Acts of Mercy: A Stepbrother Romance (Men of WRATH Book 5)

Acts of Mercy: Part 2 – Chapter 29

I look down at the twenty missed calls on my phone, a sharp pang slicing through my heart as I realize they’re all from my mother and none are from Hudson.

Cringing, I put two and two together.
My mother has been blowing up my phone for the past couple of hours, which can only mean that Hudson definitely wants nothing to do with me and he’s told my mom about the pregnancy.

I know that I’ll have to face her and her lecture about being a teen mom, but I just can’t do it right now.

“You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, girl. Not unless you’re ready.” Cassie hands me a hot tea, her eyes holding so much concern.

“Wow. I should probably buy a lotto ticket because it’s a rare day in hell when Cassie Moretti doesn’t implement tactics akin to waterboarding.”

She snorts, “Whatever. I’m not that bad. And one look at your sad little face tells me this is serious. So, yes. Consider this your lucky day.”

It’s my turn to snort. “There’s nothing lucky about me. In fact, I think I was born with bad juju. Just one big fat mistake after another.”

Cassie slaps her hands down on the kitchen table. “Stop. Remember. We don’t do pity, and that includes pity for ourselves. We are ladies of WRATH. We bring our men to their knees and hold their balls in a vice if they step out of line.” She narrows her eyes and purses her lips. “I know I said I wasn’t going to pry, but you clearly need someone to smack some sense into you. Tell me… what did Hudson do?”

Sobbing into my hands, I let her in on my situation. “But I’m not a lady of WRATH. He doesn’t want me or my baby.”

Cassie sucks in a sharp breath. “One, congratulations. Two, did he actually tell you this himself?”

I look up at her, curious mischief bubbling in her green eyes. “This isn’t some hormonal judgment call, Cassie. The man fucked me against a wall then told me ‘This can’t happen again,’ before walking away and leaving me a crumpled mess.”

Cassie’s mouth is hanging open, blatant murder raging in her eyes. “Did the bastard tell you why? Does he know about the baby you’re carrying?”

“Yes, he knows. As soon as I entered his office, I saw him sneak something into his desk. So naturally, I had to go see what it was. It was the pregnancy test I’d left in my wastebasket.”

“Okay… this just doesn’t make sense though.” Her brows are pushed together and her nose is scrunched. “That doesn’t sound like the Hudson we know. And for goodness’ sake, the man was a mess over you so I can’t see him wanting to end what you two have.”

“Well, if I needed any more proof, it would’ve been the paternity kit next to the pregnancy test. What a slap in the face!” Fresh tears roll down my face as I deliver the blow that placed the nail on the coffin.

“Damn. What in the hell is wrong with him!? I know Julie did a number on him with her lies, but you are clearly head over heels for the man. What on earth would make him think the baby isn’t his, and why would he even get a kit right now? It’s too damn soon for that kind of test.” She comes forward and pulls my head to her stomach, her hand rubbing slow circles on my back before bringing it to a halt. “Shit… did he end up telling you about Julie?”

“He told me. But I thought we were past that. I thought we were past the whole step sibling thing too, but now I don’t know. I feel like I totally read him wrong.”

She continues her soothing caress on my back, full-on pout on her mouth. “Well, damn. Does he regret the whole stepsister thing?”

“I-I don’t know.” I sob into her dress, wrapping my arms around her. “All I know is that I will not let my baby feel rejection like I did. I got it from my mother growing up and I got it again when he left me broken and confused.”

“Shhh. You stay here as long as you need to. I have no idea what’s gotten into Hudson, but there’s no way I’ll let you or that baby feel anything but cherished.”

Wiping at my face, I look up at my newfound friend. “Thank you, Cassie. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

“No need to thank me. That’s what friends are for.” She picks up my mug with one hand and pulls at my hand with the other. “Come now, let’s get you settled into one of the guest rooms. There’s nothing a hot bath and tea can’t help soothe. Even if it’s just for a little while.”

It’s an actual physical feat to open my eyes. The tears I’ve cried all night have caused them to crust and swell beyond recognition.

Groaning, I sit up in bed, wondering what my next move should be. It’s been roughly twenty-four hours since I left Hudson’s place and I am nowhere near close to knowing what I’m supposed to be doing.

I have some money in my bank account thanks to that overly generous birthday present from James and my mother. Maybe I can use some of that to get myself an apartment, enough for Peanut and me to get a fresh start.

I’d have to drop out of school to get a job, but I don’t care. It’ll be worth it to have my independence, free from anyone who would see us as a mistake.

I’m about to step off the bed and go in search of coffee when my phone vibrates. Looking down, I see it’s my mother yet again. “Ugh, fine,” I grumble, pushing the green button, accepting the call.

“Alyssa? Thank god. I’ve been trying to reach you. Haven’t you gotten any of my messages?”

“Yes, mom. I have. But I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. I wasn’t ready.”

“Well, sweet child. I need to talk to you about something important, but I can’t do it over the phone. I landed in Dallas ten minutes ago and am headed straight for Hudson’s.”

“I’m not there.” Oh god. I’m glad I answered. The last thing I want is for her to talk to Hudson about the pregnancy any more than they already have. “I’m at Cassie’s. They live right next door. If you want to talk, I’ll be here.”

“Listen, I know Cassie is your friend and everything, and I adore her to pieces. But what we have to talk about is sort of personal. I was wondering if I could take you to brunch. My treat.” Her tone is awfully cheery, giving me hope that maybe this conversation won’t be all doom and gloom.

“Sure, mom. That sounds lovely.”

“Okay, great. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. See you soon, baby girl.”

The line goes dead and I’m left reeling. Baby girl? She’s been laying on the terms of endearment a lot lately and she made a concerted effort when she was last here, so maybe things are different with her now.

God, I can only hope. My peanut and I definitely need as much love as possible now that Hudson has made his intentions clear.

The vision of shame across his face flashes in my mind’s eye, and a wave of nausea hits me. After everything we’ve been through, how can he throw me away like that?

‘Never again, Alyssa.’ His words and tone of self-loathing replay in my head over and over. It was the soundtrack I went to bed to last night and the one that haunts me as I get ready for brunch.

Maybe one day he’ll come around for our baby, but I’m not holding my breath. For now, all I can do is stay strong for Peanut and me. Surrounding it with as much love as possible and never letting it feel an ounce of the pain I did growing up.

I look around the hotel lobby, watching the myriad of people bustling in and out. It’s Saturday morning, and this hotel has a weekend brunch that people kill to get reservations for. I’m surprised my mother has snagged us a spot.

But then again, she’s a Maxwell and with that name comes privilege.

“Hey, honey. It’s been a long flight and I feel and look like death. It’s probably going to be a minute before they call our table, so I’m heading to the ladies’ room to freshen up. Care to join me?”

I nod, looking around once more. My current mood has this crowd making me feel suffocated. Breaking free is sounding better and better.

I’m following my mom when I feel the hair on my arms stand, a prickle of awareness suddenly flooding my system. Am I being watched?

I’m not Hudson’s problem anymore, so I doubt he’d still have a detail on me. Looking around, I spot nothing unusual. Weird. It’s probably my hormones and emotional turmoil messing with my head.

“I’m so glad you agreed to come out with me. We have so much to talk about.”

My mother brings my attention back to her as we walk through the powder room area of the restroom.

There’s a lady washing her hands, but other than that, it looks like we have the area to ourselves. Perfect. At least I don’t have to suffer my mother’s tongue lashing in front of witnesses.

Taking a seat at the settee to my right, I wait on my mother, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

She’s being way too nice, and I know she has tons to say. She’s just waiting for the right moment.

Needing to get it out of her as soon as possible, I pry. “Spit it out, Mom. Go on and get it all out. I know why you brought me here and no matter what you say, nothing is going to change how I feel.”

Mother’s face contorts as she speed walks to my side, lowering herself next to me in a matter of seconds. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve talked to you about this sooner.”

Sooner? I mean, Hudson barely found out about this yesterday. There’s no way she would’ve known beforehand.

Mom pulls me into an embrace, cradling my face in the crook of my neck. “Shhh. Mommy is going to make it all better.”

She brings a soothing hand to my hair, stroking gently, and that’s when I feel it. The sting that makes the world go black.

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