know, Charlotte. Do not belittle your strength. You definitely would have found a way to get out of that toxic relationship. Don’t think I didn’t notice that go-bag of yours. You’ve been ready to fly for a while now. Just needed the right moment to do it and I’m glad I was able to be a part of that for you.”

A lone tear falls down her cheek and my hand reaches to wipe it away. Apparently I’m unable to keep myself from touching her.

“Thank you. I mean it, Aiden. For helping me escape and now piecing my self-confidence back together.” She tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear before looking away. “So, I was thinking I would talk to an attorney tomorrow. I want to file for divorce but I’m not sure how to go about it since it will no doubt be such a high profile matter and I’m not exactly looking forward to ending up in the news. That is, if Preston hasn’t declared his wife kidnapped already.” She nibbles on her lip, looking at me for answers.

“He won’t be bothering you again, principessa. Of that you can be sure.” No trace of humor is left on my face. My eyes narrow and I hold her gaze until I see the flicker of understanding behind her own. “Our in-house counsel can point us toward the right family law attorney. He doesn’t typically handle that type of case, but he has some really good connections and will help you find the right fit.”

“Okay, then.” Charlotte licks her lips while rubbing the palms of her hands on her thighs, practically tasting full-fledged freedom. “So what do we do until then?”

I feel my face heat. Not being one who typically blushes, I’m pretty sure she knows what’s going through my head.

Clearing my throat, I fill her in on her new detail schedule. “I’ll be staying here with you until the divorce is final. Being the head of your detail, I don’t feel right leaving you here with anyone else. Especially since we don’t know how the public will react to the change in your relationship status.”

“But what about your boys? Won’t they miss you?” Her face turns pink and her gaze falls.

“So you know about my twins?” The corner of my mouth lifts. It’s good to know she’s been keeping tabs on me all this time.

Through thick lashes, Charlotte looks up and slowly nods. “Yes, and I’m so sorry for your loss. I wanted to send my condolences three years ago, but I didn’t think it was my place since we hadn’t spoken in ages.”

Like an unexpected storm rolling in, my whole body goes from feeling warm to frigid in ten seconds flat. Memories of my cheating wife are not something I’d like to entertain right now. “About the boys, if it’s okay with you, I was planning on bringing them here along with their nanny, Sylvie. You’re used to Sandra, so she’d be able to help with anything you need and this way, I won’t have to alienate the twins while still being on the job.”

Charlotte brings her hands to her face, groaning into her palms. “Ugh, I don’t want to put the boys in danger by being here with me. I mean, I’d love to meet them but if it’s going to be too dangerous for them, then maybe you should go home and have Titus take your place here.”

The fact that this woman is willing to put my boys before her own desires is proof enough for me that she has a heart of gold. Preston was a damn fool to mistreat her. “It’s very sweet of you to worry, but we are safe here. We’ve got more security outside and Preston would be long intercepted before stepping a foot on that wraparound porch.” Pointing toward the door, I give her a reassuring smile. “So what do you say… are you in?”

“I’m in.” Her eyes meet mine as her hands reach for me, her fingertips caressing the sensitive skin of my forearms and sending a shiver of pleasure running through me.

As if being pulled by a magnet, my body moves closer to hers, unable to keep myself from touching her in return. My hands gravitate toward either side of her hips, digging my fingers into her soft flesh, my lips hovering above hers. The tip of Charlotte’s tongue hesitantly reaches out, brushing my lower lip, and making me groan into her mouth. Fuuuuuck. If a simple lick feels this good, I can only imagine what that wicked little mouth will feel like wrapped around my cock.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I give myself a mental slap. She’s still a married woman, and this shit right here is playing with fire. This past year has been a compilation of poor decisions on my part, ultimately affecting those I love. No more.

“Char—we can’t do this.” Pulling my hands back, I see her face fall and it breaks my heart into a million little pieces. Lifting her face to mine, I look deep into her mocha eyes, needing to show her how much she means to me. “You know I’m doing this for you, right? I don’t want your name to be tarnished. I respect you too much for that.”

Her lips press into a thin line as she slowly nods, a flush beginning to creep up her neck and face. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize, principessa. This was as much my doing as it was yours.” Biting on my lower lip, I try to keep myself from reliving the sensation of her tongue on my mouth. “I just need to learn to keep my hands to myself.”

This earns me a soft smile, Charlotte’s face lighting up with a lightness I haven’t seen on her in decades. “Is that a challenge I hear?”

“Oh no, little one. There will be no challenge. It’s already too damn tempting and you trying to sabotage my attempts at safeguarding your virtue will not be fair.”

“Haven’t you heard?” Charlotte gets up from the loveseat, cocking a brow as she begins to walk away, hips in full swing. “All is fair in love and war.”

Damn. Falling onto the backrest, my heart lurches in my chest, and I’m not sure if it’s at the threat of war or the fact that her using the word love has me grinning like a damn fool.

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