Acts of Mercy: A Stepbrother Romance (Men of WRATH Book 5)

Acts of Mercy: Part 2 – Chapter 17

It’s been a week since Hudson made me come on his hand. One. Week. And per usual, he’s disappeared. Retreating into work.

He took a job out in California, just getting in last night. He’s even managed to miss the rehearsal dinner, and the only reason he’s in Dallas now is because today is Bella and William’s wedding.

To make matters worse, our parents are in town for the festivities. To say that navigating this weekend is going to be a bitch is an understatement.

Rolling into the kitchen, I see our guests are already eating breakfast, a cheerful Rosa at the helm in front of the stove. “Good morning, Miss Alyssa. Would you like your usual?”

“No, thank you. Just coffee. I have to head over to Bella’s in a bit to meet up with the rest of the girls. I really should’ve stayed the night with them, but I didn’t want to miss the ‘rents getting into town.” Giving my mom and James a soft smile, I amble over to the machine, pulling out a mug from the open shelving above.

“Alyssa, you really should eat something. You’re going to be standing in front of so many people. Passing out from starvation and nerves would only embarrass and detract from the bride.” My mother admonishes from behind her glass of orange juice.

“Leave the girl alone,” Hudson’s dad mumbles behind his newspaper, not even sparing us a glance.

“It was one time, Mom. One. Time.” Giving them my back, I groan as the memory of my first-grade recital comes flashing back. My dad had just left us and Mom forced me to go to the damn school production despite my having been crying my eyes out for twenty-four hours straight. Pair that with stage fright and lack of food, and boom… one passed out Alyssa in front of hundreds of people.

“Well, one time is one too many. You don’t want to be that girl.” She digs into her egg white omelet, smirking while she chews.

Begrudgingly, I take a seat at the table. It would be rude if I went back to my room right now since I haven’t seen them in a month.

“So tell me, dear. What have you and Hudson been up to?” My mother turns to me as I choke on the sip of coffee I’d just taken.

This makes Hudson’s dad drop his paper, his eyes narrowing on my face. “Is he behaving?”

Behaving. The word brings me back to when Hudson used it in his car.

I shake my head, clearing it of the angst-filled memory. “Yes. He’s behaving. Though I barely see him since he’s always working.” I offer James a warm smile, mentally willing him to drop the subject of Hudson and me.

He raises a brow, and I wonder if he can sniff out my fear and anxiety. I need a diversion, quick. “Are you two excited about the wedding? It’s going to be absolutely stunning. You should see the floral arrangements Bella picked out.”

Bingo. Men hate talk of wedding planning and everything that comes with it. James gets a glazed look over his eyes and picks up his newspaper while mom puts on a bright smile, reaching for my hand.

“I can’t wait, darling. And to think that they wanted you in the wedding so soon after meeting you!” My mother, oblivious to the fact that it was because of Hudson’s request, is absolutely beaming.

“Yes. I love the ladies of WRATH. So lucky to call them my friends.” I smile, knowing that it’s the honest truth. I’m very blessed to have found my tribe.

Mom reaches for a loose strand of hair, pulling it back behind my ear. “Oh good, now that you’re turning eighteen, maybe they can help you find an eligible bachelor.”

Hudson’s booming voice comes out of nowhere. “No. Men. Ever.”

He stares down my mother as if she just suggested I join a harem.

Mom looks toward Hudson, her face stricken, before looking back at her husband. “James, say something. I’m not suggesting Alyssa get married tomorrow, simply start networking. You can’t let Hudson block her chances at a happy and stable future.”

With a huff, James puts his paper back down, looking at his son for the first time in months. “Hudson, when I told you to look after her, that didn’t include hampering her future prospects. Just keep her out of trouble. No alone time with men.”

My mother lets out a noise of exasperation. “Of course, no alone time with men. We don’t want her ending up a teen mom.”

I guffaw. “Hello, I’m right here. Stop talking about me like I’m not.” I wave my hands in the air frantically, but no one even bothers a glance.

“She’s under my roof. I decide the rules.” Hudson walks over to Rosa, nodding as he takes a plate from her.

That’s when I see it. The knowing smirk on Rosa’s face. Does she know more than she’s letting on?

Turning to James, his face is buried in his newspaper once more, my mother shaking her head in disapproval. “Don’t worry, Alyssa.” She pats me on the hand. “I’ll and these ladies of WRATH and we’ll work it out.”

“I’ll be in my office,” Hudson growls, staring daggers at my mother as he walks out of the kitchen.

This is going to be one long weekend.


I fidget with my suit jacket as the men of WRATH—minus the groom—are all standing around waiting for the bridal party. We’re standing in front of the double doors that will lead us into the main hall where the ceremony is being held.

The entire wedding will be here, at the Royal Dallas Country Club, with our company handling the security. This lets the guys and me relax a little, but given the number of high-profile guests we’re hosting, we never truly let our guard down completely.

Just as I’m checking my watch, I hear a collective gasp. Looking up, I see the ladies rounding the corner, Bella front and center. But despite how stunning she looks in her princess dress, my eyes can’t help but land on Alyssa.

My breath hitches as I see her creamy skin hugged by a blush-colored bodice, pushing up her juicy tits. The rest of the dress hugs her ass and hips perfectly before bellowing out at the knees.

She’s a fucking vision, making my cock swell uncomfortably. Reaching down, I adjust myself before I end up walking down the aisle with a visible hard-on.

Her eyes land on mine, a silent acknowledgement of the fire between us.

I know I’ve been an ass and haven’t so much as given her a hello during the past week, but I couldn’t help it. After the moment we shared in my truck, I knew that if I let myself talk to her once more, it would be game over. Any pretense of staying away from her would’ve been obliterated.

Hell, whatever willpower I have is hanging on by a thread, threatening to break with the slightest touch of her soft skin.

“Okay, everyone. Time to get in the lineup.” Cassie ushers everyone into formation, getting us ready to walk down the aisle.

I walk over to Alyssa, extending my arm.

As soon as her delicate hand loops around my bicep, I’m done for. A wash of peace settles over me, a balm to the turmoil that’s been warring inside of me this past week.

She’s home. She’s where I belong.

A growl pulls from my chest, causing her head to whip toward mine. “You okay?” Her brows knit together, the concern visible in her bright green eyes.

“I’m fine,” I bite out with an attitude I know she doesn’t deserve.

She bristles beside me but doesn’t say a damn thing as the music starts, indicating it’s show time.

As we take our turn entering the room, I feel everyone’s eyes on us, but a quick glance to the front of the room tells me that there’s only one pair I should be worried about. My dad’s. He looks between Alyssa and me, his stare analyzing every bit of visual information he can gather.

He’s a ruthless businessman, trained to never miss a detail. And I’m sure based on my outburst this morning, he’s gathered his own conclusions of what’s really going on between my sister and me.

Stepsister. I remind myself, as if it really made some sort of difference.

We reach the front of the room and I squeeze Alyssa’s hand before releasing her, my eyes crinkling in an attempt to convey my apology for the way I’ve talked to her.

As she turns to walk away from me, she gives me a soft smile. Maybe accepting my jacked-up apology. A man can only hope.

Flicking my eyes back to my father, I see he’s tracked every single interaction and by the scowl on his face, I can safely say he isn’t the least bit pleased.

Well, fuck him. I wasn’t a fan of having to babysit. But now that I’ve had Alyssa in my home, there’s nothing he can do or say that will ever make me let her go.

She’s mine, and he can suck a big fat cock if he thinks differently.

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